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Certain details of traffic evolution were studied along a 2 km, homogenous freeway segment located upstream of a bottleneck. By comparing (transformed) cumulative curves constructed from the vehicle counts measured at neighboring loop detectors, it was found that waves propagated through queued traffic like a random walk with predictable statistical variation. There was no observed dependency of wave speed on flow. As such, these waves neither focused nor fanned outward and shocks arose only at the interfaces between free-flowing traffic and the back of queues. Although these traffic features may have long been suspected, actual observations of this kind have hitherto not been documented. Also of note, the shocks separating queued and unqueued traffic sometimes exhibited unexpectedly long transitions between these two states. Finally, some observations presented here corroborate earlier reports that, in unqueued traffic, vehicle velocity is insensitive to flows and that forward-moving changes in traffic states therefore travel with vehicles. Taken together, these findings suggest that certain rather simple models suffice for describing traffic on homogeneous freeway segments; brief discussion of this is offered in Section 5.  相似文献   

Data from several freeway merges reveal that, contrary to some previous findings, merge ratio can vary within a site with respect to the merge outflow and that the existing merge ratio estimates based on lane counts are not able to predict this within-site variation. Furthermore, the merge ratios estimated based on two well-known merging principles, “fair-share” and “zipper,” are found to be inaccurate for merges where merging streams compete directly due to a lane drop. In light of these findings, we estimate merge ratios using lane flow distribution (LFD) to better predict between and within site variations of merge ratio. In addition, we propose a merging principle specific for merges with a single lane-drop. The model was developed to better represent observed non-uniform redistribution of merging flow not captured by the current merge ratio estimation methods and merging principles. Empirical observations show that the proposed methods are able to improve merge ratio estimates, reproduce within-site variations of merge ratio, and represent more accurately non-uniform redistribution of merging flow dependent on the merge geometry.  相似文献   

It is essential for local traffic jurisdictions to systematically spot freeway bottlenecks and proactively deploy appropriate congestion mitigation strategies. However, diagnostic results may be influenced by unreliable measurements, analysts’ subjective knowledge and day-to-day traffic pattern variations. In order to suitably address these uncertainties and imprecise data, this study proposes a fuzzy-logic-based approach for bottleneck severity diagnosis in urban sensor networks. A dynamic bottleneck identification model is first proposed to identify bottleneck locations, and a fuzzy inference approach is then proposed to systematically diagnose the severities of the identified recurring and non-recurring bottlenecks by incorporating expert knowledge of local traffic conditions. Sample data over a 1-month period on an urban freeway in Northern Virginia was used as a case study for the analysis. The results reveal that the proposed approach can reasonably determine bottleneck severities and critical links, accounting for both spatial and temporal factors in a sensor network.  相似文献   

This study investigates how countdown timers installed at a signalized intersection affect the queue discharge characteristics of through movement during the green phase. Since the countdown timers display the time remaining (in seconds) until the onset of the green phase, drivers waiting in the queue at the intersection are aware of the upcoming phase change, and are likely to respond quicker. Thus, the countdown timers could reduce the start-up lost time, decrease the saturation headway, and increase the saturation flow rate. This study observed vehicle flow at an intersection in Bangkok for 24 h when the countdown timers were operating, and for another 24 h when the countdown timers were switched off. The signal plans and timings remained unchanged in both cases. Standard statistical t-tests were used to compare the difference in traffic characteristics between the “with timer” and “without timer” cases. It was found that the countdown timers had a significant impact on the start-up lost time, reducing it by 1.00–1.92 s per cycle, or a 17–32% time saving. However, the effects on saturation headway were found to be trivial, which implies that the countdown timers do not have much impact on the saturation flow rate of signalized intersections, especially during the off-peak day period and the late night period. The savings in the start-up lost time from the countdown timers was estimated to be equivalent to an 8–24 vehicles/h increase for each through movement lane at the intersection being studied.  相似文献   

We consider the use of a Vickrey road bottleneck in the context of repetitive scheduling choices, distinguishing between long-run and short-run scheduling preferences. The preference structure reflects that there is a distinction between the (exogenous) ‘long-run preferred arrival time’, which would be relevant if consumers were unconstrained in the scheduling of their activities, and the ‘short-run preferred arrival time’, which is the result of an adaptation of travel routines in the face of constraints caused by, in particular, time-varying congestion levels. We characterize the unpriced equilibrium, the social optimum as well as second-best situations where the availability of the pricing instruments is restricted. All of them entail a dispersed distribution of short-run preferred arrival times. We obtain the intriguing results that the dispersion is lower in the social optimum than in the unpriced equilibrium, and that the application of first-best short-run tolls does not induce efficient long-run choices of travel routines.  相似文献   

