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In May and October 1994 the benthic habitats in Havstensfjord (26 km2), a seasonally oxygen stressed stratified fjord, were classified by taking sediment surface and sediment profile images (SPI) at 90 stations, randomized into nine strata. Qualitative grab samples for faunal inspection were taken at about of the stations in both May and October to help to identify objects in the images. The images give information on sediment characteristics (texture, oxic/anoxic conditions, lamination) which often can be related to functional properties of the macrofauna (burrows, tubes, feeding voids, reworked sediment) or to observations on benthic epifauna. In combination, such variables mirror the quality of the benthic habitat. Analysis of sediment profile images was done with multivariate methods [Benthic Habitat Quality (BHQ) index] and univariate statistical methods to describe differences between areas and depths. Variance analysis of BHQ indices indicated a significant interaction between area and depth. In both the northeast and northwest strata the oxygen stress had induced a habitat degradation at depths deeper than 25 m compared to shallower northwest and northeast strata and all south depth strata. No significant difference in mean BHQ index was found between May and October. We discuss the potential application of the SPI technique for efficient monitoring oxygen stressed marine coastal areas.  相似文献   

Changes in sediment quality, with special reference to benthic habitat conditions resulting from macroalgae overgrowth, were studied in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. Data were collected biweekly in spring and summer from 1993 to 1998 and from 2001 to 2002, as part of the macroalgae growth control strategies managed by the Venice Water Authority-Consorzio Venezia Nuova. Benthic habitat conditions were studied by means of Sediment Profile Imaging, which allowed the collection of several variables: aRPD (apparent redox potential discontinuity), prism penetration depth, presence of anoxia on the surface of the sediment, presence of reduced gas bubbles, stage of benthic colonization. All these variables led to the calculation of an environmental index (Organism–Sediment Index, OSI), which was then related to physical variables and macroalgae abundance. Until 1996, the overall benthic habitat of the Venice Lagoon showed almost stressed conditions; from 1997, the seaweed biomass rapidly declined and the OSI increased significantly. The OSI seemed to be affected by seaweed biomass, sediment compactness and water depth. Macroalgae biomass greater than 4.5 kg/m2 led to the complete disappearance of stage III of benthic colonization; values as low as 0.70 kg m2 already had a severe impact on recolonization. SPI attributes indicated the main mechanisms that could have contributed to the benthic quality: seaweed proliferation is often followed by rapid decay of macroalgae biomass, especially when present in large amounts. The decrease in seaweed biomass often results in oxygen depletion in the water column and thus in the sediment, preventing complete benthic colonization. This research confirms the importance of in situ rapid reconnaissance surveys to assess the impact of eutrophication on the benthic habitat.  相似文献   

Sandy sediments in shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea are often characterised by large numbers of biogenic structures which are produced by macrozoobenthos species. A series of experiments was devised to quantify how the interaction of such structures with the near-bed flow regime affects the sediment flux. Most experiments were done with simplified replicates of structures generated by typical species commonly found in the Mecklenburg Bight, starting with solitary structures and regularly-spaced arrays in a range of characteristic population densities, followed by a complex benthic macrofauna community, both artificial and alive. A laboratory flume channel, equipped with an acoustic Doppler flow sensor and a topography scanning laser, was used for high-resolution measurements (2 mm horizontal step size and 0.3 mm vertical resolution) of sand erosion (220 µm median grain size, at 20 cm s− 1) and fine particle deposition (8 µm grain size, at 5 cm s− 1). Sediment transport threshold values were measured for each layout. As a rule-of-thumb, both the erosion fluxes and the deposition of suspended matter increased considerably at low population densities (below 2%, expressed as percent of the sediment surface covered, i.e. roughness density RD). Above densities of 4%, erosion almost stopped inside the test arrays, and deposition remained well below the level of unpopulated areas. An attempt to extrapolate these findings to field conditions (using field current velocity data from 2001) showed that the net flux switched from erosion to deposition for densities above 5%. These parameters can now be integrated into a numerical sediment transport model coupling waves, currents, sediment dynamics and biological processes, which is currently under construction at the Baltic Sea Research Institute (IOW), Rostock, Germany.