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The relationship between land use and the utility of automobile travel is examined by refining the utility concept, particularly by combining the microeconomic utility theory, which is concerned with the disutility of travel, and the perspective on the positive utility. A conceptual model is accordingly developed and then adjusted considering different purposes of travel. The purpose-specific models are tested through a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes approach in Seoul, Korea, using datasets from a sample survey and geographic information systems. The major finding is that land use affects the utility mainly by changing synergy and affective utility rather than instrumental utility, which encompasses disutility variables. Among land use variables, the utility is found to be the most sensitive to the number of transit facilities for commuting and shopping travel and land use balance for leisure travel.  相似文献   

We present an integrated activity-based discrete choice model system of an individual’s activity and travel schedule, for forecasting urban passenger travel demand. A prototype demonstrates the system concept using a 1991 Boston travel survey and transportation system level of service data. The model system represents a person’s choice of activities and associated travel as an activity pattern overarching a set of tours. A tour is defined as the travel from home to one or more activity locations and back home again. The activity pattern consists of important decisions that provide overall structure for the day’s activities and travel. In the prototype the activity pattern includes (a) the primary – most important – activity of the day, with one alternative being to remain at home for all the day’s activities; (b) the type of tour for the primary activity, including the number, purpose and sequence of activity stops; and (c) the number and purpose of secondary – additional – tours. Tour models include the choice of time of day, destination and mode of travel, and are conditioned by the choice of activity pattern. The choice of activity pattern is influenced by the expected maximum utility derived from the available tour alternatives.  相似文献   


This paper conducts a statistical analysis of student travel behavior at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The data source is the ‘University NHTS’ project launched by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) in 2009. Through this empirical study, it has been found that university student travel behavior is different from that of the general population; urban universities have lower percentages of nonmotorized trips than college-town universities; undergraduate students are likely to make more daily trips than graduate students – similarly, on-campus students make more frequent trips than off-campus students; the most frequent student activities are home and academic activities; and student group categories have virtually no impact on daily activity profiles, though activity types do have a dramatic impact on daily activity profiles. Based on these research findings, the paper makes a series of recommendations regarding trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and activity-based modeling.  相似文献   

Over the past decades research on travel mode choice has evolved from work that is informed by utility theory, examining the effects of objective determinants, to studies incorporating more subjective variables such as habits and attitudes. Recently, the way people perceive their travel has been analyzed with transportation-oriented scales of subjective well-being, and particularly the satisfaction with travel scale. However, studies analyzing the link between travel mode choice (i.e., decision utility) and travel satisfaction (i.e., experienced utility) are limited. In this paper we will focus on the relation between mode choice and travel satisfaction for leisure trips (with travel-related attitudes and the built environment as explanatory variables) of study participants in urban and suburban neighborhoods in the city of Ghent, Belgium. It is shown that the built environment and travel-related attitudes—both important explanatory variables of travel mode choice—and mode choice itself affect travel satisfaction. Public transit users perceive their travel most negatively, while active travel results in the highest levels of travel satisfaction. Surprisingly, suburban dwellers perceive their travel more positively than urban dwellers, for all travel modes.  相似文献   

Multi-state supernetwork framework for the two-person joint travel problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most travel behavior studies on route and mode choice focus only on an individual level. This paper adopts the concept of multi-state supernetworks to model the two-person joint travel problem (JTP). Travel is differentiated in terms of activity-vehicle-joint states, i.e. travel separately or jointly with which transport mode and with which activities conducted. In each state, route choice can be addressed given the state information and travel preference parameters. The joint travel pattern space is represented as a multi-state supernetwork, which is constructed by assigning the individual and joint networks to all possible states and connecting them via transfer links at joints where individuals can meet or depart. Besides route choice, the choices of where and when to meet, and which transport mode(s) to use can all be explicitly represented in a consistent fashion. A joint path through the supernetwork corresponds to a specific joint travel pattern. Then, JTP is reduced to an optimization problem to find the joint path with the minimum disutility. Three standard shortest path algorithm variants are proposed to find the optimal under different scenarios. The proposed framework further indicates the feasibility of multi-state supernetworks for addressing high dimensional problems and contributes to the design of a next generation of joint routing systems.  相似文献   

A dynamic (panel data) structural equations model is developed that links four dependent travel behavior variables at two points in time, one year apart. The four dependent variables are: car ownership, travel time per week by car, travel time by public transit, and travel time by nonmotorized modes. Exogenous variables include 13 household characteristics and variables accounting for period effects over the 1985 to 1987 time frame in the Netherlands. The model treats car ownership as ordered-response probit variables and all travel times as censored (tobit) continuous variables. The model accounts for serially-correlated errors and panel conditioning biases. Results are interpreted in terms of recommendations for forecasting procedures.  相似文献   

