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白山左线隧道施工中,针对塌方发展过程和塌方机理,实施了一套基于"地表排水、围岩注浆、衬砌增强、基底防降"的塌方综合治理方案。文章分析了方案实施后的地表沉降、拱顶下沉、拱腰和边墙水平收敛的位移变化规律,以及初期支护背后水压力、初期支护与围岩的接触应力、锚杆轴力、型钢拱架应力及二次衬砌混凝土应力的发展趋势。结果表明:在软弱围岩地段,拱墙二次衬砌的施作显著改善了初期支护与围岩的接触应力,有效地减小了地表沉降及隧洞周边位移;同时,拱墙二次衬砌能有效地分担锚杆和型钢拱架的的部分荷载,改善仰拱二次衬砌的受力状况;塌方综合治理方案效果较好,保障了该隧道剩余塌方段的安全施工。  相似文献   

文章依托工程实例,针对深埋软弱围岩引水隧洞支护体系的受力特征,开展了现场试验研究,并基于强度折减理论和数值模拟分析,提出了一种计算软岩隧洞施工期间二次衬砌承载力及其强度安全系数的方法,对围岩和二次衬砌的稳定性进行了评估分析。研究表明:边墙部位锚杆发挥拉拔支护效应明显,根据锚杆中性点位置推测出的软弱围岩塑性区有不断发展和扩张的趋势;初期支护钢拱架架设后能立即发挥支护作用,给予围岩较大的支护力;采用该方法求出的二次衬砌在施工期间将参与承担12%的围岩释放荷载,墙脚应力集中部位的安全系数最小,二次衬砌承载特征的计算结论与二次衬砌接触压力的现场试验结论基本吻合。成果可为深埋软弱围岩条件下的隧洞修建提供一定参考。  相似文献   

隧道衬砌模型试验是一种研究衬砌力学性能和开裂行为、指导隧道衬砌结构设计优化与维修加固的重要试验手段。文章介绍了自主研发的隧道衬砌多点独立加载试验系统,该系统能够按照二次衬砌荷载的分布形态和量值,对大尺寸衬砌模型的15个关键位置进行低速高精度加载,实现复杂受力条件下衬砌结构受力变形和开裂行为的物理模拟。以某黄土隧道浅埋段衬砌断面为试验背景,基于二次衬砌受荷现场监测结果,利用该试验系统进行了相似比为1∶10的二次衬砌受力变形模型试验,归纳总结了二次衬砌的开裂特征与应变变化规律。结果表明,该系统加载效果良好,加载精度满足工程试验要求。其试验结果有助于预测二次衬砌裂缝病害发展,明确衬砌加固重点区域,可为衬砌的维修加固提供帮助。  相似文献   

为研究不同湿陷变形方式下黄土地区地铁隧道周围土体的沉降量变化规律,研制出一种测量黄土在均匀湿陷、不均匀湿陷时沉降量的模型试验装置。该装置由模型箱、流速控制系统和沉降量测量系统组成。通过室内模型试验对黄土在遇水后的湿陷变形规律进行总结,并对黄土地层在两种不同浸水方式下隧道围岩土体的变形规律进行分析。试验结果表明:不均匀湿陷最终累计沉降量大于均匀湿陷最终累计沉降量,说明不均匀湿陷对地铁结构物的危害更大;两种湿陷变形方式均为隧道中线附近沉降最大,因此,施工时应该重点加强隧道中线的位移监测。通过室内模型试验,分析了均匀与不均匀湿陷对黄土地铁隧道变形影响,研究结果对湿陷性黄土地区地铁隧道建设中施工把控及灾害规避具有重要意义。  相似文献   

百丈隧道左洞ZK152+433~ZK152+463段穿越流塑状富水破碎带施工时反复出现变形侵限、塌方等情况,给工程施工带来前所未有的挑战。文章详细阐述了施工过程中采取的各种处治措施,总结了不同处治方案和效果,并采用数值分析方法对隧道结构安全性进行了分析。结果表明:(1)对于流塑状富水破碎带,加密超前支护是防止开挖时围岩出现较大变形或者坍塌的最有效措施。百丈隧道流塑状富水破碎带最终采用了每榀钢架(钢架间距50 cm)都打设一环3.5 m长?51自进式锚杆的超前支护方式,即每个断面都有7层超前支护,最终有效控制了开挖后围岩变形,避免衬砌侵限与塌方;(2)对于流塑状富水破碎带,加固围岩尤其是边墙与基底处围岩非常重要,可有效减少开挖过程中衬砌的整体式下沉。采用抛石挤淤+注浆的方式进行边墙与基底围岩加固,其效果比采用单纯注浆方式好得多;(3)对于外部荷载较明确的隧道,采用计算分析结合工程经验的方式确定衬砌支护参数,既能保证隧道结构安全,又使其经济合理;(4)在双车道隧道施工中,采用三台阶法施工,应尽量缩短台阶长度,使初期支护及时封闭成环,从而可以较好地控制围岩变形。  相似文献   

