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A general dynamical system model with link-based variables is formulated to characterize the processes of achieving equilibria from a non-equilibrium state in traffic networks. Several desirable properties of the dynamical system model are established, including the equivalence between its stationary state and user equilibrium, the invariance of its evolutionary trajectories, and the uniqueness and stability of its stationary points. Moreover, it is shown that not only a link-based version of two existing day-to-day traffic dynamics models but also two existing link-based dynamical system models of traffic flow are the special cases of the proposed model. The stabilities of stationary states of these special cases are also analyzed and discussed. In addition, an extension is made to the case with elastic demand. The study is helpful for better understanding the day-to-day adjustment mechanism of traffic flows in networks. 相似文献
In this paper, we perform a rigorous analysis on a link-based day-to-day traffic assignment model recently proposed in He et al. (2010). Several properties, including the invariance set and the constrained stability, of this dynamical process are established. An extension of the model to the asymmetric case is investigated and the stability result is also established under slightly more restrictive assumptions. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the findings. 相似文献
Modeling the day-to-day traffic evolution process after an unexpected network disruption 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Although various approaches have been proposed for modeling day-to-day traffic flow evolution, none of them, to the best of our knowledge, have been validated for disrupted networks due to the lack of empirical observations. By carefully studying the driving behavioral changes after the collapse of I-35W Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we found that most of the existing day-to-day traffic assignment models would not be suitable for modeling the traffic evolution under network disruption, because they assume that drivers’ travel cost perception depends solely on their experiences from previous days. When a significant network change occurs unexpectedly, travelers’ past experience on a traffic network may not be entirely useful because the unexpected network change could disturb the traffic greatly. To remedy this, in this paper, we propose a prediction-correction model to describe the traffic equilibration process. A “predicted” flow pattern is constructed inside the model to accommodate the imperfect perception of congestion that is gradually corrected by actual travel experiences. We also prove rigorously that, under mild assumptions, the proposed prediction-correction process has the user equilibrium flow as a globally attractive point. The proposed model is calibrated and validated with the field data collected after the collapse of I-35W Bridge. This study bridges the gap between theoretical modeling and practical applications of day-to-day traffic equilibration approaches and furthers the understanding of traffic equilibration process after network disruption. 相似文献
This paper investigates evolutionary implementation of congestion pricing schemes to minimize the system cost and time, measured in monetary and time units, respectively, with the travelers’ day-to-day route adjustment behavior and their heterogeneity. The travelers’ heterogeneity is captured by their value-of-times. First, the multi-class flow dynamical system is proposed to model the travelers’ route adjustment behavior in a tolled transportation network with multiple user classes. Then, the stability condition and properties of equilibrium is examined. We further investigate the trajectory control problem via dynamic congestion pricing scheme to derive the system cost, time optimum, and generally, Pareto optimum in the sense of simultaneous minimization of system cost and time. The trajectory control problem is modeled by a differential–algebraic system with the differential sub-system capturing the flow dynamics and the algebraic one capturing the pricing constraint. The explicit Runge–Kutta method is proposed to calculate the dynamic flow trajectories and anonymous link tolls. The method allows the link tolls to be updated with any predetermined periods and forces the system cost and/or time to approach the optimum levels. Both analytical and numerical examples are adopted to examine the efficiency of the method. 相似文献
The traffic-restraint congestion-pricing scheme (TRCPS) aims to maintain traffic flow within a desirable threshold for some target links by levying the appropriate link tolls. In this study, we propose a trial-and-error method using observed link flows to implement the TRCPS with the day-to-day flow dynamics. Without resorting to the origin–destination (O–D) demand functions, link travel time functions and value of time (VOT), the proposed trial-and-error method works as follows: tolls for the traffic-restraint links are first implemented each time (trial) and they are subsequently updated using observed link flows in a disequilibrium state at any arbitrary time interval. The trial-and-error method has the practical significance because it is necessary only to observe traffic flows on those tolled links and it does not require to wait for the network flow pattern achieving the user equilibrium (UE) state. The global convergence of the trial-and-error method is rigorously demonstrated under mild conditions. We theoretically show the viability of the proposed trial-and-error method, and numerical experiments are conducted to evaluate its performance. The result of this study, without doubt, enhances the confidence of practitioners to adopt this method. 相似文献