Auxiliary lanes connecting freeway entrance and exit ramps provide additional space for entering and exiting vehicles to change lanes. The method of dropping auxiliary lanes is critical in the design of freeway auxiliary lanes. This study investigates the performance of different methods of dropping auxiliary lanes. Case studies were conducted at two selected freeway segments with successive entrance or exit ramps in the City of Houston. Traffic simulation analysis results of these two case studies show that additional operational benefits can be achieved by extending an auxiliary lane beyond the freeway weaving segment. The study also found that if the weaving segment is followed by an entrance/exit ramp and this ramp has high traffic volume, it can be less operationally favorable to extend and terminate the auxiliary lane at this entrance/exit ramp location. Instead, dropping the auxiliary lane before this entrance/exit ramp represents a more operationally effective option.  相似文献   

Lane closures due to highway work zones present many challenges to the goal of ensuring smooth traffic operations and a safe environment for both drivers and workers. Late merge behavior at a work zone closure is a dangerous behavior that impacts the traffic conflicts upstream of work zone closures. This paper analyzes the safety impacts of using a signalized lane control strategy at the work zone merge points. To achieve the objective of this research, a field study has been conducted at a highway work zone to collect traffic and driver behavior data, and a two-stage, simulation-based approach is used to analyze the safety impacts of implementing a signalized lane merge control strategy at the studied work zone. In the first stage, micro-simulation models are developed and calibrated based on field data to generate vehicle trajectories. In the second stage, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s Surrogate Safety Assessment Model is employed to identify potential conflicts under different traffic conditions. The paper concludes that a proposed signal control device could significantly reduce lane-change conflicts at work zone merge points. In addition, recommendations on the signal cycle length and timing splits are provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model which studies probability distributions of queue lengths at fixed time traffic signals. It extends Haight's model for Poisson arrivals that the arrival distribution during the effective red period is general and the headway between two successive departures is not less than the minimum departure headway. Moreover, the probability generating function of the queue length, at the end of the effective red period, is derived. The probabilities of the queue lengths, at the ends of the effective green, actual red and amber periods, are also obtained. Comparison is made with Haight's model. Finally a case study for the proposed model is reported.  相似文献   

Work zone related traffic delay is an important cost component on freeways with maintenance activities. This study demonstrates that delays may be underestimated by using the deterministic queuing theory. Computer simulation is a valuable approach of estimating delay under a variety of existing and future conditions. However, a single simulation run, which can be quite costly in terms of both computer and analyst time, produces a delay estimate for only one traffic level under one set of conditions. A method is developed in this paper to approximate delays by integrating limited simulation data, obtained from CORSIM and the concept of deterministic queuing theory, while various geometric conditions and time‐varying traffic distribution are considered. A calibrated and validated simulation model that can reflect work zone traffic operations on a segment of Interstate 1–80 in New Jersey is used to generate data for developing the proposed model. The comparison of delays estimated by the deterministic queuing model and the proposed model is conducted, while factors affecting the accuracy of the delay estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a real-time estimation approach for lane-based queue lengths. Our aim is to determine the numbers of queued vehicles in each lane, based on detector information at isolated signalized junctions. The challenges involved in this task are to identify whether there is a residual queue at the start time of each cycle and to determine the proportions of lane-to-lane traffic volumes in each lane. Discriminant models are developed based on time occupancy rates and impulse memories, as calculated by the detector and signal information from a set of upstream and downstream detectors. To determine the proportions of total traffic volume in each lane, the downstream arrivals for each cycle are estimated by using the Kalman filter, which is based on upstream arrivals and downstream discharges collected during the previous cycle. Both the computer simulations and the case study of real-world traffic show that the proposed method is robust and accurate for the estimation of lane-based queue lengths in real time under a wide range of traffic conditions. Calibrated discriminant models play a significant role in determining whether there are residual queued vehicles in each lane at the start time of each cycle. In addition, downstream arrivals estimated by the Kalman filter enhance the accuracy of the estimates by minimizing any error terms caused by lane-changing behavior.  相似文献   