针对黄土公路隧道结构设计和施工中的理论研究滞后于工程实践的现实情况,结合白虎山隧道、新庄岭隧道、土家湾隧道三座黄土公路隧道衬砌结构力学性状研究成果,提出了以黄土公路隧道拱顶中心线侧压力系数为判据的深、浅埋界定的新方法,指出应结合黄土特性及埋置深度进行隧道衬砌设计,不宜按计算摩擦角或围岩类别确定隧道的围岩压力;设计时除进行荷载计算外,还应根据工程地质条件,经工程类比及综合研究后确定衬砌结构。应根据不同的地质条件确定设计原则和施工方法,例如,地质条件较差地段应采用微台阶或分区微台阶法施工,而不采用侧壁导洞法或双侧壁导洞法;在取得同等支护效果的条件下应加强初期支护;在湿陷性黄土地区应特别注意水的处理。  相似文献   

为研究隧道不同支护体系的支护效果,文章以Ⅳ级围岩双车道公路隧道为研究对象,采用相似比为1∶30的模型试验研究不同支护体系的承载能力,取拱顶位移20 mm(换算成隧道原型则为60 cm)时的外部荷载作为围岩-支护体系的极限承载能力,试验结果表明:(1)不论是围岩+系统锚杆+喷射混凝土,还是围岩+喷射混凝土,或者是围岩+系统锚杆支护体系,其极限承载能力均较毛洞状态有很大提高。其中围岩+系统锚杆+喷射混凝土支护体系提高了56.8%,围岩+喷射混凝土支护体系提高了48.3%,围岩+系统锚杆支护体系提高了47.8%;(2)系统锚杆+喷射混凝土的支护效果最好,其次为喷射混凝土,再次为系统锚杆。而系统锚杆与喷射混凝土的支护效果相差无几,难分伯仲;(3)系统锚杆和喷射混凝土的联合支护并没有达到1+1=2或者2的效果,可以做适当优化。  相似文献   

在软弱围岩中进行隧道开挖,往往因岩体变形过分或局部应力集中而导致围岩失稳破坏,在实际工程中大多采用锚杆作早期支护。文章以Ⅳ级软弱围岩为参照对象,利用相似模型试验进行了锚杆支护条件下的隧道施工过程模拟,对开挖过程中围岩的渐进破坏特征、破坏模式以及锚杆的支护效应进行了研究。试验结果表明,隧道开挖将会在隧道周边形成一应力扰动区,而真正塌落成拱的只是该扰动区的一部分;由于有锚杆的支承作用,拱顶岩体的破坏呈分区破坏模式;岩体的破坏范围主要集中在隧道两侧与水平面成45°+φ/2的扇形区域内;在隧道开挖后,拱顶上方岩体的切向应力升高形成承载压力拱,主要位于距拱顶约1.0~1.25B处(B为隧道跨度)。  相似文献   

浅埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
结合郑西客运专线大断面黄土隧道对比试验,研究分析了浅埋大断面黄土隧道初期支护中锚杆、格栅及型钢钢架的作用以及长期有争议的锚杆作用及钢架类型问题。试验结果表明:有锚杆拱顶沉降值是无锚杆拱顶沉降值的1.7倍,两者的水平收敛、土压力、钢架应力相差不大;格栅和型钢钢架各项试验数值也相差较小。因此,根据分析结果提出了"在浅埋老黄土隧道设计中取消拱部系统锚杆,采用格栅钢架,加强拱部锁脚锚杆设置"的建议。  相似文献   

文章以嘎隆拉隧道洞口段为原型,拟定了相似关系,选取了围岩和衬砌的相似材料,制作了公路隧道减震试验模型。在试验模型中设置了减震层,选择了振动台模型试验测点的布置位置,制定了加载制度,进行了振动台加载试验;分析了试验结果,并与有限元分析结果进行了对比,定义了减震率;从应力和应变两方面分析了减震层的动力特性及减震效果,得出减震层的设置对隧道减震能起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

A survey of research and development in advanced transit has been made by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in cooperation with Trans21 in Boston. Summary findings are reported for fourteen academic research programs and ten development programs for PRT. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Conference of PRT and other Emerging Systems held in Minneapolis in 1996.  相似文献   

管道风险分析指数评分法中重要步骤之一就是确定影响管道事故因素的权重,各个管道风险因素在整个管道事故中所占的权重是不相同的。针对目前管道风险分析指数评分法基本假设之一(各因素的分值范围都是0~100分),为了更加客观、准确、合理地反映各个风险因素对于管道事故的影响程度,提出并论述了依据层次分析法的数学逻辑性进行综合计算得出管道风险因素的权重,然后对评分法中各个因素的最高分值,根据其权重不同进行相应调整,从而增强评价者对风险因素的认识和评判能力,提高管道风险评价结果的准确性。  相似文献   

