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2010年3月25日,沈阳市交通局公共交通指挥调度中心对该市公交行业、文明乘车环境进行了集中综合整治,主要包括车容车貌、车辆卫生、站区卫生、运营服务等。这一活动是该市启动“四大战役”,试图提升公交行业服务质量的又一力举。  相似文献   

公共关系学是一门综合性的应用科学,而公交是指城市范围内定线运营的公共汽车以及轨道交通、渡轮、索道等交通方式,也指从事该行业营运的主体单位。两者貌似毫无联系,实则不然。本文作者结合工作实际中的感触,谈谈公交企业如何搞好公共关系的些许感悟。公交属于公益性事业已是一个不争的事实,然而多数公交公司又是企业化经营,生存与发展依赖于市场经营,这就注定公交处于"市场化"与"公益性"的矛盾之中。在这种环境下,没有公关意识的公交企业很难成为一个"让政府放心、让百姓满意、让员工增收"的企业。所以说,公共关系已经成为现代企业  相似文献   

公共关系学是一门综合性的应用科学,而公交是指城市范围内定线运营的公共汽车以及轨道交通、渡轮、索道等交通方式,也指从事该行业营运的主体单位。两者貌似毫无联系,实则不然。本文作者结合工作实际中的感触,谈谈公交企业如何搞好公共关系的些许感悟。  相似文献   

大连公交始于以中国东北地区第一条、全国第三条有轨电车线路通车为标志的1909年。至今,大连公交已拥有线路124条、各类公交车辆近4000辆、日均运营里程近50万公里。作为城市公共交通的重要组成部分,大连公交的市民出行分担率已达45%,位居全国公交行业前列。7月26日,大连公交客运集团"2011年城市公交客车节油技能大赛...  相似文献   

4月24日在温州举行的“长三角地区公交行业发展战略研讨会”上,苏浙沪三地公交公司、道路运输管理部门以及公交行业协会的负责人达成共识:加快发展长三角地区城际一体化快速客运交通网络已势在必行,三地公交将从此建立起常年的协调会制度,从管理体制、经营机制、政策法规、信息平台等各个方面进行改革探索。  相似文献   

交运集团(青岛)开通“定制公交”,真的会成为公交车史上一次革命性创新吗?8月15日,“一人一座、一站直达、线路灵活”的两条“定制公交”线路在青岛开通了。据交运集团青岛温馨旅游分公司总经理李建明介绍,“定制公交”开通后,一辆车可以使30辆私家车停运,能够有效缓解城市交通拥堵。有业内人士表示,定制公交的开通也是公交行业的一次革命性创新.  相似文献   

日前在深圳举行的首届“公交都市发展高峰论坛”上,来自交通运输行业的各路专家学者、企业负责人献计献策,他们或发表白己最新的研究成果,或畅谈自已在公交行业从业多年的心得体会,亦阐述自己对公交都市建设的理解,使得本次高峰论坛成为交通运输行业就单一话题讨论的一次难得的盛会。  相似文献   

<正>"大部制改革以后,公交行业燃油补贴得到了极大改善。补贴标准从最初的每年1.5万元一标台,到现在8万元一标台。燃油补贴已是很多公交企业维持正常运营的重要部分。有些财政紧张的地区,没有国家燃油补贴,企业就无法生存。"中国道路运输协会城市客运分会副理事长胡剑平这样解析燃油补贴对公交企业的意义。  相似文献   

8月29日,南京市政部门通报,该市将"追加"一系列措施扶持公交发展:每年更新1200辆环保公交,再辟5条公交专用道,出租车扩容……  相似文献   

正当前,以滴滴为代表的互联网企业,逐渐成长为出租车、快车、专车、代驾和定制公交一个全产业链的一站式平台。而在公交行业中,互联网巴士正快速成长。可以说,互联网的浪潮推动着公交都市走向网络的风口浪尖,在其做媒下,公交在城市发展中将实现再一次的"远途"。生存、路权、安全互联网巴士的公交之路专车热潮方兴未艾,互联网巴士已经成为  相似文献   

发展绿色港口作为港口行业转变发展方式的重要措施,已成为现代港口发展的重要标志。本文根据绿色港口的内涵及厦门港的实际情况,从码头企业和厦门港口管理局两个层面分别提出了厦门港建设绿色港口的相关措施,以有效指导厦门港开展绿色港口的建设工作。  相似文献   