A model of traveler behavior is proposed which is consistent with the possibility that travelers expend average daily amounts of time and money on travel with stable regularities both among urban areas and over time in the same area. The model is founded on economic utility theory. It is designed to forecast: (1) the amount of total travel generated by types of households, (2) the division of travel among available modes, and (3) the relationship between the amounts of time and money allocated to travel expenditures. The qualitative properties of the model are shown to be consistent with economic principles. Specific theoretical results reveal that, in the simultaneous presence of constraints on both time and money, travel budgets are not strictly constant proportions of income and time available as they are in the cases of single constraints relevant to classes of travelers to whom time is scarce compared to money, or conversely. Constant expenditure proportions are shown to be linear approximations which are subject to empirical validation. The relevant economic principle is that expenditures can be considered fixed in the short run but become flexible in the long run when utility maximization is applied to the expenditures themselves and not just to their allocation. Empirical tests of the model using data from three urban areas are positive, but additional tests are called for. The most important output of the research is deemed to be the establishment of theoretical hypotheses which can be used in continuing tests of travel budgets.  相似文献   

Joint household travel, with or without joint participation in an activity, constitutes a fundamental aspect in modelling activity-based travel behaviour. This paper examines joint household travel arrangements and mode choices using a utility maximising approach. An individual tour-based mode choice model is formulated contingent on the choice of joint tour patterns where joint household activities and shared ride arrangements are recognised as part of the joint household decision-making that influences the travel modes of each household member. Two models, one for weekend and one for weekday, are estimated using empirical data from the Sydney Household Travel Survey. The results show that weekend travel is characterised by a high joint household activity participation rate while weekday travel is distinguished by more intra-household shared ride arrangements. The arrangements of joint household travel are highly associated with travel purpose, social and mobility constraints and household resources. On weekends, public transport is mainly used by captive users (i.e., no-car households and students) and its share is about half of that on weekdays. Also, the value of travel time savings (VOTs) are found to be higher on weekends than on weekdays, running entirely counter to the common belief that weekend VOTs are lower than weekday VOTs. This paper highlights the importance of studying joint household travel and using different transport management measures for alleviating traffic congestion on weekdays and weekends.  相似文献   

Activity-based travel demand modeling (ABTDM) has often been viewed as an advanced approach, due to its higher fidelity and better policy sensitivity. However, a review of the literature indicates that no study has been undertaken to investigate quantitatively the differences and accuracy between an ABTDM approach and a traditional four-step travel demand model. In this paper we provide a comparative analysis against each step – trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, and network assignment – between an ABTDM developed using travel diary data from the Tampa Bay Region in Florida and the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Model (TBRPM), an existing traditional four-step model for the same area. Results show salient differences between the TBRPM and the ABTDM, in terms of modeling performance and accuracy, in each of the four steps. For example, trip production rates calculated from the travel diary data are found to be either double or a quarter less than those used in the TBRPM. On the other hand, trip attraction rates computed from activity-based travel simulations are found to be either more than double or one tenth less than those used in the TBRPM. The trip distribution curves from the two models are similar, but both average and peak trip lengths of the two are significantly different. Mode split analyses show that the TBRPM may underestimate driving trips and fail to capture any usage of alternative modes, such as taxi and nonmotorized (e.g., walking and bicycling) modes. In addition, the ABTDMs are found to be less capable of reproducing observed traffic counts when compared to the TBRPM, most likely due to not considering external and through trips. The comparative results presented can help transportation engineers and planners better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the two types of model and this should assist decision-makers in choosing a better modeling tool for their planning initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper presents a combined activity/travel choice model and proposes a flow-swapping method for obtaining the model's dynamic user equilibrium solution on congested road network with queues. The activities of individuals are characterized by given temporal utility profiles. Three typical activities, which can be observed in morning peak period, namely at-home activity, non-work activity on the way from home to workplace and work-purpose activity, will be considered in the model. The former two activities always occur together with the third obligatory activity. These three activities constitute typical activity/travel patterns in time-space dimension. At the equilibrium, each combined activity/travel pattern, in terms of chosen location/route/departure time, should have identical generalized disutility (or utility) experienced actually. This equilibrium can be expressed as a discrete-time, finite-dimensional variational inequality formulation and then converted to an equivalent "zero-extreme value" minimization problem. An algorithm, which iteratively adjusts the non-work activity location, corresponding route and departure time choices to reach an extreme point of the minimization problem, is proposed. A numerical example with a capacity constrained network is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed model and solution algorithm.  相似文献   

