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为了降低营运成本,越来越多的船舶柴油发电机燃用低质燃油(重油),已成为船舶建造发展趋势;而针对主辅机在航行中的不同运行工况和要求,燃油系统在设计中应如何合理配置供油单元,主辅机是共用一套还是各用一套,就此作了分析与研究。  相似文献   

陈秋成 《广东造船》2010,29(3):69-71
从船舶管理的角度出发,论述了现有船舶节能的主要途径,作为船舶管理人员不仅要保证动力装置的安全可靠地运行,还应加强船舶管理人员与公司、甲板部门和轮机部门之间的联系,以减少船舶的油耗,降低营运成本。  相似文献   

[目的]内河船舶在航行时存在顺水、逆水和急流等多种工况,传统的内河船舶船?机?桨匹配设计方法仅对船舶在逆水上行时进行了匹配设计,而在顺水下行工况,因船舶推进效率低、主机利用率低,造成油耗成本高、经济性较差等,因此需进行多工况内河船舶船?机?桨匹配优化设计.[方法]首先,在不同工况下对内河船舶推进系统的各参数进行设计,并...  相似文献   


Accurately estimating fuel consumption of ships is crucial for shipping companies, port authorities, and environmental protection agencies. The bottom-up approach is becoming increasingly popular because it can estimate ship fuel consumption by accounting for ship activity conditions, such as changes in voyage speed, time, and distance; however, its use is still limited when estimating ship fuel consumption. Ship-specific information, such as the daily fuel consumption rate for main and auxiliary engines for every vessel, is expensive to gather, and generally not collected from private shipping companies. To address this research gap, we develop simplified and composite ship fuel consumption models for ocean-going container ships by size using a regression model. To estimate the fuel consumption models for container ships, we rely on ship activity data, including average speed and sailing time, distance, and actual fuel consumption for main and auxiliary engines. This information is obtained from a major container shipping company in Korea. We estimate and validate the parameters associated with fuel consumption for five different container ship sizes, all of which are smaller than the Post-Panamax container ship (15,000 TEU and above).  相似文献   

叶峰  梁小军 《船舶工程》2012,34(4):70-72
主机与轴系是船舶动力装置最重要的部分,主机与轴系校中质量的好坏将决定船舶的动力性能,并直接影响机舱动力装置工作的可靠性与使用寿命.以5100TEU集装箱船为例,分析与探讨了大型集装箱船的主机和轴系校中工艺,总结了校中过程中的参数、测量方法及工装设备,其成果已用于实船建造.  相似文献   

苑毅  钱思聪  喻方平 《机电设备》2010,27(4):1-4,16
介绍一种船舶柴油机最低油耗航速控制系统.利用这套系统可以在不影响船舶航行安全和航运周期的前提下,通过实时检测的方式,控制主机运行于最低油耗航速,从而大大降低船舶航行时的主机燃油消耗.  相似文献   

李军  秦大同  黎兆衡 《船舶》2006,(2):33-36
三峡库区船舶节能增效是船舶航行与管理面临的主要问题。文章通过分析船舶柴油机运行机理与船舶操纵航行条件,提出了三峡库区船舶以最佳航速运行是船舶柴油机动力装置节能和船舶驾驶操纵的最佳方式,也是库区船舶节能的有效方法。船舶在最佳航速下运行,适当调整柴油机主要参数,以使柴油机在最佳航速下其工况接近于柴油机额定工况,保证柴油机动力性、经济性和排放污染物得到提高和控制,真正实现船舶节能增效。  相似文献   

Reliable and continuous operation of ships is vitally important to the decision-makers. Driven by the rising cost of newbuilding ships, maintenance actions are needed on existing ships to ensure safe and enduring service beyond their initial design life. Extending ship service life can provide economic operating profit and promote sustainability. Meanwhile, ships during their extended service life may involve higher failure risk and additional maintenance expenditure. Therefore, a cost-benefit evaluation is imperative for determining the optimal duration of service life extension (SLE) and the associated maintenance actions. In this paper, a novel method for this purpose is proposed. Two cost-benefit indicators, benefit-cost ratio (BCR) and net present value (NPV) are used to optimize the duration of SLE. Using Bayesian updating, information on the remaining design life and the structural condition at the SLE decision is incorporated into the optimization process to better inform SLE decision-making. The proposed method is illustrated by a fatigue-sensitive very large crude carrier (VLCC) at both structural component and structural system levels.  相似文献   

