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韩科 《世界海运》2020,43(2):31-33
针对国际海事组织不断认定新的特别敏感海域,以及中国沿海尚无任何海域被认定为特别敏感海域的现状,分析特别敏感海域概念的由来、认定标准、发展现状,并对将南中国海北部认定为特别敏感海域的符合性、紧迫性和益处进行论述,提出将南中国海北部认定为特别敏感海域的可行性做法和建议。  相似文献   

常鹏  杨清玲 《水运管理》2018,(2):6-8,15
为更好地保护我国南海水域的海洋环境和航行安全,阐述特别敏感海域(Particular Sensitive Sea Area)制度,分析特别敏感海域的认定标准及其基本制度,并结合我国南海自然环境现状、生态环境面临的风险等基本情况,指出在我国南海采用特别敏感海域制度的必要性和可行性,提出采取多途径申请特别敏感海域制度及在南海建立特别敏感海域过程中起牵头作用等措施。  相似文献   

MEPC指定以下新的特别敏感海域(PSSA):*扩大现存大堡礁 (the existing Great Barrier Reef)PSSA范围,包括了托雷斯海峡 (the Torres Strait);*加那利群岛(Canary Island);*加拉帕哥斯  相似文献   

文中通过分析我国在南海诸岛水域建立特别敏感海区的必要性和可行性,提出相关的申请程序和工作建议,以期达到保护海洋环境和维护国家利益的目的j  相似文献   

为了减少航运活动对海洋环境产生的危害,国际海事组织分别提出了基于MARPOL公约的"特别区域"和"特别敏感海域"的两个概念,以对一些需要特别保护的海域采取更加严格的措施进行保护。在对这两个概念的提出背景和法律依据进行探讨的基础上,对两种保护区域的申请标准和程序,及相关的保护性措施等进行了比较深入的对比研究,并就目前这两种保护海域最新发展的现状进行了综述。提出应积极推行国际公约及法规来保护我国的海洋环境。  相似文献   

渤海海域深水航路通航安全保障研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据渤海海域老铁山~仙人岛深水航路的通航条件和自然环境特点,选取具有代表性的超大型船舶,从航路宽度、水深等方面分析超大型船舶与深水航路的适应性,并结合船舶操纵模拟实验分析航路存在的风险,提出超大型船舶在深水航路航行的自然限制条件,为超大型船舶在该深水航路内的安全航行提供参考。  相似文献   

此文对我国黄渤海海域海事多发的主要原因作了分析,提出了船舶安全航行的相应对策。  相似文献   

渤海超大型油轮安全保障研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在对渤海海域超大型油轮通航安全存在的主要问题进行分析的基础上,结合超大型油轮的船舶特性、渤海海域的气象水文条件,利用基于解析式、半经验公式与经验值相结合的方法分析求取了超大型油轮在渤海航行时的安全富裕水深,界定了超大型油轮在渤海内航行的航速控制值,设计了超大型油轮的优化航路。研究结论对优化渤海海域超大型油轮的通航环境、保障航行安全具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

此文介绍了渤海海域船舶油污染现状,对污染物的来源、船舶违规排放残油和污油水的方式进行了分析,并从技术和管理角度对防治措施作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

杨昆鹏  魏伟 《中国海事》2013,(7):F0003-F0003
6月25日,由交通运输部海事局统一组织,环渤海的山东、河北、天津、辽宁海事力量全面参与的联合巡航执法行动在山东海域开展。4艘海事执法船和交通运输部北海第一救助飞行队1架直升机参与巡航。据悉,此次在渤海海域开展的联合执法行动为期4天,旨在严厉打击非法违法砂石运输,强化涉水工程建设安全,有效防范和遏制重特大事故,促进渤海水域安全形势持  相似文献   

A total of 2759 stomachs collected from a bottom trawl survey carried out by R/V “Bei Dou” in the Yellow Sea between 32°00 and 36°30N in autumn 2000 and spring 2001 were examined. The trophic levels (TL) of eight dominant fish species were calculated based on stomach contents, and trophic levels of 17 dominant species in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea reported in later 1950s and mid-1980s were estimated so as to be comparable. The results indicated that the mean trophic level at high trophic levels declined from 4.06 in 1959–1960 to 3.41 in 1998–1999, or 0.16–0.19·decade− 1 (mean 0.17·decade− 1) in the Bohai Sea, and from 3.61 in 1985–1986 to 3.40 in 2000–2001, or 0.14·decade− 1 in the Yellow Sea; all higher than global trend. The dominant species composition in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea changed, with the percentage of planktivorous species increases and piscivorous or omnivorous species decreases, and this was one of the main reasons for the decline in mean trophic level at high tropic levels. Another main reason was intraspecific changes in TL. Similarly, many factors caused decline of trophic levels in the dominant fish species in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. Firstly, TL of the same prey got lower, and anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) as prey was most representative. Secondly, TLs of diet composition getting lower resulted in not only decline of trophic levels but also changed feeding habits of some species, such as spotted velvetfish (Erisphex pottii) and Trichiurus muticus in the Yellow Sea. Thirdly, species size getting smaller also resulted in not only decline of trophic levels but also changed feeding habits of some species, such as Bambay duck (Harpodon nehereus) and largehead hairtail (Trichiurus haumela). Furthermore, fishing pressure and climate change may be interfering to cause fishing down the food web in the China coastal ocean.  相似文献   

