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This paper proposes a theoretical methodology and practical data collection approach for modeling enroute driver behavioral choice under Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). The theoretical framework is based on conflict assessment and resolution theories popularized in psychology and applied to models of individual consumer behavior. It is posed that enroute assessment and adjustment is a reactionary process influenced by increased conflict arousal and motivation to change. When conflict rises to a level at which conflict exceeds a personal threshold of tolerance, drivers are likely to alter enroute behavior to alleviate conflict through either route diversion of goal revision. Assessment and response to conflict arousal directly relate to the driver's abilities to perceive and predict network conditions in conjunction with familiarity of network configurations and accessible alternate routes.Data collection is accomplished through FASTCARS (Freeway andArterialStreetTrafficConflictArousal andResolutionSimulator), in interactive microcomputer-based driving simulator. Limited real-world implementation of ATIS has made it difficult to study or predict individual driver reaction to these technologies. It is contended here that in-laboratory experimentation with interactive route choice simulators can substitute for the lack of real-world applications and provide an alternate approach to data collection and driver behavior analysis. This paper will explain how FASTCARS is useful for collecting data and testing theories of driver behavior.  相似文献   

The cumulative travel‐time responsive (CTR) algorithm determines optimal green split for the next time interval by identifying the maximum cumulative travel time (CTT) estimated under the connected vehicle environment. This paper enhanced the CTR algorithm and evaluated its performance to verify a feasibility of field implementation in a near future. Standard Kalman filter (SKF) and adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) were applied to estimate CTT for each phase in the CTR algorithm. In addition, traffic demand, market penetration rate (MPR), and data availability were considered to evaluate the CTR algorithm's performance. An intersection in the Northern Virginia connected vehicle test bed is selected for a case study and evaluated within vissim and hardware in the loop simulations. As expected, the CTR algorithm's performance depends on MPR because the information collected from connected vehicle is a key enabling factor of the CTR algorithm. However, this paper found that the MPR requirement of the CTR algorithm could be addressed (i) when the data are collected from both connected vehicle and the infrastructure sensors and (ii) when the AKF is adopted. The minimum required MPRs to outperform the actuated traffic signal control were empirically found for each prediction technique (i.e., 30% for the SKF and 20% for the AKF) and data availability. Even without the infrastructure sensors, the CTR algorithm could be implemented at an intersection with high traffic demand and 50–60% MPR. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the field implementation of the CTR algorithm to improve the traffic network performance. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computationally efficient and theoretically rigorous dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model and its solution algorithm for a number of emerging emissions and fuel consumption related applications that require both effective microscopic and macroscopic traffic stream representations. The proposed model embeds a consistent cross-resolution traffic state representation based on Newell’s simplified kinematic wave and linear car following models. Tightly coupled with a computationally efficient emission estimation package MOVES Lite, a mesoscopic simulation-based dynamic network loading framework DTALite is adapted to evaluate traffic dynamics and vehicle emission/fuel consumption impact of different traffic management strategies.  相似文献   

Advances in connected and automated vehicle technologies have resulted in new vehicle applications, such as cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC). Microsimulation models have shown significant increases in capacity and stability due to CACC, but most previous work has relied on microsimulation. To study the effects of CACC on larger networks and with user equilibrium route choice, we incorporate CACC into the link transmission model (LTM) for dynamic network loading. First, we derive the flow-density relationship from the MIXIC car-following model of CACC (at 100% CACC market penetration). The flow-density relationship has an unusual shape; part of the congested regime has an infinite congested wave speed. However, we verify that the flow predictions match observations from MIXIC modeled in VISSIM. Then, we use the flow-density relationship from MIXIC in LTM. Although the independence of separate links restricts the maximum congested wave speed, for common freeway link lengths the congested wave speed is sufficiently high to fit the observed flows from MIXIC. Results on a freeway and regional networks (with CACC-exclusive lanes) indicate that CACC could reduce freeway congestion, but naïve deployment of CACC-exclusive lanes could cause an increase in total system travel time.  相似文献   

