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Global buckling of a submarine pipeline during high pressure/high temperature (HP/HT) operation results in a loss of pipeline stability that is similar to a bar in compression; this phenomenon constitutes one of the key factors affecting pipeline integrity and design. To intuitively study the buckling response, a test system was designed that can account for thermal loading and pipe-soil interactions, and this system was used to perform a series of small-scale model tests on the lateral buckling of submarine pipelines with different initial imperfections. Based on the hat-shaped buckling profiles of the test pipelines, a new buckling mode called "hat-shaped buckling" was proposed. In an attempt to study the conditions under which the pipeline exhibits this hat-shaped buckling mode, the changing law of the buckling mode was investigated through finite element analyses of pipelines with different parameters, including the length of the pipeline and the amplitude and wavelength of the initial imperfection. Subsequently, an analytical solution for calculating the buckling amplitude of a pipeline with a hat-shaped buckling profile was proposed. The theoretical solution was compared to the experimental data, which verified the feasibility of the model in calculating pipeline buckling deformation. The experimental data, the buckling mode based on these data and the corresponding analytical model discussed herein may provide a reference for future experimental studies of pipeline buckling.  相似文献   

  目的  随着油气勘探涉入超深水领域,一旦柔性立管的外层结构发生破损,其内部的骨架层将承载巨大的外部水压。如果骨架层与铠甲层之间存在层间间隙,则将削弱骨架层的压溃强度,进而引发所谓的湿压溃。  方法  针对该问题,提出一种弹性支撑拱结构模型,并将骨架层的湿压溃过程分为接触前与接触后2个阶段。在接触之前,采用单环结构的稳定性理论分析内骨架层的失稳行为;当层间间隙闭合之后,骨架层开始受到铠甲层的支撑,该结构进入接触后阶段,此时外部铠甲层可以简化为径向支撑弹簧,用于支撑内部骨架层的分离拱状部分。基于此,建立有限元压溃模型,用以验证该解析模型的可靠性。  结果  2类模型的预测结果吻合良好,压溃压强对铠甲层刚度和间隙宽度均非常敏感;当初始层间间隙宽度由0增加至0.5 mm时,柔性立管的压溃压强将降低18%左右;如果紧密拟合的骨架由更硬的铠甲层支撑,则将大幅提高其抗压溃强度。  结论  对于具有较硬铠甲层和较小层间间隙的柔性立管而言,该解析模型可以有效预测其静水压溃强度。  相似文献   

The understanding and study of the mechanical behavior of submarine pipes have significant relevance in ocean exploration, allowing the application of these structures in adverse conditions. In this sense, protecting the tube's internal surface is vital for the transportation of corrosive materials, threatening structural integrity. Usually, the external surface is at constant hydrostatic pressure, leading to possible structural failure if the project does not consider all failure modes. Within the framework of Metallurgically Cladded Pipes (MCP) and Mechanically Lined Pipes (MLP), Corrosion-Resistant Alloys (CRAs) are inserted in the internal surface of pipelines. However, they are not typically deemed in the structural analysis as an integrant part of the mechanical resistance for the external load. This work presents an initial analytical proposal to calculate the collapse pressure of concentric tubes incorporating the rigidity provided by the CRA. Tied or frictionless numerical models are assumed to describe the interaction between the two bodies at the interface region. These two scenarios establish the upper and lower boundaries for cases where friction is part of the problem. The methodology applies a least-square minimization function based on nonlinear finite element simulations to extract analytical expressions that estimate the collapse pressure. An effort is made to reduce the number of sensitive parameters involved in the analytical proposals and minimize the complexity of the formulation. This process allows the analyst to visualize which parameters are more relevant in various scenarios. Nevertheless, the main goal is to evaluate how the variables are coupled and develop a methodology that can be adapted to reproduce the analyst's necessities.  相似文献   

