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引言近年来,在国家节能减排和"十城千辆"试点政策的推动下,客车整车厂、零部件厂等通过引进国内外先进技术在新能源汽车方面大幅提高自身实力,我国客车新能源技术也已基本达到或接近国际水平。新能源客车主要包括混合动力客车、纯电动客车和燃料电池  相似文献   

FAW-TMHTM强混合动力系统平台开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第一汽车集团公司双电机混合动力系统(FAW-TMHTM)由一款高效汽油发动机、AMT和两个永磁同步电机组成.该系统为强混合方案,可以实现混合动力系统的所有功能.在动力性能与原型车基本相当的基础上.可实现节油率40%左右.FAW-TMHTM系统已经成功地装备在红旗、奔腾B70、奔腾B50等车型上,是一套具有良好通用性的动力总成平台.  相似文献   

周泉 《汽车电器》2005,(3):56-59
继普瑞斯、大霸王混合动力车之后,2001年8月丰田公司开发出第3种混合动力车,即装用经济型混合动力系统(THS-M)的皇冠混合动力车,与普瑞斯、大霸王混合动力车相比,经济型混合动力车的最大特点是结构简单、价格低。其次引人注意的是每升燃油可行驶13km,与装用3缸机的罗伊尔车每升  相似文献   

许多汽车产品公司和研发单位都纷纷推出各自的新能源汽车动力系统,反映了当今世界新能源汽车动力系统的最新水平。  相似文献   

车用混合动力系统技术发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了车用混合动力系统的几种结构型式和基本原理;着重分析了柴油机等往复式内燃机与电动机构成的混合动力系统的工作过程、技术关键及应用问题,在此基础上提出了我国开发混合动力系统的一些思考。  相似文献   

简述了新能源汽车动力系统的计算机仿真试验、室内台架试验和室外道路实车试验等三种试验方法,并对其进行了分析比对。  相似文献   

陈静 《汽车与配件》2009,(52):70-72
艾里逊变速箱公司的双模式混合动力驱动系统已广泛应用于北美、欧洲和亚洲,其燃油耗和尾气排放均比普通城市公交车、铰接车的动力驱动系统低,是一个有发展潜力的混合动力系统。  相似文献   

结合混合动力车工作原理,从动力系统、底盘、整车电子电器等方面,详细说明传统轿车改制成混合动力车所涉及到的整车技术。  相似文献   

本次车展宇通客车携第二届宇通杯参赛车型:专业校车、专业交通应急指挥车、混合动力公交等多款车型参展。其中,宇通自主研发的具有混合动力新技术特点的城市公交ZK6106PHEVG1,凭借其优良性能和人性化设计,成为节能与新能源客车的主流车型,在展会期间成功斩获"最佳新能源客车奖"。  相似文献   

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) utilize electric power and a mechanical engine for propulsion; therefore, the performance of HEVs is directly influenced by the characteristics of the energy storage system (ESS). The ESS for an HEV generally requires high power performance, long cycle life, reliability and cost effectiveness; thus, a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) that combines different types of storage devices has been considered to fulfill both performance and cost requirements. To improve the operating efficiency and cycle life of a HESS, an advanced dynamic control regime in which pertinent storage devices in the HESS can be selectively operated based on their status is presented. Verification tests were performed to confirm the degree of improvement in energy efficiency. In this paper, an advanced HESS with a battery management system (BMS) that includes an optimal switching control function based on the estimated state of charge (SOC) is presented and verified.  相似文献   

阐述了新能源汽车与混合动力汽车的分类,分析了混合动力在黄海新能源客车上的应用,指出深度混合混联式混合动力客车的节能效果有望取得更大提高。  相似文献   

我国新能源汽车的发展速度,取决于我们的发展模式,关键在于我们对两个问题的深层次的思考,即对待新能源汽车,一是我们怎么去想,二是怎们去做。  相似文献   

Most hybrid vehicles employ the continuously variable transmission (CVT or eCVT) currently as their choice of the transmissions. Recently, an automated geared transmission (AGT) or dual clutch transmission (DCT) is being tried for some hybrid vehicles for the better fuel economy than the CVT hybrid. However, this AGT or DCT is using automated clutches which require the hydraulic power in addition to the slippage in the clutch plate invoking some energy loss as well as wear. Also, they require a motor with significant power to match to the engine power. The clutchless geared smart transmission (CGST) has no clutch and the clutch function is performed by a planetary gear system controlled by a motor-generator. The hybrid vehicles proposed here using CGST may have some merits in durability, fuel efficiency, and cost since they do not have clutches. The motor used for the clutch function can be also working for power merge with the engine in propelling the vehicle. The proposed hybrid system can be either mild hybrid or full hybrid by adopting a different capacity of battery with much smaller motor-generator due to the planetary gear system compared to the other type hybrid vehicles. In this study, the prospects of newly proposed CGST hybrid system are examined in practical aspects compared with AGT hybrid or DCT hybrid systems.  相似文献   

通过对我国新能源汽车历史发展的回顾及现状总结,分析了新能源汽车发展面临机遇及难题。  相似文献   

分析了我国新能源汽车发展背景及相关政策,阐述了国内新能源客车发展现状及制约新能源客车发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

崔大山 《时代汽车》2010,(12):60-61
中国政府已经将新能源产业确定为政府重点促进的七大产业之一,而新能源汽车得到的关注更是前所未有,从每年数不清的关于新能源汽车的论坛可见一斑。时至年底,国务院发展研究中心和中国国际贸易促进会联合主办的中国国际新能源汽车发展高峰论坛于12月1日召开,作为首次由国家正部级单位主办的这次论坛,意欲成为压轴大戏。  相似文献   

针对纯电动客车,串联、并联、混联混合动力客车技术的现状,分析了新能源客车发展趋势,指出了新能源客车发展重点。  相似文献   

以新能源汽车发展现状和发展趋势为主线,详细介绍了当前各类新能源汽车的技术特点,并在此基础上系统地分析了未来新能源汽车的发展前景。最后,在权衡目前的技术状态和未来新技术的可行性后,分析了汽车工业发展的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper presents a calibration method of a rule-based energy management strategy designed for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, which aims to find the optimal set of control parameters to compromise within the conflicting calibration requirements (e.g. emissions and economy). A comprehensive evaluating indicator covering emissions and economy performance is constructed by the method of radar chart. Moreover, a radial basis functions (RBFs) neural network model is proposed to establish a precise model within the control parameters and the comprehensive evaluation indicator. The best set of control parameters under offline calibration is gained by the multi-island genetic algorithm. Finally, the offline calibration results are compared with the experimental results using a chassis dynamometer. The comparison results validate the effectiveness of the proposed offline calibrating approach, which is based on the radar chart method and the RBF neural network model on vehicle performance improvement and calibrating efficiency.  相似文献   

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