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洪振权 《航海》2004,(4):11-14
每当我走进东长治路505号大院时,总会引起想念母校的思绪。1946-1949年,我在国立吴淞商船专科学校航海系学习,尊敬的老师和学长教会了我航海技术知识,也使我学到了高贵的品德。在这里,我参加了震惊全国的"反饥饿、反内战"大游行,跨出了革命步伐;在这里,我经历了"天翻地覆慨而慷"的伟大时代,1949年6月,走上了革命工作的征途;在这里,我拿到了新生的"上海航务学院"颁发的第一批毕业证书。  相似文献   

朱杰 《珠江水运》2013,(Z1):148-149
向东是大海,一望无际的大海。2012年的夏末,我的心被东边的海牵绊,被一路向东航行的"海巡31"船牵绊。作为一名跟"海巡31"船朝夕相处的海事人,不能随船出访,说没有遗憾那是假的,但更多的却是对"海巡31"船的牵挂和祝福。随着"海巡31"船消失眼帘,我的心已随着"海巡31"船东去了。当时我想,我愿化作天边那颗闪烁的星星,  相似文献   

<中国海事>正式创刊并公开发行五周年了,编辑部准备出版特刊以资纪念,约我写点东西,我深感荣幸和激动:感到荣幸是因为一般来说,类似的事情也许应该是属于领导和重要人物做的,而我既非领导也不重要;感到激动是因为我的经历使然,我与<中国海事>有着特殊的"缘"和"情",也许这就是编辑部愿意约我的原因吧,遂欣然写就以下文字,权作纪念并"交差".  相似文献   

2005年一个偶然的机会,我在网上看到<中国海事>杂志创刊了,我心中激起阵阵涟漪.特别是"海事博览"这个栏目,让我倍感亲切,它就像给我设置的栏目一样,从此我与<中国海事>结缘.  相似文献   

我学得,人是有宿命的,只是你能否感悟和认知.我的宿命中有两个重要的因素:"海"、"文".  相似文献   

在我并不算太长的档案职业生涯中,曾亲历过两次"档案空白",而这两次"空白"时常会清晰地浮现在我的脑海,真切地站立在我的面前,挥之不去,成为永远抹不掉的疤痕和伤痛.  相似文献   

吴长荣 《航海》2012,(6):32-35
朱尔敏以QC课题荣获全国优秀奖而著称于上海海运局。他的QC课题取得了哪些实际成果?他怎样成为立于改革潮头者而荣获了五一奖章?他创造了"055388"的"朱尔敏模式"经济承包制,却引起了很多争议。我想为朱尔敏写篇传记,他的亲家告诉我一个非常不幸的消息,朱尔敏去年已病故,真是给我当头一棒。我与他夫人通电话,她告诉我,朱船长没有留下自己的资料。后经海运档案中心同志热心  相似文献   

<正>圣诞节,中午时分的广澳海事处职工小食堂像往常一样温暖热闹。这天是"明叔"陈俊明同志的退休日,想到以后耳边不再有他那爽朗的笑声和关切的叮嘱,我的眼睛渐渐湿润了,往事一幕幕呈现出来....他说:"把我当成亲人。"去年春节前夕,明叔端着一盘他亲手包的饺子走到我面前:"小刘啊,你离家远,在这里就把我当成亲人。"明叔这样说,也这样做。他就  相似文献   

郭佳  华俊 《中国海事》2013,(7):68-69
"‘苏如渔118’,‘苏如渔118’,我是‘江海油8号’,正在靠泊化工码头,不要抢我船头、不要抢我船头。""嘭!"随着一声巨响,一场意想不到的水上交通"事故"发生了。"南通交管中心,南通交管中心,‘江海油8号’呼叫,我船在靠泊化工码头时,与一艘渔船和附近的工程船相继发生碰撞,有人落水,请求救援、请求救援。"在一阵阵急促的呼救声中,2  相似文献   

若不是你身边的几位朋友证实,我无论如何都无法相信坐在我对面的人,就是重庆市万州港务管理局局长!你这身朴实得与"生产队长"、"村支部书记"一样的装束,简直没法将"万州港务局局长"等称呼与你联系到一起.  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

