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针对15 MW级浮式风机,提出一种新型的Spar漂浮式风电平台设计方案,并对平台性能进行分析。
为了准确分析和评估可移动式风电装备的发电能力及其影响因素,针对5MW级可移动式漂浮风机,在SIMA软件中建立了风机-浮体-推进器全耦合时域仿真模型,对风机和浮体的仿真模型进行验证和标定,开展系列风浪流联合作用以及不同移动状态下的时域仿真.基于风浪环境联合概率密度对可移动式漂浮风机的全年发电能力进行统计分析,发现可移动式漂浮风机的全年净发电功率期望值能达到常规锚泊式风机的70%.分析不同海况下风机所受的风浪流环境力,发现在推进器抵抗的环境力中风轮推力占主导.比较定点和随风移动作业状态下可移动式漂浮风机的发电能力,发现在移动状态下全年发电期望值提高了 24%. 相似文献
Long-term operation of mooring systems is one of the challenging issues of floating structures such as floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs). For integrity assessment, fatigue and its affecting factors have generated considerable recent research interest as the occurrence of a large number of mooring chain failures at a high rate has been reported. By contrast, only few studies on the effect of nonuniform volume loss of mooring chain links due to wear can be found because of difficulties to estimate wear amounts quantitatively. Considering this issue, in this paper, validation of the quantitative interlink wear estimation method is investigated by applying to a spar-type floating structure. Firstly, the method is presented which consists of the material test, derivation of an interlink wear estimation formula with FE analysis, and calculation of mooring chain response with coupled dynamic analysis using a mass-spring model. To improve insufficient accuracy due to the mass-spring model around a clump weight and the touchdown point, the method is further modified by using a 3-D rigid-body link model. The estimation results and comparison show that the modified method distinguishing between rolling and sliding can calculate the interlink wear amount closer to the chain diameter measurements and more reasonable than the method using the conventional mass-spring model. 相似文献
The concept of a shared mooring system was proposed to reduce mooring and anchoring costs. Shared moorings also add complexity to the floating offshore wind farm system and pose design challenges. To understand the system dynamics, this paper presents a dynamic analysis for a dual-spar floating offshore wind farm with a shared mooring system in extreme environmental conditions. First, a numerical model of the floating offshore wind farm was established in a commercial simulation tool. Then, time-domain simulations were performed for the parked wind farm under extreme wind and wave conditions. A sensitivity study was carried out to investigate the influence of loading directions and shared line mooring properties. To highlight the influence of the shared line, the results were compared to those of a single spar floating wind turbine, and larger platform motions and higher tension loads in single lines are observed for the wind farm with shared moorings. The loading direction affects the platform motions and mooring response of the floating offshore wind farm. Comparing the investigated loading directions to the 0-deg loading direction, the variation of mean mooring tension at the fairlead is up to 84% for single lines and 16% for the shared line. The influence of the shared line properties in the platform motions and the structural responses is limited. These findings improve understanding of the dynamic characteristics of floating offshore wind farms with a shared mooring system. 相似文献
OC4半潜浮式风机综合性能较好,但其浮式基础结构质量和结构复杂性使其建造成本高昂,而WindFloat半潜浮式风机浮式基础具有结构简单、建造成本低和减摇效果好等优点,但是适应水深较小且只适合特定海域。结合OC4和WindFloat半潜浮式风机浮式基础的结构特点,针对200 m水深环境设计OC4-WindFloat半潜浮式风机基础。基于叶素理论、莫里森公式和势流理论,通过有限元软件对OC4-WindFloat半潜浮式风机的固有周期及风浪联合作用下的动态响应进行耦合分析,并与OC4半潜浮式风机结果进行对比研究。结果显示,OC4-WindFloat半潜浮式风机固有周期及动态响应均满足相关规定,且具有比OC4更低的建造成本,相比WindFloat可适用更深的海域。研究结果对于浮式基础型式研究有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
