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In the past decade, many studies have explored the relationship between travelers’ travel mode and their trip satisfaction. Various characteristics of the chosen travel modes have been found to influence trip experiences; however, apart from the chosen modes, travelers’ variability in mode use and their ability to vary have not been investigated in the trip satisfaction literature. This current paper presents an analysis of commuting trip satisfaction in Beijing with a particular focus on the influence of commuters’ multimodal behavior on multiple workdays and their modal flexibility for each commuting trip. Consistent with previous studies, we find that commuting trips by active modes are the most satisfying, followed by trips by car and public transport. In Beijing, public transport dominates. Urban residents increasingly acquire automobiles, but a strict vehicle policy has been implemented to restrict the use of private cars on workdays. In this comparatively constrained context for transport mode choice, we find a significant portion of commuters showing multimodal behavior. We also find that multimodal commuters tend to feel less satisfied with trips by alternative modes compared with monomodal commuters, which is probably related to their undesirable deviation from habitual transport modes. Furthermore, the relationship between modal flexibility and trip satisfaction is not linear, but U-shaped. Commuters with high flexibility are generally most satisfied because there is a higher possibility for them to choose their mode of transport out of preference. Very inflexible commuters can also reach a relatively high satisfaction level, however, which is probably caused by their lower expectations beforehand and the fact that they did not have an alternative to regret in trip satisfaction assessments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on commuters’ value of travel time (VOTT). In particular, we focus on the effect on auto commuters in small and medium-sized metropolitan areas, concerning the spatial variability across urban areas, suburbs, and rural areas. We design a stated choice experiment to elicit potential changes in 1,881 auto commuters’ valuation of travel time in autonomous vehicles and apply a mixed logit model to quantify the changes in the value of travel time if taking autonomous vehicles. The results of this study suggest that the effect of autonomous vehicles on the VOTT is spatially differentiated. We find that riding in a private autonomous vehicle reduces the commuting VOTT of suburban, urban, and rural drivers by 32%, 24%, and 18%, respectively, compared to 14%, 13%, and 8% for riding in a shared autonomous vehicle. Finally, we discuss the implications of these lower values of time on transportation and land use planning.  相似文献   

为了研究我国平原地区高速公路两侧的机动车尾气污染水平和污染物的分布规律,本文以监测数据为基础,结合当地的具体气象特点,利用CALINE4模式,对国内平原地区的一段高速公路上机动车排放的污染物CO的浓度进行模拟,并将模拟结果和实测结果进行对比分析,结果表明CALINE4模式可以判断平原地区高速公路两侧机动车尾气CO污染状况,动态地估计平原地区高速公路环境交通容量,间接地评价该区域的空气质量。  相似文献   

Growing concerns over climate change have led to an increasing interest in the role of the built environment to reduce transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many studies have reported that compact, mixed-use, and well-connected developments reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Others, however, argue that densification and mixture of land uses can slow down vehicle movements, and consequently generate more driving emissions. Methodologically, VMT is only a proxy, not an exact measure of emissions. This study quantifies the net effects of the built environment on household vehicle emissions through a case study of Austin, TX. The study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques and estimated path models to improve understanding of the relationship between the built environment and vehicle emissions. The results show a rather complex picture of the relationship. Densification can reduce regional vehicle emissions despite its secondary effect of reduced vehicle travel speed. A 1% increase in density was found to reduce household vehicle emissions by 0.1%. However, intensification of the design feature of the built environment in developed areas may work in the opposite direction; the modeling results showed a 1% increase in grid-like network being associated with 0.8% increase in household vehicle emissions. Based on the results, the study addressed the potential of and the challenges to reducing vehicle emissions through modifying the built environment in local areas.  相似文献   

Road pricing as an economic construct is not a new phenomenon in transportation research. Whilst fuel taxation and tolling of roads are common ways of raising revenue in many countries, these initiatives are primarily aimed at road infrastructure financing. Worldwide there has been growing interest in pricing structures designed to also manage the growing levels of traffic congestion and, in recent times, an increasing focus on generating reductions in carbon emissions from vehicle ownership and use. This paper presents a stated choice experiment undertaken in response to the increasing interest in the environmental externalities of travel behaviour. The aim of this choice experiment is to identify the potential to switch to more fuel efficient cars that emit lower emissions, under differing pricing and technology scenarios. Results indicate that annual and variable emissions surcharges targeted very specifically to vehicle emission rates have a noticeable role in modifying vehicle purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

