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Careers are seen as important to individuals, organizations and to the world at large. As globalization processes continue to transform seafaring careers, David Cockroft's 'Editorial', published in the 30-year issue of this journal, calls on the maritime community to recover fundamental aspects of the human element that made seafaring an attractive career option 1. Norway has historically been the 'essence of maritime things'; where seafaring may be considered an 'ancestral 'calling'. Due to the current public and academic attention placed on the Norwegian 'maritime cluster', there exists a dearth of academic studies focused on the experiences of the highly qualified Norwegian seafarers who helped to shape the maritime industry. Drawing upon the literatures in both career research and maritime studies, in-depth conversations with 41 Norwegian seafarers attempt to redress this imbalance; to unpack some of the human 'elements' connected with seafaring careers. The qualitative method of career narratives is used in order to explore the richness of experiences associated with seafaring as a calling; to identify both contextual facilitators and contextual hinderers associated with going to sea. Norwegian scholars are encouraged to participate in future conversations with multiple maritime stakeholders to continue the process of recovering the call to seafaring careers.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of nanoflagellates (NF) including autotrophic (ANF), heterotrophic (HNF) and mixotropic (MNF) flagellates carried out in a temperate sea (Central Cantabrian Sea, southern Bay of Biscay) is presented. Three stations with characteristics ranging from coastal to oceanic conditions were analysed in order to compare NF response to this gradient. Samples were monthly collected at each station at three different depths between February 2002 and December 2002. CTD profiles were also taken at each station. NF were grouped according to their trophic status into ANF, HNF and MNF. Abundance and biomass were determined for each group. The annual cycle showed a general pattern consisting in a maximum in July with secondary maxima in March and October and minimum values in May. ANF were the most important fraction, making a major contribution (nearly 75%) to total NF biomass in all stations. HNF represented over 20% along the cycle, except for a peak in spring found in every station. MNF reached less than 5%, showing low seasonability. Small flagellates (2–5 µm) dominated throughout the cycle. Microplankton community was also analysed in terms of abundance and biomass. A significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.49) was obtained between 2–5 µm NF and 10–20 µm HNF–MNF biomasses, suggesting a possible trophic relationship between these groups which should be cautiously taken. No significant relationships were found between microplankton and NF or between nutrients and ANF, indicating that the regulation of NF numbers is complex and probably implicates other groups. In addition to this, the unexpected 2002 Chl a concentration pattern and the misplacing of upwelling events render necessary to perform additional studies to fully understand the precise behaviour of NF in the Cantabrian Sea. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of a NF cycle in a temperate sea that considers all functional groups.  相似文献   

根据对1992~2004年的数据分析,我国外资增速和出口增速高度正相关,二走势基本一致,外资增长总会伴随着出口增长。但2005年以后,这种一致性发生了背离:外资增速下降,甚至出现负增长,而出口增速依然较快。这种背离,说明我国国际收支出现了新的问题。  相似文献   

The burgeoning commitment to contracting the delivery of bus services through competitive tendering or negotiated performance-based contracts has been accompanied by as many contract payments schemes as there are contracts. We are now well placed to design a simplified performance-linked payment (SPLP) model that can be used as a reference point to ensure value for money, given the accumulation of experiences throughout the world which have revealed substantive common elements in contracts. Whether the payment to the operator is framed as a payment per passenger or as a payment per service kilometre, the SPLP identifies efficient subsidy outcomes that are linked to a proxy indicator of net social benefit per dollar of subsidy. We illustrate how the SPLP model can be applied to obtain the gross (subsidy) cost per passenger (or per passenger km) from measures of gross cost efficiency and network effectiveness. This model can then be used as part of a benchmarking activity to identify reference value of money prospects in respect of passengers per $ subsidy outlay by adjusting for influences not under the control of the service provider. A single framework to identify contract payments to operators, and to assess (i.e., benchmark) operator performance on critical KPIs, is provided by internalising critical key performance indicators (KPIs) in the design of the SPLP. The proposed SPLP model is sufficiently general to be independent of the procurement method (competitive tendered or negotiated, for example) and of the treatment of revenue allocation (net or gross based contracts), with the additional advantage of being able to assess value for money for government.  相似文献   

