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A physical and numerical study is made of the processes governing the stratification and circulation in ROFIs (Regions of Freshwater Influence) where there is an important impact of wind and tides. Observations in the Rhine ROFI showed that the salinity field consists of a mean and a tidally oscillating part. The physical processes are first analysed using the analytical solutions from a one-dimensional two-layer model. A justification is given for the neglection of non-linear advective terms in the equations of momentum and salinity. The dimensionless forms of the solutions can be expressed in terms of a series of dimensionless numbers. It is shown in particular that stratification and cross-shore circulation largely depend on the balance between rotation and turbulent diffusion, which depends in turn on parameters such as the Ekman number, the bottom friction coefficient, the eddy viscosity ratio and the depth of the layer interface. Surface winds either enhance or destroy stratification depending on the wind angle. The response to wind forcing is discussed using classical Ekman theory. To verify the analytical theory numerical tests are performed with a point model including an advanced turbulence closure scheme. Differences arise due to the non-linear interaction between turbulence on the one hand and current shear and stratification on the other hand. It is shown in particular that the amplitude of the tidal forcing and the off-shore horizontal salinity gradient strongly affect the semi-diurnal and semi-monthly variation of stratification. The effect of the wind is found to be in good agreement with the analysis of the two-layer model. Finally, the numerical model is compared with existing observational data in the Rhine ROFI for October 1990.  相似文献   

A three dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Malin-Hebrides shelf region is used to investigate the spatial variability of the wind and tidally induced residual flow in the region and the influence of flow from the Irish Sea and along the shelf edge. By this means it is possible to understand the spatial variability in the long term observed flow fields in the region and the range of driving forces producing this flow. The model uses a sigma coordinate grid in the vertical with a finer grid in the near surface and near bed shear layers. The vertical diffusion of momentum in the model is parameterised using an eddy viscosity coefficient which is derived from turbulence energy closure models. Two different turbulence models are used to compute the eddy viscosity, namely a two-equation (itq2−q2ℓ) model which has prognostic equations for both turbulence energy and mixing length and a simpler model in which the mixing length is a specified algebraic function of the water depth.The wind induced response to spatially and temporally constant orthogonal wind stresses, namely westerly and southerly winds of 1 N m−2, are derived from the model. By using orthogonal winds and assuming linearity, then to first order the response to any wind direction can be derived. Computed flows show a uniform wind driven surface layer of magnitude about 3% of the wind speed and direction 15 ° to the right of the wind, in deep water. Currents at depth particularly in the shelf edge and near coastal region show significant spatial variability which is related to variations in bottom topography and the coastline.Calculations show that tidal residual flows are only significant in the near coastal regions where the tidal current is strong and exhibits spatial variability. Flow into the region from the Irish Sea through the North Channel although having its greatest influence in the near coastal region, does affect currents near the shelf edge region. Again the spatial variability of the flow is influenced by topographic effects.A detailed examination of wind induced current profiles together with turbulence, mixing length and viscosity, at a number of locations in the model from deep ocean to shallow near coastal, shows that both turbulence models yield comparable results, with the mixing length in the two equation model showing a similar dependence to that specified in the simpler turbulence model.Calculations clearly show that flow along the shelf edge area to the west of Ireland and from the Irish Sea entering the region, together with local wind forcing can have a major effect upon currents along the Malin-Hebrides shelf. The flow fields show significant spatial variability in the region, comparable to those deduced from long term tracer measurements. The spatial variability found in the calculations suggests that a very intense measurement programme together with inflow measurements into the area is required to understand the circulation in the region, and provide data sets suitable for a rigorous model validation.  相似文献   

