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船闸运行管理体制是否顺畅,关系到内河水运事业的发展。文章以西江黄金水道百色至梧州船闸为例,分析了船闸管理体制存在的主要问题与原因,提出了改革船闸管理体制的思路与方法。  相似文献   

随着我国东线南水北调工程的建设,内河船舶对水域环境造成的污染引起了高度的重视,为了保障南水北调工程的建设和人民群众生活及生态环境安全,加强内河船舶污染控制工作成为海事船检部门工作的重中之重。严格把关船舶污染水域源头,从现行法制手段、国家监督管理机制、船舶防污设计等多个方面进行分析,采取有效的防污染措施,提高当前内河船舶防污染工作,重视内河船舶防污染治理,提升内河船舶防污染水平。本文针对京杭运河徐州段船舶防污现状,浅析内河船舶防污染面临的问题,并研究解决对策。  相似文献   

百色港属于典型的河谷型内河港口,文章介绍了该港口的地理位置、区位优势及存在的问题,阐述了其规划原则与思路,提出了岸线规划、港区规划的具体方案,并总结了规划成果特点,为同类型港口的规划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要针对自吸自卸砂船这一新型船舶在号灯配备及布置中存在的问题,结合自吸自卸砂船船舶构造实际,根据海事监管和船检有关法规规则要求,提出自吸自卸砂船配备及布置方案,为船舶检验及海事监管提供依据.  相似文献   

随着时代的变迁,内河一些历史沿袭渡口经过了检查审批,渡船也几次更新。但内河渡口始终是困扰地方政府、交通管理部门和海事管理机构的一大难题。如伺使各级政府及有关部门严格履行法律法规赋予的职责,结合全国渡口渡船专项整治活动,本着“条块结合,以块为主”的方针,协调配合,齐抓共管,实现保证安全、畅通为日的,是每个水上交通安全管理者必须探讨创建内河渡口安全管理标准型的现实问题。笔者结合自己多年的工作实践,谈几点意见:  相似文献   

本文是交通运输部海事科技项目《内河船舶污染事故损害赔偿机制》的研究成果。为建立适合我国国情的内河船舶污染强制责任保险限额的制定方法,本文通过分析国内外船舶污染责任保险限额设定内容、设定方式和设定依据,明确其设定思路并分析其优缺点,进一步确定我国内河船舶污染责任保险限额的法律依据,比较责任限额的科学设置方法。在"限额设置区间、区间递进方式、限额变动、起始吨位、使用货币、责任限额的确定方式、对责任限制的免除条件、法律基础"等方面进行了理论创新,提出了详细的可操作性设置建议。  相似文献   

文章提出建设省域水路路网运行监测信息系统,以提升水路路网运行状态监测监控和安全监管能力、水上航务海事执法能力以及执法督察水平,为构建畅通、高效、平安、绿色的现代化内河水运体系助力。  相似文献   

文章介绍了滇、黔、桂三省(区)海事部门联合开展天生桥库区水上交通安全监督管理工作的历程和成效,总结了跨省共管大型水库水上交通安全整治的经验,并就海事机构下一步如何紧密合作开展库区水上交通安全监管工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章以百色至靖西高速公路工程为例,从质量管理、安全生产管理、工程设计变更管理、造价控制、工程计量、资金监管及工程进度控制等方面介绍了公路工程总承包模式的管理经验,提出了相应的注意事项。  相似文献   

安徽省阜阳市地方海事局结合全市水上交通安全情况和海事管理工作实际,近年在全市渡运安全监管、通航秩序巡逻维护、风景区游艇水上安全管理等动态水上交通安全监管工作中,实行“以人为本、预防为主”水上交通安全动态管理工作方针,树立“安全是幸福的源泉、安全是效益的保障”海事工作理念,采取“早摸底、早准备、早布置、早落实、早督促”的“五早”工作思路,提高水上交通安全控制能力,着力解决影响水上交通安全的突出问题,加大水上交通安全监管力度,建立健全水上交通安全长效监管机制。确保了全市水上交通安全无事故,为创建和谐阜阳营造了良好的水上交通安全环境。  相似文献   

