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刘春生 《世界海运》2011,34(6):40-42
通过调研京唐港海域海上油田原油外输现状,在分析通航环境、评估风险因素的基础上,借鉴国内外已有的管理经验,提出对策措施及管理建议,以规范海上原油外输船舶的管理,保障油田原油运输安全,减少事故发生,促进海洋石油运输业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

海上原油过驳受天气影响较大,存在操作不慎可能造成原油泄漏、海洋受到污染等风险,是世界公认的海上高风险作业。拖轮是整个过驳作业的重要组成部分,大风浪天气中,由于受风、流、浪的共同影响,操作难度大大增加。本文分析了大风浪对拖轮操作安全的影响,并结合实践,探讨过驳过程中拖轮在大风浪条件下科学合理的操作方法。  相似文献   

正在天津海事局辖区有9个海上油田,3个FPSO(浮式储油装置),海上原油外输作业监督一直是监管的重中之重,作为负责现场监管工作的东疆海事局,将监管前沿推进到了海上油田过驳作业现场,派驻执法人员值守现场,常常一驻就是两到三个星期。这些人没有节假日,即使在春节这个合家团圆的日子里,与家人团聚在一起吃顿年夜饭也成了奢侈……因为肩上的责任,他们坚守在岗位一线,护卫着辖区海上油田的安全。  相似文献   

<正>0引言2017年7月25日,中国南海某油田在役浮式储卸油装置(Floating Storage and Offloading Unit,FSOU)因机舱进水事故离开生产油田,被拖至南海珠江口外北尖岛1号锚地锚泊,为在台风到达之前进船厂避台和维修,须将船上库存原油紧急过驳。因FSOU失去电力,原油过驳作业相关系统和设备均无法正常使用。在过驳作业过程中存在碰撞、爆炸、溢油等风险隐患,不仅造成经济损失,还会  相似文献   

崔燕 《中国船检》2011,(10):30-31
FPSO已成为海洋油气产业链中的"明星"产品。它是集海洋油气生产处理、商用原油储存、外输、油田监控、油田发电及居住等于一体的海洋工程结构,具有高投资、高风险、高回报的特点。其安全性受到各方面的高度关注。特别是,随着我国浅海和近海的石油开发活动日益频繁,并进一步向深海拓展,如何在设计与建造环节上,增强FPSO的安全性,成为业界关注的热点话题。  相似文献   

为加强海上石油开采系统安全监管,介绍我国海洋石油支持船的特点和发展规模,分析与海上过驳散油品相关的法律法规,指出海洋石油支持船向同一公司的海上石油设施过驳油品作业是公司内部资源调配,不是商业交易行为,因而这一作业行为不在运政管理范围,各地方海事局可根据海洋石油支持船供油作业特征、辖区内海域风浪条件和风险等级等情况自行制定对其供油作业的相关监管要求。厘清海洋石油支持船向海上油田设施供油作业的性质和管辖部门,有利于规范海洋石油支持船的运营,有利于提高海洋油田开采效率。  相似文献   

随着中国石油广西石化含硫原油加工配套工程的建成并投入使用,该工程每年将以高含硫原油为主加工1000万吨原油,因此,大量高含硫化氢原油将通过海上原油过驳进入钦州港。高含硫化氢原油危险性远大于普通原油,如果操作不当,极易引发人员中毒、爆炸等安全事故,给海上原油过驳作业带来巨大的安全隐患。本文将对此类高风险海上原油过驳作业安全管理工作进行相关的探讨。  相似文献   

正3月,由中船重工第七〇四研究所联合国内船舶国内甲板机械和舾装设备企业,主导提出的《船舶与海洋技术船用鲨鱼钳及拖销》《液货装卸设备原油外输系统系泊串靠绞车》《海上结构物原油外输系统软管绞车》《船舶与海洋技术甲板机械多功能机械手》《船舶与海洋技术可调式滚轮闸刀掣链器》和《造船海船起锚机与起锚绞盘》共六项国际标准通过投票成功立项。  相似文献   