Variations in oxygen conditions below the permanent halocline influence the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea through a number of mechanisms. In this study, we examine the effects of physical forcing on variations in the volume of deep oxygenated water suitable for reproductive success of central Baltic cod. Recent research has identified the importance of inflows of saline and oxygenated North Sea water into the Baltic Sea for the recruitment of Baltic cod. However, other processes have been suggested to modify this reproduction volume including variations in timing and volume of terrestrial runoff, variability of the solubility of oxygen due to variations in sea surface temperature as well as the influence of variations in wind stress. In order to examine the latter three mechanisms, we have performed simulations utilizing the Kiel Baltic Sea model for a period of a weak to moderate inflow of North Sea water into the Baltic, modifying wind stress, freshwater runoff and thermal inputs. The model is started from three-dimensional fields of temperature, salinity and oxygen obtained from a previous model run and forced by realistic atmospheric conditions. Results of this realistic reference run were compared to runs with modified meteorological forcing conditions and river runoff.From these simulations, it is apparent that processes other than major Baltic inflows have the potential to alter the reproduction volume of Baltic cod. Low near-surface air temperatures in the North Sea, the Skagerrak/Kattegat area and in the western Baltic influence the water mass properties (high oxygen solubility). Eastward oriented transports of these well-oxygenated highly saline water masses may have a significant positive impact on the Baltic cod reproduction volume in the Bornholm Basin.Finally, we analysed how large scale and local atmospheric forcing conditions are related to the identified major processes affecting the reproduction volume.  相似文献   

The distinctive feature of all ROFI (Regions Of Freshwater Influence) systems is the input of significant amounts of buoyancy as freshwater from river sources. If the spatial scale is unrestricted by coastal topography and stirring is weak, this input tends to drive a coast-parallel flow in which the Coriolis force constrains a wedge of low density water against the coastal boundary. Without frictional effects, this flow is subject to baroclinic instability which induces large meanders and eddies in the flow but in, many ROFIs, the tidal flow induces frictional effects which stabilise the density driven flow.In the absence of the effects of rotation and stirring, the buoyancy input tends to induce stratification through an estuarine circulation in the direction of the gradient. When stirring is applied, by the action of wind, waves or tidal flow, the density current is suppressed but is rapidly re-established when stirring ceases, as in the Linden-Simpson (1988) laboratory tank experiments. In real ROFI systems, a combination of all these processes operates so that the structure of the water column and the flow is the result of a competition between the stratifying influence of buoyancy input and the net stirring effect of the wind, waves and the tides. This competition is more difficult to analyse than the heating-stirring competition, because freshwater buoyancy input is not spatially uniform but enters at discrete sources along the coast and its subsequent spreading has to be determined.While the springs-neaps cycle in tidal stirring imposes a regular fortnightly modulation on vertical mixing, the influence of the wind is irregular and depends, not just on the magnitude of the stress, but also on the direction in which it acts. In some exposed shallow water situations there may also be significant stirring due to waves generated by non-local winds.ROFI systems are further complicated by the action of tidal straining in which differential advection, due to vertical shear in the tide, interacts with the density gradient to generate fluctuations in vertical stability at the tidal frequency which, in some cases, are of sufficient amplitude to switch the water column between stable stratification and vertical density homogeneity each tidal cycle. This straining along with the other ROFI processes have been incorporated into a series of 1-D models to provide a more objective test of the hypotheses about the mechanisms involved. Comparison of model hindcasts with observations indicate that we now have a first-order understanding of the complex behaviour of ROFIs.On a global scale it is clear that ROFIs represent an important component of the shelf-sea environment of particular concern in relation to the impact of pollutant discharges. To date, most studies of ROFI's have concentrated on systems in temperate latitudes but attention needs to be focused on the very extensive ROFIs in tropical regions where most of the world's river discharge enters the ocean. In monsoonal regions, these inputs exhibit strong seasonal modulation which may, in competition with tidal stirring, result in an annual cycle of stratification and the formation of fronts.  相似文献   