长江运输船呈大型化趋势;上海航运配套设施待完善;武汉巨资打造长江航运中心;四川加快建设“一横两纵”;长江“数字航道”初见规模;益芦航运工程年内开工;长江上演罕见大堵船;长江开通“快速通道”。  相似文献   

巴拿马运河扩建进一步落实;IMAREX推出新货运期权合约;我国沿海运输实行新规则;长江航运“瓶颈”被打破;沪内河禁运剧毒化学品;青岛巨资建国际航运中心。[编者按]  相似文献   

浙江巨资投向内河航道建设;上海大规模整治内河航道;云南加速开发金沙江航运;长江水运总量居世界首位;三峡过闸实现24小时申报;长三角船舶正式实施一卡通;三峡库区为农民开通“绿卡”;[编者按]  相似文献   

Significant pro-competitive changes were made to the Shipping Act by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA). The most notable of these was the shift away from public tariffs and publicly available contract rates to confidential rates using individually negotiated service contracts. The number of individual member service contracts has risen dramatically since OSRA went into effect in 1999. These statistics support the argument that OSRA was able to bring more competition to the industry. However, the theory and empirical evidence of the Act’s success in improving the performance of the liner industry serving the Transatlantic and Transpacific trade routes, which are two major trunk roads subject to the jurisdiction of the US, are not so compelling. This article employs the theory of joint product to assess the impact of OSRA on the shipping market structure and competition of two major east–west arteries after 1999. This article considers head haul and backhaul container shipments as joint products. Two simple statistical equations are derived to reinterpret Smith’s condition of joint product. The empirical results confirm that the market structure of Transatlantic and Transpacific trade lanes are competitive.  相似文献   

The shipping industry in Nigeria since the early 1990s has been experiencing a continuous disastrous downturn. Nigerian shipping companies' participation in international shipping has continued to be very limited. Their presence and impact is hardly felt in the world's shipping industry. Both the national carriers (that is shipping companies with national carrier status) and other indigenous private shipping companies have vessel as well as management problems. These problems have led to the poor performance of the Nigerian shipping industry for over a decade now. The carriers in the industry are not attaining for the country the gains that are supposed to emanate from shipping. This paper points out the importance of shipping to a nation, identifies the problems the country's shipping companies are facing and proffers solutions that include merging of the companies to have strong financial standing and a competitive edge.  相似文献   

杨靳  邵哲平 《中国水运》2006,6(8):23-24
针对目前航运业者的“国货国运”的呼声,本文分析了航运自由化政策对中国航运业发展的必要性。自由化航运政策提升了中国航运业竞争力,并使中国航运在世界的地位稳步上升。本论文从理论和实证的角度阐述了自由化航运政策对中国航运业发展的重要性,并提出了进一步完善中国航运政策建议。  相似文献   

李晓光 《集装箱化》2007,18(11):13-15
多年来,全球现代物流业的参与者都在寻求解决国际贸易高速增长中运输速度的瓶颈问题的可行方案。在高科技的推动下,高速集装箱船向人们展示了海洋运输模式的革命性进化。高速集装箱船的船速约为普通集装箱船船速度的2倍(最低30kn),它可以以平均38kn的航速跨越北大西洋,港到港运输耗时100h(包括10h的缓冲时间)。  相似文献   


This paper aims to develop an adaptation of the Tobin Q investment model for the shipping asset management in order to monitor valuation mismatch and bubble pricing of shipping assets. In this circumstance, the market prices of various shipping assets (e.g., Capesize or Panamax dry bulk carriers in different age profiles) are compared to the measured long-term asset value with second-hand ship prices. The mark-to-market prices of shipping assets are led by current market trends and freight rates, while the long-term asset value is estimated by using past data under certain assumptions (mean reversion, trend reversion). The discrepancy between market prices and the long-term nominal value of a shipping asset reflects any mispricing, which in turn sheds light on investment timing and market entry-exit decision.  相似文献   

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