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AbstractElectron beam welding of in situ TiB2p reinforced aluminum composites was studied.The results show that no obvious pores or cracks is presented in the weld seam.The grains in the weld seam are remarkably refined and TiB2 particles distribute much more homogeneously than that in base metal.The hardness values of fusion zone and heat affected zone(HAZ)are both increased in comparison with that of base metal.There are no interface reactions between TiB2 particle and Al matrix.This results supply the evidence that the novel TiB2p reinforced aluminum composites can be well joined with the electron beam welding.  相似文献   

The research on biomass reduction of Fe2O3 was carried out by using sawdust as reductant. The direct reducing agents in the biomass magnetization process were determined by comparing various biomass pyrolysis products with the reduction degree (divalent iron content in total iron), reduction temperature range and valence change of Fe2O3 in the reduction process. The microstructure variation of Fe2O3 at different stages was also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nonisothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was applied to explore the thermal reduction process. The results show that the direct reducing substances in the biomass reaction with Fe2O3 are H2 and bio-oil, and the reduction process can be divided into two steps: biomass pyrolyzing to release H2 and bio-oil, and reductive volatiles reacting with Fe2O3. The two steps are relatively independent. The kinetic of the reduction reaction follows a first-order reaction kinetic model, with 88.99 kJ/mol activation energy and 9.55 × 108 min?1 frequency factor.  相似文献   

CuCeZrOx and KCuCeZrOx catalysts were synthesized and coated on the blank diesel particulate filter (DPF) substrate and a particulate matter (PM) loading apparatus was used for soot loading. The catalytic performances of soot oxidation were evaluated by temperature programmed combustion (TPC) test and characterization tests were conducted to investigate the physicochemical properties of the catalysts. The reaction mechanism in the oxidation process was analyzed with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that CuCeZrOx catalyst exhibited high activities of soot oxidation at low temperature and the best results have been attained with Cu0.9Ce0.05Zr0.05Ox over which the maximum soot oxidation rate decreased to 410 °C. Characterization tests have shown that catalysts containing 90% Cu have uniformly distributed grains and small particle sizes, which provide excellent oxidation activity by providing more active sites and forming a good bond between the catalyst and the soot. The low-temperature oxidation activity of soot could be further optimized due to the excellent elevated NO’s conversion rate by partially substituting Cu with K. The maximum particle oxidation rate can be easily realized at such a low temperature as 347°C.  相似文献   

A series of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) method in this study, and electric field was applied for catalytic combustion of lean methane over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts at low temperature. When electric field was applied, the catalytic combustion performance of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts was greatly improved, and the application of electric field could reduce the load of active element Pd to some extent while maintaining the same efficiency. Based on experimental tests and the analysis results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H2-temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) and in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (in-situ DRIFTS), the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of CH4 over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts in electric field was proposed. The catalytic combustion of CH4 occurs only when the temperature is higher than 250 °C normally, but when electric field was applied, the whole process of CH4 oxidation was promoted significantly and the reaction temperature was reduced. Electric field could promote the reduction of the support Co3O4 to release the lattice oxygen, resulting in the increase of PdOx and the surface chemisorbed oxygen, which could provide more active sites for the low-temperature oxidation of CH4. Furthermore, electric field could accelerate the dehydroxylation of CoOOH to further enhance the activity of the catalysts.  相似文献   

NH3-H2O falling film absorption usually takes place with low solution flow rate in real absorption refrigeration system. An experimental study of inner vertical absorption is carried out for the consideration of air-cooling absorber. Variable working conditions are tested to evaluate the heat and mass transfer performances.The traditional evaluation method based on log-mean-temperature(concentration) difference is criticized for its lack of theoretical basis while simultaneous heat and mass transfer process occurs. A new method proposed by Kim and Infante Ferreira is modified to evaluate the experimental results with reasonable assumptions. The method is based on the derivation of coupled heat and mass transfer differential equations of NH3-H2O absorption process.The analysis of the same experimental data shows that the new method realizes better consistency with smaller error, especially in heat transfer aspect. Heat and mass transfer performance is enhanced with the increase of solution Reynolds number. Sub-cooling of inlet weak solution also has positive influence on the absorption process,which should be evaluated by the new method correctly. Two correlations are developed to evaluate both Nusselt and Sherwood numbers for the design of air-cooling absorber.  相似文献   

