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为准确测算出符合广西当前发展形势和客观需要的农村公路里程总规模,明确未来广西农村公路网发展的重点方向和发展路径,文章应用人工智能高分遥感影像路网规模测算方法,通过人工智能技术识别与提取高分辨率遥感影像数据,利用深度神经网络高分遥感影像路网识别提取与矢量化技术和GIS技术,对影像覆盖区域的地形地貌进行分类,通过对不同地形地貌下影像识别路网与实际公路里程间存在的潜在关联进行分析,提出了高分遥感影像路网规模测算模型,科学测算了广西公路网总量规模。  相似文献   

在航测遥感测绘工作能够创新融合多种新型测绘技术和摄像技术,还能够将GPS设备和RTK精密定位技术进行有机融合,提供更加精准的测绘基础数据信息.在绘制航测遥感测绘地形图的过程中,合理运用免像控技术和专业的仪器设备,能够进一步优化与完善各项测绘工作指标,有效提升测绘工作效率.本文主要分析免像控技术在航测遥感测绘地形图中的具...  相似文献   

文中通过无人机技术获取遥感监测影像、Laravel开发模式、Cesium 3D三维模型,整合燃气管线信息,构建了基于GIS的长输管道无人机巡检管理平台,实现了无人机巡视、GIS管理的智能化巡检,并应用于山东省滨州市某天然气长输管道,提高了长输管道的巡检作业效率.  相似文献   

正远在星空,却能探知地面,让影像近在眼前。业内俗称"天眼"的遥感卫星长期用于国土资源和军事领域。而如今,在中国交通通信信息中心空间信息事业部(简称空间事业部)的努力下,遥感卫星正在和交通紧密融合,碰撞出创新的火花。"高分遥感技术不仅能实现精确核查,解决农村公路监管难问题,还可勘察灾情,及时准确提供决策支持,同时,感知形变,提高道路防灾救灾能力。"空间事业部副总经理、交通遥感所所长罗伦介绍说,遥感+交通,就是  相似文献   

<正>2003GPS、航测遥感、CAD集成技术开发奖项:2003年国家科学技术进步奖二等奖项目第一承担单位:中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司国家"九五"重点科技(攻关)课题"GPS、航测遥感、CAD集成技术开发"的研究始于1996年6月,2000年7月正式通过国家鉴定验收,历时4年整,共投入研究经费1006.7万元。课题研究取得了一系列重大成果,解决了公路建设中全球卫星定位系统  相似文献   

2007年3月28日,深圳市公布《2007年度深圳市交通综合治理工作白皮书》,承诺:年内将出台降低公交票价、公交换乘、联乘票价优惠政策. 翘首企盼中,12月1日,深圳公交正式降价,优惠幅度分别为:票价3元以下的线路8折优惠,3元以上6元以下的线路7.5折优惠,6元以上的线路6.5折优惠.  相似文献   

2001年,马士基(中国)航运深圳分公司即开始征收20元/个集装箱的"换单费";2004年,这笔费用已上涨到了30元/个集装箱.无独有偶,"马士基"厦门分公司则开始征收10元/个集装箱的"铅封费",最近更是将成本不过1-3元的铅封提价至45元/外/个集装箱.  相似文献   

榜上风云 "第108位,财富28亿元",这是上海华冶钢铁集团有限公司(以下简称华冶)董事长高峰在2006胡润百富榜上的排名情况.2007年,他的财富下降了3亿元,但仍凭借钢铁收益在胡润百富榜上跻身第328位.  相似文献   

2021 年 3 月 31 日,华为发布了2020年财报,销售收入8914亿元,同比增长3.8%,净利润646亿元,同比增长3.2%. 华为的企业业务主要聚焦政府、金融、能源、交通四大重点行业,提供数字化服务.尽管年报中笔墨不多,华为2020年在能源领域的成绩依然可圈可点.  相似文献   

最近几个月里,全国出租车涨声如潮:北京燃油附加费增加1元;南宁增至2元;深圳则增至3元;上海出租车7月9日起起步价提高1元,城区出租车起步价由3公里12元调整为13元,另外每车次增加1元燃油附加费;广州出租车起步价将由7元调至10元;重庆7月1日起出租车实际起步价将从7元调至8元;南京市计划将燃油附加费在1元的基础上再加收1元……在油价上涨背景下,全国很多城市地方政府和行业管理部门选择用涨价代替更民生更科学的其他改革方法。城市出租车"富了公司、亏了国家、苦了司机、坑了百姓"的格局在一片涨价声中还能等来改变的时日吗?  相似文献   

