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针对杭黄铁路富阳至建德段线路富春江南北两岸城市密布且地质、地形条件复杂等特点,为选择线路走向,对可能的方案进行了研究,通过技术经济比较、与城市规划协调性分析、工程实施难易程度和风险对比分析以及土地资源利用和环境保护、运营安全和旅客舒适度分析等方法进行论证,提出了合理的线路方案。  相似文献   

分析了沪通铁路宝山线路方案选址中存在的困难,其中与上海市宝山区现状与规划矛盾较多,敷设方式经历了由地面到地下的演变,同时局部降低了限制坡度的要求(隧道部分采用0.9%),线路走向先后提出了中线方案、南线方案和北线方案.综合考虑各方案多种控制因素,减少铁路对城市环境、土地规划利用等的影响,推荐采用南线方案。  相似文献   

胡峰军 《水运工程》2021,(1):168-173
浙赣运河是沟通长江水系与钱塘江水系的连通工程,为江西省开辟东向出海通道。针对浙赣运河越岭段线路走向问题,进行运河线路和分水岭段局部线路的比选。从线路布置、区域影响、水源供给、连接段、建筑物、项目实施、移民占地等7个方面进行分析,并综合路线长度、越岭高程和航运水量等条件,给出运河线路推荐方案——龙绕溪方案,即通过建设大麦淤枢纽、彤弓山枢纽、九都枢纽、红旗岗船闸、东山坞船闸等工程梯级,控制最低水位,开挖运河。在分水岭段进行3个方案的比选,推荐路线长度、移民占地等条件较优的水库方案。  相似文献   

近年来,京杭运河黄河以北段复航呼声越来越高,京杭运河穿黄及黄河北山东段走向成为目前需要迫切解决的问题。本文通过对东平湖周边防洪工程现状分析,提出了穿黄位置、穿黄方案及穿黄线路走向;根据黄河北河系水网布置,提出了京杭运河黄河北山东段航道初步走向,为京杭运河黄河以北段复航工程提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为避免在大岭山森林公园范围内进行永久开挖、破坏,对该段无压隧洞线路从路线布置、施工条件、工程造价、生态环境等方面对方案一和方案二进行比较。对穿越大岭山森林公园无压隧洞线路所拟定2个方案进行比选。并推荐综合方案较优的方案一。  相似文献   

天津中心渔港作为一个新建海港,航道的选线恰当与否直接影响到工程投资及建成后的维护费用。为此,在充分认识中心渔港所在位置的自然条件的基础上,对进港航道尺度进行了论证,进而对航道拟选线路方案进行了泥沙回淤分析。研究表明,选择航道长度相对较短、航道走向和水流夹角尽可能小的航线可以明显减小工程后泥沙回淤强度。  相似文献   

南水北调东线江苏境内长江~洪泽湖段是南水北调东线工程江苏境内起始段,该段输水线路若在后期工程中增加输水规模,则其将直接影响沿线市县用水。为将增加输水规模后对沿线影响降到较小,在原规划二、三期工程方案基础上,为进一步提供调水出省水量、水质的保障程度,结合一期工程运行后出现的江苏用水需求新情况和管理实际,现建议江苏省内供水线路和省外用水输水线路相对分开。  相似文献   

通过对栅格解耦法、设定节点法和线路段落划分法这三种方法进行分析,比较了其优缺点,得出航母机库内舰载机的调运线路可采用线路段落划分法。在结合图例的基础上,说明了机库内舰载机调运线路的设计以及线路的优化筛选,从而得出了几条最佳调运线路。同时,也提出了一些需进一步解决的问题:需研究用计算机处理技术来实现布列方案与线路段落划分法方案的智能化接口、采用数字化处理技术来实现调运线路全集表的制作并进行优化筛选。  相似文献   

鸭绿江山区河流两侧一般受地形的约束,坡陡流急,水流线路不易改变,如果在某些河段弯道处采取单一圆弧处理,有时会较大地改变河流走向,带来较多的工程量。通过利用拉宾和里奥普提出的正弦派生曲线理论,对鸭绿江山区河流弯道情况进行分析,探讨选取山区河流弯道水流弯曲半径新的方法,采取具有变化曲率半径的正弦派生曲线来规划航道走向,起到了优化环境的作用。  相似文献   