文章从船舶检验的角度出发,依据有关规范从船体结构完整性与构件强度两方面分析了天生桥库区乡镇客渡船船体结构强度欠佳的成因,并提出了加强船体结构强度的建议,为客渡船改造提供参考。  相似文献   

Increasing regional mobility demand amid rising roadway congestion has motivated plans for passenger ferry expansion and modernization in many parts of the US. While this trend applies to ferry systems in Alaska, New York, Boston, and Washington state, efforts to expand ferry service in the San Francisco Bay Area are unique in scale and vision. Integrating ferry service into the regional, door-to-door transit system can significantly increase water-crossing capacity for commuters. However, to realize this potential, the ferry industry must meet several challenges associated with growth, including environmental impacts. In particular, concern over air pollution emissions from marine engines is motivating new comparisons between ferries and other transportation modes in terms of both mobility and air pollution. This paper describes the current debate about ferry system operation and expansion, and presents a parametric analysis comparing existing, uncontrolled ferry emissions to automobiles. Under all reasonable assumptions, we show that diesel-powered ferries without emissions controls will produce more NOx and PM, but less CO per passenger-trip than if those people commuted by car under current conditions. This paper also projects the emissions from the expanded ferry system proposed for the San Francisco Bay Area, showing that a larger ferry fleet equipped with new engines meeting future EPA emissions standards could become one of the major non-road NOx sources in the region. We conclude by outlining the alternatives and challenges to reduce ferry emissions so that they are more comparable to automobile emissions. Policy implications of these alternatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

A predominant observation in Hong Kong is the continuous loss in ferry patronage. There are two main reasons for this: poor level-of-service and better competitors. New roads, bridges, and tunnels are serving the buses, and to some extent the railways; whereas the investment in ferry terminals is relatively at a lower level. On the one hand, there is no need to promote the ferries in a free market environment; but on the other hand, the ferries have the best safety record, can only relieve some traffic congestion and need water access that is one of the characteristics of Hong Kong. The goal of this paper is to design a planning approach combined with an evaluation procedure on how to make the best use of the existing water and pier resources in Hong Kong through the provision of commercially viable ferry services. The approach used covers the impact of future developments planning up to 2006 comprising all public transport modes in Hong Kong (heavy rail, metro, bus, and ferry). The planning tool is based on a newly developed multi-objective evaluation method in order to assess the ferry routes with scientific, practical, and simplified analyses for future use. This assessment is applied to the existing ferry routes and candidate routes and can also be carried out on an individual route basis or on a given set of routes. The objective functions set forth analytically in the evaluation method take into account the interests of the three participants: the passengers, the operators and the government. The proposed ferry network design formulation and the suggested new ferry routes will have a positive impact on changing the ferry system’s image in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Recent investment in urban ferry transport has created interest in what value such systems provide in a public transport network. In some cases, ferry services are in direct competition with other land-based transport, and despite often longer travel times passengers still choose water transport. This paper seeks to identify a premium attached to urban water transit through an identification of excess travel patterns. A one-month sample of smart card transaction data for Brisbane, Australia, was used to compare bus and ferry origin–destination pairs between a selected suburban location and the central business district. Logistic regression of the data found that ferry travel tended towards longer travel times (OR?=?2.282), suggesting passengers do derive positive utility from ferry journeys. The research suggests the further need to incorporate non-traditional measures other than travel time for deciding the value of water transit systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a multi-fleet ferry routing and scheduling problem that takes into account ferry services with different operation characteristics and passengers with different preferred arrival time windows. The logit model is used to represent passengers’ service choices. The full problem is formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem and solved with a heuristic procedure that first fixes the demand and then decomposes the resultant model by ferry services. At each iteration of the algorithm, the demand is updated and the relaxed problem is re-solved. Numerical results for the case of ferry service network design in Hong Kong are provided to illustrate the properties of the model and the performance of the heuristic.  相似文献   