The dynamics of formation and dissipation of queues at isolated signalized intersections are investigated by analyzing the vehicle conservation equation along the street. Solution of the conservation equation is obtained by the method of characteristics for general initial and boundary conditions, and the effect of the control variables (cycle length, green and red intervals) and system parameters (arrival rates, capacity) on the length of the queue is examined. The theoretical results are obtained by examining the dynamics of the shock waves which are formed because of the intermitted service of traffic by the signal. These results include analytical criteria for the development of saturated or unsaturated situations, analytical expressions for the maximum queue length and limits on the control variables so that the queues remain bounded. The basic findings of this study can be employed for the solution of the traffic signal optimal control problem.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the risks of crashes associated with the freeway traffic flow operating at various levels of service (LOS) and to identify crash-prone traffic conditions for each LOS. The results showed that the traffic flow operating at LOS E had the highest crash potential, followed by LOS F and D. The traffic flow operating at LOS B and A had the lowest crash potential. For LOS A and B, the vehicle platoon and abrupt change in vehicle speeds were major contributing factors to crash occurrences. For LOS C, crash risks were correlated with lane-change maneuvers, speed variation, and small headways in traffic. For LOS D, crash risks increased with an increase in the temporal change in traffic flow variables and the frequency of lane-change maneuvers. For LOS E, crash risks were mainly affected by high traffic volumes and oscillating traffic conditions. For LOS F, crash risks increased with an increase in the standard deviation of flow rate and the frequency of lane-change maneuvers. The findings suggested that the mechanism of crashes were quite different across various LOS. A Bayesian random-parameters logistic regression model was developed to identify crash-prone traffic conditions for various LOS. The proposed model significantly improved the prediction performance as compared to the conventional logistic regression model.  相似文献   

Observations of traffic pairs of flow vs. density or occupancy for individual locations in freeways or arterials are usually scattered about an underlying curve. Recent observations from empirical data in arterial networks showed that in some cases by aggregating the highly scattered plots of flow vs. density from individual loop detectors, the scatter almost disappears and well-defined macroscopic relations exist between space-mean network flow and network density. Despite these findings for the existence of well-defined relations with low scatter, these curves should not be universal. In this paper we investigate if well-defined macroscopic relations exist for freeway network systems, by analyzing real data from Minnesota’s freeways. We show that freeway network systems not only have curves with high scatter, but they also exhibit hysteresis phenomena, where higher network flows are observed for the same average network density in the onset and lower in the offset of congestion. The mechanisms of traffic hysteresis phenomena at the network level are analyzed in this paper and they have dissimilarities to the causes of the hysteresis phenomena at the micro/meso level. The explanation of the phenomenon is dual. The first reason is that there are different spatial and temporal distributions of congestion for the same level of average density. Another reason is the synchronized occurrence of transitions from individual detectors during the offset of the peak period, with points remain beneath the equilibrium curve. Both the hysteresis phenomenon and its causes are consistently observed for different spatial aggregations of the network.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the combination effects of queue jump lanes (QJLs) on signalised arterials to establish if a multiplier effect exists, that is, the benefit from providing QJLs at multiple intersections is higher than the sum of benefits from providing them individually at each of those intersections. To explore the combination effects on bus delay and total person delay, a delay estimation model is developed using kinematic wave theory, kinematic equations and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, to investigate the combination effects in offset settings optimised for bus delay or total person delay, offset optimisation models are proposed. Validation results using traffic micro‐simulation indicate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed models. Results of a modelling test bed suggest that providing QJLs at multiple intersections can create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings with signal offsets that provide bus progression. Furthermore, optimising offsets to minimise bus delay tends to create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings, particularly when variations in dwell times are not high. The reason for the multiplier effect may be that providing QJLs reduces variations in bus travel times, which makes signal coordination for buses perform more effectively. From a policy perspective, the existence of a multiplier effect suggests that a corridor‐wide scale implementation of QJLs has considerable merit. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Currently most optimization methods for urban transport networks (i) are suited for networks with simplified dynamics that are far from real-sized networks or (ii) apply decentralized control, which is not appropriate for heterogeneously loaded networks or (iii) investigate good-quality solutions through micro-simulation models and scenario analysis, which make the problem intractable in real time. In principle, traffic management decisions for different sub-systems of a transport network (urban, freeway) are controlled by operational rules that are network specific and independent from one traffic authority to another. In this paper, the macroscopic traffic modeling and control of a large-scale mixed transportation network consisting of a freeway and an urban network is tackled. The urban network is partitioned into two regions, each one with a well-defined Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), i.e. a unimodal and low-scatter relationship between region density and outflow. The freeway is regarded as one alternative commuting route which has one on-ramp and one off-ramp within each urban region. The urban and freeway flow dynamics are formulated with the tool of MFD and asymmetric cell transmission model, respectively. Perimeter controllers on the border of the urban regions operating to manipulate the perimeter interflow between the two regions, and controllers at the on-ramps for ramp metering are considered to control the flow distribution in the mixed network. The optimal traffic control problem is solved by a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach in order to minimize total delay in the entire network. Several control policies with different levels of urban-freeway control coordination are introduced and tested to scrutinize the characteristics of the proposed controllers. Numerical results demonstrate how different levels of coordination improve the performance once compared with independent control for freeway and urban network. The approach presented in this paper can be extended to implement efficient real-world control strategies for large-scale mixed traffic networks.  相似文献   