大件货物公路运输线路的选择,首先要根据历史资料与一线勘察资料对线路进行初步选择,对所承运的大件货物进行配车及设计运输方案;对沿线线路进行勘察后,基于经济性、通过性、时效性原则对线路信息进行修正,从而确定最终的运输线路。本文对大件货物公路运输的定义进行了阐述,说明了线路选择原则,指出大件货物公路运输存在的问题,并就具体运输线路选择提出策略,为提高我国大件货物公路运输线路选择水平提供参考。  相似文献   

闫伟  缑海健  陆苗 《水运工程》2019,(S1):12-15
港口系统设备一般外型尺寸和质量较大,多采用截面积较大的起重机钢轨作为行走轨道。根据港口系统设备使用特点和工程施工现场条件,结合码头和堆场结构,借鉴轻轨和重轨的无缝连接技术,对各种焊接工艺进行比较,分析钢轨的材料组成和焊接过程内部组织变化,推荐一种保证设备使用安全和操作人员舒适度、连接质量稳定、便于维护、操作简便、满足港口系统设备钢轨安装现场要求的连接方法和工艺,有助于实现工期目标,可推广应用于矿山、港口、电厂、码头及堆场等大质量机车或起重设备的钢轨连接。  相似文献   

A model to compare three alternative forms of public transport - light rail, heavy rail and bus rapid transit - is developed for an urban network with radial lines emanating from the borders to the city centre. The theoretical framework assumes an operation aimed at minimising the total cost associated with public transport service provision, which encompasses both operator and users costs. The decision variables are the number of lines (network density) and the frequency per period for each mode. This approach has no prejudices a priori in respect of whether a specified delivery scenario is aligned with existing modal reputation. Rather, we establish the conditions under which a specific transit mode should be preferred to another in terms of the operator (supply) and user (demand) side offerings. The model is applied using data from Australian cities, suggesting that in most of the scenarios analysed a high standard bus service is the most cost-effective mode, because it provides lower operator costs (infrastructure, rolling stock and operating cost), access time costs (due to a larger number of lines) and waiting time cost (due to larger frequencies of operation). A rail mode, such as light rail or heavy rail, may have a lower total cost only if it is able to run faster than bus rapid transit, and the difference in speed is enough to outweigh the bus advantage on operator cost and access and waiting times.  相似文献   

重庆主城港区东港作业区一期工程陆域场区采用开挖和回填形成,最大回填厚度达32 m,场地地基条件复杂。堆场轨道基础在回填区域采用现浇U型轨道板基础,通过调整轨枕满足使用要求;在开挖区域采用无渣轨道板基础,使门 机运行稳定,节省投资。  相似文献   

针对自动化轨道吊"双刚腿"和"一刚一柔"两种门腿形式,根据技术参数和计算工况,分析在不同轨道运行公差情况下的适应性,并结合2种门腿形式轨道吊的运行案例,提出对堆场基础沉降导致轨道变形的敏感性,为码头建设单位轨道吊选型提供参考。  相似文献   

罗红英 《中国修船》2006,19(6):25-27,30
文章介绍了RT-flex58T-B低速船用电控柴油机共轨系统控制原理,与传统的RTA58柴油机主要技术性能指标进行了比较,概述了降低NOx排放的措施,详细地阐述了利用共轨系统控制燃油喷射过程,优化了RT-flex58T-B柴油机各项性能指标,使之更加高效可靠、经济、低排放运行。  相似文献   