文中分析了渤海湾危险货物滚装运输发展的现状,论述了制约危险货物滚装运输的主要因素,提出了相应的改进建议和加强监督管理的措施  相似文献   

In 2001 China embarked on an ambitious program to improve water quality through creation of the Clean Bohai Sea Program (CBSP). It is the first regional ocean governance program in China. The joint conference of central and local government units directed CBSP under the leadership of the State Environment Protection Administration. To meet the environmental objectives established by the joint conference local governments must pay for the program and operate it, but to date they have not been able to fully fund the effort. Although data indicate a decline of polluted discharges to the Bohai, one tabulation shows that the area of the sea that is polluted has increased each year from 2001 to 2005. Future enhancement of CBSP depends on revising incentives to better link local environmental programs and development, establishing funding mechanisms to equitably spread costs throughout watersheds, and creating comprehensive monitoring programs to better appraise program results.  相似文献   

项峰  郭国平 《船海工程》2007,36(2):132-134
对港口水上交通安全现状进行评估,采取针对性的安全措施是保障水上交通运输系统安全的前提,对国内外各种不同安全评价方法进行比较,着重地介绍规范化安全评估(FSA),以期能够更好地找出适合我国海运事业发展的方法,保障船舶的航行安全。  相似文献   

Chemical and physical fronts in the Bohai, Yellow and East China seas   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Associated with strong mixing and stirring, as well as enhanced bioproductivity and ecotones, oceanic fronts have garnered worldwide attention in recent years. Research into oceanic fronts, especially thermal fronts, has gained momentum since the advent of satellites and their increased accessibility. Yet, studies of salinity and nutrient fronts —particularly those that are subsurface are few and far between. This study reviews the most widely accepted facts about surface and subsurface temperature and salinity fronts in the Bohai, Yellow and East China seas and their seasonal variations. The distribution of nutrients in the surface and bottom waters are mapped and nutrient fronts, for the first time, are identified systematically.These fronts are generally strongest in winter when southward flowing coastal currents are influenced most by winter monsoons, and the contrasts between these cold, fresh, nutrient-rich currents and the northward flowing warm, saline but nutrient-poor Kuroshio are strongest. Surface fronts are generally weakest in summer when coastal currents may be weaker and temperature, salinity and nutrient contrasts are diminished. The existence of fronts and why some are disconnected are mainly related to oceanic features such as topography, boundaries between water masses and current flow patterns. Three latitudinal temperature and nutrient fronts in the southern East China Sea in winter may suggest eastward flowing currents. These currents have not been described previously.  相似文献   

许晖 《世界海运》2006,29(2):19-21
介绍了FSA方法的基本概念及在船舶安全领域中的应用,对应用中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

杭州湾跨海大桥VTS软科学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是一项牵涉面非常广、极复杂的系统工程,开展软科学研究,是合理规划和科学管理的前提和依据。杭州湾跨海大桥桥区水域建立船舶交通管理系统,条件、情况比较特殊复杂,应该更加重视和加强实现系统功能所必须依赖的软科学研究。  相似文献   

Estuaries along the southern shore of the Bohai Sea are the major habitat of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn (Penaeus chinensis). Since the 80's, however, many of the rivers have been dammed. Field observations, as well as laterally integrated 2-D numerical experiments, were conducted to understand both the role of estuarine gravitational circulation and the impact of the damming of the rivers on the early life of the Bohai Penaeid Prawn.For a river with runoff, especially for small discharge, the gravitational circulation tends to transport the planktonic larvae in their metamorphosis phase near the river mouth where condition is favorable for survival. The gravitational circulation inside the estuary tends to transport the mysis phase larvae towards the upstream end of the estuary when the most part of the larvae suspended in the bottom layer, and it transports the post larvae to the low salinity near upstream side of the estuary when the larvae become benthic, if the larvae enter the estuary.Damming causes long periods of zero runoff in the river, resulting in the alteration of the estuarine circulation and in the change of the estuarine environment. In addition, excess evaporation may prematurely transport the planktonic larvae into the estuary. On the other hand, sudden release of a large volume of freshwater from behind the dam may exert undesirable stress on the larvae.  相似文献   

宋溱  翟宏利 《中国海事》2007,(11):34-35
本文结合"两防"专项整治工作的开展情况和发现的问题,提出对建立水上交通安全长效管理机制的几点想法。  相似文献   

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