Vehicle speed trajectory significantly impacts fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, especially for trips on signalized arterials. Although a large amount of research has been conducted aiming at providing optimal speed advisory to drivers, impacts from queues at intersections are not considered. Ignoring the constraints induced by queues could result in suboptimal or infeasible solutions. In this study, a multi-stage optimal control formulation is proposed to obtain the optimal vehicle trajectory on signalized arterials, where both vehicle queue and traffic light status are considered. To facilitate the real-time update of the optimal speed trajectory, a constrained optimization model is proposed as an approximation approach, which can be solved much quicker. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal control model and the solution efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Development of a universal freeway incident detection algorithm is a task that remains unfulfilled despite the promising approaches that have been recently explored. Incident detection researchers are realizing that an operationally successful detection framework needs to fulfill a full set of recognized needs. In this paper we attempt to define one possible set of universality requirements. Among the set of requirements, a freeway incident detection algorithm needs to be operationally accurate and transferable. Guided by the envisioned requirements, we introduce a new algorithm with potential for enhanced performance. The algorithm is a modified form of the Bayesian-based Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) that utilizes the concept of statistical distance. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first section is a detailed definition of the attributes and capabilities that a potentially universal freeway incident detection framework should possess. The second section discusses the training and testing of the PNN. In the third section, we evaluate the PNN relative to the universality template previously defined. In addition to a large set of simulated incidents, we utilize a fairly large real incident databases from the I-880 freeway in California and the I-35W in Minnesota to comparatively evaluate the performance and transferability of different algorithms, including the PNN. Experimental results indicate that the new PNN-based algorithm is competitive with the Multi Layer Feed Forward (MLF) architecture, which was found in previous studies to yield superior incident detection performance, while being significantly faster to train. In addition, results also point to the possibility of utilizing the real-time learning capability of this new architecture to produce a transferable incident detection algorithm without the need for explicit off-line retraining in the new site. In this respect, and unlike existing algorithms, the PNN has been found to markedly improve in performance with time in service as it retrains itself on captured incident data, verified by the Traffic Management Center (TMC) operator. Moreover, the overall PNN-based framework promises potential enhancements towards the envisioned universality requirements.  相似文献   


This paper investigates some features of non-linear travel time models for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) that adopt traffic on the link as the sole determinant for the calculation of travel time and have explicit relationships between travel time and traffic on the link. Analytical proofs and numerical examples are provided to show first-in-first-out (FIFO) violation and the behaviour of decreasing outflow with increasing traffic in non-linear travel time models. It is analytically shown that any non-linear travel time model could violate FIFO in some circumstances, especially when inflow drops sharply, and some convex non-linear travel time models could show behaviour with outflow decreasing as traffic increases. It is also shown that the linear travel time model does not show these behaviours. A non-linear travel time model in general form was used for analytical proofs and several existing non-linear travel time models were adopted for numerical examples. Considering the features addressed in this study, non-linear travel time models seem to have limitations for use in DTA in practical terms and care should be taken when they are used for modelling time-varying transportation networks.  相似文献   

This note demonstrates how the redistribution of revenue from a Pigouvian policy can distort incentives and handicap the social objectives of the policy by creating a moral hazard problem. Based on the Levinson (2005) game theory model, I develop a three-player bottleneck congestion game that emulates a repeated prisoner’s dilemma and derive efficient tolls. This conceptual game demonstrates the distortionary effects from a revenue-neutral toll policy with lump-sum revenue redistribution and the equity-efficiency tradeoff.  相似文献   

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