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to detect and describe general trends in the spatial distribution of epibenthic and demersal communities of Le Danois Bank (El Cachucho) in relation to the environmental variables that characterize their habitat by means of multivariate ordination. Data were derived from two multidisciplinary surveys carried out in October 2003 and April 2004 included in the ECOMARG project. The surveys were focused on the study of the physical scenario, including both geological (seabed characterization from bathymetry and backscatter data) and hydrographic features, and the different compartments of the benthic fauna (endobenthic, epibenthic, suprabenthic and demersal communities). For the present study, epibenthos and demersal species were sampled using two different gears, a 3.5 m beam trawl and a Porcupine 39/52 type baca otter trawl respectively. The total species richness combining both samplers ascended to 221, including 71 species of fishes, 65 crustaceans, 35 molluscs, 29 echinoderms, 10 cnidarians and 5 sponges.Multivariate methods were used for the study of the characteristics of communities and habitats. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to calculate and visualize similarities between samples in terms of species composition. To assess the amount of variation of faunal densities related to a set of eight environmental variables, a redundancy analysis (RDA) was used. The set of environmental variables used were: depth, near-bottom temperature and salinity, sedimentary typology (dry weight percentages of coarse sands, medium and fine sands, silt and organic matter) and seafloor reflectivity. Using the spatial distribution of the ranges of depth and seafloor reflectivity that characterize the habitats of the faunal assemblages we defined the spatial distribution of the different communities.The multivariate analysis of 18 beam-trawl samples and 15 otter trawl samples showed the existence of 4 main assemblages associated with the more characteristic habitats of the area. The CallogorgiaChimaera community live mainly in the areas at the top of the Bank (425–550 m depth), where the sediment coverage is lower and there exists a high presence of rocky outcrops. The GryphusGaleus community were found in the areas at the top of the Bank covered by medium and fine sand sediments with low organic matter content. The PhormosomaTrachyrincus community live on the sedimentary terraces that characterize the Bank break (550–800 m) and the PheronemaDeania community occupy all the deeper (800–1050 m) sedimentary grounds of the inner basin.  相似文献   

Ninety-two box cores collected during 2004–2006 from an area of ~ 3000 km2 off the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) River, SW Taiwan, were analyzed for fallout radionuclides (210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) to elucidate sedimentation rates and processes, and for the calculation of a sediment budget. The study area is located at an active collision margin with a narrow shelf and a submarine canyon extending essentially into the river's mouth. The results indicate fairly constant hemipelagic sedimentation in much of the open margin and for most of the time except in the inner shelf and along the axis of the canyon where sediment transport is more dynamic and is controlled by tidal current and wave activities constantly, and by fluvial floods or gravity-driven flows episodically. Sedimentation rates in the study area derived from 210Pb and constrained by 137Cs vary from 0.04 to 1.5 cm/yr, with the highest rates (> 1 cm/yr) flanking the Gaoping canyon over the upper slope (200–600 m) and the lowest rates (< 0.1 cm/yr) in the distal basin beyond the continental slope. The depocenter delineated from 210Pb-based sedimentation rates overlaps with the area covered by a flood layer resulting from super-typhoon Haitang in July 2005. Such correspondence supports the notion that the processes operating on event timescale have bearing on the formation of the sediment strata over centennial or longer timescales.From the distribution of sedimentation rates, sediment deposited in the study area annually is estimated to be 6.6 Mton/yr, accounting for less than 20% of Gaoping River's sediment load. The calculated budget, coupled with the presence of the short-lived 7Be and non-steady-state distribution of low levels of 210Pb in sediments along the canyon floor, suggests rapid transport of sediment from Gaoping River's mountainous watershed (the source) via the Gaoping (Kaoping) Submarine Canyon and adjacent channels (as the conduit and temporary sink) to the abyssal plain and the Manila Trench in the South China Sea (the ultimate sink).  相似文献   