Corrosion defect is considered to be one of the major critical damages of subsea pipelines, which can result in a considerable loss in the collapse capacity of thick-walled pipes in deep waters. In this paper, collapse experiments on 13 small-scale seamless steel tubes with varying sizes of elliptical and rectangular corrosion defects were carried out in a sealed hyperbaric chamber. The collapse pressure and deformed configurations were obtained, with four types of collapse trajectories identified. A numerical framework was established to simulate the collapse event using ABAQUS, and decent consistency of the collapse pressure and collapsed configurations was observed between numerical and experimental results. Then, the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes with a single elliptical corrosion defect was studied parametrically, covering different defect sizes, geometric characteristics, and material properties. Based on the extensive numerical analysis, a reasonable empirical formula was developed to estimate the collapse pressure of thick-walled steel pipes with various elliptical corrosion defects and material properties.  相似文献   

对去离子水、不同浓度和不同充液率的TiO2/H2 O纳米流体重力热管进行了测试,给出了这些热管启动过程的温度分布图。结果表明:在恒温水浴加热的试验条件下,与去离子水热管相比,纳米流体热管蒸发段启动温度低并且启动时间短,其蒸发段和冷凝段的最大温差与去离子水热管相比较低;在50%~70%充液率范围内热管蒸发段的启动时间随着充液率的增大而增加;热管启动时间随着加热温度的升高而缩短;热管倾斜角度较小的情况下将使其启动性能变差。  相似文献   

Sandwich pipe (SP) combining high-strength performance and thermal insulation has been considered an effective solution for oil and gas transportation in ultra-deepwater. Strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) is well known for its capacity to withstand both tensile load and external hydrostatic pressure. The sandwich pipe considered in the research is constituted of concentric steel pipes with SHCC annular layer. In the present research work, the SHCC was manufactured, and full scale sandwich pipes were assembled. Intact and damaged specimens were submitted to controlled external pressure in a hyperbaric chamber to obtain the collapse and propagation pressures, respectively. Modeling and simulation of the buckle propagation of the SPs were correlated with the experimental results. The results show that sandwich pipe with SHCC core has an excellent structural strength under high external pressure in both intact and damaged conditions. Moreover, the results also show that the interaction between the annular and the inner/outer pipes provides a significant contribution to the buckling resistance under propagation pressure.  相似文献   

A general and efficient scaled method for stiffened plates subjected to combined longitudinal compression and lateral pressure is proposed based on slenderness, simply by adjusting the number of stiffeners. The design method makes it easier to determine the dimensions of the scaled model for a given scale ratio compared with the previously proposed method. The emphasis is on the influence of the plate slenderness, the column slenderness, and the non-dimensional parameter of the lateral pressure on the ultimate strength. By maintaining the consistency of the plate slenderness and column slenderness, the proposed method is applicable for designing scaled models with materials of different yield stresses and Young's moduli. A similar effect of the lateral pressure on the ultimate strength of the prototype and scaled models is achieved by maintaining the non-dimensional parameter. In addition, the applicability of the scaled method to the initial deflection is considered, which provides a reference for similar models. The similitude of the scaled method is verified for several typical buckling modes, including the beam–column, tripping, web and overall collapse modes. Given the numerical results, the proposed general and fast scaled method can provide reasonable dimensions of scaled stiffened plates subjected to combined loads.  相似文献   

建立了无界大气流场和有界水流场综合作用下的两相球空泡动力学模型,并基于这个模型研究了大气密度和流动对水面空泡溃灭压力的影响机理。结果表明,当空泡收缩到较小时,空泡的非线性动力学行为可以使大气密度或流动对空泡溃灭压力的影响迅速增大,大气密度越小,溃灭压力越大。  相似文献   

长江中下游河道崩岸频现,现阶段主要采用护岸达到守护岸坡、防治崩岸的目的。为探究崩岸频发河段内有效、经济的护岸布置形式,借助试验手段对比分析理想梯形顺直河道中不同守护高度及不同护岸结构的守护效果。试验表明:排体护岸更利于持久稳固,但应重视坡折点现象;重点守护岸坡上部在有限时间内更能起到有效防治崩岸的作用,且随着守护宽度的增大,守护效果越显著;从护岸布置的有效性及经济性出发,一般情况下守护岸坡上部2h/3的高程范围较为合理。  相似文献   

