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To analyze influencing factors and evaluation method of low-temperature performance of porous asphalt mixture,first,three kinds of modified binder were chosen as original,thin film aging and pressure aging samples for customary index test and bending beam rheometer (BBR) test at -12 ℃ to evaluate low-temperature performance of these modified binders Then,evaluation of the low-temperature anti?cracking performance of different kinds of porous asphalt mixture was made by thermal stress restrained sample test (TSRST) At the sam e time,the result of abovementioned TSRST were compared with the TSRST result of  samples of the porous asphalt mixtures after long?term aging to evaluate the influence of  aging on low-temperature performance of porous asphalt mixtures The results show that (1) TSRST result of porous asphalt mixtures coincides with creep stiffnesses of BBR test of modified binders; (2) the fracture temperatures of the porous asphalt mixtures increase and their fracture stresses decrease after aging; (3) the fracture stresses of porous asphalt mixtures are just one-third of those of dense?gradation asphalt mixtures while the fracture temperatures almost the same,which indicates that their low?temperature performances are almost the same  相似文献   

To cope with the fatigue cracking occurred to the asphalt mixture on steel deck avement,it is put forward that the fatigue life of asphalt mixture can be improved by reducing the ailure energy of each hysteresis loop of asphalt mixture according to the cumulative dissipated energy and hysteresis loop theory in the principle of viscoelasticity for asphalt mixture Based on this principle,a kind of modified asphalt with high elasticity was developed,and its high and low temperature performances and fatigue performances were also tested The result shows that (1) low temperature deformability of the high?elastic modified asphalt mixture has remarkably improved and low temperature bending strain of girder at -10 ℃ is above 10 000 με; (2) the fatigue life of modified asphalt mixture with high elasticity has greatly improved by 4?point bending beam test compared with common modified asphalt mixture The fatigue life at 1 000 με deformability is about 19 million times which is about 20 times longer than that of ordinary asphalt mixture  相似文献   

Impacts on asphalt mixture's high temperature performance with PR series additives added by means of rutting test and Repeated Shear Test (Constant Height) (RSCH) were investigated The analytic results of the two tests show that (1) rutting test is not suitable for the high temperature performance evaluation of asphalt mixture with PR series additives added for the reason of the conflict between dynamic stability and rut depth; (2) the results of RSCH,such as K1,K2,N and γ,show very well consistency which is suitable  for the high temperature performance evaluation of asphalt mixture with PR series additives  added The results of RSCH show that asphalt mixture with PR PLAST S (PRS)  added has the best performance,the PR FLEX MODULE (PRM) one is the next and t he original one is the worst for the high temperature anti?shear performance  相似文献   

In order to assess temperature field in microwave heating for recycling asphalt pavements,a 2D mathematic heat transfer model was developed based on Fourier heat transfer theory The microwave internal heat?generation was researched by using surface field of pyramidal horn replacing approximate radiation field In addition,the boundary conditions were built and normalization processing was implemented The control volume based finite differential method (CV-BDM) was used to establish the implicit discrete scheme of the conservation equations,and the numerical value simulation was employed By continuous or intermittent  radiation heating technique,a microwave heating experimental system at 2 145 GHz was carried out to investigate temperature variation characteristics of asphalt pavements along with heating time The result shows that (1) the increase of temperature of asphalt mixture during microwave heating is obviously nonlinear,the temperature rises slowly in the initial stage of the heating but increases rapidly in the late heating period; (2) the temperature distribution is non-uniform that the temperature in central area of the surface is higher while it is lower on edge; (3) the uniformity of temperature within asphalt mixtures can be improved by using intermittent heating technique,and the heating time must be reasonable The simulation results are in preferable agreement with the experiment  相似文献   

In the light of semi?rigid material as base course for perpetual asphalt pavement,the bearing capacity and fatigue life of asphalt pavement with semi-rigid base cause and different asphalt layer's thickness were computed with BISAR30 after chosen typical pavement The impact of thickened layer on the stress of the semi?rigid base,the dry shrinkage and temperature shrinkages of the material were analyzed,and its adaptability as base for perpetual pavement was studied The result shows that (1) under the same load,with thickening of the asphalt layer,the compressive stress on the top and the tensile stress at the bottom of the semi?rigid base decrease obviously and the fatigue life of  the base increases substantially; (2)the impact of temperature and humidity on the  semi-rigid base is remarkably weakened,which leads to the fractures,erosion and reflecting cracks of the semi?rigid base to be controlled effectively  相似文献   

