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The principle of accelerating the independent development of China's auto industry in an atmosphere of open competition stated in the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan for the auto industry is based on a serious analysis of China's auto industry in terms of the current situation, conditions and problems faced, which mainly includes:  相似文献   

Reporter: Would you like to make a brief comment on China's auto industry? Xu: China's auto industry is quite a large and interesting industry. Now all the people in the world have realized that China's auto market may be the last largest and  相似文献   

Reporter: After China's WTO entry, what will happen on the structure of China's auto market? What impact will Chinese auto industry come across? Gao: This is a question commonly concerned, and also one related to the future development of China's auto industry.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Sustainable development strategy of China auto industry China auto industry is in the process of development. China's auto products only take a comparatively small share in the world auto market. However, we have attached great importance to the sustainable development strategy of China auto industry which, we think, is a part  相似文献   

Reporter: Please say something about the entire structure of Chinese auto industry after the WTO entry, and what do you think it should do to cope with the new challenges? Zhang: This is an old question we have talked about for years. Now China is already an official member of the WTO and what we discussed before should become specific policies or measures.  相似文献   

Editor's Note:The author took part in the writing of "Economical White Paper of 1993-1994". Some important viewpoints about the development situation of Chinese industries were suggested in that paper. The author thought that these viewpoints can inspire us deeply to grasp the trend of Chinese auto industry in 1994. So,some views on Chinese auto industry of 1994 are put forward based upon these important viewpoints by the author.  相似文献   

As an important part of Chinese auto industry, the motorcycle industry has made great progress under the guidance of "Industrial Policy of Motor Industry" and realized the annual production target of 10 million motorcycles. Along with the change of the economic situation both external and domestic and China's WTO entry, which will surely cause impacts to most of Chinese enterprises and some of the domestic market, a great change will certainly be produced in Chinese motorcycle industry and a new circumstance will be in front of it.  相似文献   

Editor's note: we have noticed that, accompanying the surge growth of China's auto industry since 2002, arguments over whether China's auto industry is in overcapacity have lasted for a long time. Recently, Bernd Pischetsieder, chairman of VW Group, made a speech in which he said his company will invest a large sum of money in China's auto market while keeping prudent in talking about Chinese market. His speech has deepened the argument. Conclusions made by many world-famous consultancy companies are: China's auto market is no doubt  相似文献   

With the development of Chinese car industry, the auto air conditioning system (auto a/c system) industry is rising up to meet the increasing demand of various cars. During the 8th- Five- Year-plan period, almost all the auto a/c manufacturers in China imported the advanced technology from abroad to produce the main parts for auto a/c system, eg. the compressor manufacturing technology  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Strategic Concept for the development of EV and SFV The development of EV and SFV is one of the objective requirements for the auto industry in the 21st century by sustainable development strategy. It is also a practicable way of developing China auto industry in line with the environmental protection policy and the energy develop  相似文献   

With the rapid development of China auto industry, the Chinese Government and the auto industry itself have given more and more attention to the upgrading self-R&D capacity of auto products. Ten years later, it is predicted that the national economy and living standard will be improved greatly, and there will be a peak of the procurement for  相似文献   

1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it's incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.  相似文献   

Fourthly, the situation of duplication of similar projects with scattering and turmoil in the auto industry was not radically altered. Since the issue of the Industrial Policies for the Motor Industry, the above-mentioned has somehow changed. However, driven by the excessive profits derived from high tariffs and the strict market access limit, some localities and organs still indulge in the construction of auto projects and the momentum is ever increasing. As a result, the limited capital and market resources have not been used effectively.  相似文献   

China auto industry is the pillar industry in China's national economy, while the auto parts industry is a very important support to the development of auto industry.  相似文献   

Chinese auto industry still developed well in 2000. The government maintained .the positive financial policies with more investment injected on infrastructure construction. The western development campaign stimulated the demand growth for buses, trucks and other kinds of vehicle and the recovery of national economy also promoted individual purchase of automobiles. The competition within the auto industry became fiercer and fiercer, along with the WTO entry approaching, upon which the auto manufacturers had to improve their product mix to meet the demand Of various customers with more marketable products. In one word, 2000 is a  相似文献   

The automotive industry in China is widely expected to double in size by the end of the decade. Accordingly the Chinese government has assigned high priority to the development of the automotive industry and cooperative projects between foreign and Chinese partners in the auto industry.  相似文献   

In early 2004, the Chinese government took measures to restrain the hasty development of the industries of energy, steel and electrolytic aluminum. Statistics show that the auto industry has been deeply influenced by the macro regulation with a complicated market situation appearing.1. The macro economic situation in the first half of 2004 During the period, China’s GDP experienced a growth of 9.7 per cent year on year, 0.9 percentage point higher period on period. The growth in the second …  相似文献   

China has become an official member of the WTO. Whatever you think, the challenge of WTO is coming. The "wolf" we have been talking about is just here. What shall we do in the future? " Dances with the Wolves "or "The Silence of Lambs"? This is a question for all Chinese. Therefore, reporters of CHINA AUTO (hereinafter called Reporter) recently interviewed Zhang Xiaoyu (hereinafter called Zhang) - the former flagship of Chinese auto industry - now the Vice President of China Machinery Industry Federation. Here are the details.  相似文献   

Since 1985, Chinese auto standardization has developed rapidly, with a lot of standards formulated which have played an active role in promoting the technical progress of China's auto industry. After the comprehensive implementation of the Standardization Law, the auto industry has formed a set of auto standard systems which  相似文献   

The government has clearly stated that the auto industry should become a backbone industry of China's economy. This is a strategic decision of the government to push forward the development of Chinese auto industry. The fulfilment of this objective must be well coordinated by the correlated industries. The auto industry's demands for the products of corre lated industries must be fully provided.  相似文献   

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