Bathymetry impacts on water exchange modelling through the Danish Straits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep and narrow channels in Danish Straits are one of the governing factors for the Baltic–North Sea water and salt exchange. The channels have a depth up to 50 m and a horizontal scale of a few hundred meters. The typical horizontal resolution used in current operational three dimensional Baltic–North Sea models is 1 nautical mile (nm) which can not well resolve these deep channels. In this paper, an alternative method is used to generate the 1 nm resolution bathymetry so that the deep channel is well resolved and at the same time the total water volume is roughly conserved. The impact of the new bathymetry on modelling water and salt transports as well as temperature and salinity structure is assessed by comparing a 3-year model run with the adjusted bathymetry and a control run with the averaged bathymetry. Volume and salt transports through the Great Belt are examined in the two runs. The results show that the model ocean is dominated by a typical two-layer transport (i.e., upper brackish Baltic outflow and lower saltier inflow), and the new bathymetry significantly enhances the two-layer transport. The lighter Baltic outflow is increased by 18% in the upper 10 m and saltier deep inflow is increased by 300% (in comparison with the old bathymetry) below 10 m. The total net transport into the Baltic Sea is increased by 13%. The temperature and salinity structure is also significantly influenced by the bathymetry, especially during inflow events. The stratification is strengthened and the bottom salinity is increased in Danish Straits and adjacent waters. The bathymetry impact is found significant through the entire 3-year model run period, and the signal is propagated to a large area covering the Stopple Channel. Comparison with observations show that such changes are positive improvements to the models. The results suggest that the deep channels in the Danish Straits have to be carefully resolved in order to correctly simulate the Baltic–North Sea water exchange.  相似文献   

The EC MAST project PROFILE (Processes in Regions of Freshwater Influence, ROFIs) aims to develop process understanding and tested numerical models for ROFIs. This includes the role of physical processes controlling water-property distributions, suspended sediments controlling the availability of light, nutrients and phytoplankton growth. The project comprises: (1) construction of a 3D nearshore model, with high resolution (1 h and one km approx.) and a framework coupling modules for hydrodynamics (tides, effects of winds and waves, currents, temperature, salinity, turbulence and diffusivity), sediments, plankton, nutrients and oxygen, (2) investigation of methods to include ROFI model detail in coarser shelf-wide models, (3) specific tests of model components against measurements, (4) tests of model calculations against measurements in contrasted ROFIs, (5) systematic observations suitable for these model tests (time-series over a seasonal cycle for dynamics and intermittency, good vertical resolution and spatial surveys) of the contrasted Rhine, Clyde and Thermaikos Bay ROFIs, complementing earlier measurements in the ROFI areas of the Rhine, German Bight and Po, (6) interpretation and comparison of the contrasted ROFIs' behaviour, (7) a defined set of observations, model code and output suitable for subsequent integration and promulgation as test data and a nearshore model for wider use.  相似文献   

Data from a mooring line deployed midway between the Alboran Island and Cape Tres Forcas are used to study the time variability of the Alboran Sea from May 1997 to May 1998. The upper layer salinity and zonal velocity present annual and semiannual cycles characterised by a minimum in spring and autumn and a maximum in summer and winter. Temperature has the opposite behaviour to that of salinity indicating changes in the presence of the Atlantic water within the Alboran Passage. A large set of SST images is used to study these cycles. The decrease of salinity and velocity in our mooring location in spring and autumn seems to be related to the eastward drifting of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG). The increase of salinity and velocity is caused by the Atlantic current flowing south of the Alboran Island and its associated thermohaline front. Conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) data from two cruises along the 3°W are coherent with current meters and SST interpretations.During the period analysed, summer months are characterised by the stability of the two-gyre system, while in winter, the circulation is characterised by a coastal jet flowing close to the African shore. We use sea level differences across the Strait of Gibraltar for studying the variability of the Atlantic inflow. We discuss the changes in the Alboran Sea circulation and its relation with the variability of the inertial radius of the Atlantic inflow. Though our results are speculative, we find a possible relation between the disappearance of the two-gyre system and a reversal of the circulation in Gibraltar. Longer time series are needed to conclude, but comparison with previous works makes us think that the seasonal cycle described from May 1997 to May 1998 could be the most likely one for the Alboran Sea upper layer.  相似文献   