The B2-L21 ordering transitions in Au-Cu-Al shape-memory alloys are studied by the Monte Carlo exchange simulations, where a set of the first, the second and the third nearest-neighbor mixing potentials for Cu-Al in the Au-Cu-Al alloys are calculated from first principals using the Connolly-Williams methods. To ensure the phase stability of the β-Au-Cu-Al, the investigation includes the range of compositions Au2Cu1−x Al1+x (−0.15 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.15). The B2-L21 transition temperatures are predicted, and are in agreement with the experimental results. The atomic ordering around vacancy of the L21 structure is further discussed.  相似文献   

The spinodal composition zone in Al added Fe-Mn-Al-C twinning-induced plasticity(TWIP) steels can be determined by contents of Al and C and aging temperature together, based on the thermodynamic analysis. Precipitation of ordered(FeMn)3AlC carbide by the mechanism of spinodal decomposition occurs in the C-rich and Al-rich zone with low aging temperature. Increase of aging temperature shrinks spinodal composition zone to the high Al and C contents. As a result, the precipitation of(FeMn)3AlC carbide alters from spinodal decomposition to classical nucleation-growth manner gradually. Further calculation indicates that the diffusion of Al can play a key role in determining the growth rate of(FeMn)3AlC carbide at high aging temperature.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟方法分析了混凝土楼板组合效应对钢框架腹板开圆孔削弱型梁柱节点的影响,着重讨论了节点承栽力、弹塑性阶段的应变分布、梁塑性区的产生和扩展情况,并与未考虑组合效应此类节点的性能进行了对比.削弱截面与柱的距离和削弱半径是重要的削弱参数,决定了腹板削弱型节点塑性区的扩展特征.研究结果表明,组合效应对腹板开圆孔削弱型梁柱节点区域的应变分布和塑性区扩展影响显著,其削弱参数的确定须充分考虑楼板组合效应.  相似文献   

PS/2键盘应用于嵌入式系统可增加电路设计的灵活性,针对如何使用这种接口介绍了PS/2接口协议,主要讨论了由可编程器件实现PS/2接口的方法,并提出了一种采用队列处理键盘数据的方法,该方法具有模块化、可移植性好的优点.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of Cu-14Fe and Cu-14Fe-0.07Ag in situ composites is investigated. The evolution of Fe filaments in two composites is analyzed detailedly by annealing at high temperature. The results indicate that the Cu-14Fe in situ composite exhibits two kinds of evolution of Fe filament, the longitudinal splitting of Fe filaments at low temperature (below 600°C) and spheroidization of Fe filaments at high temperature (above 600°C). With the addition of trace Ag, the longitudinal splitting of Fe filaments at low temperature is accelerated, while spheroidization of Fe filaments at high temperature inhibited. The microstructure evolution procedure of Cu-14Fe without and with trace Ag has been modeled. This work would promote the understanding of the microstructure evolution of Cu-Fe in situ composite.  相似文献   

采用共沉淀-浸渍法制备了SO42-/TiO2-SiO22型固体超强酸催化剂,研究工艺条件对茜素红水溶液脱色率的影响.结果表明:在催化剂用量为2.0 g/L,溶液pH值为8,水样初始浓度为50 mg/L,光距为12 cm,光照反应时间为3 h的最佳条件下,其对茜素红的脱色率可大于92.02%.  相似文献   

建立混凝土的细观数字试件,进行数值模拟试验,探讨骨料体积率、骨料级配对混凝土的力学性能的影响具有重要的意义。二维数字试件是采用广泛的一种模型,其中的骨料面积率、剖面级配与三维模型中的骨料体积率和体积级配的关系还没有专门的探讨,然而此项工作对二维数字试件的建立与应用具有很大影响。本文以计算机试验为手段,针对随机的三维骨料投放进行大量的计算机模拟试验,阐述骨料面积率、剖面级配与骨科体积率和三维级配的规律,建立了二维数字试件模型中骨料模型,为二维细观数字试件的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过对Emme/2交通规划软件各个模块的深入分析,结合实际操作经验,指出Emme/2在分配路网数据的输入模块存在的不足,针对不足提出了一套有效的解决方案,使Emme/2基础路网数据输入简单化,从而达到缩短整个交通预测周期的目标。  相似文献   

