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近年来,随着化学工业的迅速发展,水上化学品运输品种、数量与日俱增。由于危险化学品本身具有的危险性,加上船舶质量、安全管理等方面存在的不足,更增加了水上运输的风险。文中结合辖区危险品管理特点,着重探讨危险品码头企业、货主如何选择承运船舶,并就制定内部标准提出一些相应的建议措施,达到企业与海事管理机构共同维护危险品水上运输安全的目的。  相似文献   

化学品船市场需求与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管化学品船属于世界船队中的小船种,但随着世界经济 的发展,各国的出口产品正在从初级产品,逐步向工业 制成品或高附加值产品转化。化学品船作为一种要求严格的危险液货船,由于技术要求更加严格等因素,促进了化学品船需求量的增加。  相似文献   

2010年前8个月,中国船厂共取得了33条油轮订单.其中,12万载重吨以上的油轮数量达到了31条(12条超大型油轮和19条苏伊士型油轮).以往论及中国造船市场时,我们习惯于将目光集中在散货船上,而现在我们也非常乐意看到中国船厂在为取得多元化造船市场更高份额的道路上所走出的每一步.  相似文献   

<正>英国石油公司(BP)非常关注船舶质量,希望通过审查,降低风险,降低事故率。为此,BP在世界上建立了很多检查网点,如新加坡、上海、墨尔本、伦敦,鹿特丹、休斯顿以及芝加哥等,都设有专门机构。同时,BP还有一支由70名经过认证的检查员组成的检查队伍,他们在全世界范围内进行检查,然后提交相关报告。  相似文献   

According to the CTX tanker casualty database, machinery failures are an important cause of tanker oil spillage. This paper argues that the current large (over 10,000 deadweight) tanker fleet is experiencing at least two full losses of power or steering per day, and probably more than ten. If this fleet were twin screw, properly implemented, this number would be cut by a factor of one thousand. At the same time, tanker low speed maneuverability would be improved dramatically. All this could be done for a net cost of less than that of the double hull.  相似文献   

以某万吨级油船为目标船,介绍了油船典型舱室噪声分析预报声学有限元(FE)、统计能量(SEA)数值分析理论和方法.并根据IMO规范对所关注舱室的噪声水平进行评价,针对超标的舱室给出减振降噪处理方案。计算考虑了船舶桨、主机、空调及风机等噪声源引起的结构噪声和空气噪声。  相似文献   

木辛 《中国船检》2002,(7):29-31
在当今世界,恐怖活动几乎无孔不入.劫机撞楼、邮寄病菌、引爆装置、绑架劫持,已司空见惯.不要命的恐怖分子,重创世界稳定和经济发展.当前,各国都千方百计预防恐怖活动,但海运贸易领域仍处于薄弱环节.如果一艘油轮在港口爆炸,将酿成巨大的灾难.有消息表明,恐怖分子已经瞄上油轮,海事警钟已骤然敲响.  相似文献   

加速单壳油船淘汰新规则的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际海事组织 ( IMO)第 5 0届海洋环境保护委员会 ( MEPC)通过了有关单壳油船加速淘汰的修订案 ( MARPOL公约附则 I第 1 3G条 ) ,包括为油船延长申请状态评估计划( CAS)和禁止单壳油船装载重等级油 ( HGO)的新规则 ,有望于 2 0 0 5年 4月 5日在默认接受程序之下被强制执行。本文对此进行了介绍。并论述了其对油船市场影响  相似文献   

《MARPOL73/78)附则Ⅱ2004年修正案已于2007年1月1日生效。该文从公约的要求、船舶强制预洗的履约现状、存在的问题及建议等方面着手,提出船舶强制预洗的管理对策。  相似文献   

A cost-benefit analysis is conducted on the double-hull requirements for oil tankers in United States' waters contained in the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990. The benefits of reduced spillage are compared with the increased construction and operations costs of double-hulled vessels. In the most probable scanario, the expected benefits are only 20% of the expected costs. Double-hulls do not even show a positive net present value with the most favorable assumptions. Even if double-hulls prevent all of the spillage that occurs due to collisions and groundings, and that the damage per gallon spilled is as extensive as in the ‘Exxon Valdez’ incident, the benefits are under half of the costs.  相似文献   

This article presents detailed results of a comprehensive analysis of recorded accidents of large oil tankers (deadweight greater than 80 000 tonnes) occurring between 1978 and 2003. The analysis encompasses a thorough review of available raw accident data and their postprocessing in a way to produce appropriate statistics useful for the implementation of risk-based assessment methodologies. The processing of the captured data led to the identification of significant qualitative historical trends of tanker accidents and of quantitative characteristics of large tanker accidents, such as overall accident rates per ship-year. Data were also analyzed for all major accident categories separately, taking into account tanker ship size/type, the degree of accident severity, and the oil spill tonne rates per ship-year; this led to the identification of heavily polluted worldwide geographical areas as a result of large tanker accidents.  相似文献   

