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刘远 《轿车情报》2010,(11):130-131
雷诺新任首席设计师,劳伦斯·范·登·阿克尔(Laurens van den Acker),用这部作品,展示了未来雷诺充满想象力和热情的发展方向。  相似文献   

雷诺在英国车展上发布了梅甘娜(Megane)R26.R,这是雷诺ST系列中最新的旗舰车型。雷诺利用这款车再次展示了其轻量化技术,希望借助它来重振梅甘娜的销售。  相似文献   

正Q:雷诺的EZ-Ultimo概念车与EZ-Go和EZ-Pro之间有什么关系?EZ-Ultimo展示了怎样的概念?找不着北A:EZ-Ultimo是雷诺前不久刚刚在巴黎车展上发布的一款概念车,有意思的是,在此之前雷诺已经发布了EZ-Go和EZ-Pro两款代表未来出行方式的概念车。不过从外观上来看,EZ-Ultimo与EZ-Go和EZPro有着明显差别。  相似文献   

高阳 《城市车辆》2004,(6):18-19
在汉诺威展览会上,雷诺卡车,一个运输多面手,正在通过展览展示其全系列车辆以及专门设计用于满足所有运输用户需求的一系列服务.  相似文献   

雷诺概念车Ellypse是一款重视汽车与环境关系的概念之作,柔美的结构形态塑造了一个友好又具个性的独特外观,车厢故意只保留一些必须的功能给人一种整洁而又舒心的感觉.这是辆具有最新功能的聪明小车,她展示了雷诺汽车公司引以自豪的触觉设计(Touch Design)以及更加人性化的人机界面.更重要的是Ellypse展示了雷诺贯遵循的环境友好设计宗旨:整车的结构非常容易拆卸,而车辆到报废期限后部件还可以回收再利用,新一代的柴油发动机减少了燃油消耗以及废气的排放,她还采用了先进的"X-by-Wire"技术,并装备了42V的电源系统.  相似文献   

从嵩山少林寺的武僧、穿旗袍的法国模特,到江南小镇的雕花窗棂、水墨书法、木制台灯,再到饱满的中国红,中国元素层叠交错,濡润渲染……上海汽车展不是文化展,雷诺卡车却将中华文化煽情到了极致;雷诺卡车不是中国企业,展览展示却最含蓄、最别致,最有中国味道.  相似文献   

雷诺BE BOP SUV     
一向以创意与设计著称的雷诺汽车,近日展示了旗下最新的两款概念车。虽然说他们拥有同一车名Be Bop,但Be与Bop标志的颜色却各不相同。  相似文献   

正雷诺卡车公司新设计了一款5升4缸发动机,由于一些零部件采用3D打印技术,其重量减少了120kg,并且已经测试验证了相关零部件的耐久性。到目前为止,雷诺卡车公司的工程师虚拟设计了完整的发动机,其摇臂和凸轮轴轴承盖采用金属3D打印制造,并在台架上,顺利地对这款欧6发动机进行了600h的测试。雷诺卡车项目经理达米安·勒马森表示,"该项目的目的,是为了展示金属添加剂制造方法在发动机尺寸和重量  相似文献   

2005年4月,2年一届的上海国际汽车工业展览会上,雷诺卡车携其"为中国提供的产品"精彩亮相。在此次车展上,雷诺卡车展出的车型有Premium6×2公路牵引车,Kerax6×4重型牵引车,Midlum4×2公路牵引车等车型及底盘,充分展示了其浓厚的中国战略和情怀。  相似文献   

<正>雷诺在印度新德里车展上展示了为新兴市场的年轻消费者全新打造的概念车KWID,KWID具有个性鲜明的设计风格,同时搭载了汽车行业中的首款"飞行伴侣"等高科技配置。KWID是基于雷诺"人生阶段"设计理念中的"探索世界"阶段而设计研发的车型,凝聚了雷诺全球设计开发团队,特别是印度团队的力量和智慧,具有个性鲜明的设计风格。KWID的内部设计灵感来源于鸟巢,以打造温暖而舒适的座舱为设计理念,  相似文献   

Traffic simulation models often neglect the important role of motorcycles and assume a flow of various combinations of cars. This paper addresses how much different would be the behavior of a car driver while following a motorcyclist compared to cases in which a car follows another car, along with a segment of an urban highway in the non-congested flow. Recognition of such a difference might help to develop existing simulation models and to improve the behavior of car drivers in such a way to lead to lower accidents with motorcycles. To reach the goal, a GHR (Gazis-Herman-Rothery) model for car following is applied and data have been collected by video cameras during 15?min time intervals in three different days. Analysis of 198 car-motorcycle and 374 car-car following observations has indicated that when a car driver follows a motorcycle, keeps a higher headway (about 10?m in the low speed) with a lower acceleration/deceleration in comparison with the situation in which car driver follow another one. It means that the behavior of the follower car driver would be more cautious compared to situations in which a car driver follows another one, especially in space headways <10?m. In addition to main findings of the paper for developing a more realistic simulation program, the paper also addresses that in cases when the required safe space between a car and a motorcycle would be endangered, a warning message could be generated for the car driver (by implementing an in-veh ITS technology) to warn driver about keeping a safe distance.  相似文献   