With climate change high on the political agenda, weather has emerged as an important issue in travel behavioural research and urban planning. While various studies demonstrate profound effects of weather on travel behaviours, limited attention has been paid to subjective weather experiences and the psychological mechanisms that may (partially) underlie these effects. This paper integrates theoretical insights on outdoor thermal comfort, weather perceptions and emotional experiences in the context of travel behaviour. Drawing on unique panel travel diary data for 945 Greater Rotterdam respondents (The Netherlands), this paper aims to investigate how and to what extent weather conditions affect transport mode choices, outdoor thermal perceptions and emotional travel experiences. Our findings point out that observed dry, calm, sunny and warm but not too hot weather conditions stimulate cycling over other transport modes and – via mechanisms of thermal and mechanical comfort – lead to more pleasant emotions during travel. Overall, public transport users have less pleasant emotional experiences than users of other transport modes, while active mode users appear most weather sensitive. The theoretical contributions and empirical findings are discussed in the context of climate change and climate-sensitive urban planning.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that in addition to travel time and cost as the common influences on mode, route and departure time choices, travel time variability plays an increasingly important role, especially in the presence of traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport. The dominant focus of modelling and implementation of optimal pricing that incorporates trip time variability has been in the context of road pricing for cars. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a non-trivial extension to the existing literature on optimal pricing in a multimodal setting, building in the role of travel time variability as a source of disutility for car and bus users. We estimate the effect of variability in travel time and bus headway on optimal prices (i.e., tolls for cars and fares for buses) and optimal bus capacity (i.e., frequencies and size) accounting for crowding on buses, under a social welfare maximisation framework. Travel time variability is included by adopting the well-known mean–variance model, using an empirical relationship between the mean and standard deviation of travel times. We illustrate our model with an application to a highly congested corridor with cars, buses and walking as travel alternatives in Sydney, Australia. There are three main findings that have immediate policy implications: (i) including travel time variability results in higher optimal car tolls and substantial increases in toll revenue, while optimal bus fares remain almost unchanged; (ii) when bus headways are variable, the inclusion of travel time variability as a source of disutility for users yields higher optimal bus frequencies; and (iii) including both travel time variability and crowding discomfort leads to higher optimal bus sizes.  相似文献   

We test a copula-based joint discrete–continuous model to unravel mode choice and travel distance decisions in a joint framework for school trips. This framework explicitly accounts for common unobserved factors that may affect both the mode choice and travel distance. Joint estimation of the models makes a significant difference in the effect of travel distance on willingness to walk to school. The absolute value of the travel distance coefficient in the mode choice model increases by 22% when a joint formulation is adopted instead of the conventional single estimations. We find a significant decrease of 19% in the coefficient of travel safety perception in the joint mode choice model compared to the single model. This underscores the impact of model specification, in terms of the variable effect interpretation and policy assessments. The effect magnitude of several policy-sensitive variables is discussed and compared with previous studies. Particularly, we indicate that the probability of walking is reduced by 0.85% due to a 1% increase in travel distance; accordingly, it propels parents to select non-active modes, particularly school bus. This study also demonstrates how addressing parental concerns about travel safety could double the propensity to walk to school.  相似文献   

This paper contests the conventional wisdom that travel is a derived demand, at least as an absolute. Rather, we suggest that under some circumstances, travel is desired for its own sake. We discuss the phenomenon of undirected travel – cases in which travel is not a byproduct of the activity but itself constitutes the activity. The same reasons why people enjoy undirected travel (a sense of speed, motion, control, enjoyment of beauty) may motivate them to undertake excess travel even in the context of mandatory or maintenance trips. One characteristic of undirected travel is that the destination is ancillary to the travel rather than the converse which is usually assumed. We argue that the destination may be to some degree ancillary more often than is realized. Measuring a positive affinity for travel is complex: in self-reports of attitudes toward travel, respondents are likely to confound their utility for the activities conducted at the destination, and for activities conducted while traveling, with their utility for traveling itself. Despite this measurement challenge, preliminary empirical results from a study of more than 1900 residents of the San Francisco Bay Area provide suggestive evidence for a positive utility for travel, and for a desired travel time budget (TTB). The issues raised here have clear policy implications: the way people will react to policies intended to reduce vehicle travel will depend in part on the relative weights they assign to the three components of a utility for travel. Improving our forecasts of travel behavior may require viewing travel literally as a “good” as well as a “bad” (disutility).  相似文献   

To study the effect of different transport policies on reducing the average comprehensive travel cost (CTC) of all travel modes, by increasing public transport modal share and decreasing car trips, an optimization model is developed based on travel cost utility. A nested logit model is applied to analyze trip modal split. A Genetic Algorithm is then used to determine the implementation of optimal solutions in which various transport policies are applied in order to reduce average CTC. The central urban region of Beijing is selected as the study area in this research. Different policies are analyzed for comparison, focusing on their optimal impacts on minimizing the average CTC utility of all travel modes by rationally allocating trips to different travel modes in the study area. It is found that the proposed optimization model provides a reasonable indication of the effect of policies applied.  相似文献   