This papers attempts to quantify the equity effect of a hypothesized economic instrument, a carbon charge on car commuters, for reducing carbon dioxide emissions produced by commuters on airport surface access. Manchester Airport is taken as a case study using staff Survey data from 2008 and 2010. Consumer welfare change is analysed for measuring the equity effects of carbon charge by user group, which considers the changes of travel mode choice, the carbon dioxide emissions reduction, the revenue from a carbon charge and how it is distributed. First, the individual carbon footprint in terms of gram passenger kilometre, and the damage cost of carbon by commuters on airport surface access are estimated. Next, the impact of carbon charge on travel behaviour is investigated by the nested logit model. Finally, the net effect of carbon charges is assessed by travel mode user, gender, job type, and age group. The results show some impacts of the carbon charge on car users and carbon reduction, and the positive effects on lower income group and less carbon commuters. The quantified results provide the evidences for the mitigation policies to combine monetary incentives with disincentives for travel behaviour change, and demonstrate the different equity effects among commuter groups.  相似文献   

The most common daily trip for employed persons and students is the commute to and from work and/or place of study. Though there are clear environmental, health and safety benefits from using public transport instead of private vehicles for these trips, a high proportion of commuters still choose private vehicles to get to work or study. This study reports an investigation of psychological factors influencing students’ travel choices from the perspective of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Students from three different university campuses (n = 186) completed a cross-sectional survey on their car commuting behaviour. Particular focus was given to whether car commuting habits could add to understanding of commuting behaviour over and above behavioural intentions. Results indicated that, as expected, behavioural intention to travel by car was the strongest TPB predictor of car commuting behaviour. Further, general car commuting habits explained additional variance over and above TPB constructs, though the contribution was modest. No relationship between habit and intentions was found. Overall results suggest that, although student car commuting behaviour is habitual in nature, it is predominantly guided by reasoned action. Implications of these findings are that in order to alter the use of private vehicles, the factors influencing commuters’ intentions to travel by car must be addressed. Specifically, interventions should target the perceived high levels of both the acceptability of commuting by car and the perceived control over travel undertaken by private vehicle.  相似文献   

Highway emissions represent a major source of many pollutants. Use of local data to model these emissions can have a large impact on the magnitude and distribution of emissions predicted and can significantly improve the accuracy of local scale air quality modeling assessments. This paper provides a comparison of top–down and bottom–up approaches for developing emission inventories for modeling in one urban area, Philadelphia, in calendar year 1999. A bottom–up approach relies on combining motor vehicle emission factors and vehicle activity data from a travel demand model estimated at the road link level to generate hourly emissions data. This approach can result in better estimates of levels and spatial distribution of on-road motor vehicle emissions than a top–down approach that relies on more aggregated information and default modeling inputs.  相似文献   

We compare the second generation of the first commercial hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), the Toyota Prius, to the conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) Toyota Corolla. The more complicated and expensive Prius has lower pollutant and carbon dioxide emissions and better fuel economy than the Corolla. In a world of limited resources and many petroleum users and emissions sources, the policy question is whether the best use of resources is to build hybrids, to improve the fuel economy and environmental emissions of other mobile sources, or to devote the resources to other environmental projects. We find that the Prius is not cost-effective in improving fuel economy or lowering emissions. For the Prius to be attractive to US consumers, the price of gasoline would have to be more than three times greater than at present. To be attractive to regulators, the social value of abating tailpipe emissions would have to be 14 times greater than conventional values. Alternatively, the value of abating greenhouse gas emissions would have to be at least $217/t. There are many opportunities for abating pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions at lower cost. We conclude that hybrids will not have significant sales unless fuel prices rise several-fold or unless regulators mandate them.  相似文献   

