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正1月20日,分别专注燃料电池技术研究、燃料电池客车制造、氢动力系统打造的技术领头羊——中国最高学府清华大学、中国新能源客车领导品牌致力打造者福田欧辉和氢燃料电池动力系统的技术顶尖代表亿华通,携手开启了一堂别致生动的"氢"课堂,向30多位来自行业主流媒体的记者们娓娓道出16年来执着氢燃料电池技术研究的发展心路。16年来,他们用扎实、稳健的技术攀升走出了不一样的氢燃料电池客车的中国步伐,也用强劲的实力展现率先奏响了2017全球氢燃料电池突破年的"中国最强音"。  相似文献   

正"新能源客车的发展趋势从混合动力到插电式混合动力,再到纯电动,而燃料电池动力则是新能源客车发展的终极目标。"宇通客车对新能源客车的未来女口此定义。在第13届中国国际交通技术与设备展览会首日,宇通客车以第三代燃料电池客车ZK6125FCEVG2为燃料电池动力客车的未来描绘了新的  相似文献   

本文介绍了氢燃料电池的工作原理及工作特性,其作为船舶主电源(或主电源组成部分)的特殊要求及相应实现方法,通过对“三峡氢舟1”氢燃料电池发电装置的实例解析,为国内氢燃料动力船舶的全面推广提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

恒通快速充电插电式气电混合动力客车CKZ6116HNEVA4是一种具有全新的电动客车运营保障模式的新型客车,其电能配置模式和电能补给模式,完全满足了城市公交运行的实用性、商业化需求。该车采用的是合理及实用型的混合动力系统。在加速性能、爬坡性能、公交路线运营等方面相当稳健,客车运行全过  相似文献   

减少碳排放应对全球气候变化符合全人类的利益,我国进入工业化后期,“碳达峰、碳中和”目标与生态文明理念相契合。“碳达峰、碳中和”战略意义深远,能源转型势在必行,氢能源电池在船舶产业上的应用,是航运业、造船业加速碳减排、实现低碳转型的路径之一。本文结合现场建造检验的氢燃料电池动力船(“三峡氢舟1”),简述氢燃料电池在船舶上的应用,并着重从氢燃料电池系统叙述建造质量控制要点。  相似文献   

从风险控制角度来说,船舶使用氢燃料和燃料电池存在低闪点燃料泄漏导致的燃爆风险。国际海事组织(IMO)于2016年开始制定燃料电池船舶安全临时导则,以期将这类风险降低到与传统燃油动力船舶相当的水平。本文梳理了氢能船舶技术发展现状和发展环境,总结了国内外最新标准的发布使用情况,通过目标型船舶建造规范(GBS)研究方法,采用风险评估的方法对诸多风险因素进行了识别,并针对高风险项进行了专项研究,完成了氢燃料电池动力船舶规范标准的研发。同时,以燃料电池处所为例,依据安全原则对防爆抑爆原理进行了深入探讨,阐明了三种不同的防爆抑爆机理,总结了燃料电池处所技术要求,并对后续工作进行展望。  相似文献   

“三峡氢舟1”是国内首艘入级CCS的氢燃料电池动力船舶,其氢燃料供电系统的研发、设计和实船应用是项目建设中的难点。本文通过对“三峡氢舟1”的发电系统、配电系统、能量管理策略、涉氢设备的布置以及涉氢安全处理措施等设计情况进行分析,解决了氢燃料电池动力船舶氢燃料供电系统应用中的关键问题。  相似文献   

<正>科技部确定的新能源汽车技术路径是纯电驱动。"十五"电动汽车重大专项曾把燃料电池电动汽车置于优先发展地位,"十一五"节能与新能源汽车重大专项中把混合动力汽车作为重点,"十二五"期间又把电池动力汽车列为重点。未来新能源客车发展的技术路线究竟应当怎么走?这仍然是一个不确定的问题。如何认识公共交通电动化?在欧洲,发展现代无轨电车也是其公共交通电动化的重要组成部分,受到重视和鼓励发展,但在中国,无轨电车却因为空中架设电线影响市容等原因被限制发展,国家的新能源客车政策中也没有把无轨电车作为电动客车纳入支持范畴。不过,随着北京、杭州、郑州等城市开始认识到无轨电车运营的有效性,情况正在发生改变,双源无轨电车开始  相似文献   