海上原油船对船过驳作业存在多种风险因素,有必要系统运用风险分析方法对其进行辨识。本文结合海上原油STS过驳作业实际情况,依据过驳作业流程划分风险辨识单元,明确了人员、设备、材料、方法和环境的五大风险辨识对象,初步构建了一种适用海上原油过驳的风险辨识方法,为行业内进行风险辨识提供思路和结构的参照。  相似文献   

杨琥倪浩  朱晓环 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):563-570
在BZ34—3/5边际油田海洋工程开发过程中,考虑到渤海海域的环境气候与所产原油的凝点,混输管道在冬季停输的情况下,管内原油容易在较短时间内凝固而堵塞海底管道,因此设计中须考虑管道的应急置换措施。为规避风险及符合边际油田开发投资成本小的宗旨,设计者引入了一种新型的管道结构形式-子母管道(Bundled Pipeline)。在停输的情况下,利用周边油田的已有设施,将子管内柴油反向输送至混输管道(母管)入口,将管内原油置换出来。介绍了子母管道在设计、安装过程中与传统海底管道的不同之处。混输、置换(子管)管道通过绑扎于一体进行安装铺设,这样在很大程度上节省了海上工程的费用与时间,目前该油田已投产且运转正常。  相似文献   

钻井供应船在海上油田的锚泊能力评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐田甜 《船舶》2008,19(6):4-9
钻井供应船在我国的海上油田开发中有广阔的应用前景。在海上油田安全、高效地锚泊是钻井供应船的一项重要性能要求。通过对“海洋石油298”号钻井供应船在我国近海油田的锚泊进行分析,为该船的锚泊操作提供了依据。  相似文献   

王喆  尚照辉  白勇 《船舶工程》2015,37(S1):272-276
随着海上油气资源的开发,其风险管控与安全管理日益重要,海洋油气设施完整性管理产业应运而生。海洋油气设施完整性管理产业作为一个崭新的行业,不仅需要良好的技术支撑,更需要先进的管理理念来保证这一行业的形成和发展。本文旨在分析海洋油气产业风险管控与安全管理形势的基础上,通过引进项目管理理论与企业管理理念、结合海洋油气产业的已有管理理念,对这一新兴产业的管理策略、生产组织形式等进行基本的探索研究。  相似文献   

A probabilistic particle tracking model is used to simulate the oil dispersion after the Prestige wreckage. This oil spill constitutes a suitable benchmark to analyze the capabilities of a probabilistic model, since the time elapsed from wreckage to oil landing (12 days) is much longer than the reliability time associated with forecast winds, usually on the order of 3–4 days. The particle model can be run in two different modes: real time mode (when existing reliable wind fields for the event under scope) and in probabilistic mode (in absence of reliable wind fields but with historical fields corresponding to a similar period). The validity of the particle model is first evaluated in a hindcast way, running the Prestige case with the wind fields corresponding to the period November 19 to November 30, 2002, which were not available at the moment of the wreckage. Calculations show the accuracy of the model to provide the right impact point and timing. The probabilistic model is then used to simulate the same event by means of historical data. The region where the oil landed is shown to be the area with the highest probability to be impacted.  相似文献   