公路工程计量是一项非常复杂而又繁琐的工作,贯穿公路工程建设的始终。文章针对公路工程计量工作中的常见问题,从加强各方对计量工作的重视程度、做好内业资料的管理工作、高度重视变更索赔工作三个方面,阐述了提高公路工程计量的相关建议。  相似文献   

Policy change is characterised as being slow and incremental over long time periods. In discussing a radical shift to a low carbon economy, many researchers identify a need for a more significant and rapid change to transport policy and travel patterns. However, it is not clear what is meant by rapid policy change and what conditions might be needed to support its delivery.Our contention in this paper is that notions of habit and stability dominate thinking about transport trends and the policy responses to them. We limit variability in our data collection and seek to design policies and transport systems that broadly support the continuation of existing practices. This framing of the policy context limits the scale of change deemed plausible and the scope of activities and actions that could be used to effect it.This paper identifies evidence from two sources to support the contention that more radical policy change is possible. First, there is a substantial and on-going churn in household travel behaviour which, harnessed properly over the medium term, could provide the raw material for steering behaviour change. Secondly, there is a growing evidence base analysing significant events at local, regional and national level which highlight how travellers can adapt to major change to network conditions, service availability and social norms. Taken together, we contend that the population is far more adaptable to major change than the policy process currently assumes.Disruptions and the responses to them provide a window on the range of adaptations that are possible (and, given that we can actually observe people carrying them out, could be more widely acceptable) given the current configuration of the transport system. In other words, if we conceptualise the system as one in which disruptions are commonplace, then different policy choices become tractable. Policy change itself can also be seen as a positive disruption, which could open up a raft of new opportunities to align policy implementation with the capacity for change. However, when set against the current framing of stability and habit, disruption can also be a major political embarrassment. We conclude that rather than being inherently problematic, disruption are in fact an opportunity through which to construct a different approach to transport policy that might enable rather than frustrate significant, low carbon change.  相似文献   

This research summarises the aviation CO2 emissions studies that use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IS92 and Special Report on Emissions Scenarios storylines as GDP growth assumptions to estimate future global carbon dioxide emissions from the aviation sector. The inter-quartile mean and the first and third quartiles are calculated to enable researches studying climate change policies for aviation to use an average global baseline scenario with lower and upper boundaries. We also perform a simple meta-analysis to analyse the assumptions used to derive the baseline scenario and conclude, as expected, that change in revenue-tonne-kilometres and fuel-efficiency are the main drivers behind the baseline scenarios.  相似文献   

X射线平板探测器数字成像是一项现代射线检测技术。由于X射线探测器的图像质量和包含的信息远远超过普通胶片成像,该技术代表了射线检测技术的发展方向。基于平板探测器的管道环焊缝数字射线成像系统的特点,对降低图像质量因素进行仔细研究,对随机噪声、像元响应不一致等降低图像质量因素进行了有效的抑制,完成了管道环焊缝数字射线检测软件的设计和编程,实现了检测图像的动态拼接和管道环焊缝数字射线检测系统的现场应用。  相似文献   

Given the potential benefits of bicycling to the environment, the economy, and public health, many U.S. cities have set ambitious goals for increasing the bicycle share of commute trips. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, which seeks to describe how positive and permanent change can be fostered in individuals, may shed light on how cities can most effectively increase bicycle commuting. We use the model’s “stages of change” framework to explore the potential for increased bicycle commuting to the UC Davis campus in Davis, California. Our analysis uses data from the 2012 to 2013 UC Davis Campus Travel Survey, an annual online survey that is randomly administered to students and employees at UC Davis. Based on their responses to questions about current commute mode and contemplation of bicycle commuting, respondents are divided into five stages of change: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance. We construct a Bayesian multilevel ordinal logistic regression model to understand how differences in socio-demographic characteristics, travel attributes, and travel attitudes between individuals explain their membership in different stages of change. In addition, we use this model to explore the potential of various intervention strategies to move individuals through the stages of change toward becoming regular bicycle commuters. Our results indicate that travel attitudes matter more to progression toward regular commute bicycling than travel attributes, tentatively supporting the efficacy of “soft” policies focused on changing travel attitudes.  相似文献   

Traffic parameters can show shifts due to factors such as weather, accidents, and driving characteristics. This study develops a model for predicting traffic speeds under these abrupt changes within regime switching framework. The proposed approach utilizes Hidden Markov, Expectation Maximization, Recursive Least Squares Filtering, and ARIMA methods for an adaptive forecasting method. The method is compared with naive and mean updating linear and nonlinear time series models. The model is fitted and tested extensively using 1993 I-880 loop data from California and January 2014 INRIX data from Virginia. Analysis for number of states, impact of number of states on forecasting, prediction scope, and transferability of the model to different locations are investigated. A 5-state model is found to be providing best results. Developed model is tested for 1-step to 45-step forecasts. The accuracy of predictions are improved until 15-step over nonadaptive and mean adaptive models. Except 1-step predictions, the model is found to be transferable to different locations. Even if the developed model is not retrained on different datasets, it is able to provide better or close results with nonadaptive and adaptive models that are retrained on the corresponding dataset.  相似文献   

