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<正>一、上海邮轮母港发展现状上海是我国最早发展邮轮经济的港口城市,邮轮母港发展规模和水平均在全国领先,对全国邮轮母港发展起到重要引领和示范作用,邮轮母港已成为上海国际航运中心建设和世界著名旅游城市建设的重要组成部分,成为上海提升国际竞争力、抢占战略资源的重要抓手,成为加快上海城市经济创新驱动、转型发展的重要载体之一。  相似文献   

<正>邮轮旅游在2006年进入中国以后发展迅速,目前我国邮轮经济已经从邮轮旅游转入邮轮全产业链发展阶段。2020年以来受新冠病毒感染的影响,中国邮轮产业受到冲击,但邮轮旅游迎合人们对美好生活向往的需求,邮轮产业在中国的发展未来可期。2021年以来,沿海城市先后出台了邮轮产业发展的“十四五”规划。《上海国际航运中心建设“十四五”规划》提出“高水平建设邮轮经济中心”的目标[1]。  相似文献   

8月lO日,中国交通运输部与上海市人民政府联合签署加快推进国际航运中心建设深化合作备忘录。当日,交通运输部还在沪发布了应对航运业困难局面的三项政策。根据合作备忘录,交通运输部与一L海市政府将重点围绕优化现代航运集疏运体系、发展现代航运服务体系、探索建立国际航运发展综合试验区、促进邮轮产业发展四个方面,共同推进上海国际航运中心建设。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,全球邮轮市场向亚洲东移趋势明显,而亚洲邮轮市场重心正向我国迅速转移,邮轮业这一新兴业态发展得到我国各级政府高度关注和重视,国内邮轮业呈快速发展态势。上海是我国最早发展邮轮经济的港口城市,邮轮母港已成为上海国际航运中心建设和世界著名旅游城市建设的重要组成部分。在国家有关部委的支持和上海市各级政府的共同努力下,上海邮轮母港建设已取得显著成绩,发展规模和水平全国领先,中国邮轮旅游综合实验区建设不断取得突破,对全国邮轮业发展起到重要引领和示范作用。  相似文献   

北外滩航运服务集聚区将凸现航运信息、航运交易、口岸服务、邮轮经济等四大功能,为上海国际航运中心建设提供更加完善的配套服务软环境。上海国际航运仲裁院、全  相似文献   

邮轮产业以其强大的拉动能力和吸附能力已成为拉动城市经济的新动力。广州发展邮轮经济优势明显,但同时也存在着一些问题与不足,当前应充分发挥自身的优势,抓住机遇,克服困难与挑战,借鉴国内外邮轮经济发展的经验,以邮轮经济为突破口,加大广州国际航运中心建设的力度。  相似文献   

章雁 《世界海运》2014,37(12):6-9
文章基于国际航运中心与构成要素的诠释,阐述上海国际航运中心建设能级提升的突破口,论述产业成长视角下上海国际航运中心评价研究,并提出在产业成长视角下的上海国际航运中心增进对策。  相似文献   

邱龚丽 《世界海运》2023,(6):4-8+39
2022年,国际航运市场剧烈波动。上海国际航运中心依托良好的港航基础条件和产业聚集优势,继续缩小与新加坡、伦敦的能级差距。在航运服务能级提升的推动下,现代航运服务企业展现出良好的发展前景。未来,集装箱、能源运输市场不确定性风险逐步累积,邮轮母港先发优势不断被蚕食,优化上海航运业运输结构、聚焦航运人才吸引力提升、重铸上海邮轮港优势已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

桑史良 《航海》2012,(5):3-3
近年来,国际邮轮业发展重心明显向亚洲转移,作为亚洲的明星城市和中国长三角地区的核心城市,上海经过多年的努力,越来越有希望成为世界级的邮轮旅游目的地城市。上海在推进国际航运中心建设过程中非常重视发展邮轮经济,制定了许多政策,采取了很多措施,如新建了包括吴淞口国际邮轮港等一批重点工程,取得了很大的进步。去年10月15日,吴淞口国际邮轮港开港。据了解今年的船期安排,共有62艘次国际邮轮将靠泊吴淞口,其中母港邮轮50艘次,位居全国各邮轮港口前列。  相似文献   

