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Rogue buckles may occur for unburied subsea pipelines operating under high temperature and high pressure conditions. Distributed buoyancy section (DBS) is often installed to trigger pipeline lateral buckling. Single distributed buoyancy section (SDBS) is normally adopted to trigger a symmetric lateral buckling mode. But in some cases, dual distributed buoyancy sections (DDBS) with a gap between them are utilised to trigger an antisymmetric lateral buckling mode. This paper concerns the behaviour of antisymmetric lateral buckling triggered by DDBS. First, the locations of the maxima of the deflection and bending stress are determined. Then, comparisons of the post-buckling behaviour between antisymmetric buckling mode, triggered by DDBS, and symmetric buckling mode, triggered by SDBS, are presented and discussed. The influences of the spacing between dual buoyancy sections and the parameters of the DBS on the buckled configuration and post-buckling behaviour are presented. Finally, the effects of the DBS on the minimum critical temperature difference, the maxima of the deflection and stress are discussed. The results show that the maxima of the deflection and stress of the antisymmetric mode are much smaller than that of the symmetric mode under the same operating conditions. During the design process, the spacing between dual buoyancy sections, the length and the weight ratio coefficient of the DBS should be determined in sequence. 相似文献
Controlled lateral buckling is triggered by distributed buoyancy section at predesigned sites to release the axial force induced by high temperature and high pressure in subsea pipelines. Due to the larger diameter and smaller submerged weight of distributed buoyancy section, compared to the normal pipe section, imperfections are more easily introduced at the location of distributed buoyancy section. In this study, an analytical model is proposed to simulate lateral buckling triggered by a distributed buoyancy section for an imperfect subsea pipeline, which is validated by test data. Semi-analytical solutions are derived. First, snap-through buckling behaviour is discussed. Then the influence of initial imperfections on buckled configurations, post-buckling behaviour, displacement amplitude and maximum stress is discussed in detail. The results show that there is no snap-through phenomenon for large amplitude of initial imperfections, which appears only when the amplitude of imperfection is small enough. The displacement amplitude increases with the amplitude of initial imperfections, and it first increases and then decreases with wavelength of initial imperfection. Compared to a perfect pipeline, the maximum stress amplifies for relative small wavelength of initial imperfections. Therefore, a large enough wavelength of initial imperfection should be introduced. 相似文献
When a ship navigates at sea, the slamming impact can generate significant load pulses which move up along the hull plating. The effect of the moving pressure has so far not been explicitly considered in the Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships. Based on a modal superposition method and the Lagrange equation, this paper derives analytical solutions to study the elastic dynamic responses of fully clamped rectangular plates under moving pressure impact loads. The spatial variation of the moving slamming impact pressure is simplified to three types of impact loads, i.e. a rectangular pulse, a linearly decaying pulse and an exponentially decaying pulse. The dynamic responses of fully clamped rectangular plates under the moving slamming impact pressure are calculated in order to investigate the influence of the load pulse shapes and moving speed on the plate structural behaviour. It is found that the structural response of the plate increases with the increase of the moving speed. The response of the plate subjected to a moving pressure impact load is smaller than the case when the plate is subjected to a spatially uniform distributed impact load with the same load amplitude and load duration. In order to quantify the effect of the moving speed on the dynamic load, a Dynamic Moving Load Coefficient (DMLC) is introduced as the ratio between the dynamic load factor for the moving impact load and that under the spatially uniform distributed impact load. An expression for DMLC is proposed based on analyses of various scenarios using the developed analytical model. Finally an empirical formula which transforms the moving impact loads to an equivalent static load is proposed. 相似文献
