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换装发电机皮带有捷径 一般汽车发电机和空调压缩机都通过曲轴前端的皮带轮驱动。发电机与水泵共用的一根传动皮带很容易断裂。因空调压缩机皮带装在发电机皮带轮的侧槽内,常规更换安装新发电机皮带时,先要拆掉空调压缩机皮带,十分费时、费力。  相似文献   

戴培良  邵杰 《汽车电器》2002,(4):25-28,31
介绍独立顶置式客车空调用发电机匹配中的技术问题,包括发电机的选用,安装,皮带轮的选择,蓄电池的电荷量等。  相似文献   

客车上通常采用的是非独立式空调,它是使用发动机动力驱动空调压缩机来改变冷媒压力,应用车载大功率发电机的输出电能,供给冷凝电动机和蒸发电动机工作,实现热量交换。一般通过控制面板来设定温度,回风口温度传感器和温度控制继电  相似文献   

一辆金龙XMQ 6760NF客车,累计行驶23万km,出现不开空调时,发电机发电量足够使用,仪表盘上的电压表显示发电机的输出电压为26V;打开空调后,发电机发电量明显不足,特别在高速行驶后,电压表显示发电机的输出电压在24V以下,造成蓄电池亏电,起动机无法正常运转的现象。曾因此到其他修理厂检修过,怀疑是发电机有故障,换上一个新的发电机,但使用了近10天又造成蓄电池亏电。  相似文献   

随着车辆豪华程度的不断提高,用电设备增多,需要采用较大功率的发电机来供电,以保证所有的用电设备都能可靠工作,如金龙、宇通客车的发电机都能提供looA以上的电流。,大功率发电机的结构特点(1)利用发电机中性点电压(在中性点加装2只二级管),使发电机输出功率提高10%一巧  相似文献   

汽车交流发电机技术改进及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发电机是汽车的主要电源之一.目前一般采用爪极式三相同步交流发电机,它由转子部分、定子部分、硅整流器、电刷装置及前、后端盖等组成.工作时输出的三相交流电经三相桥式整流器转换成直流电,并通过电压调节器保持电压基本稳定.发电机在车上与蓄电池并联,并向蓄电池及其它用电设备供电.  相似文献   

正四、48V车载电气系统能量维持再充电功能1.配置256发动机,车型222的车载电气系统框图,如图16所示。2.配置264发动机,车型238的车载电气系统框图,如图17所示。3.减少用电设备如果集成式启动机发电机(ISA)或皮带驱动启动机发电机(BSA)不再能提供所需电量输出,则通过减少用电设备来降低48V车载电气系统中的车载电气系统载荷。这可防  相似文献   

本文针对北汽微车换发项目,根据整车用电需求,对整车电平衡做出理论计算,评估选型发电机是否可以满足整车供电。经过实车测试,发现原发动机自带发电机不能满足整车用电需求。针对此情况,在满足安装空间、安装点不变的前提下重新选型一款新的发电机。通过发电机厂家台架测试和实车测试,可以满足整车用电需求。  相似文献   

结合客车电气系统的设计经验,从整车蓄电池和发电机电源系统到起动机和整车用电设备之间的角度,介绍客车电量平衡的匹配计算过程。  相似文献   

武冬蕾 《汽车工程师》2012,(11):40-41,47
为验证汽车电气系统电荷是否匹配,文章以某款轿车为例,用计算及测量发电机输出电流是否能满足车内用电设备所需要的电流的方法,对该车的电气系统进行电流匹配的计算与验证。计算结果表明该轿车满足汽车电气系统电流匹配的要求。通过测量发电机输出电流及车内用电设备所需要的电流,验证了理论计算所得结果的准确性。由于测试环境温度不高(22℃左右),建议今后在高温条件下再次进行实车验证。  相似文献   