Variability of the Bohai Sea circulation based on model calculations   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The circulation and the hydrography of the Bohai Sea are simulated with the Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model (HAMSOM). The model is three-dimensional, prognostic baroclinic and has a resolution of 5 min in latitude and longitude and 10 layers in the vertical. It is initialised and forced with the five main tidal constituents, temperature and salinity distributions taken from the Levitus database, monthly mean river run-off values and European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) re-analysed data of air pressure, wind stress and of those parameters relevant for the calculation of heat fluxes. The simulation period covers 14 years from 1980 to 1993 due to the availability of the time-dependent ECMWF forcing.The results are analysed by means of time series and EOFs focussing on the interpretation of fluctuations with periods above the tidal cycle. Furthermore, tracer simulations are carried out and turnover times are calculated in order to evaluate the importance of these fluctuations on the renewal and transport of water masses in the Bohai Sea.One of the major outcomes of the investigation is the overall dominance of the annual cycle in all hydrographic parameters and the importance of stochastic weather fluctuations on the transport of water masses in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean Sea, where the mean circulation is largely unknown and characterized by smaller scales and less intensity than in the open ocean, the interpretation of altimetric Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) is rather difficult. In the context of operational systems such as MFS (Mediterranean Forecasting System) or MERCATOR, that assimilate the altimetric information, the estimation of a realistic Mean Dynamic Topography (MDT) consistent with altimetric SLA to be used to reconstruct absolute sea level is a crucial issue. A method is developed here to estimate the required MDT combining oceanic observations as altimetric and in-situ measurements and outputs from an ocean general circulation model (OGCM).In a first step, the average over the 1993–1999 period of dynamic topography outputs from MFS OGCM provides a first guess for the computation of the MDT. Then, in a second step, drifting buoy velocities and altimetric data are combined using a synthetic method to obtain local estimates of the mean geostrophic circulation which are then used to improve the first guess through an inverse technique and map the MDT field (hereafter the Synthetic Mean Dynamic Topography or SMDT) on a 1/8° resolution grid.Many interesting current patterns and cyclonic/anticyclonic structures are visible on the SMDT obtained. The main Mediterranean coastal currents are well marked (as the Algerian Current or the Liguro–Provenço–Catalan Current). East of the Sicily channel, the Atlantic Ionian Stream divides into several main branches crossing the Ionian Sea at various latitudes before joining at 19°E into a unique Mid-Mediterranean Jet. Also, strong signatures of the main Mediterranean eddies are obtained (as for instance the Alboran gyre, the Pelops, Ierapetra, Mersa-Matruh or Shikmona anticyclones and the Cretan, Rhodes or West Cyprius cyclones). Independent in-situ measurements from Sea Campaigns NORBAL in the North Balearic Sea and the North Tyrrhenian Sea and SYMPLEX in the Sicily channel are used to validate locally the SMDT: deduced absolute altimetric dynamic topography compares well with in-situ observations. Finally, the SMDT is used to compute absolute altimetric maps in the Alboran Sea and the Algerian Current. The use of absolute altimetric signal allows to accurately follow the formation and propagation of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies in both areas.  相似文献   

The outflow of Rhine water into the shallow Southern Bight of the North Sea leads to almost discontinuous vertical density distributions and sharp frontal structures around the river mouth. Strong tidal motion, wind and baroclinic effects have large influence on the dynamics and dispersion of river water. A three-dimensional tidal model, including advective and diffusive transport of salinity, is used in the two-layer mode for simulation of Rhine water outflow to quantify the interaction of the different processes and the effect on dispersion and mixing of river water. Layer depths are adjusted in a way that no advective transports between upper and lower layer take place in case of sufficiently stable stratification. In case of weak or no stratification the upper layer depth is fixed, and advective transports between layers are computed. Model results show frontal eddy development and (limited) growing internal waves due to baroclinic instability. Comparisons with observational data are presented.  相似文献   