为减少电动自行车不安全骑行行为引起的交通安全问题,探究其背后的影响因素.本文在计划行为理论(TPB)原模型的基础上增加外在感知变量,设计电动自行车骑行人不安全行为问卷,构建电动自行车不安全骑行行为结构方程模型.根据问卷调查结果,用SPSS软件对骑行人个人属性进行分析,通过AMOS软件建模分析,最终得到电动车骑行不安全行为结构方程路径图.结果表明:不安全性态度、主观规范、外在感知和知觉行为控制与行为意向显著相关,其中外在感知与知觉行为控制最为显著,能直接对行为产生影响,为交通管理部门矫正电动自行车不安全行为提供了理论支撑,从而提高交通安全水平.  相似文献   

2021年7月30日,经过3个多月激烈角逐,2021年第六届常州市创新创业大赛圆满落幕,江苏省产业技术研究院先进能源材料与应用技术研究所"氢燃料电池电动两轮车"项目在259个项目中脱颖而出,荣获创新创业大赛一等奖.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of electric bicycles (E-bikes) in China, the heterogeneous bicycle traffic flow comprising regular bicycles and E-bikes using shared cycleway creates issues in terms of efficiency as well as safety. Capacity and bicycle equivalent units (BEUs) for E-bikes are two most important parameters for the planning, design, operation, and management of bicycle facilities. In this paper, eight traffic flow fundamental diagrams are developed for one-way cycleway capacity estimation, and a novel BEU estimation model is also proposed. Eleven datasets from different shared cycleway sections with different cycleway widths were collected in Hangzhou, China for estimation and evaluation purposes. The results indicate that, with around 70% share of E-bikes, the mean estimated capacity is 2348 bicycle/h/m. The effects on the capacity of the proportions of E-bikes, gender of cyclists, age of cyclists, and cyclists carrying things were also analyzed. The results implied that the estimated capacity is independent of a cyclist’s gender and age, but increases with the proportion of E-bikes. According to this study, the mean BEU for the E-bike is 0.66, and the converted capacities of pure regular bicycles and pure E-bikes are 1800 and 2727 bicycle/h/m, respectively. These findings can be used to propose practical countermeasures to improve the capacity of heterogeneous bicycle traffic flow on shared cycleway.  相似文献   

This paper derives the energy efficiencies and CO2 emissions for electric, diesel and hydrogen traction for railway vehicles on a well-to-wheel basis, using the low heating value and high heating value of the enthalpy of oxidation of the fuel. The tank-to-wheel and well-to-tank efficiency are determined. Gaseous hydrogen has a WTW efficiency of 25% low heating value, if produced from methane and used in a fuel cell. This efficiency is similar to diesel and electric traction in the UK, US, and California. A reduction of about 19% in CO2 is achieved when hydrogen gas is used in a fuel cell compared to diesel traction, and a 3% reduction compared to US electricity.  相似文献   

近年来,国家陆续出台了关于长江生态保护的相关文件。随着电力推进技术在节能减排方面的优势显现,常规动力渡船存在的问题显而易见,如较长传动轴增加了能量损耗,降低了能源效率;柴油机的响应较慢,影响船舶的机动性;柴油机的燃烧不充分导致燃油的过多消耗,以及柴油机直驱渡船的动力推进装置占据了机舱的大部分空间。本文结合电力推进渡船的应用情况,针对上述常规推进渡船的缺点,对船舶动力系统进行了改进,采用全回转电力推进取代原先柴油机直驱,电站采用高压共轨电喷式柴油机带动发电机发电,经整流实现直流组网后,统一为全船提供动力和日常用电。  相似文献   

This paper considers some of the impacts of adopting hydrogen fuel cell powered electric automobiles in the US. The change will need significant adjustments to the electrical generation industry including additional capital and hydrocarbon fuel consumption as well as impacting anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. Examining the use of three fuels to generate hydrogen fuels, using three production methods, distributed in three geographic scenarios, we determine that while the change reduces anthropogenic greenhouse emissions with minimal additional electrical generation capital expenditures, it accelerates the use of natural gas. Electrolysis provides a sustainable, longer-term solution, but requires more capital investment in electrical generation and yields an increase in anthropogenic greenhouse emissions.  相似文献   

