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In addition to its harmful economical and social effects, road traffic congestion is a key contributor of emissions of CO2 and local pollutants. Many traffic management policies could be implemented to tackle it. However, the impacts of those strategies on air quality and greenhouse effect are poorly predicted by classical assessment procedures. Indeed, current assessment tools are based on aggregated traffic data, which fail to capture the dynamic effects of traffic management policies on traffic flow. This article presents an estimation tool capable of measuring all the effects of traffic management policies. It is based on a commonly used dynamic traffic flow model (AIMSUN) combined with different emission models, in order to identify modelling features leading or not to differences in results. Different models combination have been applied and compared for two traffic regulation strategies: a HOV lane dedicated only to buses and taxis created on the leftmost lane of A1 between Charles de Gaulle airport and Paris, and a reduction of speed limits on a section of motorway A86 in the northwest of Paris. Substantial differences in predictions of different emission models are highlighted. They cannot be entirely explained by differences in emission laws. Other insights with regard to traffic representation and emission models?? inputs are also investigated to explain them.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, transport project assessments take systematically pollutant emission estimations into account. This paper is about the methodological aspects of these calculations. It focuses more specifically on the car fleet hypothesis, which most often lays on national data, without consideration of local specificities. We use the last household travel survey from Lyon, 2006, and the SIMBAD model to compare the results of CO2 and NOx emissions estimated from the French national car fleet, the aggregated Lyon car fleet and the same fleet disaggregated by household location and income. We show that the error level varies, depending on the pollutant and the observation scale. The use of an aggregated local car fleet seems interesting and satisfactory for a global emission assessment. If the results are required at a more detailed spatial level, the use of this local fleet improves sharply the estimations in comparison of a national fleet; the fleet disaggregation refines the results for NOx.  相似文献   

The mathematical modelling of human behaviours is extremely common in both theoretical and applied transport studies. This paper begins with an attempt to demonstrate the limits which apply to the reconstruction of a human reality (in this case an origin-destination matrix) by means of a straightforward and commonly used model, the gravity model. These limits stem from the fact that economic, social and political factors and historical aspects are ignored. The reasons for the prevalence of models in transport studies are then discussed as are the consequences of this prevalence: perpetuation of a view of the operation of society which is far from being without political implications, the surrender of the political community to experts, pseudo-scientific justifications for projects for which politicians do not wish to take responsibility.  相似文献   

The first stage of the EPEC research (2007–2010) presented in this article enables to know better driving teachers’ pedagogical practises. We have thus observed 26 subjects, 13 experienced driving teachers and 13 novice driving teachers in real training situations, during their theoretical and practical lessons. The analysis of their practises enables to suggest pedagogical changes. The results concern mainly the theoretical and practical lessons as well as the choice of complex situations. These results enable us to prepare the second stage of this research: the construction of remediation exercises with driving teachers intended for learners in difficulty.  相似文献   

Models that link accident frequencies at road sites with traffic volumes and road characteristics provide reference values which are of value when carrying out diagnostic studies and deciding on preventive measures. Such models can be developed using generalized linear modelling techniques, which are able to take account of the Poisson properties of accident frequencies at road sites. The Poisson models obtained for road sites are frequently everdispersed, so extended forms of the Poisson model (quasi-Poisson, negative binomial a high percentage of the studied sites, in which case zero-inflated models also have to be considered. This paper presents an overview of these methods which are illustrated by modelling the relationship between accident frequency site characteristics and traffic volume on a large sample of bends.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore gender differences and effect of internalization of traffic rules on children’s propensity to take risks as cyclists. Risk perception, internalization of traffic rules, and self-reported risk-taking propensity as cyclist were measured in a questionnaire among 145 children (86 boys and 59 girls) aged 9 to 12. The results show gender differences in cycling rules internalization, risk perception, and risk-taking propensity as cyclist. Furthermore, the results show that internalizing traffic rules is a better predictor than biological sex of the propensity to take risks as cyclist.  相似文献   

The Corsican territorial continuity system is 35 years old. Overall, it has allowed a significant improvement in communications between the island and the mainland of France. It has also actively contributed to the economic development of the island. But its economic and financial balance is far from perfect. Especially, its collective cost seems excessive. The failures can be identified at two levels: at the territorial governance level and at the regulation level.  相似文献   

This article aims to analyze the role of proximity to transport infrastructures in employment growth within 291 municipalities located in the ?le-de-France region between 1993 and 2008. Based on the employment data from Unistatis, a multiple regression econometric model is estimated, first without variables describing proximity to infrastructure, and then integrating them in order to measure the gain in explanatory power. The results suggest that the role of infrastructure in employment growth rate is limited and varies according to economic sectors and network types.  相似文献   

