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正十月金秋本是收获的季节,但对道路客运业而言,已提前迎来了失望之冬。在整个行业弥漫着绝望和悲叹的情形之下,客运站的小件快运业务因其直达、及时、成本低的特性,迅速成为企业新的利润增长点,不少客运企业还成立了专门的小件快运营业部。在各种专业快递迅速发展的背景之下,道路客运企业的小件快运业务为什么还有市场?有业内人士分析,客运公司做快件业务有很大优  相似文献   

我国小件快运业务的发展一直处于较为混乱的状态,政策不清、规范缺失、协作不力等现象一直都是困扰小件快运发展的重要因素。同时,逐步崛起的快递、物流企业瓜分了小件快运部分市场,加上民众对货物运送的服务质量等提出了更高的要求,小件快运"散、小、弱"的问题逐渐显露。《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》明确提出了要鼓励和大力发展现代物流业,特别是交通运输部制定的"十二五"规划中,提出了支持运输企业向物流企业转型的方针政策,为小件快运企业的发展带来机遇,指明了方向。2006年,宜昌交运的客运快件业务正式运营,其波折的十年发展路,或可为困惑中的同行业者擎起明灯。  相似文献   

小件快运业务需要多个经营主体的协作,客运站、客运公司、代理公司和其它运输方式都应视作协作伙伴,这些经营主体可以构成一个快件运输网络.  相似文献   

在道路运输行业,小件快运并不是个新鲜词,它是道路客运市场开辟出的一条新路径.虽然缺乏统一完善的标准和规范,缺乏国家政策的明确支持,但各地客运企业和小件快运业务的发展依然热火朝天.  相似文献   

小件快运经过多年的发展,已经成为公路客运一个新的经济增长点,越来越多的公路客运企业和汽车客运站加入到经营小件快运的行列,小件快运也逐渐由单个企业的独立运营发展到多个企业联合的网络化运营。对中转运输中多条运输线路进行分析,得到最短运输时间线路,从而提高运输效率。  相似文献   

最近几年,大部分道路客运企业已经认识到了小件快运业务所蕴含的巨大利润空间,纷纷开展了小件快运业务,让小件快运的业务量持续上升。  相似文献   

正"独特的资源及运输优势让小件快运得以发展,但随着目前行业面临内外部的诸多挑战,小件快运市场份额逐渐萎缩,其发展已遭遇严重困境,何解?"小件快运是指依靠客运车辆行李舱来完成小件货物托运的物流服务,起源于上世纪五、六十年代的行包托运业务。该业务长期以来作为客运车站的一项辅助服务,规模小、功能单一。  相似文献   

小件快运是客运企业摆脱困境的希望。早在“非典”时期,湖北公路客运集团新华路客运站(目前已经搬迁)就尝到了搞物流业的甜头。  相似文献   

近年来,为改善农村群众出行条件,国家出台了关于农村客运站建设的资金扶持政策。农村客运站如雨后春笋般出现在全国各个乡镇。而在切实改善了农民出行环境的同时,很多地方出现了新建的客运站闲置或改做它用的情况。本文就农村客运站建设和管理中遇到的问题进行分析,并提出几点改进措施和建议。  相似文献   

赵公口小件快运走过的这些年,从无到有,目前年均营业额500余万。从北京祥龙赵公口客运站副站长张秀生开怀的笑声与爽朗的话语中,我们不难觉出他们这些年的努力得到了回报。  相似文献   