The effect of motor vehicles upon older neighborhoods has received increasing attention as residents of these areas seek to preserve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. In order to reduce through traffic in residential neighborhoods, numerous techniques have been developed, ranging from turn prohibitions to physical barriers. Since these measures have negative impacts on previous users of the streets, there has been substantial opposition to them. This paper reviews the major areas of conflict as revealed through court challenges.Nine court cases were identified by the researchers. In four, the court decision supported the control measures; in five, the courts decided against the actions. Six of the nine cases are reviewed in this paper. Major legal issues which are identified include the appropriate use of municipal police power, reasonableness in the exercise of police power, the integration of control measures into an overall transportation plan, appropriate consideration of emergency vehicle needs and the rights of access to property, and public participation in the decision. The authors conclude that properly planned and executed diversion strategies can be implemented and can withstand challenges by negatively affected parties.The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed or implied in this paper are those of the authors only. They are not necessarily those of the Federal Highway Administration.  相似文献   

Two models employing Kalman filtering theory are proposed for predicting short-term traffic volume. Prediction parameters are improved using the most recent prediction error and better volume prediction on a link is achieved by taking into account data from a number of links. Based on data collected from a street network in Nagoya City, average prediction error is found to be less than 9% and maximum error less than 30%. The new models perform substantially (up to 80%) better than UTCS-2.  相似文献   

This research developed an eco-driving feedback system based on a driving simulator to support eco-driving training. This support system could provide both dynamic and static feedback to improve drivers’ eco-driving behavior. In the process of driving, drivers could get voice prompts (e.g., please avoid accelerating rapidly) once non-eco-driving behavior appeared, and also could see the real-time CO2 emissions curves. After driving, drivers could receive an eco-driving evaluation report including their fuel consumption rank, potential of fuel saving and driving advice corresponding to their driving behavior. In this support system, five items of non-eco-driving behavior (i.e., quick accelerate, rapid decelerate, engine revolutions at a high level, too fast or unstable speed on freeways and idling for a longer time) were defined and could be detected. To validate this support system’s effectiveness in reducing fuel consumption and emissions, 22 participants were recruited and three driving tests were conducted, first without using the support system, then static feedback and then dynamic feedback utilized respectively. A reduction of 5.37% for CO2 emissions and 5.45% for fuel consumption was obtained. The results indicated that the developed eco-driving support system was an effective training tool to improve drivers’ eco-driving behavior in reducing emissions and fuel consumption.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a first-order macroscopic stochastic dynamic traffic model, namely the stochastic cell transmission model (SCTM), to model traffic flow density on freeway segments with stochastic demand and supply. The SCTM consists of five operational modes corresponding to different congestion levels of the freeway segment. Each mode is formulated as a discrete time bilinear stochastic system. A set of probabilistic conditions is proposed to characterize the probability of occurrence of each mode. The overall effect of the five modes is estimated by the joint traffic density which is derived from the theory of finite mixture distribution. The SCTM captures not only the mean and standard deviation (SD) of density of the traffic flow, but also the propagation of SD over time and space. The SCTM is tested with a hypothetical freeway corridor simulation and an empirical study. The simulation results are compared against the means and SDs of traffic densities obtained from the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) of the modified cell transmission model (MCTM). An approximately two-miles freeway segment of Interstate 210 West (I-210W) in Los Ageles, Southern California, is chosen for the empirical study. Traffic data is obtained from the Performance Measurement System (PeMS). The stochastic parameters of the SCTM are calibrated against the flow-density empirical data of I-210W. Both the SCTM and the MCS of the MCTM are tested. A discussion of the computational efficiency and the accuracy issues of the two methods is provided based on the empirical results. Both the numerical simulation results and the empirical results confirm that the SCTM is capable of accurately estimating the means and SDs of the freeway densities as compared to the MCS.  相似文献   

Traffic metering offers great potential to reduce congestion and enhance network performance in oversaturated urban street networks. This paper presents an optimization program for dynamic traffic metering in urban street networks based on the Cell Transmission Model (CTM). We have formulated the problem as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) capable of metering traffic at network gates with given signal timing parameters at signalized intersections. Due to the complexities of the MILP model, we have developed a novel and efficient solution approach that solves the problem by converting the MILP to a linear program and several CTM simulation runs. The solution algorithm is applied to two case studies under different conditions. The proposed solution technique finds solutions that have a maximum gap of 1% of the true optimal solution and guarantee the maximum throughput by keeping some vehicles at network gates and only allowing enough vehicles to enter the network to prevent gridlocks. This is confirmed by comparing the case studies with and without traffic metering. The results in an adapted real-world case study network show that traffic metering can increase network throughput by 4.9–38.9% and enhance network performance.  相似文献   


