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4月15日早6:30分,洋溢着满满爱情的烟台交运快车载着30位青年朋友,带着寻爱梦想准时出发。为有力推进“心体验新感受打造交运旅游品牌”精品工程活动,扩大市场份额,创树旅游品牌,充分展示烟台交运旅行社莱阳分社良好形象,莱阳市旅游集散中心与莱阳广播电台联合举办了2012年第一期“寻爱之旅”龙口南山之行活动。  相似文献   

当很多小件快运企业都在绞尽脑汁谋求出路的时候,烟台交运集团龙口运输有限公司(以下简称“烟台交运龙口公司”)的黄城万方营业处提出了“延伸快件服务渠道,为客户提供快件服务方案”的生存之道。  相似文献   

11月3日,湖北宜昌交运集团股份有限公司(以下简称宜昌交运)揭开崭新的发展篇章,—"宜昌交运"作为湖北省第一家道路运输企业在深交所隆重上市,编号:002627,发行股数:3350万股,融资4.355亿元。怀着喜悦的心情,宜昌市国资委党委书记、主任习斌说:"宜昌交运集团成功上市,结束了宜昌11年无新增上市公  相似文献   

上海交运(集团)公司是以现代物流、枢纽客运和汽车修造为主业的企业集团.近年来,集团坚持"科技兴企"主战略,加强对集团科技创新工作的领导,加大科技投入力度,有效地提升了企业的经济实力.  相似文献   

  建议政府推出相关政策,改变经营者观望态度,支持推广使用天然气车辆工作。商务部、财政部连续两年联合下发报废车辆补贴通知,始终没有将公路客运车辆列入其中。只有加快老旧车辆更新,才能有效使天然气车辆或电动车辆替代柴、汽油车辆。郑州交运做了很多工作,计划让经营者提前更新车辆,但阻力重重。  相似文献   

正江河大地上,旗帜在飘扬,辉映九州四海,一派好风光……""齐鲁大地,孔孟之乡,伴随着共和国黎明孕育希望……"10月12日,济宁交运集团建业70周年职工大合唱汇演在济宁声远舞台拉开帷幕,济宁交运集团所属各单位和集团总部组成16个合唱队、1700余名职工参加演出。汇演通过交运集团各汽车站等窗口单位LED大屏和电脑、手机端同步向社会网络直播。今年是济宁交运集团建业70周  相似文献   

<正>节能减排不拘泥于细节控制,针对以前部分客运线路存在车型结构复杂、经营成份多、车辆档次低、服务质量差、客运安全难以保障等突出问题,集团宏观调控和运营组织入手,采取多项措施优化运力结构,实施先进的运营组织技术,加强运输成本和管理成本的精确控制,真正发挥集约化、规模化节能的优势。依托山东省高速公路建设的飞速发展,集团相继成立了济德、济泰、济滨、济邯、京沪等多家控股、参股客运子公司,形成了以济南为中心,通达山东省全部地级市、部分发达县市以及跨省省会城市和重要中心城市的集约化运营网络,集约化经营管理的线路公司发展到18个,线路公司车辆达到210部,集约化客车总数达到390部,占到自有车辆的32%以上。  相似文献   

大连交运集团是东北地区按照现代企业制度建立起来的大型国有独资道路客、货运输专业企业之一,全国交通系统100强企业。具有国家道路客运一级企业和国家道路货运二级企业经营资质;主营业务涵盖城市公交、城郊客运、长途公路旅游客运和货运物流等。其中800公里以上长途线路逾200条,最长线路里程达3600多公里,共配备大型公路旅游车辆600余台,卧铺客车90余台。公司副总经理张道健表示,大连交运集团的经营业务点多、线长、面广,且流动、分散,因此安全和服务是该公司日常运营和车辆采购过程中最为看重的两个方面。时刻把车辆的安全特性放在首位,旨在从源头上注重整车品  相似文献   

江苏金陵交运集团有限公司(简称"金陵交运")在优化货运物流业运力结构上深做文章,达到了节能增效的目的。金陵交运八年成绩斐然,源于不断优化的原动力。货运物流企业的生存与发展离不开经营组织结构的改善和组织方式的优化,离不开运力结构的优化,离不开技术创新。据不完全统计,江苏金陵交运集团有限公司货运车辆年汽、柴油消耗量约在1377万升,每年油耗支出约为6196.8万元。  相似文献   

全国道路运输一级资质运输企业、浙江省内首家实现异地经营的客运企业、闯出乡镇公交公司化改造的"义乌模式"……浙江恒风交通运输股份有限公司(简称"恒风交运"),走过了一条不平凡的道路.  相似文献   

