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波罗的海国际航运理事会(BIMCO)携手领先的海事多媒体培训提供商威拓海运国际有限公司(Videotd Marine International),设置并开展了一套全新的BIMCO远程学习学位课程(BcDP)。这是一项具有开拓性的创举。作为经验丰富的培训提供商,威拓为这个新的学位课程设计了一套高度集中、基于网络的远程学习管理系统。  相似文献   

不久前,BIMCO在线学习学位课程(BeDP)的第一个模块“航运简介”成功上线。现在,第二个模块“提货单”即将隆重推出。  相似文献   

不久前,BIMCO在线学习学位课程(BeDP)的第一个模块“航运简介”成功上线。现在,第二个模块“提货单”即将隆重推出。  相似文献   

SHIPSALE 22——二手船买卖合同 这是BIMCO首次独立制定的二手船买卖合同.新的标准船舶买卖备忘录(MOA)采取了创新方法解决船舶买卖的合同程序,并更贴近船舶买卖实践.本合同清晰地分为3个部分:第一部分是表格,包含并总结了所有重要信息,作为现成参考;第二部分包含合同的条款和条件,以英语表述,结构简单易懂;第三...  相似文献   

<正>0引言据调查,我国内河船员具有高中及以上学历的比例不到30%,文化水平普遍偏低,绝大多数内河船员缺乏水上运输专业知识的系统学习。传统的内河船员培训模式虽然在一定程度上缓解内河船员职业素质亟待提高的压力,但也存在多方面的局限性。本文探讨内河船员远程培训,变革现行的船员教育培训模式,为培养高素质船员提供新的思路。  相似文献   

2011年11月10日,BIMCO文件委员会(DC)在丹麦哥本哈根召开了秋季会议。会议通过了两项新合同和四项新条款。  相似文献   

经过波罗的海国际航运公会(BIMCO)和国际航运联合会(ISF)的严格考查,大连海事大学与两大国际知名航运组织正式签订了合作完成“2010年海员人力资源研究报告”的协议。  相似文献   

我对航运业的未来发展持积极态度,因为全球经济形势将会步入一个更为可持续的方向。规范的挑战尽管是艰巨的但终将会由整个行业以一种高效和创新的方式解决。  相似文献   

<正>0引言据统计,80%以上的船舶事故是人为因素造成的,而且事故发生大多是船员的安全意识淡薄、安全操作技能欠缺、风险识别能力低下等,要克服这些不利因素,更好的办法是加强船员的在船培训。船员的在船培训具有以下优点:(1)根据本船配备的设备情况进行培训,具有针对性;(2)根据船舶运营的实际情况和相关工作的作息时间进行培训,具  相似文献   

对B/S结构模式的产生、构成及特点进行详细的阐述,并在其与C/S模式比较的基础上,提出用B/S模式理论来构建船员远程培训系统的框架结构。  相似文献   

BIMCO被认为是具有半官方性质的非政府组织。一方面,BIMCO提供大量实用工具,如标准合同、电子版租船契约编辑体系及其它实时或深度分析报告。另外一方面,BIMCO代表整个航运业,并影响国际海事组织的立法及其规定的实施。  相似文献   

6月5日,美国交通部海事管理局(MARAD)在华盛顿特区召开会议,议题为“极地交通运输”。美国航运商会建议美国交通部海事管理局邀请波罗的海国际航运理事会(BIMCO)出席会议。理由是,波罗的海国际航运理事会长期通过官方网站和特别“冰区日”活动为冰区航行提供信息。在过去的两年里,波罗的海国际航运理事会组织了数次“冰区日”活动。  相似文献   

波罗的海国际航运理事会(BIMCO)新造船标准合同(NEWBUILDCON)启用将近一年后,在业内仍然引起了广泛的兴趣。根据友好、和谐且涉及广泛的新标准合同,许多新造船生意得以成交。今年年初,在合同其他的许多细节方面还处于保密状态的时候,德国船东JohnEssberger就抢先出手,向中国鼎衡(江苏)造船有限公司率先订购了两条8500吨级不锈钢化学品船,尔后又增订了两条。最近,另一则报道是关于油轮船东运营商AET有限公司和俄罗斯的Okskaya船厂之间进行的交易。这份8月份签署的订购三艘6600吨级油/化学品液货船的合同,将干2009年7月至12月交船。其他运用新造船标准合同进行交易的还有新加坡和芬兰的一些船厂。  相似文献   

墨西哥湾漏油事故发生后,一些按照程租合同使用墨西哥湾地区港口和泊位的船东担心,可能出现延误或产生额外费用.  相似文献   

自动航程风险评估系统(AVRA)向用户提供在预期行程中需要考虑的船舶和航程可能遇到安全威胁的信息。这一独特的、基于网络的、全自动的系统是由BIMC0协同私营安全顾问公司Aegis和国际海事局共同开发的,旨在评估整个航程中需要考虑的非航行风险等级。  相似文献   

编者按 本文作者Robert Lorenz-Meyer是BIMCO公会的候任主席,作为全球船东的代表者,他在文中谈到了对当前行业危机的一些看法,并分析了当前局势的未来发展方向,其它通篇以相对轻松的语言给业界传递了一种乐观的精神,尤为令人振奋的是,他认为危机过后中国将会更加"强壮".  相似文献   

The quality and availability of labour is important for the performance of ports. Insights from cluster theories are relevant for analysing training and education in ports, as ports can be regarded as clusters. In general, labour in clusters is relatively mobile, education services in clusters are relatively good and employees have a high willingness to invest in specific skills. However, skilled and talented labour still may be scarce, especially in regions with tight labour markets. Thus, in many clusters, including port clusters, firms and governments actively aim to improve the quality of labour. This paper presents an analysis of these efforts of firms and governments to improve the quality of the labour force in three seaport clusters. In this paper the concept of a ‘training and education regime’ is presented as an approach to analyse efforts of firms and governments to improve the quality and availability of labour. Important results of three case studies include first, the observation that the quality of training and education regime differs substantially between clusters. Second, the presence of aregime manager in Rotterdam adds to the quality of Rotterdam’s training and education regime. Such an organisation may be effective across countries and clusters. Finally, the presence ofleader firms, willing to invest in training and education also improves an education regime.  相似文献   

This paper approaches the problem of port labour training in Africa. It examines various aspects of immediate training, apprenticeship training and career training with the implementation of a pedagogic method of training, fully adapted to the specific needs of a port.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show if and how European maritime education and training institutions have met the increasing enrolment of women, and how shipping in general has reacted to gender equality. WMU has partly been the source for finding data related to studies in a multicultural and gender (minority) mixture of students and professors. In addition to a questionnaire to maritime education and training institutions, unstructured conversations with WMU students and professors have contributed to fact findings. Apparently, there is more to be done in order to have women compete on a level playing field in the sphere of shipping. Shipping is historically male dominated and conservative, so it is well understood that there are ropes to be untied. In this article, there are examples on how stakeholders in society have introduced policies on how to meet diversities. It is recommended that universities seriously pursue this trend. I wish to appeal to educational institutions to publish a university policy on the gender perspective and diversity management in general. The policy must be in writing in order for staff and students to understand and remember the content of the policy. This is an issue that should follow the quality assurance aims and goals and should be posted in a public place within the university’s premises for everybody to be reminded.  相似文献   

VTS模拟培训系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李蕊  闫秋娜  韩凤 《世界海运》2005,28(3):53-54
提出一种改进的VTS模拟培训系统,并对系统的构成和功能以及其中的一些关键技术进行了研究。  相似文献   

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