安飞 《中国船检》2002,(12):12-15
都是"方便"惹的祸 11月13日,载有7.7万吨燃料油、悬挂巴哈马国旗的油轮"威望"号,在驶至离西班牙加利西亚省海岸5海里的海域时发生事故,造成泄露.19日,被拖至公海的"威望号"断裂沉没,总计1.1万吨的燃料油泄出,400公里海岸被污染,附近成百上千的海鸟受到威胁,当地渔业也遭受破坏.据环境学家估计,这将成为最严重的一次原油泄漏事件,对附近海域造成无法估量的环境损失.西班牙政府初步估计,清理被燃油污染的海滩直接成本可能高达4200万欧元.  相似文献   

张钧雷 《水运管理》2011,33(3):41-42
旱在八百年之前,古代“海上丝绸之路”上的刺桐港,即如今之泉州港,已是“梯航万国”、闻名遐迩的国际海运枢纽了。当时,刺桐港内“舟船辐辏,帆樯鳞集”,除了国内船舶和货物繁忙进出之外,更有来自海外的“胡贾蕃商云集阑闵码头,海舶商舡泊满港湾江渚”,呈现“缠头赤脚半蕃商,  相似文献   

国际海事组织(IMO)在1997年20届大会上形成了A861(20)号决议,决议提出了要在船舶上安装使用“船载航行数据记录仪(VDR)”,也就是俗称的船用“黑匣子”。  相似文献   

The key features of the western Galician shelf hydrography and dynamics are analyzed on a solid statistical and experimental basis. The results allowed us to gather together information dispersed in previous oceanographic works of the region. Empirical orthogonal functions analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were applied to a high-resolution dataset collected from 47 surveys done on a weekly frequency from May 2001 to May 2002. The main results of these analyses are summarized bellow. Salinity, temperature and the meridional component of the residual current are correlated with the relevant local forcings (the meridional coastal wind component and the continental run-off) and with a remote forcing (the meridional temperature gradient at latitude 37°N). About 80% of the salinity and temperature total variability over the shelf, and 37% of the residual meridional current total variability are explained by two EOFs for each variable. Up to 22% of the temperature total variability and 14% of the residual meridional current total variability is devoted to the set up of cross-shore gradients of the thermohaline properties caused by the wind-induced Ekman transport. Up to 11% and 10%, respectively, is related to the variability of the meridional temperature gradient at the Western Iberian Winter Front. About 30% of the temperature total variability can be explained by the development and erosion of the seasonal thermocline and by the seasonal variability of the thermohaline properties of the central waters. This thermocline presented unexpected low salinity values due to the trapping during spring and summer of the high continental inputs from the River Miño recorded in 2001. The low salinity plumes can be traced on the Galician shelf during almost all the annual cycle; they tend to be extended throughout the entire water column under downwelling conditions and concentrate in the surface layer when upwelling favourable winds blow. Our evidences point to the meridional temperature gradient acting as an important controlling factor of the central waters thermohaline properties and in the development and decay of the Iberian Poleward Current.  相似文献   

张钧雷 《水运管理》2010,32(11):38-40
20年前的1990年10月23日,联合国教科文组织的“海上丝绸之路”综合考察队乘坐仿古的“和平方舟”轮从意大利威尼斯港出发,沿着古代海上贸易航线自西东行,先后访问土耳其、阿曼、印度、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等13个国家的15个港口,于翌年2月14日抵达我国泉州港。  相似文献   