In Norway, as in many countries, a political goal is to increase bicycle use, and the e-bike is promising in this respect. However, concerns have been raised about mode-share effects. It has been argued that if the e-bike’s only function is in cycling becoming cycling with electric assistance, there would be no benefit to either the environment or public health. Little is yet known about the use of the e-bike, or of its potential in reducing motorized travel. In the current study, 66 randomly selected participants were given an e-bike to use for a limited period of time and the results compared with those of a control group (N = 160). E-bike cycling trips increased from 0.9 to 1.4 per day, distance from 4.8 km to 10.3 km and, as a share of all transport, from 28% to 48%, whereas with the control group there was no increase in cycling. The effect of the e-bike increased with time, indicating a learning effect among users, and was greater for female than for male cyclists. There were no differences with age. Overall, the results suggest that the e-bike is indeed practical for everyday travel.  相似文献   

Fuel-speed curves (FSC) are used to account for the aggregate effects of congestion on fuel consumption in transportation scenario analysis. This paper presents plausible FSC for conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and for advanced vehicles such as hybrid electric vehicles, fully electric vehicles (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) using a fuel consumption model with transient driving schedules and a set of 145 hypothetical vehicles. The FSC shapes show that advanced power train vehicles are expected to maintain fuel economy (FE) in congestion better than ICE vehicles, and FE can even improve for EV and FCV in freeway congestion. In order to implement these FSC for long-range scenario modeling, a bounded approach is presented which uses a single congestion sensitivity parameter. The results in this paper will assist analysis of the roles that vehicle technology and congestion mitigation can play in reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.  相似文献   

An important barrier towards the introduction of fuel cell vehicles running on hydrogen is the lack of widespread refueling infrastructure. The niche of buses for public transport, taxis and deliverers with a local application area might not be large enough to generate the reductions of fuel cell vehicle costs that are necessary for a general technology switch. Thus, fuel availability at trunk roads probably plays a crucial role in generating demand for these also from private consumers. In this paper, we assume that consumers are more likely to consider buying a fuel cell vehicle the more frequently they are exposed to hydrogen refueling opportunities on long distant trips. We introduce a tool to test different small-scale initial distributions of hydrogen outlets within the German trunk road system for their potential success to generate a large-scale adoption of fuel cell vehicles. The tool makes use of agent-based trip modeling and geographic information system supported spatial modeling. We demonstrate its potentials by testing a ring shaped distribution of hydrogen outlets at highway filling stations. We find that the structure of an optimized initial distribution of filling stations depends on what drivers consider a sufficiently small distance between refueling opportunities.  相似文献   

混合动力汽车的动力耦合系统结构和参数匹配影响整车性能,通过对动力耦合系统的结构选择、参数匹配和控制策略的研究,以传统汽车的差速器作为动力耦合器并建立模型,并对此模型进行参数匹配,通过使用ADVISOR软件中修改控制策略模块,并将修改后的Simulink模型嵌入ADVISOR软件中进行仿真,验证选择方案对于改善汽车动力性和燃油经济性的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes and seeks to understand the scale of the electric bicycle (electric two-wheeler) market in China, and to begin to explain its emergence with a view to outlining the prospects for learning from this case for applications in other countries around the world. Drawing on secondary data from Chinese government sources, electric bicycle industry websites, Chinese media sites and other sources, this exploratory paper positions the development of the electric bicycle market as occurring largely in the absence of positive policy intervention – in stark contrast to the nurturing afforded the electric car sector world-wide. The paper develops a multi-scalar perspective of transitions theory in an institutional setting, with examples drawn from Beijing and Fuzhou, to explain the processes of change outside of the traditional reference context of technology policy and management. It is concluded that transitions theory has a greater flexibility and adaptability as an explanatory framework than previously shown, but empirically the electric two-wheeler is a weakly-embedded alternative to mainstream automobility.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an online stated choice experiment on preferences of Dutch private car owners for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their characteristics. Results show that negative preferences for alternative fuel vehicles are large, especially for the electric and fuel cell car, mostly as a result of their limited driving range and considerable refueling times. Preference for AFVs increases considerably with improvements on driving range, refueling time and fuel availability. Negative AFV preferences remain, however, also with substantial improvements in AFV characteristics; the remaining willingness to accept is on average € 10,000–€ 20,000 per AFV. Results from a mixed logit model show that consumer preferences for AFVs and AFV characteristics are heterogeneous to a large extent, in particular for the electric car, additional detour time and fuel time for the electric and fuel cell car. An interaction model reveals that annual mileage is by far the most important factor that determines heterogeneity in preferences for the electric and fuel cell car. When annual mileage increases, the preference for electric and fuel cell cars decreases substantially, whilst the willingness to pay for driving range increases substantially. Other variables such as using the car for holidays abroad and the daily commute also appear to be relevant for car choice.  相似文献   

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