This article documents the authors' experience with the modeling, simulation, and analysis of a university transportation system, using the TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System (TRANSIMS). The processes of data preparation and network coding are described, followed by the algorithm developed to estimate the dynamic 24-hour demand, which includes a procedure for estimating the ‘desirability’ of the different parking lots from readily available data. The dynamic demand estimation algorithm is validated by comparing estimated and observed parking lot occupancies, where it is shown that the algorithm is capable of replicating observed results. Finally, an example is included to demonstrate how the developed model can be used in campus transportation planning. Besides serving as a first case study for using TRANSIMS to model a university campus, the study's contributions include the development of a procedure for parking lot desirability ranking and a practical procedure for estimating dynamic demand on university campuses.  相似文献   

Effects of queues on motorists during rush hours are severe at intersections controlled by roundabouts. Traffic police are frequently used in order to optimize the traffic flow and to control queue length at such intersections. However, the question as to how efficient such system is, compared with traffic signal, is not clear from the dynamic delay point of view. In this study a criterion is being developed based on vehicular delays as the motorist join the queues and cross the stop-line. The adopted method avoids oversimplification of reality and prevents unrealistic assumptions. The data required for the study were mainly collected through video filming technique. The results, for a given set of geometric and traffic characteristics, indicate that both a police-controlled roundabout and a traffic signal act in a similar manner in terms of vehicular delay at a certain critical value. This critical value is considered to be the point of intersection between the curves representing traffic signal and roundabout on a delay–space diagram for the vehicles as they join the tail end of the queue until they cross the stop-line. Beyond the critical value, the effect of delays and buildup of queues at roundabouts will be excessive, compared to traffic signals. Before the critical value the delays at traffic signals are quite high compared to roundabouts. The study will assist the concerned authorities to operate the existing conditions, particularly the roundabouts, more efficiently. It will also be beneficial for the traffic planners and policy makers in making judicious decisions regarding control type at intersections.  相似文献   

This paper studies the assignment of long-distance passenger traffic on a highway corridor network. First, we propose a traditional model for the long-distance traffic assignment considering interactions with local commuter traffic. It addresses the effect of local networks on highway corridors. An iterative algorithm is developed to solve for the exact solution. Then, to address the potential computational issues that arise therein, a decomposition method is proposed by introducing a new concept of corridor elasticity. An assignment procedure for long-distance passenger traffic is developed accordingly. Numerical tests show that the proposed decomposition method makes significant improvements in computational performance at a small loss of optimality. This decomposition method well approximates the exact assignment from the traditional formulation, especially when the highway corridors are near-saturation. The proposed decomposition method appears practical for application.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the existing procedures to compute the seasonal factors, growth factors, and the number of automatic traffic recorder stations (ATRs) for developing a statistically reliable traffic counting program. The review is based on, (i) theoretical evaluation of the procedures, (ii) analysis of the results obtained from applying these procedures to extensive real life data, and (iii) experience of past researchers with these methods. The paper primarily deals with existing statistical procedures for determining seasonal factors, since it is believed that these factors play the most important role in estimating Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADTs) from short counts. The procedure of cluster analysis (which is most commonly used to determine seasonal factors) is critically reviewed. The shortcomings of this method motivated the development of a different statistical procedure, based on regression analysis, to determine seasonal factors. It is shown that this newly developed method gives better results than the cluster analysis techniques. Furthermore, separate sections are dedicated to a thorough analysis of determination of number of ATR stations and computation of growth factors.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the day-to-day dynamics of commuter behavior in congested traffic systems. The interactive experiments involve actual work commuters in a simulated traffic system, whereby commuters noncooperatively supply their decisions to a traffic simulation model that determines the resulting arrival times and associated trip times; these in turn form the basis of the commuters' decisions on the next day. Models are developed to predict the daily switching of departure time and/or route by individual commuters in response to experienced congestion in the system or to exogenously supplied information. These models are incorporated in a dynamic modelling framework for the analysis of the impacts of planned traffic disruptions, such as those associated with major highway repair and reconstruction activities.  相似文献   