To support the development of policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by encouraging reduced travel and increased use of efficient transportation modes, it is necessary to better understand the explanatory effects that transportation, population density, and policy variables have on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. This study presents the development of a model of CO2 emissions per capita as a function of various explanatory variables using data on 146 urbanized areas in the United States. The model takes into account selectivity bias resulting from the fact that adopting policies aimed at reducing emissions in an urbanized area may be partly driven by the presence of environmental concerns in that area. The results indicate that population density, transit share, freeway lane-miles per capita, private vehicle occupancy, and average travel time have a statistically significant explanatory effect on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. In addition, the presence of automobile emissions inspection programs, which serves as a proxy indicator of other policies addressing environmental concerns and which could influence travelers in making environmentally favorable travel choices, markedly changes the manner in which transportation variables explain CO2 emission levels.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the energy and environmental impact of a selection of traffic calming measures using a combination of second-by-second floating-car global positioning system data and microscopic energy and emission models. It finds that traffic calming may result in negative impacts on vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates if drivers exert aggressive acceleration levels to speed up to their journeys. Consequently by eliminating sharp acceleration maneuvers significant savings in vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates are achievable through driver education. The study also demonstrates that high emitting vehicles produce CO emissions that are up to 25 times higher than normal vehicle emission levels while low emitting vehicles produce emissions that are 15–35% of normal vehicles. The relative increases in vehicle fuel consumption and emission levels associated with the sample traffic calming measures are consistent and similar for normal, low, and high emitting vehicles.  相似文献   

The European Clean Vehicle Directive was introduced in 2009 to create an obligation on public authorities to take into account the impact of energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and pollutant emissions into their purchasing decisions for road transport vehicles. This should stimulate the market for clean and energy-efficient vehicles and improve transport's impact on environment, climate change and energy use. Therefore the so-called ‘Operational Lifetime Cost’ of a vehicle is calculated, divided into the cost for energy consumption, CO2 and pollutant (nitrous oxide, particulate matter, non-methane hydrocarbons) emissions. In Belgium, a different methodology has been developed to calculate the environmental impact of a vehicle, called ‘Ecoscore’, based on a well-to-wheel approach. More pollutants are included compared to the Clean Vehicle methodology, but also indirect emissions are taken into account. In this paper, both methodologies are compared and used to analyze the environmental performance of passenger cars with different fuel types and from different vehicle segments. Similar rankings between both methodologies are obtained; however, the large impact of energy use (and CO2 emissions) in the Clean Vehicle methodology disadvantages compressed natural gas cars, as well as diesel cars equipped with particulate filters, compared to the Ecoscore methodology.  相似文献   

Accurate road-traffic emission inventories are of great interest to metropolitan planning agencies especially in the appraisal of regional transport policies. Integrated road transport emission models are an effective means of establishing emission estimates, yet their development requires significant investments in data and resources. It is therefore important to investigate which data inputs are the most critical to inventory accuracy. To address this issue, an integrated transport and emissions model is developed using the Montreal metropolitan region as a case-study. Daily regional hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from private individual travel are estimated, including the excess emissions due to engine starts. The sensitivity of emission estimates is then evaluated by testing various levels of input aggregation common in practice and in previous research. The evaluated inputs include the effect of start emissions, ambient weather conditions, traffic speed, path choice, and vehicle registry information. Inherent randomness within the integrated model through vehicle selection and path allocation is also evaluated. The inclusion of start emissions is observed to have the largest impact on emission inventories, contributing approximately 67 % of total on-road HC emissions. Ambient weather conditions (season) and vehicle registry data (types, model years) are also found to be significant. Model randomness had a minimal effect in comparison with the impact of other variables.  相似文献   

Increasing regional mobility demand amid rising roadway congestion has motivated plans for passenger ferry expansion and modernization in many parts of the US. While this trend applies to ferry systems in Alaska, New York, Boston, and Washington state, efforts to expand ferry service in the San Francisco Bay Area are unique in scale and vision. Integrating ferry service into the regional, door-to-door transit system can significantly increase water-crossing capacity for commuters. However, to realize this potential, the ferry industry must meet several challenges associated with growth, including environmental impacts. In particular, concern over air pollution emissions from marine engines is motivating new comparisons between ferries and other transportation modes in terms of both mobility and air pollution. This paper describes the current debate about ferry system operation and expansion, and presents a parametric analysis comparing existing, uncontrolled ferry emissions to automobiles. Under all reasonable assumptions, we show that diesel-powered ferries without emissions controls will produce more NOx and PM, but less CO per passenger-trip than if those people commuted by car under current conditions. This paper also projects the emissions from the expanded ferry system proposed for the San Francisco Bay Area, showing that a larger ferry fleet equipped with new engines meeting future EPA emissions standards could become one of the major non-road NOx sources in the region. We conclude by outlining the alternatives and challenges to reduce ferry emissions so that they are more comparable to automobile emissions. Policy implications of these alternatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