百色港属于典型的河谷型内河港口,文章介绍了该港口的地理位置、区位优势及存在的问题,阐述了其规划原则与思路,提出了岸线规划、港区规划的具体方案,并总结了规划成果特点,为同类型港口的规划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This paper aims to review the evolution of the port authority’s role and recent changes in port administrative structure worldwide, and to discuss its implication for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities. It is found that the port authority is expected to play a proactive role in strategically managing overall port operations, and aggressively market its ports to port customers with a view to increasing cargo throughput and economic growth in its region. The change in the port authority’s role has driven a change in port administrative management structure worldwide. The proposed restructuring of port authorities in Taiwan is accompanied by some potential pitfalls. These include that the legislative framework of the programme is driven by political rather than professional concerns, and the port authority’s dual role as a regulator and as an operator at ports is against the principles of ‘separation of port administration (regulatory functions) and business management’ recently adopted worldwide. These pitfalls can impede the achievement of the objectives, including directing port authorities towards becoming independent commercially oriented entities. Therefore, this paper recommends that port corporatization approach will be a good alternative for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities.  相似文献   


In recent years a significant number of countries have implemented policies aimed at reforming their port industry. In the belief that it will improve efficiency and reduce the heavy financial burden placed upon governments that attempt to support such a capital-intensive industry, privatization has often formed an important strand of such policies. A key claim in favour of privatization is that the transfer of ownership from public to private hands will ultimately lead to an improvement in economic efficiency and, hence, financial and operational performance. This paper investigates the theoretical underpinnings and practical validity of this claim and concludes that privatization is only a partial cure for what ails the world's ports and that, if implemented in isolation, it simply cannot deliver the much-needed panacea for the industry's woes.  相似文献   

港口资源整合是当今港口发展的总体趋势,是提高港口服务水平、降低物流综合成本的有效手段。本文结合我国港口资源整合的发展进程,分析当前港口资源整合存在的普遍问题,以武汉港为例,探索"一城一港"背景下的武汉港资源整合策略,并提出实施建议,以期为武汉港和国内众多临港城市制定港口资源整合方案提供决策参考。  相似文献   

广西凭祥市友谊关口岸是广西连接越南最主要的陆路口岸。文章介绍了广西电子口岸联检核放系统的主要特点、总体结构和运行准备工作,分析了系统管理流程及优缺点,并对广西电子口岸建设当前所取得的经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

正随着港口规模不断快速增长,港口基础设施日趋完善,公共设施运营管理的重要性、复杂性更加凸显。由于港区管理线长面广、设施复杂、管理体制机制的影响,传统公共设施管理方面普遍存在信息滞后、管理被动、粗放等问题。有鉴于此,天津港设施管理服务公司在充分整合已有信息化资源的基础上,建设了港区网格化设施管理平台。项目建设以北疆港区为试点开展网格化设施管理建设工作,以地理信息共享平台为基础,实现无线数据  相似文献   

陆港对沿海港口的腹地扩张及内陆地区经济发展具有重要意义,国内许多内陆城市开始探索陆港的规划发展问题。陆港建设将沿海港口的功能前移至内陆城市,实现内陆与沿海港口的无缝连接,减少进出口货物的中转环节,加快通关速度,使内陆城市真正具备港口口岸功能。本文首先阐述了陆港概念,然后分析了陆港的功能和发展模式,最后阐述了我国陆港的管理体制及存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of different approaches for measuring the efficiency of major Brazilian port terminals. Two of the most important approaches, DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and SFA (Stochastic Frontier Analysis), were performed on data collected from 25 terminals. The findings indicate that the majority of Brazilian terminals are running short on capacity due to the export boom that has occurred over the past few years and due to the lack of investment in capacity expansion. Furthermore, efficiency measurements derived from a reduced model with only one input and one output were explained based on variables such as type of cargo handled (container or bulk), connectivity of the terminal to railroads, and control (state or private) of the terminal. Implications and directions for future research are explored.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the increased demand for U.S. coal in the early 1980s, and the coal pier congestion that accompanied and hampered it. We find an export price elasticity for U.S. coal of -16.7, and a port service price elasticity of -0.8, suggesting deadweight losses of approximately $4 million per month. We then separate the short-term from the long-term changes in the demand for U.S. coal exports. The long-term demand estimates predict increases of 77% in U.S. coal exports, compared to the actual 83% increase in shipping capacity provided by coal shippers.  相似文献   

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