Activities of the naturally occurring, short-lived and highly particle-reactive radionuclide tracer 234Th in the dissolved and particulate phase were measured at three shallow-water stations (maximum water depths: 15.6, 22.7 and 30.1 m) in Mecklenburg Bay (south-western Baltic Sea) to constrain the time scales of the dynamics and the depositional fate of particulate matter. Activities of particle-associated (> 0.4 μm) and total (particulate + dissolved) 234Th were in the range of 0.08–0.11 dpm L− 1 and 0.11–0.20 dpm L− 1, respectively. The activity ratio of total 234Th and its long-lived and conservative parent nuclide 238U was well below unity (range: 0.09–0.19) indicating substantial radioactive disequilibria throughout the water column, very dynamic trace-metal scavenging and particle export from the water column at all three stations. For the discussion the 234Th data of this study were combined with previously published water-column 234Th and particulate-matter data from Mecklenburg Bay (Kersten et al., 1998. Applied Geochemistry 13, 339–347). The resulting average vertical distribution of total 234Th/238U disequilibria was used to estimate the depositional 234Th flux to the sediment. There was a virtually constant net downward flux of 234Th of about 28 dpm m− 2 d− 1 leaving each water layer of one meter thickness. Thorium-234-derived net residence times of particulate material regarding settling from a given layer in the water column were typically on the order of days, but with maximum values of up to a couple of weeks. Based on an average ratio of particulate matter (PM) to particle-associated 234Th a net flux of about 145 mg PM m− 2 d− 1 was estimated to leave each water layer of one meter thickness. The estimated cumulative water-column-derived particulate-matter fluxes at the seafloor are higher by a factor of about 2 than previously published sediment-derived estimates for Mecklenburg Bay. This suggests that about half of the settling particulate material is exported from the study area and/or subject to processes such as mechanical breakdown, remineralisation and dissolution. Lateral particulate-matter redistribution and particle breakdown in the water column (as opposed to the sediment) seem to be favoured by (repeated) particle resuspension from and resettling to the seafloor before ultimate sedimentary burial. The importance of net lateral redistribution of particulate material seems to increase towards the seafloor and be particularly high within the bottommost few meters of the water column.  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) concentrations were measured in the water column, in sediment porewaters, and in atmospheric air, in the Ría de Vigo, NW Spain, during both the onset (April 2003) and at the end of (September 2004) seasonal upwelling. In addition, CH4 concentration and stable isotopic signatures (δ13CH4) were measured in porewaters, and sediment methanogenesis and aerobic oxidation of CH4 were determined in sediment incubations. Surface water column CH4 (2 m depth) was in the range 3–180 nmol l− 1 (110–8500% saturation) and followed a generally landward increase but with localised maxima in both the inner and middle Ría. These maxima were consistent with CH4 inputs from underlying porewaters in which CH4 concentrations were up to 3 orders of magnitude higher (maximum 350 μmol l− 1). Surface water CH4 concentrations were approximately three times higher in September than in April, consistent with a significant benthic CH4 flux driven by enhanced sediment methanogenesis following the summer productivity maximum. CH4 and δ13CH4 in sediment porewaters and in incubated sediment slurries (20 °C) revealed significant sediment CH4 oxidation, with an apparent isotopic fractionation factor (rc) of  1.004. Using turbulent diffusion models of air–sea exchange we estimate an annual emission of atmospheric CH4 from the Ría de Vigo of 18–44 × 106 g (1.1–2.7 × 106 mol). This estimate is approximately 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than a previous estimate based on a bubble transport model.  相似文献   

Inter-annual variability of hypoxic conditions in a shallow estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water quality data from two monitoring programs in the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) were analyzed for dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, temperature, and nutrient concentrations. Data were collected bi-weekly at 8 stations from 1997 to 2003 by East Carolina University and continuously at three stations from 1999 to 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Hypoxic conditions were observed mostly in the upper to middle estuary, but the frequency of hypoxic events varied between years. During June to October in 1997–1999 (referred to as the oxic summers) bottom water hypoxia (DO < 2 mg l− 1) was found in 8.7% of the observations. By contrast, during June to October in 2001–2003 (referred to as the hypoxic summers), 37.9% of the total measurements had DO concentrations