Currently, the influence of transportation and its impact on environmental indicators throughout the world are increasing; however, governments of particular countries try to implement new economic instruments with the expectations of changing people’s behaviour or at least environmental parameters of the motor vehicle fleet. The Government of the Czech Republic introduced a new economic instrument, which came into force on 1 January 2009 and was inspired by similar environmental taxes in Member States of the European Union – the car registration fee, which is based on emission parameters of cars. The main target of this fee has been to change the structure of the passenger car fleet in the Czech Republic, particularly to support new registrations of new passenger cars with better environmental characteristics and to decrease the share of new registrations of used passenger cars. This article focuses on an ex-post analysis of impacts of the car registration fee on the structure of the passenger car fleet in the Czech Republic and its environmental characteristics in the first 3 years after the legal mandate of the fee. The case study is based on a correlation analysis and an analysis of statistical data from official sources in the Czech Republic. The impacts of the car registration fee on both the structure of the passenger car fleet in the Czech Republic and the environmental characteristics of new registrations are significant. For the first time since 2004, the number of new registrations of new cars was higher in the period 2009–2011 than the number of new registrations of used cars. Moreover, the share of alternative fuel cars in the passenger car market is increasing and the emissions from private car transport are decreasing.  相似文献   

In two empirical studies, the impact of attitudes and environmental knowledge on driving distance, travel behaviour and acceptance of various traffic restrictions was investigated. The first study included the population in Lund, southern Sweden, and the second the politicians and civil servants responsible for transports and environment in the same city. Comparisons of the two samples revealed similar psychological processes, including environmental concern, hazard/efficacy perception and car affection, whereas environmental knowledge seemed to have a subordinate role. Preferences of restrictions differed somewhat between the public, and the politicians and civil servants. It is suggested that local implementation of new strategies to reduce private car driving might benefit from a better understanding of what will be accepted among the public. Further, in promoting pro-environmental travel behaviour it may be important to focus on basic attitudes, rather than to rely solely on factual information.  相似文献   

Based on original research collected through semi-structured research interviews and five focus groups throughout Denmark, this study explores Danish perceptions about ad hoc, acquaintance-based, and organization-based ridesharing (“carpooling”). Using a grounded, qualitative factor analysis approach, it investigates the elements that influence the adoption (and non-adoption) of ridesharing and identifies market segments and business models that may enable planners to overcome existing barriers. The article finds that Danish drivers and commuters appear to be split on the topic. Negative perceptions reported by respondents include lack of availability and difficulty finding rides, viewing ridesharing as unsafe or unsecure, and expectations of social awkwardness, among others. Positive perceptions reported include cost savings compared to public and private transport, greater flexibility of travel times, and the ability to socialize with vehicle occupants. These contrasting views lead us to conclude that existing theories and models of ridesharing behavior may need to be fundamentally rethought, both in Denmark and possibly elsewhere. Our results also suggest that ridesharing efforts framed around climate change or environmental sustainability will not likely be successful in Denmark.  相似文献   

The paper presents a comprehensive investigation on household level commuting mode, car allocation and car ownership level choices of two-worker households in the City of Toronto. A joint econometric model and a household travel survey dataset are used for empirical investigations. Empirical models reveal that significant substitution patterns exist between auto driving and all other mode choices in two-worker households. It is revealed that, female commuters do not prefer auto driving, but in case of a one car (and two commuters with driving licenses) household, a female commuter gets more preference for auto driving option than the male commuter. Reverse commuting (commuting in opposite direction of home to central business district) plays a critical role on household level car allocation choices and in defining the stability of commuting behaviour of two-worker households. Two worker households in higher income zones and with longer commuting distances tend to have higher car ownership levels than others. However, higher transit accessibility to jobs reduces household car ownership levels. The study reveals that both increasing two worker households and reverse commuting would increase dependency on private car for commuting.  相似文献   

The Beijing Government launched a new policy on restricting vehicle ownership in late 2010 to regulate the faster motorization and the excessive vehicular carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In this paper, we first analyzed this policy and its effect on private passenger vehicle population. The private passenger vehicle population in Beijing from 2011 to 2020 was predicted under three different scenarios: no constraint (NC), current constraint (CC) and tighter constraint (TC). Then the assessment of vehicular emissions reduction benefits was made on the basis of private passenger vehicle population, vehicle kilometers traveled and CO2 emission factors. It was projected that the CO2 emissions in 2020 will reach 23.90, 15.55 and 13.23 million tons under NC, CC and TC respectively. The policy is very effective in controlling the faster motorization and reducing CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

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