孙未 《船舶》2020,(2):52-57
鉴于普通柴油机能量有效转化率不足50%,以及船东对节能减排的特殊要求,文章以缸套水为研究对象,设计出一套能够回收主、辅机缸套水废热的加热系统。利用主、辅机产生的废热去加热燃油舱、污油舱、货油洗舱水以及空调等用户,以实现节能、提高燃油利用率的目的。满足船舶在停泊、装卸货、进出港、正常航行等工况时以及洗舱时的热能需要。运用简单实用的办法提高船舶动力装置总效率,为中小型船舶的废热利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

黄兴  石磊  卫卫 《船舶》2019,30(1):40-48
随着技术进步与环保需求,船舶的动力系统不断改进,混合动力系统以其良好的操纵性能、较高的燃油效率及某些场合零排放的工作特性而备受关注。文章从船舶混合动力系统的发展历程出发,逐步阐述混合动力船舶的工作特性、典型架构、运行模式及其优势所在。通过对该类船舶目前国内外应用状况及效果的描述与分析,提出在未来5到10年左右,基于储能系统的混合动力船舶数量将显著增长,且适用范围将扩展到新建造的商船中,成为未来船舶的发展方向之一。  相似文献   

储能系统是船舶中的重要设备,可为各类船舶负荷提供能源。随着电力推进技术的成熟,全电船舶已成为未来船舶设计的主要方向。在此背景下,储能系统将由主要为辅助负荷供能逐步发展到为多类型船舶负荷供能,特别是作为船舶动力系统的重要组成部分与各类船舶主/辅机配合,在满足船舶各类负荷需求的前提下提高船舶的经济/环保特性。功能角色的转变加速了大规模储能系统接入船舶,带来了储能系统的状态估计、能量管理、优化规划等一系列问题。首先,对目前的储能技术进行分类;然后,介绍典型全电船舶的分类方法并指出储能系统的应用场景;最后,提出大容量储能系统接入船舶后带来的若干亟待解决的技术问题,即船舶储能系统分布式控制、船舶储能系统适应性规划与优化,以及船舶储能系统状态评估。所做研究可为未来大规模储能系统在电力化船舶上的应用研究提供参考方向。  相似文献   

Strategies of fuel consumption onboard ships are of one of the crucial issues in marine shipping industry. Many of the relevant authorities maritime domain gave great interesting to that issue, either through research that discussed the impact of marine fuel consumption on the environment and economy of ships or through practical experiments’ that are made by marine engine manufacturers. Over the years, many solutions have been put forward to overcome this problem while maintaining the amount of goods transported globally at the same transfer rate and ship speed. The present paper sheds light on many of the methods used currently to reach this purpose. It is explained that applying a certain fuel-saving strategy will rely on some of the factors, especially the type of ship. Mainly two methods including: shore-side power and cold out of heat strategies have been investigated regarding adaption, economic, and environmental issues in case of applying onboard high-speed passenger ships.  相似文献   

In recent years, China's increased interest in environmental protection has led to a promotion of energy-efficient dual fuel(diesel/natural gas) ships in Chinese inland rivers. A natural gas as ship fuel may pose dangers of fire and explosion if a gas leak occurs. If explosions or fires occur in the engine rooms of a ship, heavy damage and losses will be incurred. In this paper, a fault tree model is presented that considers both fires and explosions in a dual fuel ship; in this model, dual fuel engine rooms are the top events. All the basic events along with the minimum cut sets are obtained through the analysis.The primary factors that affect accidents involving fires and explosions are determined by calculating the degree of structure importance of the basic events.According to these results, corresponding measures are proposed to ensure and improve the safety and reliability of Chinese inland dual fuel ships.  相似文献   

基于STM32嵌入式和传感测量技术,将船舶的航行参数、主机基本运行参数和船舶各大动力装置的燃油消耗数据进行集中采集并传给岸端的数据管理服务中心,采用WAMP开发了一套基于WEB具有良好人机界面的,B/S架构的船舶油耗数据中心管理系统,实现了更加直观的船舶远程动态监管,也能为船东高效的解决船舶油耗数据分析统计等一系列问题。  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s increased interest in environmental protection has led to a promotion of energy-efficient dual fuel (diesel/natural gas) ships in Chinese inland rivers. A natural gas as ship fuel may pose dangers of fire and explosion if a gas leak occurs. If explosions or fires occur in the engine rooms of a ship, heavy damage and losses will be incurred. In this paper, a fault tree model is presented that considers both fires and explosions in a dual fuel ship; in this model, dual fuel engine rooms are the top events. All the basic events along with the minimum cut sets are obtained through the analysis. The primary factors that affect accidents involving fires and explosions are determined by calculating the degree of structure importance of the basic events. According to these results, corresponding measures are proposed to ensure and improve the safety and reliability of Chinese inland dual fuel ships.  相似文献   