通过对Emme/2交通规划软件各个模块的深入分析,结合实际操作经验,指出Emme/2在分配路网数据的输入模块存在的不足,针对不足提出了一套有效的解决方案,使Emme/2基础路网数据输入简单化,从而达到缩短整个交通预测周期的目标.  相似文献   

针对Pro/E教学过程中存在的一些实际问题进行了研究,提出了相应的解决方法。本文把这些技巧和经验总结出来供大家参考,为Pro/E的使用者提高绘图质量和效率提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

根据应用型本科人才培养和船舶工程类专业的特点,从人才培养方案和课程体系的制定、实训基地建设、教师队伍建设等方面阐述了船舶工程类专业应用型本科创新人才协同培养模式的构建.  相似文献   

分析了高速公路外场和中心通信协议现状及存在问题,介绍了美国国家通信协议主要内容,并对协议的体系结构进行了分析,对NTCIP统一标准应用于我国高速公路外场和中心的通信协议可能性进行了初探。  相似文献   

系统阐述了轮轨滚动接触疲劳损伤的分类、萌生机理、影响因素、引发后果及常用萌生预测模型等,总结了其复杂性的根源; 梳理了中国轨道交通系统近年来发生的各种轮轨滚动接触疲劳的相关研究成果,分别总结了高速铁路、普速铁路和地铁等系统轮轨滚动接触疲劳的基本特征、萌生机理及治理措施等; 展示了在局部和连续型滚动接触疲劳研究中,现场跟踪测试、现场试样失效分析、试验台试验、数值模拟及线路试验等研究方法的系统化应用及重要结果; 讨论了不同轨道交通系统滚动接触疲劳差异的根本原因及滚动接触疲劳各影响因素的相对重要性,并从现场治理和机理研究2个方面提出了展望。研究结果表明:高速动车组轮轨局部型滚动接触疲劳(月牙形裂纹)对运营安全的威胁可控,其重要源头之一是硌伤; 过大的接触应力和蠕滑率是引发轮轨连续型滚动接触疲劳的关键,其根本原因包括小半径曲线、轮轨失形、轮轨廓形与轨道曲线设计不合理、大坡度与起伏坡度、低黏着与增黏、频繁启停及轨道安装误差等,近10年来开始大量使用的大功率电力机车在复杂条件线路运行时,呈现的严重车轮滚动接触疲劳是上述影响因素综合作用的集中体现; 可行的滚动接触疲劳防治措施包括避免或及时修复严重硌伤、优化曲线段轮轨廓形匹配、优化轮轨镟修/打磨策略、加装或优化车轮研磨子、机车车辆定期调头运行、优化机车电气补偿与牵引制动控制、使用优质增黏砂、优化踏面制动和及时维护轨道与列车关键部件等,不同轮轨系统可根据其特点酌情选用; 从现场防治角度,应建立轮轨滚动接触疲劳的精确预测模型,并依此实现不同服役条件下的滚动接触疲劳无限和有限寿命设计及最佳轮轨维修策略制定; 从疲劳机理角度,应重点研究疲劳裂纹萌生的微观裂纹扩展机制和磨耗影响机制。  相似文献   

“项目教学法”是一种典型的以学生为中心的教学方法,特别适合船舶CAD/CAM这种理论性和实践性都非常强的课程教学。文章从项目的设计、实施等方面介绍了项目教学法在《船舶CAD/CAM》课程教学中的应用。  相似文献   

为了改善混凝土在海水、土壤等盐环境中的性能,通过混凝土强度试验,研究了掺纳米SiO2混凝土在盐类结晶循环中的性能,并通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X-射线衍射分析(XRD)对混凝土微观结构进行了研究.结果表明:纳米SiO2能够改善混凝土的性能;从性能和经济两方面考虑,推荐纳米SiO2的最佳掺量(质量分数)为1%.与基准混凝土相比,在110次循环后,掺纳米SiO21%的混凝土的耐腐蚀循环系数和相对耐腐蚀循环系数分别提高11%和20%.微观结构分析表明,纳米SiO2可以改善混凝土界面结构,降低氢氧化钙的含量.  相似文献   

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