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Daily trip chain complexity and type choices of low-income residents are examined based on activity travel diary survey data in Nanjing, China. Statistical tests reveal that non-work trip chain complexity is distinctly distinct between low-income residents and non-low-income residents. Low-income residents are inclined to make simple non-work chains. Two types of econometric models, a stereotype logit model and mixed logit model, are then developed to investigate the possible explanatory variables affecting their trip pattern. The number of stops within a chain and chain types are considered as dependent variables, while independent variables include household and personal characteristics as well as land use variables. Results show that once convenient and flexible conditions are supplied, low-income residents are more likely to make multiple activities in a trip chain. Areas with high population and employment densities are associated with complex work trip chains and more non-work activity involvement.  相似文献   

The scaling approach is a statistical estimation method that allows for differences in the amount of unexplained variation in different types of data, which can then be used together in the analysis. This approach has been mostly used in context of combining Stated Preference and Revealed Preference data, but has also been used as a method of identifying systematic differences in the variance of choices within a single Stated Preference data set, e.g. for investigation of learning and fatigue effects. This paper investigates whether a scaling approach is suitable for handling inconsistencies in Stated Choice data. Both the number of inconsistent choices, based on a test of violations of the transitivity axiom, and education are used as scaling variables. Scaling effects appear to exist due to inconsistent choices, and the amount of unexplained variance is shown to increase as the number of inconsistent choice increase. Scaling due to inconsistencies significantly improves the models and reduces the valuations of travel time. In addition, the scaling approach makes the valuations of travel time from the Stated Choice data more consistent with the valuations from Contingent Valuation data included in the same study. In spite of the fact that education is the only significant explanatory variable for the number of inconsistent choices, scaling due to education gives no significant improvement in the model.  相似文献   

Using data from over 2000 convenience store customers within and outside London, this paper explores how individuals access their convenience stores and how significant the influence of their socio-demographics, shopping types and trip chaining is to their mode choice in visiting the stores. Trip chaining is found to be crucial in influencing customers' mode choice and their visit frequency. The application of logit models also shows that frequent shoppers are the ones most likely to visit the stores on foot. Interestingly, the estimation results also show that the location's density, shopping types and the day of the week are not significant in influencing travel modes. Customers who live in the most deprived areas are less likely to use a private car in visiting the stores.  相似文献   


Trip chaining (or tours) and mode choice are two critical factors influencing a variety of patterns of urban travel demand. This paper investigates the hierarchical relationship between these two sets of decisions including the influences of socio-demographic characteristics on them. It uses a 6-week travel diary collected in Thurgau, Switzerland, in 2003. The structural equation modeling technique is applied to identify the hierarchical relationship. Hierarchy and temporal consistency of the relationship is investigated separately for work versus non-work tours. It becomes clear that for work tours in weekdays, trip-chaining and mode choice decisions are simultaneous and remain consistent across the weeks. For non-work tours in weekdays, mode choice decisions precede trip-chaining decisions. However, for non-work tours in weekends, trip-chaining decisions precede mode choice decisions. A number of socioeconomic characteristics also play major roles in influencing the relationships. Results of the investigation challenge the traditional approach of modeling mode choice separately from activity-scheduling decisions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the joint choice behavior of intercity transport modes and high‐speed rail cabin class within a two‐dimensional choice structure. Although numerous studies have been conducted on the mode choice behavior, little is known about the influence of cabin class on their intercity traveling choice. Hence, this study is conducted with a revealed preference survey to investigate the intercity traveling behavior for the western corridor of Taiwan. The results of nested logit model reveal that a cabin strategy has a more significant influence on cabin choice than on mode choice. Furthermore, this study proposes a new strategy map concept to assist transport operators in defining and implementing their pricing strategies. The results suggest that to capture a higher market share, high‐speed rail operators should choose an active price reduction strategy, while bus and rail operators are advised to implement a passive price increase strategy to raise unit revenue. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a logit model of route choice for urban public transport and explains how the archived data from a smart card-based fare payment system can be used for the choice set generation and model estimation. It demonstrates the feasibility and simplicity of applying a trip-chaining method to infer passenger journeys from smart card transactions data. Not only origins and destinations of passenger journeys can be inferred but also the interchanges between the segments of a linked journey can be recognised. The attributes of the corresponding routes, such as in-vehicle travel time, transfer walking time and to get from alighting stop to trip destination, the need to change, and the time headway of the first transportation line, can be determined by the combination of smart card data with other data sources, such as a street map and timetable. The smart card data represent a large volume of revealed preference data that allows travellers' behaviour to be modelled with higher accuracy than by using traditional survey data. A multinomial route choice model is proposed and estimated by the maximum likelihood method, using urban public transport in ?ilina, the Slovak Republic, as a case study  相似文献   