This study investigates the freak wave impinging on a tension-leg platform through wave flume experiments. The freak waves are generated using the focused wave theory. By adjusting the wave focusing location, different incident wave scenarios at the structure location are produced. Simultaneous measurements of wave shape evolutions upon impingement, wave impact pressures on the platform deck, platform motions and tether forces are carried out for synchronized analyses of the wave kinematics/dynamics and structural responses. The variation of these parameters with the incident wave profile is studied. It is found that although applying less intensive local impact pressures as compared to the highly-breaking freak wave, the slightly-breaking or non-breaking freak wave imposes the same level of adverse effect on the platform's global stability in terms of motions and tether forces. In addition, the high-crest freak wave causes violent motions of the floating platform, which are likely to induce snap loads of large amplitude and high occurrence frequency in tethers. The published results would provide useful benchmarks for validating numerical and analytical models. 相似文献
针对典型单桩海上风机结构,利用ANSYS建立有限元模型,并根据实际情况选取3种地震加速度激励和两个水深的波浪荷载,对结构进行地震单独作用动力分析以及地震与波浪联合作用下动力分析.对比分析结果表明:地震发生时,在水位较低、波浪较小的情况下,结构主要以地震作用引起的响应为主,波浪引起的响应相对较小;若地震发生的同时伴有极端恶劣海况,则结构响应较大;波浪对结构下部响应有较大的影响;由于地震加速度峰值与波浪力峰值之间存在相位差,所以两者联合作用时,结构的响应也会有减小的情况发生.由此可见,地震发生时波浪的存在将对结构动力响应造成不同程度的影响,在进行海上风机设计时,有必要考虑地震与波浪联合作用的情况. 相似文献
This study performed experimental investigation on the dynamic response of an in-place floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) under freak wave actions. Based on the method of wave profile modulation, various freak wave profiles embedded in unidirectional Gaussian seas were generated in wave basin and the action of these waves on the FOWT was measured and analyzed, which has not been done before. The motions of FOWT were analyzed in time domain as well as time-frequency domain. The effect of freak wave parameters on FOWT motions was addressed, i.e., freak wave height, freak wave period, large crest, and deep trough. The dynamic response of FOWT was observed as a spike at the occurrence of freak wave in a conventional random wave, where the impact of freak wave can last for 17 spectral peak periods of wave. Data analysis shows that the motions of FOWT increased linearly with the freak wave height. In addition, the occurrence of freak wave induced the coupled effect on surge and pith, which was strengthen with the increase of freak wave height and wave period. Compared to a large crest, a deep trough of freak wave led to stronger motions and was supposed to be a key concern on the safety of the FOWT. The novel findings in this study provided a reference for the design of survival load on a FOWT and benchmarks for validating numerical models. 相似文献
浮式海上风力机运动性能和锚泊系统(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The development of offshore wind farms was originally carried out in shallow water areas with fixed(seabed mounted) structures.However,countries with limited shallow water areas require innovative floating platforms to deploy wind turbines offshore in order to harness wind energy to generate electricity in deep seas.The performances of motion and mooring system dynamics are vital to designing a cost effective and durable floating platform.This paper describes a numerical model to simulate dynamic behavior of a new semi-submersible type floating offshore wind turbine(FOWT) system.The wind turbine was modeled as a wind block with a certain thrust coefficient,and the hydrodynamics and mooring system dynamics of the platform were calculated by SESAM software.The effect of change in environmental conditions on the dynamic response of the system under wave and wind loading was examined.The results indicate that the semi-submersible concept has excellent performance and SESAM could be an effective tool for floating wind turbine design and analysis. 相似文献
