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汪洋  姜彤 《航海》2014,(4):16-19
在国家主管机关控制的海难救助中,普通商船作为应召救助人被征召后受救助主观机关指挥实际实施各类救助作业,应依法取得救助方法律地位,直接享有关于救助作业的权利和补偿。在救助方海难救助报酬请求权行使的时效期间问题上,应该综合考虑救助方与被救助方法律关系的现实状态、是否存在放弃时效利益、时效中止或者中断的情形并最终做出判断。  相似文献   

刘铁男  王蕾 《世界海运》2011,34(7):36-37,43
我国法院审理涉外海事案件适用的程序法是《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》和《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》,实体法则依据《中华人民共和国民法通则》第八章,2011年4月1日后还应优先适用《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》确定,海难救助坚持"无效果,无报酬"的基本原则。在取得救助效果,但救助与被救助双方救助前后对救助报酬没有协商一致情况下,救助报酬由法官或者仲裁员自由裁量,法官或者仲裁员自由裁量权的行使应充分考虑《中华人民共和国海商法》第一百八十条规定的10项因素,但救助报酬最高不能超过船舶和其他财产的获救价值这一最高限度。  相似文献   

倪湧 《航海》2005,(3):41-42
共同海损是指在同一海上航程中,船舶、货物和其他财产遭遇共同危险,为了共同安全,有意地合理地采取措施所直接造成的特殊牺牲、支付的特殊费用。《中华人民共和国海商法》第一百九十九条第一款规定:“共同海损应当由受益方按照各自的分摊价值的比例分摊”。共同海损制度确立的目的,是对海难救助和自救的鼓励。当风险来临时,牺牲船、货之一部,或支出少量费用,以保全船、货之大部。这种遭遇共同危险,为了共同利益而造成的特殊牺牲和支出的特殊费用,由船、货双方共同分摊,是符合各方利益的,也为各个国家所接受。共同海损制度的确立,它既鼓励外来的救助,更鼓励用本船的设备和货物进行自救。我国海商法第一百九十七条还规定,“引起共同海损特殊牺牲、特殊费用的事故,可能是由航程中一方的过失造成的,不影响该方要求分摊共同海损的权利:但是,非过失方或者过失方可以就此项过失提出赔偿请求或者进行抗辩”。由此可见,共同海损的原则就是“先理算,后分摊”、“先分摊,后追偿”。本案就是在共同海损已经分摊的情况下,被分摊方向过失进行追偿,法院依据海商法的有关规定,作出了合法的判决。  相似文献   

国家主管机关在海难救助中的权利和义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海难救助是海商法所特有的一项法律制度。救助人在海上或与海相通的可航水域成功地救助遇险的船舶、货物,就可以获得相应的救助报酬。关于海难救助的概念、性质、形式、法律关系等方面的问题,以往的研究都比较多也比较深入。国家主管机关从事或控制的海难救助是救助制度中比较特殊而又重要的情况,但是相关的研究并不多。 国家主管机关的介入使海难救助的法律关系变得复杂化。实践中人们对国家主管机关在海难救助中的法律地位、权利义务、救助款项请求权等问题还存在着争议和误解。本文围绕国家主管机关在海难救助中的权利和义务展开讨论,结合国际国内相关法律法规和国际公约的规定,立足我国的救助实践,对当前存在的问题提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

刘栋 《世界海运》2011,34(9):47-48
《中华人民共和国海商法》第四十二条第(二)项规定,实际承运人是指接受承运人委托,从事货物运输或者部分运输的人。如何理解"从事"?实际承运人是否限于船舶所有人和光船承租人?在现代集装箱运输业务中,舱位互换、联合经营等是常见的海上运输经营方式。在这些情况下,如何识别实际承运人?  相似文献   

去年以来,受国际金融危机快速蔓延和世界经济发展明显减速的影响,国际航运市场需求急剧下滑,我国航运业发展也面临严峻形势。目前,金融危机的巨大杀伤力已经对包括航运、港口、造船等行业在内的我国经济产生了较大的影响。前几年国内航运市场非常繁荣,  相似文献   