This study models the joint evolution (over calendar time) of travelers’ departure time and mode choices, and the resulting traffic dynamics in a bi-modal transportation system. Specifically, we consider that, when adjusting their departure time and mode choices, travelers can learn from their past travel experiences as well as the traffic forecasts offered by the smart transport information provider/agency. At the same time, the transport agency can learn from historical data in updating traffic forecast from day to day. In other words, this study explicitly models and analyzes the dynamic interactions between transport users and traffic information provider. Besides, the impact of user inertia is taken into account in modeling the traffic dynamics. When exploring the convergence of the proposed model to the dynamic bi-modal commuting equilibrium, we find that appropriate traffic forecast can help the system converge to the user equilibrium. It is also found that user inertia might slow down the convergence speed of the day-to-day evolution model. Extensive sensitivity analysis is conducted to account for the impacts of inaccurate parameters adopted by the transport agency. 相似文献
This study proposes an approach to modeling the effects of daily roadway conditions on travel time variability using a finite mixture model based on the Gamma–Gamma (GG) distribution. The GG distribution is a compound distribution derived from the product of two Gamma random variates, which represent vehicle-to-vehicle and day-to-day variability, respectively. It provides a systematic way of investigating different variability dimensions reflected in travel time data. To identify the underlying distribution of each type of variability, this study first decomposes a mixture of Gamma–Gamma models into two separate Gamma mixture modeling problems and estimates the respective parameters using the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using simulated vehicle trajectories produced under daily scenarios constructed from historical weather and accident data. The parameter estimation results suggest that day-to-day variability exhibits clear heterogeneity under different weather conditions: clear versus rainy or snowy days, whereas the same weather conditions have little impact on vehicle-to-vehicle variability. Next, a two-component Gamma–Gamma mixture model is specified. The results of the distribution fitting show that the mixture model provides better fits to travel delay observations than the standard (one-component) Gamma–Gamma model. The proposed method, the application of the compound Gamma distribution combined with a mixture modeling approach, provides a powerful and flexible tool to capture not only different types of variability—vehicle-to-vehicle and day-to-day variability—but also the unobserved heterogeneity within these variability types, thereby allowing the modeling of the underlying distributions of individual travel delays across different days with varying roadway disruption levels in a more effective and systematic way. 相似文献
This paper describes the development of a computer model and algorithms for finding the time-dependent minimum path between two stations in a multi-route, multi-mode transit system running to fixed schedules. Selection of the minimum path can be based either on journey time or on weighted time. A worked example using a simple transit network is given to illustrate how the model works. The model has several applications in transport planning: it can be used for generating route schedule information to guide transit users, for assisting in route schedule coordination, and for analyzing transit system accessibility. 相似文献
In this paper, we develop a macro traffic flow model with consideration of varying road conditions. Our analytical and numerical results illustrate that good road condition can enhance the speed and flow of uniform traffic flow whereas bad road condition will reduce the speed and flow. The numerical results also show that good road condition can smooth shock wave and improve the stability of traffic flow whereas bad road condition will lead to steeper shock wave and reduce the stability of traffic flow. Our results are also qualitatively accordant with empirical results, which implies that the proposed model can qualitatively describe the effects of road conditions on traffic flow. These results can guide traffic engineers to improve the road quality in traffic engineering. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A reliability‐based traffic assignment model for multi‐modal transport network under demand uncertainty