less than 2 mg l− 1. The more frequent and/or prolonged hypoxic conditions during the hypoxic summers were closely associated with stronger salinity stratification and greater loadings of nutrient and particulate matter.Salinity stratification appeared to be governed by patterns of freshwater discharge, and frequency of wind mixing events. The “oxic” summers were characterized by continuous low freshwater inflow (except one extremely high flow event due to hurricanes), stronger northeastward wind, and more frequent wind mixing events. In contrast, the hypoxic summers were characterized by frequent moderate freshwater inflow events, and fewer wind mixing events.The greater loadings of nutrient (nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate) and particulate matter during the hypoxic summers were primarily due to higher river discharges. At the head of the PRE, no significant differences were found in concentrations of nutrient and particulate nitrogen between the oxic and the hypoxic summers. In addition, chlorophyll a concentrations were averaged above 30 μg l− 1 (maximum 167 μg l− 1) during the hypoxic summers, significantly higher than those during the oxic summers (averaged around 15 μg l− 1).  相似文献   

Physical disturbance by disposal of dredged materials in estuarine and coastal waters may result in burial of benthic fauna. Survival rates depend on a variety of factors including the type and amount of disposed materials and the lifestyle of the organisms. Laboratory burial experiments using six common macrobenthic invertebrates from a brackish habitat of the western Baltic Sea were performed to test the organisms' escape reaction to dredged material disposal. Experimental lab-results were then extrapolated to a field situation with corresponding bottom topography and covering layer thicknesses at experimental field disposal study sites. Resulted survival rates were then verified by comparison with results of an earlier field study at the same disposal sites.Our experimental design in the lab included the disposal of two types of dredged material (i.e. ‘till’ and ‘sand/till mixture’) and two covering layer depths (i.e. 10–20 cm and 14–40 cm). All three bivalves Arctica islandica (Linnaeus), Macoma balthica (Linnaeus), Mya arenaria (Linnaeus) and the polychaete Nephtys hombergii (Savigny) successfully burrowed to the surface of a 32–41 cm deposited sediment layer of till or sand/till mixture and restored contact with the overlying water. These high escape potentials could partly be explained by the heterogeneous texture of the till and sand/till mixture with ‘voids’. The polychaete Bylgides (Harmothoe) sarsi (Malmgren) successfully burrowed through a 16 cm covering layer whereas the polychaete Lagis koreni (Malmgren) showed almost no escaping reaction. No general differences in escape behaviour after burial were detected between our test species from the brackish habitat and those reported in the literature for the same species in marine environments. However, a size-dependence in mobility of motile polychaetes and M. arenaria was apparent within our study. In comparison to a thick coverage, thin covering layers (i.e. 15–16 cm and 20 cm) increased the chance of the organisms (N. hombergii and M. arenaria) to reach the sediment surface after burial. This was not observed for the other test species. While crawling upward to the new sediment surfaces burrowing velocities of up to 8 cm d− 1 were observed for the bivalves and up to 20 cm d− 1 for N. hombergii. Between 17 and 79% of the test organisms showed burrowing activity after experimental burial. The survival rate (defined as the ability to regained contact with the sediment surface) ranged from 0 to 33%, depending on species and on burial depth. The organisms reached the sediment surface by burrowing (polychaetes and bivalves) and/or by extending their siphons to the new sediment surface (bivalves). The extrapolation of laboratory survival rates to the two disposal sites was obtained based on the in situ thicknesses of the dredged spoil layers measured by multi-beam echo sounder. This resulted in total average survival rate estimates for the test species of 45 and 43% for the two disposal sites. The results obtained during the laboratory tests and the following extrapolation to the field were verified by the range of results from a previous field study, using grab sampling shortly before and after a disposal event in June 2001. The effect of dredged material disposal on the tested Baltic Sea benthic macrofauna was assessed by extrapolating the verified laboratory results to the field.  相似文献   

