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依托广西交通科学研究院组建的广西桥梁监测及加固工程技术研究中心,于2009年7月经广西科学技术厅批准成立。中心集"大型桥梁结构试验研究(应用基础)-桥梁检测及加固设计(工程化)-技术输出(产业化)"于一体,是广西目前最先进的桥梁监测及加固的科研开发平台。中心的研究方向主要是桥梁健康诊断及健康状况实时监测技术、桥梁维修加固新技术和桥梁安全营运状态的检测评估。  相似文献   

广西桥梁监测及加固工程技术研究中心(以下简称工程中心)于2009年经广西科学技术厅批准,依托广西交通科学研究院组建。工程中心集"大型桥梁结构试验研究(应用基础)-桥梁检测加固及健康监测(工程化)-技术输出(产业化)"为一体,是广西目前最先进的桥梁监测及加固科研开发平台。工程中心的研究方向主要是桥梁安全检测评估和健康监测技术、桥梁维修加固新技术新材料研究。  相似文献   

交通荷载模型的建立是高速公路桥梁交通荷载分析评价系统研究的基础,只有获得各桥梁实际的交通荷载模型以及预测其将来一定时间内的交通荷载发展趋势.才能对桥梁性能进行较为客观全面的评估,进而实施有针对性的加固、养护措施,因此它对高速公路桥梁管理有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

广西桥梁监测及加固工程技术研究中心(以下简称工程中心)于2009年经广西科学技术厅批准,依托广西交通科学研究院组建。工程中心集“大型桥梁结构试验研究(应用基础)一桥梁检测加固及健康监测(工程化)一技术输出(产业化)”为一体,是广西目前最先进的桥梁监测及加固科研开发平台。工程中心的研究方向主要是桥梁安全检测评估和健康监测技术、桥梁维修加固新技术新材料研究。  相似文献   

依托广西交通科学研究院组建的广西桥梁监测及加固工程技术研究中心(以下简称工程中心),于2009年经自治区科学技术厅批准组建。工程中心集“大型桥梁结构试验研究(应用基础)一桥梁检测及加固设计(工程化)一技术输出(产业化)”为一体,是广西目前最先进的桥梁监测及加固科研开发平台,主要从事桥梁快速检测评定技术、桥梁结构实时监测技术、桥梁结构病害诊治和维修加固新技术新材料的研究。  相似文献   

为解决桥梁承载能力不足引起的桥梁结构安全问题,保证交通通行稳定性,以锚喷混凝土加固技术开展分析,结合桥梁加固工程实例,提出试验荷载分析及工况分析方法,同时对锚喷混凝土加固工序施工方法进行分析。研究发现,锚喷混凝土加固技术的合理应用,使该桥梁主拱圈的锚喷厚度得到增加,整体结构稳定得到保障。  相似文献   

针对在软土地层中城市轨道交通区间隧道穿越桥梁桩基的工程难题,提出了以箱代桥、对桥梁进行加固托换的设计思路,详细介绍了上海轨道交通10号线穿越沙泾港桥所采取桥梁加固托换的全过程。以供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

为提高公路桥梁隧道工程的施工质量,促进交通事业的可持续发展,探讨灌浆法加固技术的概念,分析公路桥梁隧道工程的施工难点,并提出灌浆法加固技术在公路桥梁隧道工程施工中的有效应用方法,为相关人员提供帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,随着桥梁建设事业的飞速发展,桥梁结构的使用荷载日益增大,大批既有桥梁结构也进入了老化期,桥梁检测与加固由此越发显得重要。 多年来,西部交通建设科技项目管理中心进行了大量桥梁检测评定与加固技术的研究,所取得的系列成果及积累的经验表明:公路旧桥检测评定与加固技术的研究及推广不仅对规范公路旧桥加固改造市场、提升旧桥加固技术水平和质量品质是十分必要的,而且具有可观的经济效益和社会效应。本篇针对西部地区在桥梁检测与加固技术研究方面取得的部分成果进行介绍,以期推广应用。  相似文献   