岩溶路基随岩溶地区交通工程建设的快速发展而越来越普遍,如何评价岩溶路基稳定性成为岩溶区路基设计与施工的关键问题之一。针对目前路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析的不完善性,考虑溶洞形成过程中岩溶顶板所具有的空间形态特征,首先,将路基下伏岩溶顶板简化为固支梁、抛物线拱、圆拱与固支双向板等承载模型,以此进行路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析,并采用结构力学分析理论分别建立不同模型的路基岩溶顶板抗弯最小安全厚度计算方法;其次,通过典型案例的影响因素敏感性分析,揭示岩溶顶板最小安全厚度随溶洞顶板矢高、跨度、岩石抗拉强度与上覆荷载的变化规律,探讨路基岩溶顶板破坏模式的控制性因素及其影响规律,确定岩溶路基稳定性分析的基本原则;然后,基于岩溶地区地质勘察信息提出路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析过程,建立考虑溶洞空间形态特征的路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析方法;最后,通过工程实例计算分析验证所提方法确定的路基岩溶顶板稳定性评价结果的合理性与有效性。研究结果表明:岩溶顶板按何种模式破坏不仅与破坏形式有关,还与溶洞形态及其矢高密切相关,石灰岩抗拉强度同样影响较大,工程设计与稳定性评价时应基于勘测数据分析各种破坏模式,以便使设计或评价结果更接近实际情况。  相似文献   

Many French and European cities have developed a bike sharing system since 2005. This policy may be explained in a great part by the success of the Velo??v in Lyon, which contributed to improve the image of cycling in the city. If bicycles, however, appear to find a new place in the city, one can wonder whether this is really due to bike sharing systems? What are the real uses of bicycles in contemporary cities, with or without such a system? To answer these questions, the paper starts with a literature review on bicycle in the city, to draw lessons from recent experiences of bike sharing systems. It then discusses the two cases of Lyon and Lille, which never had a bike sharing system on its own. The evolution of bicycle use is measured with a comparison of household transportation surveys in Lyon (1995 and 1998) and Lille (1998 and 2006). In both cities, the analysis reveals a rise in the proportion of healthiest citizens among urban bikers, as well as a return of bikes in dense areas. Bike sharing systems are part of such tendencies. They support them, but should not become a panacea for policies supporting bike use in the city.  相似文献   

丁倩 《商用汽车》2011,(15):80-81
2011上半年,我国商用车产销同比分别下降6.07%和3.67%,除客车产销同比增长外,其余均低于上年同期,半挂牵引车降幅最为明显。我国汽车产销在持续了2年的高速增长后,由于国家宏观经济政策的调整、购置税优惠等有关利好政策的退出以及自身调整的影响,上半年增速大幅回落,由上年的高速增长转为平缓增长,且呈现逐月回落的走势。  相似文献   


This paper examines the frequency responses often logging truck configurations currently operating in the interior of British Columbia in Canada. The work is an extension of a previous study conducted at the National Research Council (NRC) in 1990. The previous study presented an extensive analysts of the directional responses and frequency responses of four Canadian log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/pole trailer, a tractor/triaxle trailer, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a single load), and a tractor/single-axle-jeep/pole trailer. In the current study, the frequency responses of these four configurations are compared with those of six more log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/ tandem-axle-jeep/pole trailer, a doglogger, a double doglogger, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a dual load), a tractor/jeep/triaxle trailer, and a tractor/jeep/quadaxle trailer. The current study makes use of three models developed by NRC in the previous study, and a new model developed at NRC in cooperation with the University of Victoria.