Sediment physical properties of the DYNAS study area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Physical properties of the deposits in the DYNAS study area, the Mecklenburg Bay, were investigated using sediment echosounders and laboratory analysis were carried out on undisturbed short sediment cores. Wet bulk densities of about 1.2 g/cm3 for mud and up to 1.9 g/cm3 for silty sand were found in surface sediments of the Mecklenburg Bay. Sediment density–depth functions were approximated by logarithmic regression functions at different depth intervals. Sediment consolidation was studied by both (i) consolidation tests of sediment samples and (ii) from the void ratio–overburden pressure relation in natural sediments. Low shear strength values of 9–71 Pa were measured at the mud surface. Downcore, a depth gradient of about 14.5 Pa/cm was calculated. Sediments with high silt and sand contents are characterized by shear strength values of up to 3000 Pa. Published formulas derived from erosion studies were used to calculate the critical shear stress using wet bulk density and shear strength. The obtained results demonstrate clearly, that there is still a wide gap in knowledge about the relationships between erosion parameters and sediment physical properties.  相似文献   

The Mackenzie River is the largest river on the North American side of the Arctic and its huge freshwater and sediment load impacts the Canadian Beaufort Shelf. Huge quantities of sediment and associated organic carbon are transported in the Mackenzie plume into the interior of the Arctic Ocean mainly during the freshet (May to September). Changing climate scenarios portend increased coastal erosion and resuspension that lead to altered river-shelf-slope particle budgets. We measured sedimentation rates, suspended particulate matter (SPM), particle size and settling rates during ice-free conditions in Kugmallit Bay (3–5 m depth). Additionally, measurements of erosion rate, critical shear stress, particle size distribution and resuspension threshold of bottom sediments were examined at four regionally contrasting sites (33–523 m depth) on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf using a new method for assessing sediment erosion. Wind induced resuspension was evidenced by a strong relationship between SPM and wind speed in Kugmallit Bay. Deployment of sediment traps showed decreasing sedimentation rates at sites along an inshore–offshore transect ranging from 5400 to 3700 g m− 2 day− 1. Particle settling rates and size distributions measured using a Perspex settling chamber showed strong relationships between equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and particle settling rates (r= 0.91). Mean settling rates were 0.72 cm s− 1 with corresponding ESD values of 0.9 mm. Undisturbed sediment cores were exposed to shear stress in an attempt to compare differences in sediment stability across the shelf during September to October 2003. Shear was generated by vertically oscillating a perforated disc at controlled frequencies corresponding to calibrated shear velocity using a piston grid erosion device. Critical (Type I) erosion thresholds (u) varied between 1.1 and 1.3 cm s− 1 with no obvious differences in location. Sediments at the deepest site Amundsen Gulf displayed the highest erosion rates (22–54 g m− 2 min− 1) with resuspended particle sizes ranging from 100 to 930 µm for all sites. There was no indication of biotic influence on sediment stability, although our cores did not display a fluff layer of unconsolidated sediment. Concurrent studies in the delta and shelf region suggest the importance of a nepheloid layer which transports suspended particles to the slope. Continuous cycles of resuspension, deposition, and horizontal advection may intensify with reduction of sea ice in this region. Our measurements coupled with studies of circulation and cross-shelf exchange allow parameterization and modeling of particle dynamics and carbon fluxes under various climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Turbulent overturning on scales greater than 10 m is observed near the bottom and in mid-depth layers within the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) Submarine Canyon (KPSC) in southern Taiwan. Bursts of strong turbulence coexist with bursts of strong sediment concentrations in mid-depth layers. The turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate in some turbulence bursts exceeds 10− 4 W kg− 1, and the eddy diffusivity exceeds 10− 1 m2 s− 1. Within the canyon, the depth averaged turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate is ~ 7 × 10− 6 W kg− 1, and the depth averaged eddy diffusivity is ~ 10− 2 m2 s− 1. These are more than two orders of magnitude greater than typical values in the open ocean, and are much larger than those found in the Monterey Canyon where the strong turbulent mixing has also been. The interaction of tidal currents with the complex topography in Gaoping Submarine Canyon is presumably responsible for the observed turbulent overturning via shear instability and the breaking of internal tides and internal waves at critical frequencies. Strong 1st-mode internal tides exist in KPSC. The depth averaged internal tidal energy near the canyon mouth is ~ 0.17 m2 s− 2. The depth integrated internal tidal energy flux at the mouth of the canyon is ~ 14 kW m− 1, propagating along the axis of the canyon toward the canyon head. The internal tidal energy flux in the canyon is 3–7 times greater than that found in Monterey Canyon, presumably due to the more than 10 times larger barotropic tide in the canyon. Simple energy budget calculations conclude that internal tides alone may provide energy sufficient to explain the turbulent mixing estimated within the canyon. Further experiments are needed in order to quantify the seasonal and geographical distributions of internal tides in Gaoping Submarine Canyon and their effects on the sediment flux in the canyon.  相似文献   