随着海上风力发电产业的迅速发展,风电安装船需求越来越大,并且风电安装船是高附加值工程船,因此这一市场的吸引力将越来越受到造船界重视,竞争将越来越激烈,但海上风电场施工成本高、海上作业时间长及工期长等问题的存在延缓了海力发电产业的发展。因此,本文将着重对海上风电结构物施工、安装过程的单一海工设备发展进行浅析,为探索深水化、大型化、专业化、集成化的海上风电安装船来完成深海域基础施工及风机安装问题提供设计参考。 相似文献
海上风机吊装运输船及其吊装方式的研究概况 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了国内外海上风电的发展情况和前景,风电场建设对风机吊装运输船的需求;阐述了海上风机吊装运输船的分类及风机安装方式的发展变化。 相似文献
Ship impact against offshore floating wind turbine (OFWT) has been identified as one of the major hazards with the development of OFWTs. The dynamic responses of OFWTs under ship impact should be taken into consideration during the design phase. This paper addresses a study on the dynamic responses of an OFWT in ship collision scenarios. Firstly, a mathematical model for external mechanism of ship-OFWT collision scenario is developed. Secondly, this model is combined with an in-house programme, DARwind, which can be used to predict nonlinear dynamic responses of whole OFWT system in time-domain. With the newly combined analysis tool, simulation cases for different scenarios are conducted to investigate the nonlinear dynamic responses of OFWT system, including the cases of still water condition, wave-only condition and wind-wave condition. It is shown that in still water condition, the ship impact will more obviously change the responses of motions and mooring system, compared with those in wave and wave-wind conditions. In the wave-only condition, these motions responses of platform are suppressed by wave effect, but the tower vibration and tower top deformation are sensitive to ship collision. For the wave-wind combined condition, the motions increment in surge and pitch due to ship collision becomes smaller than that of wave-only condition, but yaw motion has a considerable variation compared with those of the other two conditions. Additionally, the blade tip deformation increment due to ship collision are analyzed and it is found that the edgewise tip deformation got more obvious increment than that of flapwise. To further asses the safety of OFWT, the acceleration at nacelle are analyzed because some equipment might be sensitive to acceleration. The analysis results indicate that even though the OFWT structure doesn't get critical damage by ship impact, the equipment inside may still fail to work due to the high value of acceleration induced by ship impact. The research outcomes can benefit the safety design of OFWT in the engineering practice. 相似文献
受到波浪影响,浮式风力机会作6自由度运动,浮式基础内压载水会随之晃荡,进而影响风力机的正常运行.基于开源CFD软件OpenFOAM对OC4浮式风力机基础压载水晃荡进行数值模拟并研究其动力特性,基于指定频率和幅值的强迫激励分析激励频率和基础尺寸对压载水晃荡特性的影响,分析自由液面高程变化和晃荡载荷等参数随激励频率变化的规律.结果表明:晃荡力和波高都在风力机固有周期附近达到最大,并随着激励周期与固有周期偏离的增大而减小;不同立柱间的上柱晃荡力差异主要由压载水速度分量的不同引起,而下柱晃荡力差异主要由压载水流通形成的压载水体积变化引起.减小上柱直径,导致液面面积减小,立柱内压载水的速度分量减小,从而影响晃荡力. 相似文献
海上浮式风机基础目前有半潜式,重力式,导管架式,Spar式很多种。目前国内对于桁架式浮式风机基础的结构分析比较少。本文采用Truss spar型海上浮式风机基础,基于三维势流理论和直接计算法,对其在深海环境中进行结构强度分析。分析表明,结构在垂荡板和桁架结构连接处容易发生较大应力集中,易产生破坏,在后续的设计修改中可对这一部位进行重点研究。 相似文献
海上风电开发中随着水深增加,传统的固定式风机基础的劣势逐步显现,建造成本也显著增加。本文提出了一种适用水深范围广、结构简单、刚度可调的新型牵索锚固式海上风机基础结构。结合海上风电场设计实践和经验,归纳了牵索锚固式海上风机基础的设计重点。以3MW海上风力发电机组为例,分析不同牵索结构设计参数对基础结构的影响,通过计算发现,索缆根数、夹角对结构位移影响显著,而对应力影响微弱,索缆牵拉位置对结构应力位移影响都很显著。分析牵索锚固式风机基础结构在工作荷载和环境荷载耦合作用下的力学性能,计算结果显示,牵索锚固式海上风机基础结构不会发生强度破坏,但位移可能超过使用限制。 相似文献
针对海上风电机组运维需求,设计海上风电运维船的小型化波浪补偿登乘栈桥。进行登乘栈桥的总体设计、力学分析和软件设计,并对登乘栈桥的三维模型进行有限元仿真。仿真结果表明,所进行的设计可满足海上风电运维船的小型化和轻量化要求,保证人员与物料的安全和作业环境的稳定。 相似文献