The concept of accessibility has acquired numerous meanings along multiple dimensions during the century of its evolution. This essay argues for the salience of two dimensions: application-based and definition-based. In its application, accessibility has incorporated positive and normative dimensions which have varied in prominence over time. In its definition, accessibility has varied between a mode of evaluation incorporating measured mobility and proximity, on the one hand, and a predefined market basket of urbanist improvements to transportation and land use systems, on the other. Advocates of the accessibility shift should emphasize both the measured approach to accessibility and accessibility’s normative side.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is the assessment of the environmental impact of a bivalent (bi-fuel) vehicle, running either on gasoline or compressed natural gas (CNG). To that aim, a Euro 6 passenger car was tested under various real-world driving conditions. In order to cover the full range of conventional powertrains currently in the market, the tests were also repeated on a Euro 6 diesel passenger car. Both cars were driven in two routes, the first complying with the regulation limits and the second going beyond them. Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particle number (PN) emissions were recorded using a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS). Apart from the aggregated emission levels, in g/km, the exact emission location along the route was also assessed. Natural gas proved beneficial for CO and PN emissions, the level of which always remained below the respective legislation limits. On the other hand, under the dynamic driving conditions with gasoline, the relevant limits were exceeded. Cold start, occurring at the beginning of the urban part, and motorway driving were identified as major contributors to total emissions, especially in gasoline mode. However, the application of natural gas was associated with a penalty in NOx emissions, which were significantly increased as compared to gasoline. Local peaks within the urban part were identified in CNG mode. In any case, the diesel vehicle was by far the highest NOx emitter.  相似文献   


Seaport services have been developing year on year, playing an increasingly important role in the economy and the transportation markets of each country. This increases interest in measuring their performance. This paper evaluates the performance of a set of European seaports by means of robust non-parametric approaches. Using order-m and bootstrap procedures, the major problems of traditional data envelopment analysis and free disposal hull methods – concerning noise, presence of outliers and the ‘curse of dimensionality’ – are overcome. With this study considerable levels of inefficiency were found in the European seaports sector.  相似文献   


Cycling is experiencing a revival in many cities. Research has focused on the determinants of cycling – in particular the role of the built environment and road infrastructure. Bicycle parking has received little attention – even though bicycles are parked most of the time. This article reviews the scientific literature on bicycle parking and identifies existing gaps in research and knowledge. The review analyses 94 peer-reviewed papers identified through a search in Scopus and Web of Science, in December 2017. The annual number of papers increased 15-fold between 1995 and 2017. Overall, the level of evidence on the importance of bicycle parking is limited. The majority of studies are based on cross-sectional data with the presence of parking as a binary independent variable. Most studies focus on bicycle parking at public transport stops and at work places. Few studies report on bicycle parking throughout cities, and hardly any on parking at residential locations. Bicycle parking supply and quality appears to be a determinant of cycling for current and potential cyclists. Our findings can serve as input for an evidence-based debate on the role of bicycle parking. For practitioners, our research supports investment in bicycle parking, but acknowledges that a proper evaluation of such initiatives needs to be conducted to increase the level of evidence.  相似文献   

In this paper multilevel analysis is used to study individual choices of time allocation to maintenance, subsistence, leisure, and travel time exploiting the nested data hierarchy of households, persons, and occasions of measurement. The multilevel models in this paper examine the joint and multivariate correlation structure of four dependent variables in a cross-sectional and longitudinal way. In this way, observed and unobserved heterogeneity are estimated using random effects at the household, person, and temporal levels. In addition, random coefficients associated with explanatory variables are also estimated and correlated with these random effects. Using the wide spectrum of options offered by multilevel models to account for individual and group heterogeneity, complex interdependencies among individuals within their households, within themselves over time, and within themselves but across different indicators of behavior, are analyzed. Findings in this analysis include large variance contribution by each level considered, clear evidence of non-linear dynamic behavior in time-allocation, different trajectories of change in time allocation for each of the four dependent variables used, and lack of symmetry in change over time characterized by different trajectories in the longitudinal evolution of each dependent variable. In addition, the multivariate correlation structure among the four dependent variables is different at each of the three levels of analysis.  相似文献   

文章总结了党的十六大以来广西交通发展取得的成绩,指出广西交通正在从"神经末梢"发展为"国际枢纽",为广西经济社会发展提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   

This paper examines the possible placement of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) on an urban tram system for the purpose of exploring potential increases in operating efficiency through the examination of different locations for battery energy storage. Further, the paper suggests the utilisation of Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries at existing Park and Ride (P&R) sites as a means of achieving additional energy storage at these locations. The study achieves this through MATLAB modelling utilising captured GPS data and publically available information. This study examines the scenario of uni-directional substations with no interconnection between the overhead catenary for both directions of travel, and discusses the trade-offs between ESS size and required current limits.The results show the savings in both energy and basic CO2 emissions alongside the discussion of Return on Investment (RoI) that can be achieved through the potential installation of ESS at identified ideal locations along the tram network. Moreover, this may be extended to the use of EVs as stationary ESS sited at the existing P&R facilities. Further, the model may also be used to inform future infrastructure upgrades and potential improvements to air quality within urban environments.  相似文献   

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