Two state-of-the-art techniques were used to assess the impact of organic loading from fish farming in two fjords of Southern Chile, Pillan and Reñihue Fjords. A sediment profile imaging (SPI) camera was deployed and sediment microprofiles (oxygen, H2S, redox and pH) were measured in undisturbed sediment cores collected using a HAPS corer. Four out of seven stations in Pillan Fjord were found to be severely disturbed: SPI images showed azoic conditions (no apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity layer, no evidence of aerobic life form, presence of an uneaten fish food layer, negative OSI scores). These findings were corroborated by very high oxygen consumption rates (700–1200 mmol m− 2 day− 1), H2S concentrations increasing quickly within the sediment column and redox potential decreasing towards negative values within a few mm down core. Results for Reñihue Fjord were not so straightforward. SPI images indicated that most of the stations (R3 to R7) presented well-mixed conditions (high apparent RPD layers, presence of infauna, burrows, etc.), but oxygen profiles yielded consumption rates of 230 to 490 mmol m− 2 day− 1 and organic carbon mineralization of 2.16 to 4.53 g C m− 2 day− 1. These latter values were close to the limit of aerobic degradation of organic matter although no visible changes were recorded within the sediment column. In view of our findings, the importance of integrating multidisciplinary methodologies in impact assessment studies was discussed.  相似文献   

The development of the bed bathymetry of an experimental dumping area was followed over three-and-a-half years by means of multibeam echosounder techniques. Two types of material were discharged in the bight of Mecklenburg in the Baltic Sea in approximately 20 m of water depth. One set of the discharges was 2900 m3 of glacial till and the other set was a 2400 m3 mixture of glacial till, sand and minor amounts of cohesive matter. Only approximately 2500 m3 (86%) of the glacial till and 1500 m3 (63%) of the mixed soil materials were deposited on the seabed. This means that already during the dumping process a considerable part of the sediment material drifted away. The glacial till formed crater-like rings of 30 m diameter with peaks up to 1.4 m above seabed, whereas the spatial structure of the mixed soil material was somewhat more diffuse, but with similar magnitudes in the peaks and troughs.The morphological changes were small and their quantification required a high measuring precision in the order of few cm in the vertical. The dominant processes of surface deformation was flattening of peaks and filling of troughs. The speed of this process decreased with horizontal scale: structures of less than 4 m horizontal extension had a trend to disappear within less than five years, whereas structures of larger than 8 m extension showed little change and are estimated to remain detectable for many decades. In contrast to the reworking of the matter inside the dumping structures, no net transport of material out of the dumping area could be detected. Extrapolating the observed morphological changes into the future it is estimated that without significant decrease in internal shear strength of the disposed till the structures will persist for at least 70 years. This can be attributed to the high internal stability of the dumped glacial till and the low hydrodynamic forces present at the seabed in this region.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic surveys are an expensive, slow and labour intensive means to establish the health of benthic communities. Sediment profile imagery (SPI) is a means of rapid reconnaissance for monitoring large areas of the benthos. SPI has often been used to monitor gross anthropogenic disturbance. The aim of this study is to determine if SPI can be used as a tool to reliably map change in communities along natural estuarine gradients. Macrobenthic sampling was carried out at five stations along an established estuarine gradient. This faunal data was analysed using standard multivariate techniques and to ground truth a concurrent SPI survey. Faunal analysis showed that habitat quality in Inner Galway Bay was generally good, with some localised disturbance from the River Corrib and the sewage out flow exterior to the city dock. Four distinct groups were