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IntroductionTheimportanceofsampled-dataestimationorfilteringisincreasingbecauseoftherapiddevel-opmentinthetechnologyofdigital...  相似文献   

MPLED-DATA SYSTEMSTX@霍沛军@王子栋IntroductionSampled-datafeedbackcontrolhasreceivedmuchatentionintheareaofcontrolsystemde-signbecauseo...  相似文献   

Introduction   Control of time- delay systems has been an at-tractive field in control theory and applicationssince the time- delay systems are frequently en-countered in the real world.They are much differ-ent from their non- delay counterparts.For exam-ple,it is well known that the existence of delaysmay degrade the respond of the closed- loop sys-tems,or even induce instability[1] .Hence,theavailable results of non- delay sytems can notbe di-rectly applied to time- delay systems in genera…  相似文献   

Introduction  Since notion of a dissipative dynamical systemwas introduced by Willems[1] ,it has played a veryimportant role in system,circuit,network andcontrol engineering and theory.Dissipativeness isa generalization of the passivity in electrical net-works and other dynamical systems which dissipateenergy in some abstractsense.Applications of dis-sipativeness in the stability analysis of linear sys-tems with certain nonlinearfeedback were firstdis-cussed in Refs.[1 ,2 ]. The theory of d…  相似文献   

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