According to the features of high?liquid?limit foundation in southwest mountainous area and the characteristics of geogrid reinforced cushion,geogrid reinforced cushion was used to reinforce high?liquid foundation By using the elastic?plastic finite element analysis method,the mechanisms of the geogrid reinforced cushion were studied The results show that geogrid reinforced cushion can greatly reduce loading and deformation and improve the high?liquid foundation stability In addition,the effect of factors such as location,lay ers,stiffness,etc of geogrids on reinforcement and the regularity were discussed Compari son of centrifugal model test result with numerical calculation result indicates that the error is negligible between them,which shows that (1) constitutive relationship,calculation model and calculation parameters are reasonable; (2) numerical simulation reflects deformation behavior of high?liquid foundation improvement effectively and the results of numerical analysis are re liable  相似文献   

Confronted with accidents in a shallow?buried weak tunnel using the bench excavation method,such as great subsidence and cracks in the ground surface as well as those in the preliminary support,a double downside drifts construction method was presented The drifts were used to detect geological conditions and reinforce the lower parts of the tunnel Its construction procedures and load transiting mechanism were then described Its Construction behavior was also studied by numerical simulation using software MIDAS The results show that (1) double-side drifts can improve tunnel load,the key construction step is arch ring excavation and core soil is good to keep tunnel steady; (2) weak parts mainly l ocate at wall foot of drifts,wall foot and crown foot of tunnel,and the connections; (3) reinforcement of soil under the drifts has no apparent effect on improving rock deformation and support load Advice on construction was proposed that main parts to be reinforced are drifts (its foot depth,connection parts with tunnel,and its corners) and core soil should be kept if rock is unsteady and needs reinforcing  相似文献   

he prestressed concrete skewed box girder with transversely segmental construction was brought out on the basis of the need in the engineering,both model experiments and FE analysis of the presented construction and the beam box with integral construction were carried out With the analysis of the obtained data by mathematical statistics,comparison of table and graph,and the corresponding FE analysis,the difference of mechanical performances of both constructions was analyzed under various experimental loading cases The results show that (1) the deflection of the presented construction is about 53% larger than that of the beam box with integral construction,the longitudinal strain is 135% larger than that of the latter,and the longitudinal strain of the cast concrete is 59% as large as that of the same area at the beam box with integral construction before concrete cracking; (2) there exists stress redistribution in the cross-section of presented construction,which can restrain the tensional distortion of the wet?joint,and the value of the stress cannot be computed by the current FE program  相似文献   

Stresses of pavement with flexible base of LSAM-30,ATPB-30 and AC-30I at the most adverse point under the function of traffic load and temperature load as well as the coupling of them were calculated and compared by finite element method. The result indicates that flexible bases of LSAM?30 and ATPB?30 are more effective in the prevention of reflection crack Because of the great volume of coarse aggregate and large maximum nominal particle?size,the LSAM-30 thermal conductivity is greater,and the temperature shrinking coefficient is lower as well as the modulus of resilience,which could reduce the emperature gradient among the structure layers effectively and then minish the thermal stress At the  same time,the adequate flexibility performance of the LSAM may also absorb strain energy at the crack of the semi?rigid subbase sufficiently As a result,itpresented preferable reflection crack resistance A case study was conducted to do comparative analysis of anti?cracking performance of LSAM-30,ATPB-30 and AC-30I flexible bases A long?term follow?up observation of test roads with the three bases shows that the pavement with LSMA base is in good condition and no sign of crack found while pavements with ATPB?30 and AC?30I flexible bases have varying degrees of crack LSMA flexible base has an obvious performance of anti-crack  相似文献   

The effect of damaged transverse connection of diaphragm beams on the bearing capacity of prefabricated concrete T?beam bridges was studied through model experiment and finite element analysis On the basis of standard drawing of 16 m T?beam bridge,a refabricated concrete T?beam bridge model on the scale of 1 to 4 was designed by using of welding steel plate The impacts of different condition on transverse load distribution were discussed The result shows that (1) flange connection has little impact on the transverse load distribution when the diaphragm beams are connected reliably; (2) the damage of transverse connections has much influence on the transverse load distribution of adjacent girders but it has little effect on the girders apart from them; (3) if a certain transverse connection is damaged entirely except for that of the end diaphragm beams,the load distribution would not degenerate to the conditions determined by the flange connection because of the advantageous effects of the other diaphragm beams; (4) only when the bilateral diaphragms of one beam are damaged at the same time,the lateral load distribution will degenerate to the conditions determined by the flange connection  相似文献   

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