Singapore has a sophisticated and efficient system of land transport to serve a growing demand for transportation. Constrained by limited space, a comprehensive set of land transport policies has been in place to balance the growth in transport demand and the effectiveness and efficiency of the land transport system. A multi-pronged approach has been used to achieve the objective of a world-class transportation system. These include integration of urban and transport planning, expansion of the road network and improvement of the transport infrastructure, harnessing the latest technology in network and traffic management, managing vehicle ownership and usage, and improvement and regulations of public transport (Ministry of Transport (MOT) (2003) Policy and Regulations, Land Transport, Available: www.mot.gov.sg, Date of Access: 15 September 2003). Singapore was the first country in the world to introduce various new techniques, notably the Area License Scheme (ALS) in 1975 and the Vehicle Quota System (VQS) in 1990. An Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system replaced the ALS in 1998 to take the role of congestion management, the experience of which has also drawn particular attention from many large cities in the world. In 2003, the world’s first and only fully automatic heavy rail Mass Rapid Transit system was opened to the public, marking a new chapter in Singapore’s innovative approach to solving its land transport problem. This paper reviews the land transport policy implemented in Singapore and pays special emphasis to its public transportation systems.  相似文献   

、~口~一影像运输@陈和琦!本刊记者~~  相似文献   

铁路货物运输资源属于国家公共资源,铁路货物运输资源的整合优化能产生巨大的社会效益。本文通过分析铁路运输资源整合优化,探究提高铁路货物运输的综合能力的策略,同时在铁路货物运输中,石油资源运输的特点,探究铁路石油运输对铁路货物运输的影响,从而达到资源的最优化运用。  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to Warsaw, a city burnt to the ground during World War II and reconstructed from its ruins. This allowed the post‐war designers to change the road network and modernize the system of transport. This modernization, however, has turned out not to be far‐sighted enough: hence the present transport difficulties.

Compared with Western European cities car traffic is less intensive and smoother. The high density of places of work in the central district and of inhabitants in residential districts has resulted in a shortage of parking places. Most people use public transport comprising buses, trams and railways; trolley buses and taxis are less used. Buses are the most frequently used transport within the city; railways play a similar role in the city‐suburban zone connections. The first underground line is under construction.

The immense amount of daily travel is generated mainly by the inappropriate distribution of residences, places of work and services, and secondly by the low fares on public transport, which is subsidized by the state and works more as a social service than as a branch of the economy.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the provision of public transport in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area and the proposals for its future development. A vitally distinguishing characteristic of public transport in Cape Town and other South African cities is the fractured market with great discrepancies between different segments. These range from those with high incomes and preferences similar to those found in typically First World countries to a great majority living at or below minimum poverty levels with virtually no choices and a very different set of needs and preferences. Although scope for improving service levels and satisfying user needs is unlimited, in South Africa resources for transport are facing severe competition from other macrolevel social and economic imperatives, such as combating crime and addressing discrepancies in health and education needs. This situation represents a huge challenge to those responsible for planning and developing public transport strategies. Evidence is presented that current public transport services are unsustainable in terms of increasing subsidy requirements while also not effectively meeting user needs. Proposals to restructure the public transport system and to use Stated Preference techniques to identify user needs are put forward. Given the fractured market for public transport in metropolitan Cape Town, Stated Preference techniques will require innovative adaptations and different approaches to those most commonly applied elsewhere in the world and this paper provides some broad guidelines.  相似文献   

道路危险货物运输事故层出不穷,仅2009年11月-12月间,在湖北一省就接连发生了4起道路危险品运输严重事故。  相似文献   

This paper gives a review of the historical and geographical preconditions as well as of the population and economic development which led to the unique and complex transport systems of Tokyo. Tokyo Metropolis, one of the most populous cities in the world, is located in the National Capital Region of Japan where 32 million people are living today. The special transport problems deriving from this high population density are described in context with the development of employment, transport infrastructure and motorization. Due consideration is given to the influence exerted by the structure of the whole region on the overall traffic behaviour.

Several transport phenomena and problem solutions which are typical of the traffic systems in Tokyo are described, such as the change of rush hour congestion rates depending on subway extension, modal split for different trip purposes in the inner urban area, or information via local radio broadcasts with very short range of transmission.

The main current transport issues are discussed. Though the transport networks in Tokyo are some of the most developed in the world, there is still heavy congestion in rush hours. The basic policy therefore is the further strengthening and improvement of the public transport network.  相似文献   

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