This study reports a deformation limit for the initiation of ductile fracture failure in fatigue-cracked circular hollow section (CHS) X-joints subjected to brace in-plane bending. The proposed approach sets the deformation limit as the calculated crack driving force in a fatigue crack at the hot-spot location in the tubular joint reaches the material fracture toughness measured from standard fracture specimens. The calibration of the proposed approach and the numerical procedure utilizes two large-scale X-joint specimens with fatigue generated surface cracks. The subsequent numerical investigation covers X-joints with two different brace-to-chord intersection angles, a wide range of geometric parameters and a practical range of material parameters. The development of the deformation limit includes a non-dimensional material toughness, which covers both the geometric parameters and material properties. The lower-bound deformation limit thus developed exhibits a linear relationship with respect to the crack depth ratio and indicates consistent values among X-joints with different brace-to-chord intersection angles. 相似文献
潜艇外部耐压液舱结构优化设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了一种优良实用的准同心圆式潜艇外部耐压舱结构型式,并给出了这种结构基于近似解析法和基于有限元应力分析的结构优化设计方法。曲型实例表明,准确同心圆式结构优化设计方案优于传统结构设计方案。 相似文献
The paper presents a simplified analytical method to examine the crushing resistance of web girders subjected to local static or dynamic in-plane loads. A new theoretical model, inspired by existing simplified approaches, is developed to describe the progressive plastic deformation behaviour of web girders. It is of considerable practical importance to estimate the extent of structural deformation within ship web girders during collision and grounding accidents. In this paper, new formulae to evaluate this crushing force are proposed on the basis of a new folding deformation mode. The folding deformation of web girders is divided into two parts, plastic deformation and elastic buckling zones, which are not taken into account for in the existing models. Thus, the proposed formulae can well express the crushing deformation behaviour of the first and subsequent folds. They are validated with experimental results of web girder found in literature and actual numerical simulations performed by the explicit LS-DYNA finite element solver. The elastic buckling zone, which absorbs almost zero energy, is captured and confirmed by the numerical results. In addition, the analytical method derives expressions to estimate the average strain rate of the web girders during the impact process and evaluates the material strain rate sensitivity with the Cowper-Symonds constitutive model. These adopted formulae, validated with an existing drop weight impact test, can well capture the dynamic effect of web girders. 相似文献
The exhaust smoke dispersion for a generic frigate is investigated numerically through the numerical solution of the governing fluid flow, energy, species and turbulence equations. The main objective of this work is to obtain the effects of the yaw angle velocity ratio and buoyancy on the dispersion of the exhaust smoke The numerical method is based on the fully conserved control-volume representation of the fully elliptic Navier-Stokes equations. Turbulence is modeled using a two-equation (k-ε) model The flow visualization tests using a 1/100 scale model of the frigate in the wind tunnel were also carried out to determine the exhaust plume path and to validatc the computational results. The results show that down wash phenomena occurs for the yaw angles between ψ=10° and 20°. The results with different exhaust gas temperatures show that the buoyancy effect increases with the increasing of the exhaust gas temperature. However, its effect on the plume rise is less significant in comparison with its momentum. A good agreement between the predictions and experiment results is obtained. 相似文献
The exhaust smoke dispersion for a generic frigate is investigated numerically through the numerical solution of the governing fluid flow, energy, species and turbulence equations. The main objective of this work is to obtain the effects of the yaw angle, velocity ratio and buoyancy on the dispersion of the exhaust smoke. The numerical method is based on the fully conserved control-volume representation of the fully elliptic Navier-Stokes equations. Turbulence is modeled using a two-equation(k-ε) model. The flow visualization tests using a 1/100 scale model of the frigate in the wind tunnel were also carried out to determine the exhaust plume path and to validate the computational results. The results show that down wash phenomena occurs for the yaw angles between ψ =10° and 20°. The results with different exhaust gas temperatures show that the buoyancy effect increases with the increasing of the exhaust gas temperature. However, its effect on the plume rise is less significant in comparison with its momentum. A good agreement between the predictions and experiment results is obtained. 相似文献