航运市场 从航运市场的角度来看,2003年真正是值得纪念的一年.虽然年初受美伊战争和经济不景气的影响,航运市场十分不明朗.但是,由于中国钢铁工业的迅速发展,推动了干散货和集装箱市场的戏剧性上升.我们在2003年初曾预测该年的航运市场会有起色,但是谁也没有料到海岬型散货船的租金可以上升到十万美元一天.其它散货船的租金也大幅上升,巴拿马运河型船一年租期的费率从年初的12000美元上升到前年秋天的近30000美元,而灵便型船的费率也几乎翻了一番.船舶的价值迅速上升,五年船龄的旧船价值比订购一艘新船还要高.有新船下水的船东更是欣喜若狂,一艘新下水海岬型散货船的售价比它原来的造价要高出1200万美元左右.  相似文献   

谢少华 《世界海运》2011,34(4):13-17
通过与伦敦、新加坡等航运中心的对比,分析香港在航运中心建设中的不足,并对香港国际航运中心的功能定位、发展路径以及改进措施提出建议。  相似文献   

成瑛 《中国海事》2009,(12):18-21
2009年伊始,浙江海事局开始在全辖区范围内推行应对金融危机,服务地方经济社会发展的十条措施。宁波海事局在细化落实“十条措施”的过程中,倾力打造“三个品牌”。进一步提升海事工作水平,确保特殊时期水上安全形势的持续稳定,帮助航运企业渡过难关。  相似文献   

2007年上半年,我国沿海水域海上交通事故频发。为及时排查并消除潜在隐患,有效遏制不稳定因素积聚而形成威胁水上交通安全的势力,中国海事局对老龄船舶特别是国有大型航运企业所属的部分老龄船舶进行了指定检查,随机选取了40艘老龄船舶作为目标船,目标船平均船龄达27.8年,船舶种类覆盖面广泛:滚装船1艘、油船8艘、液化气体运输船1艘、散装沥青船1  相似文献   

受国际金融危机的影响,广东辖区航运企业受到很大冲击。“为了给企业赢得时间,我们必须以最高的效率为回港的船舶做好检验发证工作,节时省钱就是创造利润。”湛江海事局船舶检验处处长付立明说,“尽管我们的工作量与日常相比会增加30%左右,只要对企业有帮助,  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how innovation contributes to company performance in Norwegian shipping and to extend our knowledge concerning what organizational and inter-organizational factors influence innovation in shipping firms. The study is based on a survey of 46 Norwegian shipping companies. We find that innovation contributes to firm performance. We also find that a conscious strategy, strategy involvement, external relationships, especially market relationships, and productivity slack have a significant positive effect on the degree of innovation. The results are dependent upon the companies' degree of differentiation and the type of innovation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how innovation contributes to company performance in Norwegian shipping and to extend our knowledge concerning what organizational and inter-organizational factors influence innovation in shipping firms. The study is based on a survey of 46 Norwegian shipping companies. We find that innovation contributes to firm performance. We also find that a conscious strategy, strategy involvement, external relationships, especially market relationships, and productivity slack have a significant positive effect on the degree of innovation. The results are dependent upon the companies’ degree of differentiation and the type of innovation.  相似文献   

At the end of the eighties, fundamental changes took place in Polish shipping. Implementation of the market economy system was at first demonstrated in the introduction of the principles of self-dependence, self-government and self-financing of the shipping companies. Privatization performed a key role in the program of transformation of the centrally planned system into market oriented financially independent shipping organizations. The previous principle of the necessary participation of the home fleet in transporting domestic sea-borne trade has been mostly replaced by cross-trade. Many shipping services have left its basic ports in the country for a West European basis, securing alimentation of home and transit cargoes by feeder–service systems. Joint stock companies in shipping with substantial shares of foreign capital are welcomed, and the previously obligatory system of administrative methods of the state monopoly has been abolished. The principles of shipping policy represented in the past by Poland and also by UNCTAD in the 1960s have lost their impact and must be change and adapted to the new demands of the shipping markets.  相似文献   

At the end of the eighties, fundamental changes took place in Polish shipping. Implementation of the market economy system was at first demonstrated in the introduction of the principles of self-dependence, self-government and self-financing of the shipping companies. Privatization performed a key role in the program of transformation of the centrally planned system into market oriented financially independent shipping organizations. The previous principle of the necessary participation of the home fleet in transporting domestic sea-borne trade has been mostly replaced by cross-trade. Many shipping services have left its basic ports in the country for a West European basis, securing alimentation of home and transit cargoes by feeder-service systems. Joint stock companies in shipping with substantial shares of foreign capital are welcomed, and the previously obligatory system of administrative methods of the state monopoly has been abolished. The principles of shipping policy represented in the past by Poland and also by UNCTAD in the 1960s have lost their impact and must be change and adapted to the new demands of the shipping markets.  相似文献   

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