(接上期)六、演习1.现场查核消防演习的初始通知、通用警报/信号、船员反应、适当的服装/装备、船员懂得的语言、船员熟悉职责、熟悉设备、消防泵启动、2处消防管喷水、消防门和挡板、舱室绝缘、烟雾控制、与驾驶台通信。演习位置、现场演习时间记录。2.现场查核弃船演习的警报  相似文献   

基于AQWA的旁靠油轮水动力相互作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
船舶旁靠系统的水动力响应是一个非常复杂的工程问题,系统中每一个结构的动力响应会受到其他结构的耦合影响。针对两旁靠FPSO和LNG运输船组成的旁靠系泊系统,基于三维势流理论,应用多体水动力学软件AQWA,在考虑两船间水动力相互作用的情况下,计算两旁靠船舶所受到的波浪载荷,并与不考虑两船水动力相互作用的计算结果进行对比分析。结果表明,旁靠系泊系统水动力相互作用是不可忽略的。同时也分析了不同旁靠间距对水动力性能的影响,结果发现旁靠间距只在中高频段时对水动力性能的影响较大。研究结果可为旁靠系统系泊方案的设计和研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

四、化学品/气体运输船的载货操作 1.散装液体、液化气或压缩气体危险物品 如果船舶载运《联邦法典》46第154所列货物,按照本文4.2“散装液化气”的要求去做。  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2007,20(1-2):49-70
A series of new generation oil tankers is presently under construction. These ships differ from traditional oil tankers by their unusual form and therefore direct hydrodynamic analysis is used to determine design vertical wave bending moments instead of adopting IACS rule values. The purpose of the paper is to quantify changes in hull-girder reliability resulting from the new design features. To achieve this, first-order reliability analysis is carried out with respect to ultimate collapse bending moment of the midship cross section of a new generation oil tanker and of a conventional “rule” designed oil tanker. The stochastic model of wave-induced bending moment is derived from direct hydrodynamic analysis performed according to IACS Recommendation No. 34 Standard Wave Data, Rev 1, 2000. The probability distribution of the still water bending moment is assumed based on the data from loading manuals. The model uncertainties of linear wave loads, non-linearity of the response as well as load combination factors are included in the reliability formulation. The reliability analysis is performed for three relevant loading conditions: full load, ballast and partial load and for two states of the hull: the “as-built” hull and “corroded” hull according to anticipated 20-year corrosion. One of the most interesting conclusions from the study is that the annual hull-girder reliability of new generation oil tanker is increased considerably compared to the conventional oil tanker. Sensitivity and parametric studies are performed with respect to random variables representing modelling uncertainties. The results of a sensitivity study enable sorting of pertinent variables according to their relative importance, while parametric study is used to quantify changes in the reliability indices for moderate variation of input parameters. Furthermore, some other results and discussions are presented pointing out the benefits of introducing the ship reliability methods in design practice, especially if this refers to new designs.  相似文献   

宫山 《中国船检》2001,(3):36-37
去年国家质量技术监督局公布了三项新的防爆标准:GB3836.1-2000、GB3836.2-2000、GB3836.3-2000,分别是爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分通用要求、第2部分隔爆型"d"和第3部分增安型"e",三项新标准分别代替GB3836.1-1983、GB3836.2-1983和GB3836.3-1983,实施日期为2000年8月1日.另外,还有四项防爆标准已报国家质量技术监督局审批,分别是:GB3836.4 GB3836.14 GB3836.15第4部分:本质安全型"i";第14部分:危险场所分类;第15部分:危险场所电气安装.椐了解,上述新生效和即将生效的国标均主要等同或等效于IEC60079系列标准.  相似文献   

谢学明 《天津航海》2010,(4):43-44,53
文章通过对油轮特殊培训中多媒体仿真技术的应用,把平时枯燥的理论知识形象地展现出来。通过仿真操作把油轮的实际操作带到了课堂上,既节约了培训的成本又提高了教学质量,使学员真正掌握实操技能,以保障油轮的航行安全,减少油轮对海洋的污染。  相似文献   

世界主要石油组织和石油公司(以下简称石油公司),对其租船、停靠其码头、载运其货物、以及载运与其利益相关的货物时,均要对第三方的油船、化学品船及液化气船(以下简称油船)进行检查。其目的是避免人员受伤害、财产损坏以及为海洋环境提供保护。特别是油船在装卸货操作过程中,避免人员与财产的损害、防止海域污染。  相似文献   

化学品、液化气、天然气运输船属于高技术、高附加值型船舶,在国际运输市场中有特殊的地位,前景乐观。发达国家不断地对此类船舶进行研发和更新,改进和完善船舶的安全管理和船舶检查。  相似文献   

油轮火灾的破坏性和危险性是极大的。文章列举出油轮及油轮火灾的特点,分析了油轮火灾的扑救难度,阐述油轮火灾的预防措施和火灾扑救的基本方法。  相似文献   

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