首先介绍了疏浚工程边坡坡度、超宽、超深的设计,进而介绍了港口航道疏浚工程中一种能提高精度的断面法土方量的计算模式,并提出了开发航道挖槽土方量计算软件的方法,提高了疏浚工程的经济性。 相似文献
This paper provides a new contribution to the simplified analytical treatment of collisions between two ships. It is directly connected to the well-known super-elements method, which is a simplified procedure allowing for a quick estimation of the damages caused to both the striking and struck vessels during such events. In this article, a new analytical formulation is presented for estimating the impact resistance provided by inclined ship side panels. Two different scenarios are treated. We first deal with the case of an impact between the oblique plate and the stem of the striking ship, and then we consider the situation where the inclined panel is impacted by the bulb. For these two scenarios, an analytical formulation relating the force and the penetration is provided and these developments are validated by comparing them to the results of finite elements simulations. Finally, the new inclined plate super-element is integrated in a simplified model of a frigate collided by another ship, and the resistance given by the super-elements method is then compared to the one obtained by a numerical simulation of this collision. 相似文献
As an increasing number of ships continue to sail in heavy traffic lanes, the possibility of collision between ships has become progressively higher. Therefore, it is of great importance to rapidly and accurately analyse the response and consequences of a ship's side structure subjected to large impact loads, such as collisions from supply vessels or merchant vessels. As the raked bow is a common design that has a high possibility of impacting a ship side structure, this study proposes an analytical method based on plastic mechanism equations for the rapid prediction of the response of a ship's side structure subjected to raked bow collisions. The new method includes deformation mechanisms of the side shell plating and the stiffeners attached. The deformation mechanisms of deck plating, longitudinal girders and transverse frames are also analysed. The resistance and energy dissipation of the side structure are obtained from individual components and then integrated to assess the complete crashworthiness of the side structure of the struck ship. The analytical prediction method is verified by numerical simulation. Three typical collision scenarios are defined in the numerical simulation using the code LS_DYNA, and the results obtained by the proposed analytical method and those of the numerical simulation are compared. The results correspond well, suggesting that the proposed analytical method can improve ship crashworthiness during the design phase. 相似文献
以某国内大型风电平台上层建筑分段吊装为例,对新设计的一体式上层建筑分段进行吊装方案编制并借助有限元计算软件进行方案校核。在吊装计算中,主要从2个方面进行考虑:一是如何高质量地完成计算分析,保证计算符合实际情况,得到真实的结构响应;二是对吊装布置和加强方案进行分析,根据有限元分析结果为基地建造部门提出建议,保证吊装方案科学合理。给出一种新的有限元分析方法,并比较其与常规方法的加载方式。比较2种方法的计算结果,验证新方法可真实有效地模拟吊装的受力情况。分析结果可为造船企业今后提升海洋平台建造分段吊装工艺水平提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
介绍一种构件截面尺寸的确定方法——最优截面法。通过最优截面法,可以依据钢筋及混凝土的现行价格对截面尺寸进行计算,计算出最优构件截面尺寸和配筋面积组合,达到节约工程造价的目的。 相似文献
自动识别系统(AIS)是当前常见的助航设备之一。通过AIS船舶能够向周边水域的船舶或管控中心通报自身的位置、速度、航行等信息,并能够实现相互的通信协作,大大提高了船舶航行的安全水平,是当前港口管理、航道管制等业务必不可少的系统之一。然而,传统的AIS在使用过程中采用网络点对点的通信方式,中心化的组网模式大大降低了通信效率和消息协作的效能。为解决这一问题,本文提出一种分布式海上AIS通信与监控平台,研究该平台的架构和工作方式,同时设计相应的控制算法和通信协议,为进一步完善AIS系统提供依据。 相似文献
The deformation of boat hull bottom panels during the initial phase of slamming is studied analytically using a linear elastic Euler–Bernoulli beam as a representation of the cross section of a bottom panel. The slamming pressure is modeled as a high-intensity peak followed by a lower constant pressure, traveling at constant speed along the beam. The problem is solved using a Fourier sine integral transformation in space and a Laplace–Carson integral transformation in time. Deflection and bending moment as functions of time and position for different speeds, bending stiffnesses, etc. are given. In particular the effect of slamming load traveling speed on structural response of the simplified bottom structure is investigated. It is found that rather large deflections and bending moments are encountered at certain speeds of the pressure, which suggests that bottom panels may benefit from tailoring their stiffness and mass properties such that loads are reduced. This would vary with boat particulars and operation (deadrise angle, mass, speed, sea state, etc). The importance of the high-intensity pressure peak often encountered during slamming is also studied. It is seen that for relatively slow moving slamming loads the pressure peak has little influence. However, for faster moving loads its influence can be significant. 相似文献