identified with a degree of overlap occurring between stations 3 and 4. While existing SPI indices mapped habitat quality in the same manner as the faunal data for end member stations, the level of distinction between the habitats of an intermediate staging was found to be poor. This lack of distinction amongst the stage 2 and 3 stations was overcome by developing a tailored index, the Galway Bay index of habitat quality (GBHQ). This index was derived from the 5 observed variables in the SPI data that were determined to best match the faunal distribution by permutative mantel testing. The 5 observed variables from the SPI data were the depth of the apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD), the depth of penetration by the prism, and the presence/absence of infauna, surface faecal pellet layer and biogenic mounding. The GBHQ was able to distinguish between the 5 stations to a greater extent than previously described indices, showing clearly the separate groupings defined by the faunal data. The index was tested on a follow up SPI survey and shown to be applicable in mapping a broader range of habitats in Galway Bay. Indices generated for localised mapping of estuarine gradients should be derived from observed features and be ground truthed using faunal data. Some aspects of the GBHQ should be generally applicable to fine grained boreal estuarine sediments (aRPD/penetration), while others may be of limited utility in other locations depending on the digging characteristics of the particular SPI camera, and local factors influencing the persistence of biogenic features in the profile. This derivation technique provides a simple way to optimise SPI to particular studies and localities.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world coastal waters with anthropogenic eutrophication have experienced a gradual depletion of dissolved silica (DSi) stocks. This could put pressure on spring bloom diatom populations, e.g. by limiting the intensity of blooms or by causing shifts in species composition. In addition, eutrophication driven enhanced diatom growth is responsible for the redistribution of DSi from the water phase to the sediments, and changes in the growth conditions may be reflected in the sediment diatom stratigraphy.To test for changes in diatom communities we have analyzed four sediment cores from the Baltic Sea covering approximately the last 100 years. The sediment cores originate from the western Gulf of Finland, the Kattegat, the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Riga. Three out of the four cores reveal only minor changes in composition of diatom assemblages, while the Gulf of Riga core contains major changes, occurring after the second World War. This area is set apart from the other Baltic Sea basins by a high frequency of low after spring bloom DSi concentrations (< 2 µmol L− 1) during a relatively well defined time period from 1991–1998. In 1991 to 1993 a rapid decline of DSi spring concentrations and winter stocks (down to 5 µmol L− 1) in the Gulf was preceded by exceptionally intense diatom spring blooms dominated by the heavily silicified species Thalassiosira baltica (1991–1992; up to 5.5 mg ww L− 1). T. baltica has been the principal spring bloom diatom in the Gulf of Riga since records began in 1975. DSi consumption and biomass yield experiments with cultured T. baltica suggest that intense blooms can potentially exhaust the DSi stock of the water column and exceed the annual Si dissolution in the Gulf of Riga. The phytoplankton time series reveals another exceptional T. baltica bloom period in 1981–1983 (up to 8 mg L− 1), which, however, took place before the regular DSi measurements. These periods may be reflected in the conspicuous accumulation of T. baltica frustules in the sediment core corresponding to ca. 1975–1985.  相似文献   

Characteristic flow patterns generated by macrozoobenthic structures   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A laboratory flume channel, equipped with an acoustic Doppler flow sensor and a bottom scanning laser, was used for detailed, non-intrusive flow measurements (at 2 cm s− 1 and 10 cm s− 1) around solitary biogenic structures, combined with high-resolution mapping of the structure shape and position. The structures were replicates of typical macrozoobenthic species commonly found in the Mecklenburg Bight and with a presumed influence on both, the near-bed current regime and sediment transport dynamics: a worm tube, a snail shell, a mussel, a sand mound, a pit, and a cross-stream track furrow. The flow was considerably altered locally by the different protruding structures (worm tube, snail, mussel and mound). They reduced the horizontal approach velocity by 72% to 79% in the wake zone at about 1–2 cm height, and the flow was deflected around the structures with vertical and lateral velocities of up to 10% and 20% of the free-stream velocity respectively in a region adjacent to the structures. The resulting