In densely populated and congested urban areas, the travel times in congested multi‐modal transport networks are generally varied and stochastic in practice. These stochastic travel times may be raised from day‐to‐day demand fluctuations and would affect travelers' route and mode choice behaviors according to their different expectations of on‐time arrival. In view of these, this paper presents a reliability‐based user equilibrium traffic assignment model for congested multi‐modal transport networks under demand uncertainty. The stochastic bus frequency due to the unstable travel time of bus route is explicitly considered. By the proposed model, travelers' route and mode choice behaviors are intensively explored. In addition, a stochastic state‐augmented multi‐modal transport network is adopted in this paper to effectively model probable transfers and non‐linear fare structures. A numerical example is given to illustrate the merits of the proposed model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We propose a quantitative approach for calibrating and validating key features of traffic instabilities based on speed time series obtained from aggregated data of a series of neighboring stationary detectors. The approach can be used to validate models that are calibrated by other criteria with respect to their collective dynamics. We apply the proposed criteria to historic traffic databases of several freeways in Germany containing about 400 occurrences of congestions thereby providing a reference for model calibration and quality assessment with respect to the spatiotemporal dynamics. First tests with microscopic and macroscopic models indicate that the criteria are both robust and discriminative, i.e., clearly distinguishes between models of higher and lower predictive power. 相似文献
In this paper, we build an aggregate demand model for air passenger traffic in a hub-and-spoke network. This model considers the roles of airline service variables such as service frequency, aircraft size, ticket price, flight distance, and number of spokes in the network. It also takes into account the influence of local passengers and social-economic and demographic conditions in the spoke and hub metropolitan areas. The hub airport capacity, which has a significant impact on service quality in the hub airport and in the whole hub-and-spoke network, is also taken into consideration.Our demand model reveals that airlines can attract more connecting passengers in a hub-and-spoke network by increasing service frequency than by increasing aircraft size in the same percentage. Our research confirms the importance of local service to connecting passengers, and finds that, interestingly, airlines’ services in the first flight leg are more important to attract passengers than those in the second flight segment. Based on data in this study, we also find that a 1% reduction of ticket price will bring about 0.9% more connecting passengers, and a 1% increase of airport acceptance rate can bring about 0.35% more connecting passengers in the network, with all else equal. These findings are helpful for airlines to understand the effects of changing their services, and also useful for us to quantify the benefits of hub airport expansion projects.At the end of this paper, we give an example as an application to demonstrate how the developed demand model could be used to valuate passengers’ direct benefit from airport capacity expansion. 相似文献
Recent empirical studies have revealed that travel time variability plays an important role in travelers' route choice decisions. To simultaneously account for both reliability and unreliability aspects of travel time variability, the concept of mean‐excess travel time (METT) was recently proposed as a new risk‐averse route choice criterion. In this paper, we extend the mean‐excess traffic equilibrium model to include heterogeneous risk‐aversion attitudes and elastic demand. Specifically, this model explicitly considers (1) multiple user classes with different risk‐aversions toward travel time variability when making route choice decisions under uncertainty and (2) the elasticity of travel demand as a function of METT when making travel choice decisions under uncertainty. This model is thus capable of modeling travelers' heterogeneous risk‐averse behaviors with both travel choice and route choice considerations. The proposed model is formulated as a variational inequality problem and solved via a route‐based algorithm using the modified alternating direction method. Numerical analyses are also provided to illustrate the features of the proposed model and the applicability of the solution algorithm. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Using a Bergson–Samuelson welfare function, we outline a microeconomic interpretation of the effects of the non-linearity in the time/cost relationship for travellers in a congested transport network. It is demonstrated that a marginal cost traffic flow assignment following Wardrop's second principle, although it minimizes the total cost of a transport network, may reduce social welfare compared to the market equilibrium assignment based on Wardrop's first principle. A welfare-maximizing assignment model is presented and used to show that if the travellers' utility functions are linear, the assignment that maximizes social welfare will be the same as the assignment that minimizes total network cost, but if users' utility functions are non-linear (reflecting the traditional non-satiation and diminishing marginal utility axioms), the two assignments will be different. It is further shown that the effects of this non-linearity are such that a welfare-maximizing assignment will meet with less user resistance than a minimum total network cost assignment. 相似文献
