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道路危险货物运输事故的预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对我国目前公路危险货物运输事故频发的现象,分析了有关道路危险货物运输在国家法规、中间申报环节、押运人和道路交警执法过程中存在的问题,提出了相关的对策,并总结出信息技术以及实时监控系统在危险品运输过程中的应用方案。  相似文献   

<正>"危险本身并不可怕,可怕的是对危险缺乏有效的认识和有效的防范。如何才能把危险品物流的"风险演变成事故的可能性"降到最低,做到防患于未然呢?建立完善专职安全管理人员制度,有效地识别风险、防范风险,或许就是一条出路!""企业应当配备专职安全管理人员。"危险品货物道路运输专家严季在接受本刊专访时一边说,一边拿出《道路危险货物运输管理规定释义》指给记者看,"这是2013年7月1日起施行的新修订的《道路危险货物运输管理规定》(交通运输部2013年第2号令,以下简称‘新《危  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展,道路运输行业发展迅猛,但道路运输安全问题亦日益凸显,特别是道路危险货物运输安全问题尤为突出。如何加强道路危险货物运输监管,减少安全事故的发生,成为交通部门亟待解决的主要问题之一。其中,德国危险货物运输监管的许多经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

德国人帕布斯·海恩提出过"海恩法则":"事故背后有征兆,征兆背后有苗头,苗头后面有规律"。尽管运输危险货物的汽车、火车、船舶在中国的土地上狂奔了多年,但依然存在一些问题。而这些问题,与危险货物运输国家标准有着密切的关系。综合运输体系催生新国标为了规范我国的道路危险货物运输,确保道路危险货物运输安全,我国先后颁布实施了《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》、《道路危险货物运输管理  相似文献   

道路危险货物运输是面向社会的高风险服务性行业.其安全生产是道路运输行业管理永恒的话题。近年来.道路危险货物运输事故呈现多发势头.笔者特结合管理实际,列举四起典型危险货物运输案例,希望引起相关单位的重视。  相似文献   

道路危险货物运输事故层出不穷,仅2009年11月-12月间,在湖北一省就接连发生了4起道路危险品运输严重事故。  相似文献   

随着国民经济建设步伐的加快,化工企业如雨后春笋般越来越多,生产的化工产品也越来越多,而绝大部分化工产品都属于危险品,都需要有危险货物运输资质的企业来运输。很多有商业头脑的经营者,都盯准了这块"大蛋糕",虽然运输危险品存在高风险,但是有风险才有利润,风险越大,利润越高,为了丰厚的利润,部分经营者纷纷"试水",申办危险货物运输经营资质。根据《道路危险货物运输管理规定》(交通部2005  相似文献   

道路危险货物运输过程最终要靠人来完成,加强道路危险货物运输从业人员的培训、教育,提高他们的安全意识、职业道德和专业知识与技能是保证安全运输的重要措施。  相似文献   

道路隧道、桥梁是危险货物运输易发生事故的关键节点,容易造成重大损失,应是运输安全的关键风险控制点。本文通过对比分析美国、欧盟的风险管理模式和方法,提出我国在道路隧道、桥梁地段危险货物运输风险管理的建议。  相似文献   

道路危险货物运输过程最终要靠人来完成,加强道路危险货物运输从业人员的培训、教育,提高他们的安全意识、职业道德和专业知识与技能是保证安全运输的重要措施。那么,如何使安全教育培训“丰富多彩,深入人心“呢?笔者认为应从以下几方面着手:  相似文献   

The paper develops a methodology for assessing the relative risk levels in moving hazardous materials by various transport modes. Transportation Risk ANalysis tool for hazardous Substances (TRANS) divides routes into smaller segments using multi-criteria analysis and likelihood scores of accidents in which dangerous cargoes are involved possibly causing fatalities. The consequences of accident scenarios are calculated in terms of the number of people within 1% of the lethal distance from the accident centre. This provides a user-friendly, semi-quantitative risk analysis tool. The generic method allows for comparing the risk levels of the segments of routes used in the transportation of hazardous goods.  相似文献   

A combined transportation-land use model is proposed in this paper. Unlike other existing urban land use and transportation planning models in which a “fixed demand” for services is assumed to be known at the zonal level of an urban area, zonal travel demand is endogenously determined together with link congestion costs, optimal amounts of production and resulting efficient densities of land uses, once the transportation network is given. Some characteristics of alternative solutions are demonstrated. The proposed model represents progress over previous efforts in combining land use-transportation problems since the travel choice as to origin, destination and routes as well as amounts of goods to be produced at the optimal density of land uses are integrated into a consistent mathematical programming framework.  相似文献   