Savings in travel time and more specifically their monetary value typically constitute the main benefit to justify major investment in transport schemes. However, worthwhile use of travel time is an increasingly prominent phenomenon of the digital age. Accordingly, questions are increasingly being asked regarding whether values of time used by countries around the world based on their appraisal approaches are too high. This paper offers the most comprehensive examination of our theoretical and empirical understandings of international appraisal approaches and how they account for worthwhile use of travel time. It combines the economics perspective with wider social science insight and reaches the conclusion that past revolutions in transport that have made longer and quicker journeys possible are now joined by a digital revolution that is reducing the disutility of travel time. This revolution offers potential economic benefit that comes at a fraction of the cost of major investments in transport that are predicated on saving travel time. The paper highlights the challenges faced in both current and indeed potential alternative future appraisal approaches. Such challenges are rooted in the difficulty of measuring time use and productivity with sufficient accuracy and over time to credibly account for how travel time factors into the economic outcomes from social and working practices in the knowledge economy. There is a need for further research to: establish how improvements in the opportunities for and the quality of worthwhile use of travel time impact on the valuation of travel time savings for non-business travel; improve our understanding of how productive use of time impacts on the valuation of time savings for business travellers; and estimate how these factors have impacted on the demand for different modes of travel.  相似文献   

There is a large amount of research work that has been devoted to the understanding of travel behaviour and for the prediction of travel demand and its management. Different types of data including stated preference and revealed preference, as well as different modelling approaches have been used to predict this. Essential to most travel demand forecasting models are the concepts of utility maximisation and equilibrium, although there have been alternative approaches for modelling travel behaviour. In this paper, the concept of asymmetric churn is discussed. That is travel behaviour should be considered as a two way process which changes over time. For example over time some travellers change their mode of travel from car to bus, but more travellers change their mode from bus to car. These changes are not equal and result in a net change in aggregate travel behaviour. Transport planners often aim at producing this effect in the opposite direction. It is important therefore to recognise the existence of churns in travel behaviour and to attempt to develop appropriate policies to target different groups of travellers with the relevant transport policies in order to improve the transport system. A data set collected from a recent large survey, which was carried out in Edinburgh is investigated to analyse the variations in departure time choice behaviour. The paper reports on the results of the investigation.  相似文献   

In mode choice decision, travelers consider not only travel time but also reliability of its modes. In this paper, reliability was expressed in terms of standard deviation and maximum delay that were measured based on triangular distribution. In order to estimate value of time and value of reliability, the Multinomial and Nested Logit models were used. The analysis results revealed that reliability is an important factor affecting mode choice decisions. Elasticity is used to estimate the impacts of the different policies and system improvements for water transportation mode. Among these policies, decision maker can assess and select the best alternative by doing the benefit and cost analysis based on a new market share, the value of time, and the value of reliability. Finally, a set of promising policies and system improvement of the water transportation were proposed.  相似文献   

A latent class model is developed to accommodate preference heterogeneity across commuters with respect to their mode choice between electric bike, private car, and public bus within the context of China. A three-segment solution – ‘electric bike individuals’, ‘private car addicts’, and ‘public bus enthusiasts’ – is identified, each characterized by heterogeneous preferences regarding specific mode attributes and unique socio-demographic profile. The choice model confirms the determinative effects of perceived alternative attributes on commuting mode choice, while the traditionally used objective attributes – travel time and cost – are found to have relatively small influences. The membership model provides solid explanations for these segment-specific preferences. This study provides a better understanding of the nature of mode choice behavior, which can be useful for strategies tailored to a specific segment in order to promote the use of sustainable transport modes.  相似文献   

Travel time is very critical for emergency response and emergency vehicle (EV) operations. Compared to ordinary vehicles (OVs), EVs are permitted to break conventional road rules to reach the destination within shorter time. However, very few previous studies address the travel time performance of EVs. This study obtained nearly 4-year EV travel time data in Northern Virginia (NOVA) region using 76,000 preemption records at signalized intersections. First, the special characteristics of EV travel time are explored in mean, median, standard deviation and also the distribution, which display largely different characteristics from that of OVs in previous studies. Second, a utility-based model is proposed to quantify the travel time performance of EVs. Third, this paper further investigates two important components of the utility model: benchmark travel time and standardized travel time. The mode of the distribution is chosen as benchmark travel time, and its nonlinear decreasing relationship with the link length is revealed. At the same time, the distribution of standardized travel time is fitted with different candidate distributions and Inv. Gaussian distribution is proved to be the most suitable one. Finally, to validate the proposed model, we implement the model in case studies to estimate link and route travel time performance. The results of route comparisons also show that the proposed model can support EV route choice and eventually improve EV service and operations.  相似文献   

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