如何通过建立国际航运中心来确保上海成为国际金融、贸易与经济中心,是我们在世界经济新的发展面前所要研究的主要课题.上海国际航运中心的建成,一方面必须有一系列相关产业的配套发展,另一方面它又会带动一大批相关产业的发展.然而,不少人对此还没有足够的认识.尤其是对于后一方面,还存在着相当模糊的认识.有人认为国际航运中心建设只是航运业本身的事情,而不象信息港建设或房地产业建设那样会带动一大批相关产业的发展.因此,上海国际航运中心建设的问题在一定程度上没有得到应有的重视.同国际经济、金融、贸易中心建设的进程、研究深度和宣传力度相比,上海国际航运中心建设显得远远滞后于形势发展.  相似文献   

张福保 《港口科技》2012,(11):37-40
面对迅速发展的中国邮轮业,上海港国际客运中心加强对企业的科学管理。介绍上海港国客中心的基本情况。从四个方面介绍科学管理的做法。即:坚持安全、便捷、舒适的服务宗旨,推进精细化管理和信息化管理,加强与口岸单位的协调配合,充分调动全体职工的积极性等。成效显著,可供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the centrality of cruise ports in the Asian cruise shipping market while proposing the hubs and authorities centrality (HACC) metric as a directional synthesis of the hubs centrality and authorities centrality to explore cyclical and directional features of centrality in the cruise shipping network. With the development of the cruise shipping industry, research has been actively conducted with a particular focus on identifying the characteristics of hub ports. This paper employs social network analysis to investigate the HACC which is originally developed for analyzing the cruise port centrality problem. Empirical study implies that Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Nagasaki, Penang, Phuket, Port Klang, Shanghai, and Singapore (in alphabetical order) reflects particulars of cruise hub ports. One of the exceptional results of this paper is Ho Chi Minh City, Penang, Phuket, and Port Klang have demonstrated high HACC (refers to hub ports) while limited degree and betweenness centrality. In contrast, Busan and Keelung are not classified as hub ports.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the development of prospects for cruising in Europe. It examines this within the broad framework of economic theory and maritime economics. Initially, the market structures and relationships applicable to cruising are considered with particular attention being paid to the linkages between the shipping markets and tourism and leisure. This conceptual analysis suggests that whilst cruising has a strong shipping element it does not fall exclusively within the classic framework of maritime economics but draws from both shipping and tourism and leisure. For reasons of clarity, a number of definitions are also provided covering maritime tourism and leisure, cruising, and supply and demand, as it relates to cruising. Following this, an overview of the cruise industry is included. This focuses primarily on the growth in the demand both world wide and at regional level. In particular, the analysis places the development of cruising in Europe in market perspective. Subsequently, the development of cruising in the UK is examined as a case study. Initially, UK market growth is analysed and it can be seen that the UK is now the second largest cruise market in the world after North America. Projections of the growth in UK demand to 2003 are also provided. The growth in supply is also studied and the UK targeted fleet is identified. In addition, the question of ownership is addressed. The prospects of employment for UK seafarers within the cruise industry are also considered and results obtained from the analysis suggest that it should be possible to increase the participation of UK and other European seafarers within the cruise industry at all levels and in all departments. In the final section of the paper, the position of UK ports as terminals and destinations is evaluated. It is concluded that the fundamentals of the cruise business remain strong, and continued growth by the industry should be possible for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the development of prospects for cruising in Europe. It examines this within the broad framework of economic theory and maritime economics. Initially, the market structures and relationships applicable to cruising are considered with particular attention being paid to the linkages between the shipping markets and tourism and leisure. This conceptual analysis suggests that whilst cruising has a strong shipping element it does not fall exclusively within the classic framework of maritime economics but draws from both shipping and tourism and leisure. For reasons of clarity, a number of definitions are also provided covering maritime tourism and leisure, cruising, and supply and demand, as it relates to cruising. Following this, an overview of the cruise industry is included. This focuses primarily on the growth in the demand both world wide and at regional level. In particular, the analysis places the development of cruising in Europe in market perspective. Subsequently, the development of cruising in the UK is examined as a case study. Initially, UK market growth is analysed and it can be seen that the UK is now the second largest cruise market in the world after North America. Projections of the growth in UK demand to 2003 are also provided. The growth in supply is also studied and the UK targeted fleet is identified. In addition, the question of ownership is addressed. The prospects of employment for UK seafarers within the cruise industry are also considered and results obtained from the analysis suggest that it should be possible to increase the participation of UK and other European seafarers within the cruise industry at all levels and in all departments. In the final section of the paper, the position of UK ports as terminals and destinations is evaluated. It is concluded that the fundamentals of the cruise business remain strong, and continued growth by the industry should be possible for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