近年来,国家陆续出台了关于长江生态保护的相关文件。随着电力推进技术在节能减排方面的优势显现,常规动力渡船存在的问题显而易见,如较长传动轴增加了能量损耗,降低了能源效率;柴油机的响应较慢,影响船舶的机动性;柴油机的燃烧不充分导致燃油的过多消耗,以及柴油机直驱渡船的动力推进装置占据了机舱的大部分空间。本文结合电力推进渡船的应用情况,针对上述常规推进渡船的缺点,对船舶动力系统进行了改进,采用全回转电力推进取代原先柴油机直驱,电站采用高压共轨电喷式柴油机带动发电机发电,经整流实现直流组网后,统一为全船提供动力和日常用电。  相似文献   

The study formulated a ferry network design problem by considering the optimal fleet size, routing, and scheduling for both direct and multi-stop services. The objective function combines both the operator and passengers’ performance measures. Mathematically, the model is formulated as a mixed integer multiple origin–destination network flow problem with ferry capacity constraints. To solve this problem of practical size, this study developed a heuristic algorithm that exploits the polynomial-time performance of shortest path algorithms. Two scenarios of ferry services in Hong Kong were solved to demonstrate the performance of the heuristic algorithm. The results showed that the heuristic produced solutions that were within 1.3% from the CPLEX optimal solutions. The computational time is within tens of seconds even for problem size that is beyond the capability of CPLEX.  相似文献   

Passenger demand and, in particular, mode choice between the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife has experienced important changes in the last decade. In 2005 the jetfoil, which had been the dominant mode for many years, was replaced by a slower but cheaper fast ferry service. This induced important changes in the market shares of all competing modes (airplane, slow ferry and another fast ferry with a shorter in-sea time, but needing a bus connection in land). We estimated several discrete choice models, with data collected two years before, with the aim to test their forecasting performance in relation with observed behaviour. Interestingly, we found that an easy to interpret multinomial logit model allowing for systematic taste variations performed best in forecasting. We also discuss some model assumptions related to forecasting that allow replicating the effects of introducing a new mode more accurately. We finally show how the model can be used to examine the social benefits of a related infrastructure improvement project in the island of Gran Canaria.  相似文献   

Recent and anticipated growth in passenger ferry service has been complicated by concerns about air pollution from marine engines that are only starting to be regulated. While marine engines are known to be a significant and growing source category in some locations, sparse data and analytical difficulties have prevented rigorous comparisons of marine and on-land passenger travel. Using data gathered in the San Francisco Bay Area, we model emissions from three passenger ferries and the matching on-land travel that would be used by commuters if ferry service were not available. The results are analyzed parametrically for levels of ridership and induced travel demand, and for new technologies, including selective catalytic reduction and natural gas fuel. Results indicate that under some conditions, passenger ferries reduce some emissions (including particulate matter emissions) relative to the matching on-land service but increase others. Emissions of NOX are particularly problematic––all the technologies examined lead to increased NOX emissions due to ferry commuting. Some of the emissions comparisons are sensitive to mode split, ridership, or induced travel demand. However, NOX emissions are not––ferry commuting always raises NOX emissions, even with the most advanced technologies. Implications for local air quality regulators and for technology development are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper robust models are presented for the transportation service network design problem, using the ferry service network design problem as an example application. The base assumption is that only the mean and an upper bound on the passenger demand are known. In one robust model, this information is supplemented by a lower bound on the demand, whereas in a second robust model, the assumption is made that the variance of the demand is known, in addition to the mean and upper bound. The relationship between the two models is investigated and characterized analytically. A case study using the ferry service in Hong Kong is provided to illustrate the models.  相似文献   

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