flow separation (at flow Reynolds number of about 4000 and 20,000 respectively) divided an outer deflection region from an inner region with characteristic vortices and the wake region. All protruding structures showed this general pattern, but also produced individual characteristics. Conversely, the depressions (track and pit) only had a weak influence on the local boundary layer flow, combined with a considerable flow reduction within their cavities (between 29% and 53% of the free-stream velocity). A longitudinal vortex formed, below which a stagnant space was found. The average height affected by the structure-related mass flow rate deficit for the two velocities was 1.6 cm and 1.3 cm respectively (80% of height and 64%) for the protruding structures and 0.6 cm and 0.9 cm (90% and 127% of depth) for the depressions. Marine benthic soft-bottom macrozoobenthos species are expected to benefit from the flow modifications they induce, particularly in terms of food particle capture due to altered particle pathways and residence times, but also for the exchange of gases, solutes and spawn. The present results confirm previous studies on flow interaction effects of various biogenic structures, and they add a deeper level of detail for a better understanding of the fine-scale effects.  相似文献   

Large-volume sampling of 234Th was conducted to estimate particulate organic carbon (POC) export in conjunction with drifting sediment trap deployments in the northern Barents Sea in July 2003 and May 2005. 234Th-derived POC fluxes averaged 42.3 ± 39.7 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 47.1 ± 30.6 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005. Sediment trap POC fluxes averaged 13.1 ± 8.2 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2003 and 17.3 ± 11.4 mmol C m− 2 d− 1 in 2005, but better reflected the transient bloom conditions that were observed at each station within a season. Although 234Th fluxes agreed within a factor 2 at most stations and depths sampled, sediment trap POC fluxes were lower than large-volume POC flux estimates at almost every station. This may represent an under-collection of POC by the drifting sediment traps or, conversely, an over-collection of POC by the large-volume sampling of 234Th. It is hypothesized that the offset between the two methods is partly due to the presence of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii, which potentially causes a large variation in > 53-μm POC/234Th ratios. Due to the large proportion of dissolved carbon or mucilage released by P. pouchetii, and because it is thought that P. pouchetii does not contribute significantly to the vertical export of biogenic matter in the Barents Sea, the application of large-volume sampling of 234Th may yield relatively high, and possibly inaccurate POC/234Th ratios. Hence, POC fluxes derived from 234Th sampling may be inappropriate and drifting sediment traps might be a more reliable method to measure the vertical export of biogenic matter in regions that have recurrent P. pouchetii blooms, such as the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

During a hydrographic survey in January 2006 the spreading of inflowing saline water was observed in the Arkona Basin (Western Baltic Sea). Two bottom mounted ‘pulse coherent’ acoustic Doppler profilers (PC-ADP) were used to measure the near-bottom current field of the dense plume with a high temporal (1 s) and spatial resolution (5 cm). In order to estimate the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy () a structure function approach was applied to the beam velocity data. Simultaneous measurements with a microstructure shear profiler (MSS) and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) supplied independent data for the verification of the structure function method. Additional measurements with standard CTD, near-bottom towed and vessel mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) completed the data set.The estimated dissipation rates from the structure function approach fit well with the values derived from the ADV and the MSS probe. It is shown that the structure function approach is a reliable and easily applicable method to derive estimates of TKE dissipation rates from PC-ADP beam velocities. The observed dissipation rates ranged between 5 · 10− 6 and 1 · 10− 8 W kg− 1 depending on the hydrographic conditions. Inside the plume the dissipation rates exceeded that of the overlaying brackish water by two orders of magnitude. Since the noise level of velocity data in pulse coherent mode is considerably lower than in the Doppler mode the PC-ADP can also be used for estimates in marine environments with low turbulence level. Reynolds stresses estimated from the PC-ADP and the ADV agreed well at the same depth level. TKE production derived from PC-ADP measurements compared reasonably well with the dissipation rate of TKE in a varying environment.  相似文献   

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