The possibility of and procedure for pooling RP and SP data have been discussed in recent research work. In that literature, the RP data has been viewed as the yardstick against which the SP data must be compared. In this paper we take a fresh look at the two data types. Based on the peculiar strengths and weaknesses of each we propose a new, sequential approach to exploiting the strengths and avoiding the weaknesses of each data source. This approach is based on the premise that SP data, characterized by a well-conditioned design matrix and a less constrained decision environment than the real world, is able to capture respondents' tradeoffs more robustly than is possible in RP data. (This, in turn, results in more robust estimates of share changes due to changes in independent variables.) The RP data, however, represent the current market situation better than the SP data, hence should be used to establish the aggregate equilibrium level represented by the final model. The approachfixes the RP parameters for independent variables at the estimated SP parameters but uses the RP data to establish alternative-specific constants. Simultaneously, the RP data are rescaled to correct for error-in-variables problems in the RP design matrixvis-à- vis the SP design matrix. All specifications tested are Multinomial Logit (MNL) models.The approach is tested with freight shippers' choice of carrier in three major North American cities. It is shown that the proposed sequential approach to using SP and RP data has the same or better predictive power as the model calibrated solely on the RP data (which is the best possible model for that data, in terms of goodness-of-fit figures of merit), when measured in terms of Pearson's Chi-squared ratio and the percent correctly predicted statistic. The sequential approach is also shown to produce predictions with lower error than produced by the more usual method of pooling the RP and SP data.  相似文献   

With rail travel largely seen to be a more sustainable method than road-based transport, this paper examines the market segments amongst existing motorists that would be most likely to travel by train in the UK. The analysis is based on a large survey in London and the south-east of England, the area surrounding the routes operated by the train company First Capital Connect. Findings show that train travellers tend to be middle-aged and of a higher social grade, typically taking commuting or business trips. Individuals living within four miles of a station are considerably more likely to travel by rail than those further away. Given the competition from road-based transport, it is of particular interest that the measure highlighted to increase rail use for those living further away from the rail network is to enhance car parking at train stations.  相似文献   

A feature of recent developments in choice models that enable estimation of the distribution of willingness to pay (WTP) is that the sign of the distribution can change over the range. Behaviourally this often makes little sense for attributes such as travel time on non-discretionary travel, despite a growing recognition of positive utility over some travel time ranges. This can in part be attributed to the analytical distribution that is selected (except the cumbersome lognormal), many of which are unconstrained over the full range. Although a number of analysts have imposed constraints on various distributions for random parameters that can satisfy the single-sign condition, these restrictions are, with rare exception, only satisfied for the mean and the standard deviation estimates of a random parameter. When heterogeneity around the mean and/or heteroscedasticity around the standard deviation is allowed for, however, the constraint condition is often not satisfied. Given the popularity of distributions other than the lognormal, in order to satisfy the sign condition under the most general form of parameterisation, we need to impose a global sign condition. In this paper we show how this might be achieved in the context of the valuation of travel time savings for car commuters choosing amongst an offered set of route-specific travel times and costs. We illustrate the impact of the constraint under a globally constrained Rayleigh distribution for total travel time parameterisation, contrasting the evidence with a multinomial logit model and a range of other distributional assumptions within the mixed logit framework. Discussions with Bill Greene, John Rose, Ken Train and especially Juan de Dios Ortuzar have been invaluable as have the comments of referees.  相似文献   

The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) has been recognized as a powerful framework to develop network-wide control strategies. Recently, the concept has been extended to the three-dimensional MFD, used to investigate traffic dynamics of multi-modal urban cities, where different transport modes compete for, and share the limited road infrastructure. In most cases, the macroscopic traffic variables are estimated using either loop detector data (LDD) or floating car data (FCD). Taking into account that none of these data sources might be available, in this study we propose novel estimation methods for the space-mean speed of cars based on: (i) the automatic vehicle location (AVL) data of public transport where no FCD is available; and (ii) the fused FCD and AVL data sources where both are available, but FCD is not complete. Both methods account for the network configuration layout and the configuration of the public transport system. The first method allows one to derive either uni-modal or bi-modal macroscopic fundamental relationships, even in the extreme cases where no LDD nor FCD exist. The second method does not require a priori knowledge about FCD penetration rates and can significantly improve the estimation accuracy of the macroscopic fundamental relationships. Using empirical data from the city of Zurich, we demonstrate the applicability and validate the accuracy of the proposed methods in real-life traffic scenarios, providing a cross-comparison with the existing estimation methods. Such empirical comparison is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind. The findings show that the proposed AVL-based estimation method can provide a good approximation of the average speed of cars at the network level. On the other hand, by fusing the FCD and AVL data, especially in case of sparse FCD, it is possible to obtain a more representative outcome regarding the performance of multi-modal traffic.  相似文献   


The paper presents a critical review of the methodological approaches used in tour-based mode choice models within the activity-based modelling frameworks. Various components of the activity-based models, such as activity type choice, activity location choice, and activity duration have already matured significantly. However, the mode choice component is often simplified in many ways. Both trip-based and tour-based approaches are used in many cases. However, the tour-based approach is considered to be the most relevant to the activity-based modelling framework. This paper presents a synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing tour-based mode choice models. The previous studies on tour-based mode choice models are grouped into seven categories, ranging from simplified main tour mode to complex dynamic discrete choice models. Besides, challenges with data-hungry models, simulation-based models and static models are discussed elaborately. In conclusion, it proposes a few methodological suggestions for researchers and practitioners for finding an appropriate mode choice modelling framework for activity-based models. In addition, the paper also provides a guideline on how to incorporate automated vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service within the framework of tour-based mode choice models.  相似文献   