The frequency response method has been applied in this study to predict the lateral acceleration at the centre of gravity of each articulated vehicle unit, and the rearward amplification ratio. The logging truck simulation results have been compared with corresponding results, obtained using UMTRI's simplified models, for three conventional highway vehicles; a tractor/semitrailer, a B-train, and an A-train. The comparison provides a useful indication of the differences between the behaviours of logging trucks and conventional highway trucks in their shared environment.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on evaluating the safety effectiveness of restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersections in rural and suburban areas based on prior control type. Both, unsignalized and signalized RCUT intersections were evaluated using the Empirical Bayes (EB) before-after evaluation method. The 42 RCUT intersections selected for this research were converted from a two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersection or signalized intersection in the rural and suburban areas. The results show a 70.63% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 76.10% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections in the rural area. Also, an 89.25% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 94.42% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at offset three-legged unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections converted from four-legged TWSC intersections in rural areas. In the suburban areas, a 64.86% reduction in the total number of crashes and a 73.39% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at unsignalized stop-controlled RCUT intersections. Further, a 10.15% and a 31.08% reduction in the total number of crashes, and an 84.26% and 41.31% reduction in the number of fatal and injury crashes was observed at a signalized RCUT intersection in the rural and suburban areas, respectively. The safety effectiveness of unsignalized RCUT intersections in the rural areas with a larger sample size was found to be higher than was observed by researchers in the past. While unsignalized RCUT intersections in the suburban areas are effective, there is not enough evidence to support the installation of signalized RCUT intersections. These findings help researchers and practitioners in making informed decisions and installing RCUT intersections from a safety perspective.  相似文献   

The longitudinal connection between a chassis and a wheel in a conventional vehicle suspension system is commonly very stiff than the vertical connection. Such a mechanism can efficiently isolate vibrations and absorb shocks in the vertical direction but cannot sufficiently attenuate the impact in the longitudinal direction. In order to overcome such a limitation, a planar suspension system (PSS) with spring–damper struts in both the longitudinal and vertical directions is proposed so that the vibration along any direction in the wheel rotation plane can be isolated. In this paper, the dynamic responses of a vehicle with PSS due to a single bump and random road unevenness are investigated. The ride quality of the vehicle with PSS is evaluated in accordance with ISO 2631. A comparison with that of a similar conventional vehicle is conducted to demonstrate the promising potentials of the PSS in improving the vehicle ride quality.  相似文献   

Traction control is a very important aspect in railway vehicle dynamics. Its optimisation allows improvement of the performance of a locomotive by working close to the limit of adhesion. On the other hand, in case the adhesion limit is surpassed, the wheels are subjected to heavy wear and there is also a big risk that vibrations in the traction occur. Similar considerations can be made in the case of braking. The development and optimisation of a traction/braking control algorithm is a complex activity, because it is usually performed on a real vehicle on the track, where many uncertainties are present due to environmental conditions and vehicle characteristics. This work shows the use of a scaled roller rig to develop and optimise a traction control algorithm on a single wheelset. Measurements performed on the wheelset are used to estimate the optimal adhesion forces by means of a wheel/rail contact algorithm executed in real time. This allows application of the optimal adhesion force.  相似文献   

A planar suspension system (PSS) is a novel automobile suspension system in which an individual spring–damper strut is implemented in both the vertical and longitudinal directions, respectively. The wheels in a vehicle with such a suspension system can move back and forth relative to the chassis. When a PSS vehicle experiences asymmetric road excitations, the relative longitudinal motion of wheels with respect to the chassis in two sides of the same axle are not identical, and thus the two wheels at one axle will not be aligned in the same axis. The total dynamic responses, including those of the bounce, pitch and the roll of the PSS vehicle, to the asymmetric road excitation may exhibit different characteristics from those of a conventional vehicle. This paper presents an investigation into the comprehensive dynamic behaviour of a vehicle with the PSS, in such a road condition, on both the straight and curved roads. The study was carried out using an 18 DOF full-car model incorporating a radial-spring tyre–ground contact model and a 2D tyre–ground dynamic friction model. Results demonstrate that the total dynamic behaviour of a PSS vehicle is generally comparable with that of the conventional vehicle, while PSS exhibits significant improvement in absorbing the impact forces along the longitudinal direction when compared to the conventional suspension system. The PSS vehicle is found to be more stable than the conventional vehicle in terms of the directional performance against the disturbance of the road potholes on a straight line manoeuvre, while exhibiting a very similar handling performance on a curved line.  相似文献   

Eighteen months after the urban tolled underground motorway Prado-Carénage tunnel was-opened in Marseilles (France), road-side interviews were conducted at both the tunnel entry and on the alternative roads. These Revealed Preference data provide a basis for an analysis of competition between a toll road and alternative free roads. In this paper, the binary choice fast toll road vs. free slow road is modelled with respect to the difference in travel time The model is a binary,logit model with a varying Value of-Time (VoT). Estimation by the Maximum Likelihood method shows a significant dispersion of the VoT, with a mean which is 30% higher than the median; it also shows that for a given travel time difference the dispersion in the VoTs explains two thirds of the variability in the path choice. Assuming that the competing roads only differ in price and time, a resulting mean VoT of 70 F/h (12 $/h) was estimated for a car driver during an urban trip in Marseilles in 1995. The first part of the paper introduces the behavioural assumptions in the microeconomic model. Then the data is analyzed and a log-normal distribution of the VoT is estimated. Lastly we indicate how to transfer the method and results to other studies.  相似文献   

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