In the contemporary port business environment, port resilience is of paramount importance for supply chain continuity. A result of the increased integration of ports into supply chains is ports’ potential to supply chain disruptions. This paper introduces a PSCD management model that incorporates the application of risk management, business continuity management, and quality management theories with the purpose of increasing port resilience such that supply chain continuity is enhanced. To validate this model, primary data were collected from samples of port operators and port authorities and analyzed using structural equation modeling with AMOS 22.0. The results indicate that managing PSCD using the management model contributes positively to the identification of internal and external opportunities and through that to port’s resilience of internal operations. This, in turn, positively influences port’s financial health and market reputation. The management model has several managerial and academic implications as it offers meaningful insights on policy development as well as theory building.  相似文献   

Ports and cities are intrinsically linked. Port city, which serves as a link between the local and global economy, is an integration of both urban and port systems. Constrained by different regional structures, port cities have developed various formulations over time. Using a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach, this paper proposes a new method for measuring the sustainable development of different port city systems. While the previous empirical studies often separate the port system and the urban system, this paper assesses the two systems in an integrated way. Moreover, this paper develops a systematic methodology for measurement of sustainability. Twenty world-leading container port cities are selected for this study using contemporary data. The DEA results display their relative differences in levels of sustainable development, which reveal the effectiveness of the prevailing policies in them. Eventually, recommendations are drawn for other port cities by referring to the best practices.  相似文献   

由于临修费用预测分析所具有的一系列特殊性,使得在具体应用分析中存在着一些不同于其它领域的独有特点.单船年度临修费用变化具有较大的随机性,样本数相对较少,样本是时间序列并具有一定跳跃性的情况.文章应用模型GM(1,1)对单船年度临修费用进行预测.  相似文献   

路金梅 《水运管理》2010,32(1):40-40
2009世界海事日第32届庆祝大会于2009年9月24日召开,国际海事组织(IMO)在这一年度盛会中强调本组织和航运业面临的关键问题。2009年世界海事日的主题是:IMO同样面临气候变化的挑战。  相似文献   

李晓光 《集装箱化》2009,20(10):32-33
国际集装箱租赁协会(IICL)于2009年6月8日发布2009年全球租赁集装箱和租赁半挂车调查报告,数据主要来源于IICL成员及相关机构和企业。  相似文献   

Workshop 6 topics covered social inclusion, the informal transport sector, transport in developing countries and sustainability. The strong connections and complimentary goals were noted, where solutions to social exclusion and greenhouse gas reduction can both be realised with good transport and urban planning. There is an opportunity for developing countries to avoid the transport mistakes in many developed countries, such as car dependence. This will involve the development of infrastructure that offers accessible public transport to the majority of people, providing resources to the informal transport system and integrating this with public transport. The workshop considered specific issues such as rural transport, new technology, car tolls to subsidise public transport, safety issues with informal transport and the failure to evaluate the longer-term impacts of many major transport infrastructure developments. Recommendations were made in relation to research and policy and future Thredbo topics.  相似文献   

《1972年国际海上避碰规则》的第二条"责任"的第一款,是一概括性规定。尽管其具有高度的抽象性,但其原则同样是刚性的。该条款为船员规定了更广泛、更严格的法定义务,它提高了值班驾驶人员的注意义务,预见义务和戒备义务,这些义务都具有法定的含义。通过对两个具有特殊情况的碰撞案例的分析,针对在实务中存在的问题,分析了对《1972年国际海上避鹏规则》中概括性条款的理解提出了作者的看法,供同仁们探讨。  相似文献   

The study examines 20-years of data on 36 world principal fleets and on worldfleets in general, analyses their developments, and particularly their safety records in terms of accidental total loss rates. This study confirms that the open-registry ships tend toward substandard ships. However, some open-registry countries' safety records are quite acceptable. It finds that the safety record of developing maritime countries as a group is better than that of developed maritime countries, of which some are worse than the world average.  相似文献   

The study examines 20-years of data on 36 world principal fleets and on worldfleets in general, analyses their developments, and particularly their safety records in terms of accidental total loss rates. This study confirms that the open-registry ships tend toward substandard ships. However, some open-registry countries' safety records are quite acceptable. It finds that the safety record of developing maritime countries as a group is better than that of developed maritime countries, of which some are worse than the world average.  相似文献   

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