Three visualization methods, Schlieren, Shadowgraph, and Mie-scattering, were applied to compare diesel and gasoline spray structures in a constant volume chamber. Fuels were injected into a high pressure/high temperature chamber under the same in-cylinder pressure and temperature conditions of low load in a GDCI (gasoline direct injection compression ignition) engine. Two injection pressures (40 MPa and 80 MPa), two ambient pressures (4.2 MPa and 1.7 MPa), and two ambient temperatures (908 K and 677 K) were use. The images from the different methods were overlapped to show liquid and vapor phases more clearly. Vapor developments of the two fuels were similar; however, different liquid developments were seen. At the same injection pressure and ambient temperature, gasoline liquid propagated more quickly and disappeared more rapidly than diesel liquid phase. At the low ambient temperature and pressure condition, gasoline and diesel sprays with higher injection pressures showed longer liquid lengths due to higher spray momentum. At the higher ambient temperature condition, the gasoline liquid length was shorter for the higher injection pressure. Higher volatility of gasoline is the main reason for this shorter liquid length under higher injection pressure and higher ambient temperature conditions. For a design of GDCI engine, it is necessary to understand the higher volatility of gasoline.  相似文献   

姚苠 《城市车辆》2008,(6):50-50
对于国Ⅲ电控发动机,业内一直存在着一个难题:燃油经济性和低排放难以两全,鱼和熊掌总是不能兼得。专家表示,在全球油价飙升、环境日益恶化的背景下,兼顾环保与节能的汽车才是未来的发展之路,而高效环保的发动机技术是突破关键。目前,国际汽车工业领域已经将提高发动机能效作为核心课题。  相似文献   

Gomecsys公司发布了下一代的发动机技术,在这种新型的设计中,偏心轮和齿轮围绕曲柄销与曲轴做相同方向的转动,在减小摩擦的同时,提升了系统的效率  相似文献   

The traction control in modern electric and diesel electric locomotives has allowed rail operators to utilise high traction adhesion levels without undue risk of damage from uncontrolled wheel spin. At the same time, some locomotive manufacturers have developed passive steering locomotive bogies to reduce wheel rail wear and further improve locomotive adhesion performance on curves. High locomotive traction loads in curving are known to cause the loss of steering performance in passive steering bogies. At present there are few publications on the curving performance of locomotive steering with linkage bogies. The most extreme traction curving cases of low speed and high adhesion for hauling locomotives have not been fully investigated, with effects of coupler forces and cant excess being generally ignored. This paper presents a simulation study for three axle bogie locomotives in pusher and pulling train positions on tight curves. The simulation study uses moderate and high traction adhesion levels of 16.6% and 37% for various rail friction conditions. Curving performance is assessed, showing forced steering bogies to have considerable advantages over self steering bogies. Likewise it is shown that self steering bogies are significantly better than yaw relaxation bogies at improving steering under traction. As the required traction adhesion approaches the rail friction coefficient, steering performance of all bogies degrades and yaw of the bogie frame relative to the track increases. Operation with excess cant and tensile coupler forces are both found to be detrimental to the wear performance of all locomotive bogies, increasing the bogie frame yaw angles. Bogie frame pitching is also found to have significant effect on steering, causing increased performance differences between bogie designs.  相似文献   

龙翔 《城市车辆》2004,(4):46-47
沃尔沃(中国)投资有限公司常务副总裁兼首席运营官、沃尔沃卡车公司亚洲区副总裁、中国区常务副总裁兼首席运营官吴瑜章在第八届北京国际车展上表示,对中国物流业进行改造,引进高端卡车,将公路运输的概念转向快速、长途、重载的需求已经迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

彭婕 《城市车辆》2007,(5):14-14
本届展会,亚星公司推出的JS6908H有多款动力供选择,造型别具一格,35座高二级客车被四川等地的高端旅游市场正逐渐看好.由于春运期间公路客运不再提价,通过提高车辆等级提高核定票价,节假日恢复票价的方式来增加营运收入,同时也提高与铁路客运的竞争力,加至中型高二级不需要卫生间等因素,因而在100~300 km运距的高速客运市场有着巨大的吸引力.  相似文献   

五一佳节,从北京传来令人鼓舞的喜讯。东风风圣DHZ6111CF客车在北京公交集团公开招投标中,中标100辆。从而实现风圣客车首次批量进入北京市场。  相似文献   

广西玉柴机器股份有限公司2006年第一季度经营形势高开高走,累计生产各型柴油机10.9万多台,销售10.1万多台,与2005年同期相比分别增长15%和33%。其中,股份公司生产柴油机8.9万多台,销售8万多台,3月份产量达到3.6万多台,销量超过3.7万台,创下单月产销量的历史最高纪录。尤其是农  相似文献   

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