This paper presents a combined activity/travel choice model and proposes a flow-swapping method for obtaining the model's dynamic user equilibrium solution on congested road network with queues. The activities of individuals are characterized by given temporal utility profiles. Three typical activities, which can be observed in morning peak period, namely at-home activity, non-work activity on the way from home to workplace and work-purpose activity, will be considered in the model. The former two activities always occur together with the third obligatory activity. These three activities constitute typical activity/travel patterns in time-space dimension. At the equilibrium, each combined activity/travel pattern, in terms of chosen location/route/departure time, should have identical generalized disutility (or utility) experienced actually. This equilibrium can be expressed as a discrete-time, finite-dimensional variational inequality formulation and then converted to an equivalent "zero-extreme value" minimization problem. An algorithm, which iteratively adjusts the non-work activity location, corresponding route and departure time choices to reach an extreme point of the minimization problem, is proposed. A numerical example with a capacity constrained network is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed model and solution algorithm. 相似文献
The existing models for predicting the temporal distribution of peak traffic demand are reviewed in this paper. Based on their assumptions and concepts, the models are classified into three groups as follows: deterministic user equilibrium (DUE), stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) and system optimum (SO). The merits and weaknesses of each group are discussed with regards to the validity of their assumptions and computational problems associated with them. Most of the models were developed for the single origin-destination pair with simple network system which is an oversimplification of a practical problem involving multiple origin-destination pairs with complex network systems. This is a major limitation when considering the application of the existing models to real life problems. Directions for future research are then proposed. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe quality of traffic information has become one of the most important factors that can affect the distribution of urban and highway traffic flow by changing the travel route, transportation mode, and travel time of travelers and trips. Past research has revealed traveler behavior when traffic information is provided. This paper summarizes the related study achievements from a survey conducted in the Beijing area with a specially designed questionnaire considering traffic conditions and the provision of traffic information services. With the survey data, a Logit model is estimated, and the results indicate that travel time can be considered the most significant factor that affects highway travel mode choice between private vehicles and public transit, whereas trip purpose is the least significant factor for private vehicle usage for both urban and highway travel. 相似文献
George Karakostas Taeyon Kim Anastasios Viglas 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(2):364-371
We consider the problem of characterizing user equilibria and optimal solutions for routing in a given network. We extend the known models by considering users oblivious to congestion in the following sense: While in the typical user equilibrium setting the users follow a strategy that minimizes their individual cost by taking into account the (dynamic) congestion due to the current routing pattern, an oblivious user ignores congestion altogether; instead, he or she decides his routing on the basis of cheapest routes on a network without any flow whatsoever. These cheapest routes can be, for example, the shortest paths in the network without any flow. This model tries to capture the fact that a certain percentage of travelers base their route simply on the distances they observe on a map, without thinking (or knowing, or caring) about the delays experienced on this route due to their fellow travelers. In this work we study the effect of such users using as the measure of network performance its price of anarchy, i.e., the ratio of the total latency experienced by the users (oblivious or not) at equilibrium over the social optimum. 相似文献
This paper presents a dynamic network‐based approach for short‐term air traffic flow prediction in en route airspace. A dynamic network characterizing both the topological structure of airspace and the dynamics of air traffic flow is developed, based on which the continuity equation in fluid mechanics is adopted to describe the continuous behaviour of the en route traffic. Building on the network‐based continuity equation, the space division concept in cell transmission model is introduced to discretize the proposed model both in space and time. The model parameters are sequentially updated based on the statistical properties of the recent radar data and the new predicting results. The proposed method is applied to a real data set from Shanghai Area Control Center for the short‐term air traffic flow prediction both at flight path and en route sector level. The analysis of the case study shows that the developed method can characterize well the dynamics of the en route traffic flow, thereby providing satisfactory prediction results with appropriate uncertainty limits. The mean relative prediction errors are less than 0.10 and 0.14, and the absolute errors fall in the range of 0 to 1 and 0 to 3 in more than 95% time intervals respectively, for the flight path and en route sector level. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献