国内盛产含蜡原油,研究其常温输送技术,在安全输油、节能降耗等方面具有重要意义.结合常温输送工艺的内涵,提出了实现含蜡原油常温输送的技术路线,根据该技术路线,论述了含蜡原油常温输送的研究内容、研究方法及其技术现状,主要包括含蜡原油的流变性、改性机理和方法以及几种主要的常温输送工艺.文中介绍了目前国内外部分原油管线常温输送...  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce new network design problems. A network of potential links is given. Each link can be either constructed or not at a given cost. Also, each constructed link can be constructed either as a one-way or two-way link. The objective is to minimize the total construction and transportation costs. Two different transportation costs are considered: (i) traffic is generated between any pair of nodes and the transportation cost is the total cost for the users and (ii) demand for service is generated at each node and a facility is to be located on a node to satisfy the demand. The transportation cost in this case is the total cost for a round trip from the facility to each node and back. We will consider two options in regard to the links between nodes. They can either be two-way only, or mixed, with both two-way and one-way (in either direction) allowed. When these options are combined with the two objective functions, four basic problems are created. These problems are solved by a descent algorithm, simulated annealing, tabu search, and a genetic algorithm. Extensive computational results are presented.  相似文献   

From the point of view of the feasibility of providing growth in road capacity parallel to the predicted growth in traffic as well in terms of impact on the environment and health, current trends in transportation are unsustainable. Transport problems are expected to worsen due to the fact that worldwide automobile ownership tripled between 1970 and 2000, and the movement of goods is projected to increase by 50% by 2010. Similar trends can be seen in an even more dramatic way in Turkey. The Turkish transport network has not followed a planned growth strategy, due to political factors. There is no transportation master plan which aims to integrate the transport modes in order to provide a balanced, multimodal system. This study proposes a decision support system that guides transportation policy makers in their future strategic decisions and facilitates analysis of the possible consequences of a specific policy on changing the share of transportation modes for both passenger and freight transportation. For this purpose, based on the wide spectrum of critical issues encountered in the transportation sector, several scenarios have been built and analysed.  相似文献   

To enhance the efficiency of intermodal transportation for large quantities of goods, the current sea–land transportation system has been reviewed and systematically analyzed, and a bottleneck is pinpointed in the linkage or goods transfer between the waterway and railway. The bottleneck impacts the efficiency of the goods through transportation combining the two modes. To eliminate the existing bottleneck and inefficiency towards intermodality, a new type of flexible double-rail track has recently been invented together with innovations both in trestle bridges and in train ferries. The outcomes of the research in progress show that the flexible double-rail track is feasible from the viewpoints of both geometry and engineering mechanics, it can be used to improve the compatibility of a trestle bridge with various types of train ferries and hence it can support the development of train ferries on a large scale. Based on the innovations, an integrated sea–land transportation system model is proposed as a systematic solution, which is expected to effectively overcome the existing bottleneck and to enhance the efficiency of the whole sea–land combined transportation. Further research on this system model and its major components is also addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the pricing of malls in an environment where shoppers choose between a car and public transportation in getting to a suburban mall. The mall implicitly engages in mixed bundling; it sells goods bundled with parking to shoppers who come by car, and only goods to shoppers who come by public transportation. There are external costs of discomfort in public transportation due to crowdedness. Thus, shoppers using public transportation deter each other. The mall internalizes these external costs, much like a policy maker. To do so, it raises the sales price of the good and sets a parking fee less than parking’s marginal cost. Hence, parking is always a loss leader. Surprisingly, this pricing scheme is not necessarily distortionary.  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining the possibility of setting up a model terminal for the transportation of dangerous goods. It should be designed in such a manner that its use would be possible for any kind of transportation.

This consideration has been prompted by the interface between transportation planning and technology, as well as by the tendency for harmonizing international recommendations pertaining to the transportation and handling of dangerous goods, especially during the last decades where unified transport has gained ground due to the advantages provided for the safe consignment of dangerous cargoes.

Since the large increase in terminal productivity is due to the heavy investments that were effected in terminal installations and to the modernization of the administration‐management of terminals, a mathematical simulation has been adopted to assist the determination of the capacity of a terminal for dangerous goods.

It is evident that different criteria and various assumptions have been taken into account in order to facilitate a deeper analysis, without ignoring the contribution of dangerous goods to the socio‐economic development.

From the outset of the study, it was already clear that the said process will make it possible to present—as a model—a simple but well defined situation for the purpose of drawing useful conclusions.  相似文献   

Hazardous materials routing constitutes a critical decision in mitigating the associated transportation risk. This paper presents a decision support system for assessing alternative distribution routes in terms of travel time, risk and evacuation implications while coordinating the emergency response deployment decisions with the hazardous materials routes. The proposed system provides the following functionalities: (i) determination of alternative non-dominated hazardous materials distribution routes in terms of cost and risk minimization, (ii) specification of the hazardous materials first-response emergency service units locations in order to achieve timely response to an accident, and (iii) determination of evacuation paths from the impacted area to designated shelters and estimation of the associated evacuation time. The proposed system has been implemented, used and evaluated for assessing alternative hazardous materials routing decisions within the heavily industrialized area of Thriasion Pedion of Attica, Greece. The implementation of the aforementioned functionalities is based on two new integer programming models for the hazardous materials routing and the emergency response units location problems, respectively. A simplified version of the routing model is solved by an existing heuristic algorithm developed by the authors. A new Lagrangean relaxation heuristic algorithm has been developed for solving the emergency response units location problem. The focus of this paper is on the exposition of the proposed decision support system components and functionalities. Special emphasis is placed on the presentation of the two new mathematical models and the new solution method for the location model.  相似文献   

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