The North Aegean Sea constitutes an important region of the Mediterranean Sea since in its eastern part the mesotrophic, low salinity and relatively cold water from the Black Sea (outflowing from the Dardanelles strait) meets the oligotrophic, warm and very saline water of Levantine origin, thus forming a thermohaline front. Mesozooplankton samples were collected at discrete layers according to the hydrology of the upper 100 m, during May 1997 and September 1998. In May highest biomass and abundance values (up to 66.82 mg m− 3 and 14,157 ind m− 3) were detected in the 10–20 m layer (within the halocline) of the stations positioned close to the Dardanelles strait. The front moved slightly southwards in September, characterized by high biomass and abundance values within the halocline layer. The areas moderately or non influenced by Black Sea water revealed lower standing stock values than the frontal area in both cruises and maxima were detected in the uppermost low salinity layer. Samples collected at the stations and/or layers more influenced by Black Sea water were distinguished from those collected at layers and/or stations more affected by Levantine waters in both periods. In May the former samples were characterized by the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages typicus, Paracalanus parvus. The abundance of the above species decreased gradually with increasing salinity, in the horizontal and/or in the vertical dimension, with a parallel increase of the copepods Oithona plumifera, Oithona copepodites, Oncaea media, Ctenocalanus vanus, Farranula rostrata. During September the frontal area as well as that covered by the modified Black Sea water, were highly dominated by the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and doliolids. For both seasons, MDS plots, issued from the combination of mesozooplankton and water-type data, revealed the gradual differentiation of zooplankton composition from the frontal area towards the area covered by Levantine water, following the spreading and mixing of the Black sea water. The observed temporal and spatial variability in the distribution pattern of mesozooplankton standing stock and species composition seems to depend considerably on the variability of circulation and frontal flows.  相似文献   

A multilevel model was applied to the calculation of permanent current and density variation in Tokyo Bay, and the change of the state of stratification and the accompanying current field was simulated. In the numerical simulation, the observed field data such as wind conditions and atmospheric temperature were used as input to the calculation, and the results were compared with the observed values of currents, salinity, and sea temperature. Comparison of simulation results and observed data revealed that the numerical simulation could describe well the current and density field governed by wind under stratified conditions. In particular, the long-term variations of the vertical structure of salinity and temperature from summer to autumn could be predicted qualitatively, as could the long-term variations of the vertical structure of salinity and temperature from summer to autumn. Additionally, the effects of boundary conditions on the results of numerical simulations were examined. As a result, it was clarified that the simulation results of salinity stratification were strongly affected by the boundary conditions such as river discharge and the vertical structure of salinity at the open boundary adjacent to the outer ocean.  相似文献   

A simulation of the movement of spilled oil after the incident of the Russian tanker Nakhodka in the Sea of Japan, in January 1997, was performed by a particle tracking model incorporating advection by currents, random diffusion, the buoyancy effect, the parameterization of oil evaporation, biodegradation, and beaching. The currents advecting spilled oil were defined by surface wind drift superposed on the three-dimensional ocean currents obtained by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory modular ocean model (GFDL MOM), which was forced by the climatological monthly mean meteorological data, or by the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) daily meteorological data, and assimilated sea surface topography detected by satellite altimeter. A number of experiments with different parameters and situations showed that the wide geographical spread of oil observed is not explained by wind drift alone, and that including the simulated climatological currents gives better results. The combination of surface wind drift and daily ocean currents shows the best agreement between the model and observations except in some coastal areas. The daily meteorological effect on the ocean circulation model results in a stronger variability of currents that closely simulates some features of the nonlinear large-scale horizontal turbulent diffusion of oil. The effect of different parameterizations for the size distribution of model oil particles is discussed. Received for publication on July 26, 1999; accepted on Nov. 17, 1999  相似文献   