“绿洲级”豪华邮轮技术应用特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邮轮经济的高速发展及邮轮产业东移对我国发展邮轮制造产业提出迫切需求。近年来,我国造船产业发展迅猛,但尚未有豪华邮轮设计建造经验,发展豪华邮轮建造产业对我国迈入世界造船强国及造船工业产业链转型升级具有重大意义。当前国际邮轮建造大型化趋势愈加明显,全球最大邮轮已达到22.8万吨,其船型和船内设施设备的特点,不仅对船舶功能性设备建造技术提出严格要求,也对邮轮整体速度、安全性、舒适性和个性化配置设计与制造提出巨大挑战。本文对全球在运营“绿洲级”豪华邮轮的特点、建造难点及核心建造技术进行梳理,期望能为我国发展豪华邮轮制造产业带来启示。  相似文献   

我国邮轮制造业发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邮轮经济的蓬勃发展给邮轮制造业带来巨大机遇,而邮轮本身也朝着规模大型化、功能全面化和船龄年轻化的趋势发展。虽然我国造船企业有建造各种船舶的经验,但唯独豪华邮轮尚未建造。文中通过分析世界邮轮制造业现状及我国发展邮轮制造业的必要性和可行性,给出发展我国邮轮制造业的建议。  相似文献   

Two-sided markets are characterised by the presence of an intermediary and two groups of end-users. In the cruise market, cruise lines may play the role of intermediaries to connect the two end-users, viz. cruise passengers and cruise ports. Our research explored whether the cruise industry can be regarded as a two-sided market, starting with a theoretical modelling. The findings show that cruise lines might be hybrid intermediaries, selling their own ship-based products and services, while offering also a platform to enable the transaction between cruise passengers and cruise ports. This particular business model of a quasi-two-sided market is also reflected in the pricing scheme of cruise industry, whereby cruise ports charge an entry fee from cruise lines and port dues from cruise passengers. We illustrate an empirical analysis on the basis of the cruise market in Japan, and it provides a preliminary clue that the behaviours of cruise ports and cruise lines are consistent with our theoretical framework. The results are not convincingly significant due to data limitations, hence, the concept of a ‘two-sided market’ in the cruise industry call for further empirical research.  相似文献   

港口休闲旅游功能是新时期我国沿海港口功能拓展的重要方向,各地政府部门正着力推动邮轮旅游产业的发展。通过分析世界邮轮旅游产业发展的总体趋势和相关要素的空间结构特征,提出沿海地区进行邮轮港布局规划的思路要点,为国内沿海地区相关行业规划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by ‘site’ and ‘situation,’ are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

The cruise ship industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid expansion. New cruise capacity threatens to produce overtonnaging, with future berths exceeding demand. Despite this development, cruise operators are confident that a growing North American market will be able to satisfy the equilibrium condition sought by vessel operators. This research explores where the new tonnage might be deployed and its eventual impact on the cruise industry. Geographic concepts are utilized to test and support the premise that geography contributes positively to the cruise port selection process. Itineraries, influenced by 'site' and 'situation,' are presently still the most important factor affecting cruise port selection.  相似文献   

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