市域综合运输通道是城市综合交通运输体系规划的重要构成要素,是经济要素流动与客货运输流协调发展的集中表征,是指导各种运输方式网络布局规划的顶层设计,综合运输通道布局的合理与否直接决定着整个区域综合交通网的服务质量和效能。本文提出市域综合运输通道布局规划的总体思路,基本原则和纳入条件,以山东省烟台市为例,将综合运输通道分对外通道和市域走廊两个层次进行研究,提出了"三纵三横"的通道布局方案,并围绕优化布局和提升能力两方面,提出下一步综合运输通道的建设重点。  相似文献   

A grid model of major and minor roads in an urban area is used to explore some reasons why through traffic will use either or both types of road. It is assumed that individual road users will minimize their own travel time without regard to other users. Results are discussed for several typical urban traffic conditions as are the equilibrium flows on major and minor roads.  相似文献   

珠海信禾交通发展股份有限公司(简称"信禾集团")的主营业务是长途客运和站场经营,属服务型企业,它的产品是运输服务.运输服务在需求上弹性较小,它需要较大的营销力度才能把市场需求拉动起来,才能从竞争对手里把市场争取过来.因此,中大型运输企业必须认真研究它的产品策略及营销策略,以适应不断变化的市场需求,并取得竞争的最终胜利.  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary Time Use Observatory workshops learned that transportation research and social sciences strive for the same multi-day time-diary data in order to make interferences about human habitual (travel) behavior. It also is learned that when it comes to the mathematics and analytics involved both disciplines are miles apart, though both with founded reasons to do so. In brief, transportation research relies on modeling to make predictions whereas social sciences apply statistics to their data to draw conclusions. In line with the interdisciplinary philosophy of the Time Use Observatory workshops, this contribution aims to communicate 30 years of experience in analyzing time-diary data. To do so, it demonstrates the latter by calculation transportation habits and aims to illustrate that multi-day time-diary data might have some additional benefits for computing temporal regularities. It shows that including a flexible notion of both regular tempo (or recurrence) of activities (e.g. every day) and regular timing of activities (e.g. always at 6 am) produces different results for different kind of transportation purposes. It also shows that these calculations using multi-day time-diary data result in an indicator at the individual level that can be analyzed in terms of socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics. This work concludes that partitioning temporal regularities in regular reoccurrence and regular timing is a crucial element of (transportation) habits.  相似文献   

Li  Xin  Shaw  John W.  Liu  Daizong  Yuan  Yun 《Transportation》2019,46(3):753-776
Transportation - Beijing is China’s national capital, a major economic center, and home to nearly 22 million people. The city currently suffers from serious traffic congestion and extreme air...  相似文献   


To survive under the ever increasing competitive and global pressures to operate more efficiently, transportation companies are obliged to adopt a collaborative focus. Various types of cooperative supply chain relationships have been discussed in both professional and academic literature over the last decades. However, research on horizontal cooperation in logistics remains scarce and scattered across various research domains. Companies operating at the same level of the supply chain and performing comparable logistics functions may cooperate horizontally to increase their productivity, improve their service level and enhance their market position. In this paper, the focus is on the operational planning of horizontal cooperations between road transportation carriers. Following a scientific literature review, a distinction may be made between two operational approaches to horizontal logistics collaboration: order sharing and capacity sharing. For both research streams, a detailed overview of solution techniques proposed in literature is presented. Moreover, some interesting opportunities for future research are identified.  相似文献   

从无到有,由小变大,转弱为强,从固守深圳到走向全国,从成立之初仅有四、五家子公司到现在坐拥全国60多家子公司的企业集团,新国线向前迈进的每一步,无不渗透着新国线人超前的创新精神。  相似文献   

朱琴 《西部交通科技》2010,(11):91-93,102
文章基于桂林市道路货运市场现状,分析了当前桂林市道路货运行业发展中存在的问题,提出了加强道路货运行业管理、推进现代物流产业发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

In spite of the recent progress made in household activity analysis and travel budget studies, urban transportation modeling still remains a “not-too-well developed” research field. There are conflicting theories, analysis units are not uniform, terms are not precisely defined, basic studies of sub-systems involved are not yet completed, and many models lack behavioral background as well as basic attributes such as simplicity, sensitivity, compatibility, transferability and forecasting ability. Gaps in methodology may be partially responsible for this situation. There is an urgent need for simple, yet not primitive, easily applicable urban transportation models which can respond to the technical needs of planners and engineers. Lessons from the past, as well as experiences from other disciplines, suggest that future research should concentrate on: (1) new, “unconventional” approaches based on systematic, basic studies of all sub-systems involved; (2) proper definition and stratification of an analysis unit; (3) revision and unification of definitions, classifications, etc., in order to improve the behavioral background of the models; (4) dynamic rather than static approaches, able to describe feedbacks between transportation and land-use as well as between transportation demand and supply; (5) interrelations between subsequent sub-models, particularly between car availability, trip generation and modal split; (6) developing models which are not only sensitive to transportation policies but also to other local policies (e.g. land use, city development, social, etc.).  相似文献   

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