论述主柴油机螺旋桨(FPP、CPP)推进特性的同时,结合螺旋桨推力系数(KP)、扭矩系数(Km)、随螺旋桨进程比,(λp)的变化情况,指出λp在大于某一定值后,螺旋桨将出现负推力和负转矩,这称为螺旋桨的水涡轮工况。此现象多发生在船舶机动作业的紧急换向工况中,对于CPP船若控制不慎,可能引发主机飞车或使船舶实际换向时间太长,两者都将延误船舶紧急避碰时机。现推荐一种"能耗法"的控制方法,可以有效地缩短船舶紧急换向实际时间,避免海难事故,保障航行安全。  相似文献   

伴随着气候问题、油价高企以及航运市场低迷的严峻形势,节能减排已成为船舶设计的重要理念,尤其是对于营运船舶的节能改装受到越来越多船东的关注.以改装现有的3 600 TEU集装箱船为例,采取降低主机功率转速、安装节能装置、优化球首线型和采用低阻油漆等方法,可取得显著节能效果.同时该研究尽可能采用高效低成本的方案,以降低改装成本,缩短成本回收周期,从而可以为船东、船厂带来最大化的收益.  相似文献   

天津港复式航道的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
天津港主航道可双向航行25万t级船舶,目前大小船混行,船流密度太大。根据预测2020年吞吐量将达到7亿t,到港船舶将进一步增加,届时主航道将难以适应。通过分析多年实际到港船舶资料和预测,70%以上为万t级以下船舶,据此提出在现主航道南北2侧各挖1条万t级单向航道,专供万t级以下船舶使用,万t级以上船舶仍航行主航道。大小船舶分道航行形成的复式航道,可以适应今后吞吐量发展的需要。同时调整进港锚地,避免进出港航行交叉。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of ship exhaust emissions at the Port of Piraeus and undertakes the challenge of finding a cost-effective option for its reduction according to the upcoming requirements of the 2005/33/EU Directive, through analysis of port traffic data and the utilisation of the experience gained through previous studies in this field. The Port of Piraeus makes a particularly suitable reference for this type of work, since it is one of the busiest and highly urbanised ports in the world. It is shown that cruise ships calling at Piraeus fulfill the criteria of selection for such an exercise by virtue of their frequency of calling, berth power requirements and time spent at berth. It was found that, according to current practice, cruise ships at berth consume 11 034 tons of fuel and produce 620.1 tons of NOX, 274.8 tons of SO2 and 20.7 tons of PM, totalling to 915.6 tons of exhaust emissions per year. This represents an overall annual cost of 21 million euro, divided between private (bunkering) and external (emission damage) costs by 19.4% and 80.6%, respectively. With regard to the upcoming EU requirements for ship power at berth, it was found that, irrespective of whether operating on ultralow-sulphur (0.1% sulphur) fuel or on shore-side electricity, a sizeable reduction in emissions and associated external costs is achieved, whereas private costs were always higher than those of the current practice. Comparing the two options, it was further found that the shore-side electricity presents the lowest external costs but highest private costs, whereas the overall costs are around 25% lower than the onboard use of ultralow-sulphur fuel.  相似文献   

In addition to sulphur oxides control, the North and the Baltic Seas have recently been designated as nitrogen oxides control area. Amidst ongoing developments in energy markets and international trade, shipowners have to develop cost-efficient strategies to comply with the new regulation. This study creates and tests a model calculating the incremental costs of abating NOx and SOx emissions under MARPOL Annex VI regulations for the following methods: SCR, HAM and internal engine modifications, marine gas oil, wet scrubbers, and liquefied natural gas propulsion. The model is tested empirically on a broad sample of 244 ships from the Swedish Commercial Fleet database for different operating contexts and fuel prices. Individual ship emission reductions and incremental abatement costs are calculated and the results are presented for the entire studied sample and per ship type class.

The study also explores the sensitivity of the chosen abatement methods to cost determinants and to main engine time operation under the light of economic performance and cost-efficiency. The results of the study aim to contribute to company abatement strategy.  相似文献   

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