文章以云南某箱型拱桥为工程实例,分析了该桥受重交通荷载影响而出现的裂缝、板块断裂、铺装层推移及桥梁拱轴线下挠等病害类型及其成因,提出了更换原上部结构T型梁、封闭环套加固技术等分布加固维修方案,并对加固后的桥梁结构进行力学验算,结果表明:加固后主拱圈各控制截面安全富裕量显著增加,桥梁承载能力得到大幅度提高。  相似文献   

文章根据我国的交通安全现状,提出了基于年公里事故数、百万车年公里事故率、年公里死亡数及百万车年公里死亡率四项评价指标的综合安全度指数定量化评价方法,为高速公路安全水平的改善提供科学依据。  相似文献   

文章基于现今城市干道平面交叉口交通流量密集的状况,分析讨论影响平面交叉口安全管理的因素,提出了交叉口安全管理方法和一些改进措施,为提高城市道路交叉口的交通安全管理提供依据。  相似文献   

This article discusses the current views on the application of road safety audits (RSAs) as a tool for the improvement of road safety and proposes a new method of study for detailed evaluation of some features that can influence their effectiveness. This is demonstrated in the practical setting of RSAs applied to existing road reviews or inspections. Starting from a review of published sources on RSAs in different countries, a set of questions has been identified and a case study undertaken on the impact of alternative RSA procedures on its overall effectiveness. RSA effectiveness is measured both as agreement with a safety expert assessment and to an accident-based study. The main features analyzed in the case study include the type of observer used for data collection and the type of checklist used as a guide to field work. Based on an exploratory study, the performance of RSA application is evaluated using weighted indices of concordance and disagreement, and the rating of detection or omission for the observations gathered in the accident diagnosis of the safety problems at the intersection studied, supplemented by a statistical analysis of the influence of selected covariates on these scores. The main results of the case study can be summarized as clear support to team work for field observation and also to employing less-experienced personnel for field observation. The study also stresses the need for procedures/criteria for priority setting. These conclusions are useful for the selection of alternative RSA procedures in agencies responsible for promoting or enforcing RSA and in professional teams carrying out RSA tasks. Several features deserving further study are also identified.  相似文献   

频繁发生的客车坠桥事故造成了重大的人员伤亡和财产损失,提高桥梁运营安全水平工作十分迫切。文章在对重庆市桥梁交通安全状况调查的基础上,分析了桥梁路段在设计、管理、交通运行等方面存在的问题,提出从桥头视距、道路养护、警示设施设置、中央分隔带设置等方面进行综合整治的安全改善措施,为桥梁的安全设计与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s, the effectiveness of road safety measures in Hong Kong has been weakening. Six administrations in Australia, California, Great Britain (GB), Japan, New Zealand and Sweden are selected to help review the road safety activities in Hong Kong. Nine main components of the road safety strategy, including vision, objectives, targets, action plan, evaluation and monitoring, research and development, quantitative modeling, institutional framework and funding are summarized from the road safety strategies of these overseas administrations and compared to that of Hong Kong. It is found that Hong Kong's road safety activities have to be restructured to make significant improvement. In the future, a new approach structured by the nine different road safety components is recommended. The lessons learnt can be generalized to smooth the progress of other administrations at the Intermediate Stage towards the Advanced Stage of road safety development by using the short-, medium- and long-term approaches.  相似文献   