There is an increasing number of ecological models for the North Sea around. Skogen and Moll (2000) [Skogen, M.D., Moll, A. 2000. Interannual variability of the North Sea primary production: comparison from two model studies. Continental Shelf Research 20 (2), 129–151] compared the interannual variability of the North Sea primary production using two state-of-the-art ecological models, NORWECOM and ECOHAM1. Their conclusion was that the two models agreed on an annual mean primary production, its variability and the timing and size of the peak production. On the other hand, there was a low (even negative dependent of area) correlation in the production in different years between the two models.In the present work, these conclusions are brought further. To try to better understand the observed differences between the two models, the two ecological models are run in an identical physical setting. With such a set-up also the interannual variability between the two models is in agreement, and it is concluded that the single most important factor for a reliable modeling of phytoplankton and nutrient distributions and transports within the North Sea is a proper physical model.  相似文献   

吴海忠 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):128-131
介绍了2006年4月英国北海南部区域Catter气田安装的世界上第一座靠风能和太阳能提供能量的创新型、环保型和节约型采油平台Monotower的结构型式、组成部分、特点和优点及应用现状,并结合目前国内海上边际油气田的开发现状、边际油气田开发技术创新前景、国际油价变化和能源的安全、有效供给、新能源的开发和利用、环境污染和气候变化等方面,对Monotower平台在边际油气田开发中的应用前景作了探讨。  相似文献   

Estimating salinity to complement observed temperature: 1. Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper and its companion [Thacker, W.C., Sindlinger, L., 2007-this issue. Estimating salinity to complement observed temperature: 2. Northwestern Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.06.007.] document initial efforts in a project with the goal of developing capability for estimating salinity on a region-by-region basis for the world oceans. The primary motivation for this project is to provide information for correcting salinity, and thus density, when assimilating expendable-bathythermograph (XBT) data into numerical simulations of oceanic circulation, while a secondary motivation is to provide information for calibrating salinity from autonomous profiling floats. Empirical relationships between salinity and temperature, which can be identified from archived conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) data, provide the basis for the salinity estimates.The Gulf of Mexico was chosen as the first region to explore for several reasons: (1) It's geographical separation from the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean makes it a “small ocean” characterised by a deep central basin surrounded by a substantial continental shelf. (2) The archives contain a relatively large number of CTD data that can be used to establish empirical relationships. (3) The sharp fronts associated with the Loop Current and its rings, which separate water with different thermal and haline characteristics, pose a challenge for estimating salinity. In spite of the shelf and the fronts, the relationship between salinity and temperature was found to be sufficiently regular that a single empirical model could be used to estimate salinity on each pressure surface for the entire Gulf for all seasons. In and below the thermocline, root-mean-square estimation errors are small — less than 0.02 psu for pressures greater than 400 dbar, corresponding to potential density errors of less than 0.015 kg/m3. Errors for estimates nearer to the surface can be an order of magnitude larger.  相似文献   

The characteristics and interannual variability of the deep water masses in the North and Central Aegean Sea are being investigated through the data sets of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) and the MEDATLAS 1997 project. In the period between 1987 and 1993, the densest deep water in the Mediterranean has been produced in the Aegean Sea (with σθ densities reaching up to 29.6 kg/m3), contributing to what has been called the Eastern Mediterranean Transient. The examination of time series of mean integrated values of θ, S and σθ below the depth of 500 dbar reveals the significant deep water density increase after 1987 in all of the deep basins in the area. Data suggest that the density increase of 1987–1988 is mainly attributed to a temperature drop, while in 1993, an even more intense density increase is observed, characterized this time by an abrupt salinity increase. We assume that the increased salinity necessary to produce deep water masses with the observed characteristics was not locally produced but rather advected from the Levantine through the South Aegean. After 1993, no new deep water formation episodes have been observed. A series of ΘS diagrams derived from HNHS CTD casts covering the period between 1993 and 2000, depict the different characteristics of the deep water masses in the area. As 1993 marks the end of the formation period, observed differences between basins in that year must be attributed to different deep water formation sites. Thereafter, the stagnating deep water in the North and Central Aegean basins has been slowly gaining buoyancy by losing salt and gaining heat. The rate at which this phenomenon takes place varies between different deep basins. It is suggested that these variations are linked to the different volumes of each basin as well as to the general circulation features of the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