Britain's national rail system was ‘privatised’ as a result of the 1993 Railways Act, with most of the organisational and ownership changes implemented by 1997. This paper examines the long term impacts of these changes. A key issue when examining long term changes is that of the counterfactual – what would have happened if the changes had not occurred? A simple econometric model of the demand for passenger rail services was developed and used in conjunction with extrapolative methods for key variables such as fares and train km to determine demand-side counterfactuals. Extrapolative methods were also used to determine counterfactual infrastructure and train operation costs. Although our results are sensitive to the assumptions we have made concerning the counterfactual they suggest a number of impacts. Since privatisation, rail demand has grown strongly but our analysis indicates that transitional disruptions suppressed demand by around 9% over a prolonged period (1992/3 to 2005/6), whilst the Hatfield accident reduced demand by about 5%, albeit over a shorter period (2000/1 to 2006/7). A welfare analysis suggests that although consumers seem to have gained as a result of privatisation, for most years this has been offset by increases in costs. An exception is provided by the two years immediately before the Hatfield accident. Overall the loss in welfare since the reforms were introduced far exceeds the net receipts from the sale of rail businesses. Thus although the reforms have had advantages in terms of lower fares and better service levels than otherwise would have been the case, this appears to have been offset by increased infrastructure and train operations costs. The source of these high costs remains an area of speculation but appear to be related to aspects of both market and regulatory failure.  相似文献   

轨道式龙门吊作为重箱堆场主要起重设备,轨道基础对地基的沉降及其差异沉降非常敏感。目前,国内主要结合勘探及室内土工试验数据,采用规范法对基础沉降进行计算分析。静力触探技术能反映土体原位物理力学性质、具有测试速度快及经济效益高等优点,因此广泛应用于国外地基处理效果评价。基于中东某集装箱码头工程的吹填砂场地静力触探测试数据,采用国际公认的Schmertmann方法对轨道基础的沉降及其差异沉降进行计算分析。工程实例的计算结果表明:基于静力触探测试数据的轨道基础沉降计算方法的分析结果满足轨道基础的国际设计标准,研究成果可供类似海外工程参考。  相似文献   

陈文  张玉萍 《水运工程》2014,(10):71-75
采用ANSYS软件对移动机械荷载作用下轨道梁的刚性支承和弹性支承进行有限元模拟,得到不同模型下的结构内力以及支座反力。对计算模型的结果进行对比分析,并探讨支座刚性系数变化对弹性支承轨道梁结构内力的影响。计算结果表明:分布弹性支承对支座处弯矩有较好的削峰效果,也能起到减小跨中弯矩的作用,轨道梁结构内力宜采用分布弹性支承连续梁模型计算;采用不同桩基时支座刚性系数的变化对结构内力影响较小,适当增大支座刚性系数对结构安全有利。  相似文献   

Considering the present trends of urbanization and motorization in India, there is an urgent need for integration, revitalization and renewal of the smaller towns and cities to make urban areas in India more sustainable. Unless our regional space is reorganized to upgrade development of towns and cities and integrate them with each other and the larger cities, the urbanization process in India will become unsustainable. It is argued that High Speed Rail (HSR) can play a role in achieving this more balanced and sustainable development of towns and cities, opening up opportunities for growth across a wider, inter-connected, region, with the benefit of taking the pressure of the larger cities to absorb additional burgeoning populations. This paper will make the case that in the current Indian context, current patterns of mega-city growth are unsustainable, and that HSR can play an important role in providing opportunities for medium and smaller size cities through their interconnections. It begins by highlighting the role that railways have played in India and other countries, noting that merely economic analysis of their costs and benefits generally underestimated their contributions to development. It then provides an introduction to HSR and its potential impact in general, before applying this to the example of the State of Karnataka in South India.  相似文献   

为分析电控柴油机伺服油共轨系统的动态性能和不同参数对系统性能的影响,以瓦锡兰RT-flex60C船舶柴油机伺服油共轨系统为对象,研究伺服油轨系统的结构特点和工作原理。建立系统主要部件的数学模型,采用SIMULINK仿真软件对伺服油共轨系统进行仿真,通过仿真实验分析伺服油泵转速、收集器和共轨容积、柴油机负荷对伺服共轨管压力波动产生的影响,分析得出收集器和伺服共轨容积对轨压有比较大的影响,因此建议在满足柴油机工作性能的基础上,选用较大的收集器容积或分段式伺服共轨管。  相似文献   

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