Road segmentation is one of the most important steps in identification of high accident-proneness segments of a road. Based on the ratio of the Potential to Safety Improvement (PSI) along the road, the objective of the paper is to propose a novel dynamic road segmentation model. According to the fundamental model assumption, the determined segments must have the same pattern of PSI. Experimental results obtained from implementation of the proposed method took four Performance Measures (PMs) into consideration; namely, Crash Frequency, Crash Rate, Equivalent Property Damage Only, and Expected Average Crash Frequency with Empirical Bayes adjustment into the accident data obtained from Highway 37 located between two cities in Iran. Results indicated the low sensitivity of the method to PMs. In comparison with the real high accident-proneness segments, identified High Crash Road Segments (HCRS) obtained from the model, demonstrated the potential of the method to recognize the position and length of high accident-proneness segments accurately. Based on the road repair and maintenance costs limitation index for safety improvement, in an attempt to compare the proposed method of road segmentation with conventional ones, results demonstrated the efficient performance of the proposed method. So as to identify 20 percent HCRS located on a read, the proposed method showed an improvement of 38 and 57 percent in comparison with the best and worst outcomes derived from conventional road segmentation methods.  相似文献   

非灯控交叉口是交通流中的节点,对非灯控交叉口的交通安全状况进行评价具有导向性意义。文章针对交叉口管控存在的问题,提出了交通安全状况评价原则和主要方法,阐述了非灯控交叉口交通安全的影响因素,并通过对沈阳市刘家窑十字交叉口进行交通安全状况评价,提出了具体的交叉口交通安全改善措施,以提高非灯控交叉口的交通安全性。  相似文献   

Under the Connected Vehicle environment where vehicles and road-side infrastructure can communicate wirelessly, the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can be adopted as an actuator for achieving traffic safety and mobility optimization at highway facilities. In this regard, the traffic management centers need to identify the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set that leads to the optimization of the traffic safety and mobility performance, and broadcast the optimal parameter set wirelessly to individual ADAS-equipped vehicles. Once the ADAS-equipped drivers implement the optimal parameter set, they become active agents that work cooperatively to prevent traffic conflicts, and suppress the development of traffic oscillations into heavy traffic jams. Measuring systematic effectiveness of this traffic management requires am analytic capability to capture the quantified impact of the ADAS on individual drivers’ behaviors and the aggregated traffic safety and mobility improvement due to such an impact. To this end, this research proposes a synthetic methodology that incorporates the ADAS-affected driving behavior modeling and state-of-the-art microscopic traffic flow modeling into a virtually simulated environment. Building on such an environment, the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set is identified through a multi-objective optimization approach that uses the Genetic Algorithm. The developed methodology is tested at a freeway facility under low, medium and high ADAS market penetration rate scenarios. The case study reveals that fine-tuning the ADAS algorithm parameter can significantly improve the throughput and reduce the traffic delay and conflicts at the study site in the medium and high penetration scenarios. In these scenarios, the ADAS algorithm parameter optimization is necessary. Otherwise the ADAS will intensify the behavior heterogeneity among drivers, resulting in little traffic safety improvement and negative mobility impact. In the high penetration rate scenario, the identified optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set can be used to support different control objectives (e.g., safety improvement has priority vs. mobility improvement has priority).  相似文献   

道路系统中诸因素共同作用决定了系统的交通安全发展态势。如何在众多因素中寻找主要致因,是进行道路安全改善时所必须面对的问题。考虑到数据获取贫信息的特点,采用灰色关联分析,不但可以提高现有数据的利用率,而且弥补常用数理统计方法作系统分析所导致的缺憾。实例分析表明:采用此方法所得到的主要道路影响因素和交通安全之间的关联度大小与实地踏查结果相吻合,结果说明灰色关联度可以简单而高效地进行系统因素辨析。  相似文献   

随着我国海上风电工程的大量建成,其安全监测成为研究焦点,尤其在极端天气条件下应力状态的监测,对保障风电工程的安全性和可靠性至关重要。本文总结分析了台风"尼伯特"作用下福建莆田平海湾50 MW海上风电场1#机位的钢管桩应力监测、承台应力应变监测和倾斜监测,为海上风电工程的安全监测提供必要的经验数据,同时为其进一步优化改进提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

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