Data from two cruises, one in April/May 1996 and one in December/January 1993, covering the same wide area in the offshore Weddell Sea, were used to derive the annual extent of entrainment and the capacity of the biological pump. The former property was obtained with the help of dissolved oxygen data, whereas the latter was approximated with nutrients. Especially the data from April/May, representing the initial state of the winter surface layer, were crucial to assess the annual extent of these processes. The results were applied to our carbon dioxide data. The annual increase of the Total CO2 (TCO2) concentration in the surface layer due to vertical transport amounts to 16.3 μmol kg−1. An entrainment rate of deep water in the surface layer amounting to 35±10 m yr−1 was deduced. The compensating, biologically mediated TCO2 reduction was calculated to be larger than the TCO2 increase due to vertical transport. Since the balance of these two processes determines whether the Weddell Sea is a source or a sink of CO2, this indicates that the Weddell Sea, albeit upwelling area, is definitely a sink for atmospheric CO2 on an annual basis. This conclusion is further supported by contemplations that the biological drawdown of CO2 in the Weddell Sea as a whole is probably underestimated by our calculations. The new production for the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis was found to be much higher than that for the Antarctic Ocean, when the latter value is being obtained by traditional biological methods. On the other hand, the CO2 uptake by the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis is somewhat smaller than the CO2 uptake by the world ocean.  相似文献   

The residual circulation of the Ría de Muros, a large coastal embayment in NW Spain, are studied using a three-dimensional baroclinic finite-difference model. The driving forces considered by the model include the tide, winds, river inflows and density forcing at the open boundary. In situ data of current velocity and direction, water level, wind velocity and direction, river discharge, and temperature and salinity are used for model validation. Simulated and observed time series of water level and current velocity are in good agreement. Once validated, the model is applied to compute the residual circulation induced by the relevant agents of the ría hydrodynamics—the tide, an upwelling-favourable wind characteristic of spring and summer, a downwelling-favourable wind typical of winter, and freshwater inflows associated with high river runoff. The resulting residual circulation differ notably. The tide does not generate significant residual flows except in the inner ría. By contrast, winds and river discharges induce important residual flows throughout; in the middle and outer ría they generate a 3D residual circulation pattern which renders the conventional two-layer scheme of estuarine circulation too simplistic in this case. Thus, this first application of a 3D numerical model to the Ría de Muros sheds new light on its fundamental hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

The Caspian Sea has a unique ecosystem that consists of endemic species. The deterioration of the unique ecosystem has become increasingly worrisome since a wide variety of pollutants have been released into the water. Water circulation plays a key role in advection and diffusion of these pollutants. In the present study, water circulation and thermohaline structures in the Caspian Sea were analyzed by means of a three dimensional numerical simulation. The effects of meteorological changes, river inflow, and an icing event were taken into account as boundary conditions. Numerical simulation was carried out for 20 years to achieve stable seasonal variations in model variables. As a result, the horizontal distributions of water temperature and salinity could be reproduced; the gradient of water temperature in the north–south direction, the decrease in water temperature along the east coast of the middle Caspian Sea due to coastal upwelling, and low salinity in the northern Caspian Sea. The icing event kept the water temperature in the northern Caspian Sea from decreasing to an unrealistic value. The observed cyclonic gyres were basically formed by the density-driven current due to thermohaline structure.  相似文献   

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