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吴志亚 《船舶工程》2015,37(6):67-70
随着造船业飞速发展,大量高厚度、高强度、高韧性的钢板被应用于大型集装箱船的上甲板区域。EH47是工业革新的最新成果,它的屈服强度高,被使用于万箱级集装箱船的上甲板区域。某船厂10000 TEU船舱口围钢板与舾装件角焊缝发生开裂,通过有限元计算出裂纹发生的可能性,并分析了开裂发生的原因,针对结构特点和材料特点,采用CO2气体保护焊焊补,通过选用合理的焊丝、预热温度、焊后保温等措施来防止裂纹的产生。  相似文献   

马吉林 《中国水运》2014,(7):147-148
货油舱的服役环境复杂,对船板钢具有很强的腐蚀性,内底板主要发生点蚀,上甲板主要发生均匀腐蚀。货油舱使用耐蚀钢是涂层保护的唯一替代方案。国际海事组织和中国船级社对货油舱耐蚀钢的腐蚀检测要求进行了明确规定。内底板耐蚀钢腐蚀检测要求简单,国内研究机构已经熟练掌握,取得了较多的研究成果;上甲板耐蚀钢腐蚀检测要求复杂,国内相关的研究成果较少。设备标准化及参数统一化是上甲板耐蚀钢腐蚀检测技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

IMO海环会(MEPC)第52次会议通过了关于“普通干货船上用深舱或专门设计装载此类植物油的独立货舱运输植物油的指南”的决议(resolution on Guidelines for the transport of vegetable oils in deep tanks or in independent tanks specially designed for the carriage of such vegetable oils on board dry cargo  相似文献   

第13条 税费条款(Taxes and Dues Clause) 13. Taxes and Dues Clause a) On Vessel-The Owners shall pay all dues, charges and taxes customarily levied on the Vessel, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. b) On cargo-The Charterers shall pay all dues, charges, duties and taxes customarily levied on the cargo, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. c) On freight-Unless otherwise agreed in Box 23,taxes levied on the freight shall  相似文献   

第8条 货物留滞条款Lien Clause 8. Lien Clause The Owners shall have a lien on thecargo and on all sub- freights payable inrespect of the cargo, for freight, dead-freight,demurrage,claims for damages andfor all other amounts due under this Char-ter Party including costs of recoveringsame. 船东对基于货物运输而产生的附带运费(sub—freight)、运费、亏舱费、滞期费  相似文献   

Magnum船厂将要推出一艘迄今为止他们生产的最大的游艇一Magnum100’。它是由意大利的天才设计师Alber to Manc确所担纲设计,他通过Magnum100’提出一种设计新概念。该艇的上甲板顶棚可以自由移动和扩展。  相似文献   

Under the bitterly coldness of financial crisis,almost no one could escape but cooperate,join hands and stay together which have become the most popular and hottest words in 2009.To join hands,give each other strength and stay together to get through the hardness is surely the best choice to tackle the crisis.  相似文献   

此文采用六种方法选择四艘船舶上甲板的同一位置分别计算了其纵、横和垂向加速度值,通过对计算结果分析比较,得出一些有价值的结论。  相似文献   

COSCOL's Kang Sheng Kou broke the record in her first float-on service,Capt. Wei attends China-US business dialogue, China mainland, Macao sign closer economic ties pact, Ningbo seeks closer trade ties with HK, Investment from home and abroad fuels area economy, Develop Bohai Sea rim economy, Two HK-listed firms weigh investing in Dagang Port, Growing Chinese, US economies to fuel bilateral trade, Shipping takes new navigation rule on board。  相似文献   

Nowadays alternative and innovative energy recovery solutions are adopted on board ships to reduce fuel consumption and harmful emissions. According to this, the present work compares the engine exhaust gas waste heat recovery and hybrid turbocharger technologies, which are used to improve the efficiency of a dual-fuel four-stroke(DF) marine engine. Both solutions aim to satisfy partly or entirely the ship’s electrical and/or thermal loads. For the engine exhaust gas waste heat recovery, two ste...  相似文献   