The limited understanding of public–private partnerships (P3s) for transportation infrastructure finance has been generally attributed to a lack of data. The more fundamental question of how P3 data are utilized in the literature is more relevant and critical, but remains unclear. This study investigates this question by examining the linkages between research objectives and data characteristics through a meta-analysis of infrastructure P3 studies using multinomial regressions. It analyzes 95 empirical studies that adopt actual data, selected from a P3 research database that includes over 345 studies and are classified into five categories including performance, contract, risk, value for money, and institutional factors. Results show that the case studies are less frequently utilized to understand P3s' institutional issues compared to those that focus on P3s' performance or VFM. Survey data are more frequently used to study P3 contracts rather than issues related to P3 project risk. We highlight the need for policy-makers to require continuing disclosure of P3 performance for validating the effectiveness of the procurement model and to improve the practice.  相似文献   

Consumer 3D printing is on the rise and has the potential to significantly change the transport and logistics sector. Current literature on 3D printing and transport studies does not provide a systematic model of the impact of 3D printing on transport and related (policy relevant) areas, such as traffic safety, location decisions, accessibility and environmental effects. Based on a literature review and two rounds of expert consultation, we propose and refine a conceptual model as a way to approach this gap in the literature. The expert consultation yields that the conceptual model comprises the relevant and important elements for assessing the impact of 3D printing on transport and transport-related challenges. Location, needs and transport resistance are important: (a) city-level hubs are the most likely locations for 3D printers because they can coordinate material flows and gather expertise; (b) mass-individualisation and personification dictates the needs for 3D printers; (c) distribution networks will be organised more efficiently, less empty vehicles, but raw materials still need shipping. However, experts’ opinions diverged on the impact of 3D printing on transport volumes and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

This study introduces a new practical variant of the combined routing and loading problem called the capacitated vehicle routing problem minimizing fuel consumption under three-dimensional loading constraints (3L-FCVRP). It presents a meta-heuristic algorithm for solving the problem. The aim is to design routes for a fleet of homogeneous vehicles that will serve all customers, whose demands are formed by a set of three-dimensional, rectangular, weighted items. Unlike the well-studied capacitated vehicle routing problem with 3D loading constraints (3L-CVRP), the objective of the 3L-FCVRP is to minimize total fuel consumption rather than travel distance. The fuel consumption rate is assumed to be proportionate to the total weight of the vehicle. A route is feasible only if a feasible loading plan to load the demanded items into the vehicle exists and the loading plan must satisfy a set of practical constraints.To solve this problem, the evolutionary local search (ELS) framework incorporating the recombination method is used to explore the solution space, and a new heuristic based on open space is used to examine the feasibility of the solutions. In addition, two special data structures, Trie and Fibonacci heap, are adopted to speed up the procedure. To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we first test the ELS on the 3L-CVRP, which can be seen as a special case of the 3L-FCVRP. The results demonstrate that on average ELS outperforms all of the existing approaches and improves the best-known solutions for most instances. Then, we generate data for 3L-FCVRP and report the detailed results of the ELS for future comparisons.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential effects the installation of seat belts on school buses would have on the fleet capacity in Alabama and the resulting cost implications. The study also documents the myriad research studies and professional opinions offered on the potential safety effects of equipping school buses with safety restraints/seat belts. Four seat configurations for the school buses were analyzed. The first configuration represents the most common current bus seating configuration without seat belts, 3 seats on each side of the aisle and 12 rows (3/3-12). The physical space required for seat belt hardware may result in a loss of a row of seats and may reduce the number of students seated per row. Thus, three more configurations were studied: loss of a row of seats (3/3-11), loss of one seat per row (3/2-12), and loss of both a row of seats and a seat per row (3/2-11). The capacity for each configuration for each bus using current pupil loads was determined. The costs associated with installation of seat belts, and purchase and operation of new buses were obtained. Should school bus seat belts become mandatory in Alabama, the results obtained in this study can be used by any school system to determine the optimum configuration for their pupils, which will identify the number of additional buses that must be purchased by the school system. This study found that many of the buses that would become overloaded due to seat belt installation and the resultant loss of seating will be carrying only a few excess pupils. Transportation supervisors may be able to handle such overloads by transferring these pupils to other buses or by adjusting their bus routes to minimize purchase of new buses. Additional suggestions for handling bus overloads were offered in the body of this report.  相似文献   

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