Validating the results of a route choice simulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the validation of a route choice simulator known as VLADIMIR (Variable Legend Assessment Device for Interactive Measurement of Individual Route choice). VLADIMIR is an interactive computer-based tool designed to study drivers’ route choice behaviour. It has been extensively used to obtain data on route choice in the presence of information sources such as Variable Message Signs or In-Car Navigation devices. The simulator uses a sequence of digitized photographs to portray a real network with junctions, links, landmarks and road signs. Subject drivers are invited to make journeys between specified origins and destinations under a range of travel scenarios, during which the simulator automatically records their route choices. This paper describes validation experiments carried out during the period Summer 1994 to Autumn 1995 and reports on the results obtained. Each experiment involved a comparison of routes selected in real life with those driven under simulated conditions in VLADIMIR. The analysis included investigation of the subjects’ own assessment of the realism of the VLADIMIR routes they had chosen, a comparison of models based on the real life routes with models based on VLADIMIR routes, and a statistical comparison of the two sets of routes. After an extensive series of data collection exercises and analyses, we have concluded that a well designed simulator is able to replicate real life route choices with a very high degree of detail and accuracy. Not only was VLADIMIR able to precisely replicate the route choices of drivers who were familiar with the network but it also appears capable of representing the kind of errors made and route choice strategies adopted by less familiar drivers. Furthermore, evidence is presented to suggest that it can accurately replicate route choice responses to roadside VMS information.  相似文献   

When a new public transport service is introduced it would be valuable for public authorities, financing organisations and transport operators to know how long it will take for people to start to use the service and what factors influence this. This paper presents results from research analysing the time taken for residents living close to a new guided bus service to start to use (or adopt) the service. Data was obtained from a sample of residents on whether they used the new service and the number of weeks after the service was introduced before they first used it. Duration modelling has been used to analyse how the likelihood of starting to use the new service changes over time (after the introduction of the service) and to examine what factors influence this. It is found that residents who have not used the new service are increasingly unlikely to use it as time passes. Those residents gaining greater accessibility benefits from the new service are found to be quicker to use the service, although the size of this effect is modest compared to that of other between-resident differences. Allowance for the possibility that there existed a proportion of the sample that would never use the new service was tested using a split population model (SPD) model. The SPD model indicates that 36% of residents will never use the new service and is informative in differentiating factors that influence whether Route 20 is used and when it is used.
Kang-Rae MaEmail:

Kiron Chatterjee   has been a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Bristol, since 2003 and previously was at the University of Southampton. Currently, a main focus of his research is on longitudinal analysis of travel behaviour to improve policy analysis. Kang-Rae Ma   received a PhD in Planning from University College London. He worked at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and the Korea Transport Institute before he joined Chung-Ang University as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include modelling of travel behaviour and urban excess commuting.  相似文献   

Accessibility is a valuable indicator for assessing the effectiveness of a transport network. Nevertheless, its analysis can lead to very heterogeneous results depending on the method adopted, thus still struggling to be considered by policy makers and in planning processes. This article contributes to the development of an accessibility analysis as a planning tool, by proposing an alternative model to estimate the relative accessibility of a destination by public transport (PT). Indeed, PT is a mobility paradigm that has been supported to reduce the negative externalities produced by private transport, especially in environmentally fragile contexts. The model includes a set of eleven factors affecting public transport operation which refer to four macro topics: connectivity, multimodality, tariff/ticketing, and info-mobility. They are integrated into a Public Transport Accessibility index which analyses a series of nodes along a route and detects the progressive variation of accessibility. Eventual shifts are highlighted, including information about the factors feeding them. The model is tested for the Lana-Zurich (IT-CH) connection, showing how the most relevant issues are caused by difficulties in the transnational and transregional integration of the services. Through this process, the model aims at backing policy makers in the detection and understanding of public transport barriers and related causes.  相似文献   

Despite the success achieved by Public Bicycle Sharing Systems (PBSS) across the world, several researchers provide evidence on their limitations and constraints in a medium-long term, and bicycle ownership may be considered as a complementary tool to promote a ’bicycle-culture’. This paper aims to cover the gap about the interaction between both systems (public bicycle/private bicycle) and which are the key aspects to explain the bicycle-buying decision. After a fieldwork based on surveys conducted in Seville (Spain), one of the cities currently acknowledged worldwide for its successful policy of promoting cycling, we apply a Discrete Choice Model. Our findings show that among the socio-demographic factors that favor the move from the PBSS to the private bicycle are: having a higher level of education, being more progressive ideologically-speaking, and being a resident of the city itself; while age and gender do not appear to be conclusive. Experienced users, for whom the bicycle is a part of his/her healthy lifestyle, state a greater willingness to buy a bicycle. And the main obstacles to make the jump from the PBSS to the private bicycle, and that any action plan to support private bicycle usage should take into account, are: the lack of proper parking at the origin/destination, and fear of theft.  相似文献   

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