一、基本情况NH轮是1989年建造的3961TEU集装箱班轮,2001年以前入的是船级社A(ICSA成员),后改为船级社B(ICSA成员)。2005年8月18日在实施PSC检查时,检查人员发现该轮干舷甲板的勘划和其出厂时原始《干舷计算书》所核定的干舷甲板位置相差3米。如果按船级社B签发给该船《国际载重线证书》上勘划的甲板线来确定干舷甲板的话,则该轮的上甲板为干舷甲板,则干舷甲板(上甲板)下的二层甲板(艉绞缆机甲板)上的相关舱室开口均无法达到水密关闭要求,因此检查员将该问题判定为缺陷。  相似文献   

<正>December 17-18,2018 Barcelona,Spain The ICOCME 2018:20th International Conference on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering aims to bring together leading academic scientists,researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering.It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform  相似文献   

In this paper, in order to implement the share and exchange of the ship product data, a new kind of global function model is established. By researching on the development and trend of the application of ship STEP ( standard for the exchange of product model data) standards, the AIM (application interpreted model) of AP216 is developed and improved as an example, aiming at the characteristics and practical engineering of ship industry in our country. The data exchange interfaces are formed based on STEP in the CAD/CAM for the ship by all function modules and shared databases under the global function model. The share and exchange of all information and data are solved in the design, manufacture and all life-cycle of ship products among different computer application systems. The research work makes foundation for the ship industry informatization.  相似文献   

在学习无产阶级专政理论运动的推动下,我厂技术组万吨轮设计小组的同志,联系实际,冲破旧框框,发扬不断革命精神,对“风”字号万吨轮的结构设计,先后进行了三次近40项重大改进。通过在“风展”号轮上实施,证明每艘船可以节约钢材20吨、电缆1000多米、木材120米~3,而且还可节约大量人力,大大改善劳动条件,减轻劳动强度。主要改革有以下几项: 1.上甲板边板与舷侧顶列板的铆钉连接结构,改为直接焊接结构。这一改革共节约了φ28毫米铆钉2600多只、船板12吨,节约装配、钻孔、铆接、捻缝等工种100多人工,还缩短上甲板与船旁板的总装时间一个多星期。  相似文献   

早在六十年代初,高强度钢就在船体结构中使用,但应用不多,仅在大型船舶的上甲板部位部分地采用。第二次石油危机后,为了节约能源,减轻船体重量成了提高船舶经济性的重要途径之一,高强度  相似文献   

The Royal Ballet Group of Denmark, supported by the A. P. Moller-Maersk Group exclusively, will visit China and put on shows during May 8-16 on the coming 50th anniversary (May 11) of the establishment of diplomatic relationship of Sino-Denmark. The Group's relationship with China can date all the way back to 1924 when the first vessel called at Shanghai.  相似文献   

总长:243.8米型宽:42米型深21.4米设计吃水:13.5米服务航速:15节该船为适于载运闪点不高于60℃(闭杯试验)的原油,低速船用柴油机推进的无限航区油船。本船有一层全焊接的连续上甲板、带球艏的倾斜艏柱、方艉、半平衡舵、  相似文献   

1船型简介 本船为单甲板、方尾、球鼻首、单桨、单舵、尾机型船.首部设有首侧推,功率为650 kW,中部设有4个封闭式货舱,货舱中部设货泵舱,货舱区域上甲板设有水泥装卸设备及软管吊,水泥机械设备室位于上甲板中部. 本船在货舱区设有非水密纵中舱壁,将每个货舱分为左右二个货舱,底部设有从机舱到首部的隧道. 水泥装卸装置的料斗布置在中部,水泥装卸通过螺旋输送机及压缩空气气力输送.货舱底部设置纵向8°、横向10°的斜坡内底板,上设帆布二相气流床,便于水泥向中间料口流动汇拢.  相似文献   

Shipping News     
Double hull tankers increase year by year With the implementation of IMO's Double Hull Tanker Regulations and promulgation of US' OPA90, all the single hull tankers with over 20td dwt available now will disappear on the shipping market by year 2015 whilst the tankers with more than 5td dwt to be built from 1997 are all double hull. The year of 2015 will see a tanker fleet made up of double hull type totally.  相似文献   

本文主要叙述了多用途货船及全集装箱船货舱内及上甲板安装集装箱基座的施工工艺阶段、工艺过程及技术条件。为了使基座顺利施工,提出了一些参考性的意见。同时简述了集装箱型号、外形尺寸以及目前海运集装箱绑扎的几种方法。  相似文献   

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