This study uses the road traffic accident casualty register for the Rhône Département to investigate how the risk of severe or fatal injury varies according to age and to describe the injuries that explain the severity. Two groups of road users are investigated, car occupants and pedestrians. A NISS score of nine or over is taken to indicate a severe injury. Data analysis reveals that, for both groups, the risk of severe or fatal injury increases with age. The nature and location of the injuries depend on the age and sex of the victims. With regard to severe injuries, elderly female pedestrians are susceptible to fractures of the femur (and the femoral neck) and all parts of the upper limbs. Elderly male pedestrians are mainly exposed to fractures of the femoral neck. The greater vulnerability of severely injured elderly drivers results in thoracic injuries, which are partly explained by seat–belt wearing. The main cause of death, for pedestrians of all ages and young drivers is severe head injuries. Car occupants over the age of fifty more frequently suffer from severe thoracic injuries. These findings should not, however, be allowed to conceal the differences observed in the general population for the two severity criteria we have analyzed (severe injury or death). Mortality (in relation to the general population) is highest for young car occupants, while lethality (the fatality rate amongst those injured) is highest among the elderly. For pedestrians, both mortality and lethality increase with age. These findings are also applicable to the risk of severe injury. They justify the continuation of passive safety research in order to develop protection systems that are appropriate for the characteristics of car occupants. Furthermore, they should help to increase everybody’s awareness of the vulnerability of pedestrians and stimulate the introduction of preventive measures, particularly for seniors.  相似文献   

This paper describes the position given to road safety in Urban Travel Plans by analyzing Urban Travel Plan document from eleven cities and undertakes a more in-depth investigation of road safety in the Urban Community of Lille. These plans provide an opportunity to disseminate knowledge about road safety to the other areas of urban management. They also describe the beginning of an integration of road safety in urban planning, even if intersectoral approaches at city level have yet to be developed and even if, in the case of Lille, the division of institutional competence with regard to the management of public space still requires clarification.  相似文献   

The urban movement of tourists remains largely unknown, but the mobility of tourists contributes to the metropolitan process. Around the notion of ??adherence??, this article demonstrates how, in the Paris metropole, tourists rely mainly on walking and the use of the tube to travel within the city. The structurally different characteristics of walking and the use of the tube represent a theoretical opposition between the two types of movements that are differently ??adherent?? to the city. However, these mobilities complement each other. Indeed, the partial disconnection of the tube is addressed by the direct connection and proximity to the city allowed by the pedestrian means.  相似文献   

Due to decline in response rate to household travel surveys, it is essential that survey methods research explore the use of mixed-mode surveys. With this in mind, the Laboratoire d??économie des transports (Transport Economics Laboratory) conducted a web-based survey on non-respondents to a face-to-face household travel survey administered in the Lyon urban area in 2005?C2006. Comparative analysis of the figures shows that, overall, face-to-face respondents travel more than web-based respondents. This difference is partly explained by a high proportion of individuals who did not travel on the survey reference day and also by a lower trip level for those who travel. Classical regression methods can explain the individual mobility level with individuals socioeconomic characteristics, but do not take account of individuals who did not travel during the survey reference period. Using two econometric methods (simple Poisson and Hurdle Poisson regression) we examined factors affecting the decision to travel on one hand and the level of mobility on the other hand. This involves estimating the average daily mobility of individuals as a function of their socioeconomic characteristics while taking into account the fact that for a considerable part of the survey population, daily mobility is nil. Our approach intends firstly to define the causes of immobility better and secondly to characterise the mobility level with the help of a Hurdle model, so as to compare the results obtained in the web-based and faceto-face samples.  相似文献   

Nearly 90% of the traffic accidents that occur worldwide happen in developing countries. Yet road safety remains a little-studied subject in these countries, and notably accidentology studies, which provide a wealth of information. One of the major problems in studying road accidents in developing countries lies in the lack of reliable accident data. Indeed, while the comprehensive accident analysis methodologies used in developed countries provide an understanding of the origin of accidents and accident processes, as well as making it possible to define suitable, effective actions, they require reliable and relatively detailed accident data. These methodologies are notably based on detailed accident studies (DASs) and their adaptation to the analysis of accident reports. Colombia has an infrastructure for gathering and storing traffic accident data that can be used to perform comprehensive accident analyses. This article defines the feasibility of a technology transfer (clinical accident analysis) to the Colombian equivalent of accident reports. These observations are part of a doctoral thesis prepared jointly by the IFSTTAR Accident Mechanisms Research Unit and the University of the Andes in Bogotá.  相似文献   

The French Aquitaine region has implemented a climate plan to avoid 2,883 ktCO2eq for 2007–2013. Although this region reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1,119 ktCO2eq between 1990 and 2005 (from 24,061 ktCO2eq to 22,942 ktCO2eq), GHG emissions of transports sector has increased by 762 ktCO2eq. During the climate plan period, the region will implement projects of road and rail infrastructures construction in order to absorb the foreseen increase of traffic. These projects will contribute to economic development, but they also will provoke additional GHG emissions. But, the existence of a climate plan requires offsetting these GHG emissions. A maximum amount of budget will be determined in order to implement some projects to offset GHG emissions from road and rail projects. This budget will be equal to opportunity costs of road and rail projects. Input-output analysis will be used to carry out these calculations. Its interest is to incorporate the complexity of interindustrial trade with a detailed sectored study.  相似文献   

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