魏昭钢 《中国修船》2010,23(1):17-21
文章以承载重油、汽油、煤油、石脑油4种油品的油轮为例,以详实的理论计算为基础,通过对各类油轮油舱修理过程中油舱需要的通风量进行定量估算和定性分析,得出油轮修理时油舱通风量的估算方法及可燃性气体检测规律,对修船企业油轮修理的安全控制和成本控制有较好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Gases in deepwater oil/gas spills can lose considerable amounts of the gas phase due to dissolution in water. Gas dissolution has a significant impact on the behavior of the oil/gas jet/plume because of its impact on the buoyancy. A method is presented in this paper for computing gas dissolution that covers a broad range of water depth, from shallow water where gases behave as ideal ones under low pressure to deepwater where gases behave as non-ideal ones under high pressures. The method presented also accounts for the spherical and non-spherical shapes of gas bubbles. The gas dissolution computations are validated by comparing the computed results with observed data from previously conducted laboratory experiments. The gas dissolution computation module is then integrated with a model for underwater oil/gas jets/plumes by Yapa and Zheng [J. Hydraul. Res. 35 (5) (1997) 673]. Scenario simulations are presented to show the impacts of gas dissolution on the behavior of jets/plumes. These scenarios show the impact of dissolution on the behavior of the jet/plume. The comparison of results using ideal gas conditions and non-ideal gas conditions is also shown.  相似文献   

The CAMCAT oil spill forecasting system is presented in this paper, and an evaluation of the impact of errors in the forcing fields over its forecasts is carried out. The system is formed by several independent modules which provide forecasts of winds, currents and waves to an oil spill module which predicts the evolution of the spill.The typical twin-experiments experience is used paying special attention to a realistic characterization of the errors when perturbing the forcing fields. The results suggest that errors in the wind and current fields are the main limiting factor for the quality of the oil spill forecasts. The pollutant identification is also crucial to determine the final vertical position and characteristics of the product.  相似文献   

This paper studies the current available options forfloating production platforms in developing deepwater oil fieldsand the potential development models of future oil and gasexploration in the South China Sea. A detailed review of currentdeepwater platforms worldwide was performed through theexamples of industry projects, and the pros and cons of eachplatform are discussed. Four types of platforms are currently usedfor the deepwater development: tension leg platform, Spar,semi-submersible platform, and the floating production systemoffloading. Among these, the TLP and Spar can be used for dry treeapplications, and have gained popularity in recent years. The drytree application enables the extension of the drilling application forfixed platforms into floating systems, and greatly reduces the costand complexity of the subsea operation. Newly built wet treesemi-submersible production platforms for ultra deepwater are alsogetting their application, mainly due to the much needed payloadfor deepwater making the conversion of the old drillingsemi-submersible platforms impossible. These platforms have beenused in different fields around the world for different environments;each has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are manychallenges with the successful use of these floating platforms. A lotof lessons have been learned and extensive experience accumulatedthrough the many project applications. Key technologies are beingreviewed for the successful use of floating platforms for fielddevelopment, and potential future development needs are beingdiscussed. Some of the technologies and experience of platformapplications can be well used for the development of the SouthChina Sea oil and gas field.  相似文献   

满油的油舱空气管换新,正常修理需经清舱、测爆等工序后方可进行,用此种加水封、加水焊接的方法省时、省工、省力,值得推广。  相似文献   

方艳  代乾  李建军 《船舶》2006,(5):54-57
该文对油船惰性气体系统进行了仿真研究,并用V isua l B as ic语言研发了一套包括烟气惰性气体系统和独立发生器惰性气体系统的软件系统。这个系统既可用于油船船员的特殊培训,也可作为航运院校的辅助教学软件。  相似文献   

周琴  吴丹丹  高怡秋 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):106-109
鼓形齿联轴器是船舶汽轮机组轴系连接中的重要部套件,鼓形齿啮合时产生较大热量,实际运行时需通入润滑油对齿间区域进行冷却以保障鼓形齿不被烧至胶合。本文针对某汽轮机鼓形齿联轴器,对机组联轴器喷油管出口至联轴器油冷通道出口区域的流动特性进行了详细分析,研究了其润滑油冷却齿面的物理原理;并对两种不同油冷流道结构在不同喷油管进口流量下的齿面对流传热特性进行了研究,发现提高联轴器喷油管的进口流量对联轴器齿间冷却效果提升均较为显著,且改进设计的油冷流道中鼓形齿面平均对流传热系数高于原始流道约25%,冷却效果提升显著。  相似文献   

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