Nowadays, new mobility information can be derived from advanced traffic surveillance systems that collect updated traffic measurements, both in fixed locations and over specific corridors or paths. Such recent technological developments point to challenging and promising opportunities that academics and practitioners have only partially explored so far.The paper looks at some of these opportunities within the Dynamic Demand Estimation problem (DDEP). At first, data heterogeneity, accounting for different sets of data providing a wide spatial coverage, has been investigated for the benefit of off-line demand estimation. In an attempt to mimic the current urban networks monitoring, examples of complex real case applications are being reported where route travel times and route choice probabilities from probe vehicles are exploited together with common link traffic measurements.Subsequently, on-line detection of non-recurrent conditions is being recorded, adopting a sequential approach based on an extension of the Kalman Filter theory called Local Ensemble Transformed Kalman Filter (LETKF).Both the off-line and the on-line investigations adopt a simulation approach capable of capturing the highly nonlinear dependence between the travel demand and the traffic measurements through the use of dynamic traffic assignment models. Consequently, the possibility of using collected traffic information is enhanced, thus overcoming most of the limitations of current DDEP approaches found in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper describes simulation studies that were conducted to assess the performance of a freeway corridor control system. The system combines an advanced traffic management system with a motorist information system that provides route guidance to individual drivers. It has a hierarchical structure: The corridor level control acts in a supervisory capacity dynamically allocating traffic among alternative corridor facilities, including freeways, frontage roads, and signalized arterials. The local level control then selects control parameters for the individual facilities based on the predicted usage at the corridor level. A user specified performance function is optimized in the process. Both recurrent and nonrecurrent congestion scenarios were simulated using the SCOT model as a test bed. It is shown that, in most cases, significant benefits in performance can be obtained when the system operates as designed.  相似文献   

基于GIS的地区级路面管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路面管理系统(PMS)已经成为道路管理部门进行养护规划以及道路养护投资的重要分析工具。将PMS集成到GIS软件平台中已经成为当前PMS研究与实践的重点。将地区级路面管理系统数据库组建于GIS平台上,应用MapInfo软件与MapBasic语言,可将采集系统中里程桩定位参照系统转化为GIS数据库中大地坐标定位参照系统;利用Visual Basic 6.0与MapX控件、Access数据库的联合开发,建立了基于GIS的地区级公路数据库,实现了图形与数据的双向快速查询,并开发了相应的路面使用性能分析评价系统。  相似文献   

Traditional macroscopic traffic flow modeling framework adopts the spatial–temporal coordinate system to analyze traffic flow dynamics. With such modeling and analysis paradigm, complications arise for traffic flow data collected from mobile sensors such as probe vehicles equipped with mobile phones, Bluetooth, and Global Positioning System devices. The vehicle‐based measurement technologies call for new modeling thoughts that address the unique features of moving measurements and explore their full potential. In this paper, we look into the concept of vehicular fundamental diagram (VFD) and discuss its engineering implications. VFD corresponds to a conventional fundamental diagram (FD) in the kinematic wave (KW) theory that adopts space–time coordinates. Similar to the regular FD in the KW theory, VFD encapsulates all traffic flow dynamics. In this paper, to demonstrate the full potential of VFD in interpreting multilane traffic flow dynamics, we generalize the classical Edie's formula and propose a direct approach of reconstructing VFD from traffic measurements in the vehicular coordinates. A smoothing algorithm is proposed to effectively reduce the nonphysical fluctuation of traffic states calculated from multilane vehicle trajectories. As an example, we apply the proposed methodology to explore the next‐generation simulation datasets and identify the existence and forms of shock waves in different coordinate systems. Our findings provide empirical justifications and further insight for the Lagrangian traffic flow theory and models when applied in practice. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a continuum dynamic traffic assignment model for a city in which the total cost of the traffic system is minimized: the travelers in the system are organized to choose the route to their destinations that minimizes the total cost of the system. Combined with the objective function, which defines the total cost and constraints such as certain physical and boundary conditions, a continuum model can be formulated as an optimization scheme with a feasible region in the function space. To obtain an admissible locally optimal solution to this problem, we first reformulate the optimization in discrete form and then introduce a heuristic method to solve it. This method converges rapidly with attractive computational cost. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a real-time knowledge-based system (KBS) for decision support to Traffic Operation Center personnel in the selection of integrated traffic control plans after the occurrence of non-recurring congestion, on freeway and arterial networks. The uniqueness of the system, called TCM, lies in its ability to cooperate with the operator, by handling different sources of input data and inferred knowledge, and providing an explanation of its reasoning process. A data fusion algorithm for the analysis of congestion allows to represent and interpret different types of data, with various levels of reliability and uncertainty, to provide a clear assessment of traffic conditions. An efficient algorithm for the selection of control plans determines alternative traffic control responses. These are proposed to an operator, along with an explanation of the reasoning process that led to their development and an estimation of their expected effect on traffic. The validation of the system, which is one of only few examples of validation of a KBS in transportation, demonstrates the validity of the approach. The evaluation results, in a simulated environment demonstrate the ability of TCM to reduce congestion, through the formulation of traffic diversion and control schemes.  相似文献   

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