通过现场检查发现部分船舶私自增设聚氯乙烯管作为通风导管,结合适用的技术规范分析船舶机舱使用塑料管作为通风导管需满足的要求,提出对使用塑料管作为通风导管的船舶进行检查时应注意的事项。  相似文献   

In the deepwater S-lay operations depending on the required stinger radius and rollers configuration, relatively large plastic deformation is induced when the pipe passes over the stinger, under the combined loadings of bending, axial tension, roller reaction force and the pipelay vessel motion. The resulting plastic deformation does not vanish after the pipe leaves the stinger. It accumulates until the pipe reaches the seabed. The inherited residual deformation might reduce the collapse capacity of the pipe under the external pressure loading. The present paper investigates the dynamic loading history of the pipe during the S-lay operation based on a test-verified finite element model, and then calculates the residual plastic deformation of the pipe cross-section after the pipe reaches the seabed. Finally, the nonlinear collapse analysis is implemented based on the modified RIKS method to evaluate the capacity of the installation-induced deformed pipe. The results confirm that the deepwater S-lay operation will lead to obvious plastic deformation of the pipe, which decreases the pipe collapse capacity to some extent.  相似文献   

In an atrocious ocean environment,the lateral propulsion hole could potentially be partly out of water and capture an air cavity.Bubbles would form when the captured air cavity escapes underwater and they may affect the performance of the sonar.The common commercial computational fluid dynamics software CFX was adopted to calculate the ambient flow field around the lateral propulsion hole generated by a moving vessel.The oscillation of the spherical bubble was based on the Rayleigh-Plesset equation and its migration was modeled using the momentum equation.The radiated noise of the oscillating bubble was also studied.The aim is that the results from this paper would provide some insight into corresponding fluid and acoustic study.  相似文献   

The use of high performance structural composites has become very important over the last decades, especially where weight is an essential factor. Particularly in the oil and gas industry, several designs of composite pipes for deep water applications have been recently proposed as competitive solutions against traditional steel pipes. Thus, it is important to assess the performance of composite pipes under high external pressure in order to avoid pipe failure or overconservative designs. In this paper, experimental tests of different composite pipe configurations are performed and then compared to analytical and numerical predictions. Unlike the case of internal pressure loads, the collapse pressure of composite pipes depends on the initial ovality and on the ply stacking sequence. The collapse resistance of different composite pipes is firstly studied through simplified analytical equations combined with different failure criteria. Then, a finite element model is developed using a progressive failure criterion [1]. Both analytical and numerical failure predictions were compared to experimental tests carried out on four composite pipes produced with different ply stacking sequence by the filament winding method [2]. An experimental-numerical-analytical comparison shows that numerical and analytical models provide results in good agreement with those obtained experimentally. Finally, a parametric analysis is carried out to show the effect of ovality and ply stacking sequence on the failure pressure of composite pipes.  相似文献   

  目的  旨在研究带泄压孔舱室内爆冲击波载荷特性及其在邻舱内的传播规律。  方法  开展双舱室泄爆的数值仿真分析,基于Baker公式分析爆炸当舱压力下降的规律。基于邻舱内压力分布特性,采用最小二乘原理推导邻舱内的初次峰值压力经验公式。  结果  结果显示,在泄爆过程中,泄压孔的增大会改变当舱和邻舱内压力场的初始形态,表现为弱化当舱压力汇聚及叠加作用和强化邻舱压力的传播。在不考虑舱壁结构形变的影响下,冲击波穿过泄压孔后呈现桃形和水母形压力分布,且出现了压力分层及随角度衰减的现象。  结论  研究结果有助于舱室内爆载荷特性研究。  相似文献   

坦桑尼亚某水工项目堆场采用HDPE作为消防管道。HDPE为低模量黏弹性材料管道,加压时HDPE材料会发生自限性蠕变膨胀。由于聚乙烯分子链在高应力下伸展,管内填充水的压力会在试验测试时间内略微下降,这并不意味着管道泄漏,而是蠕变塑性管道的正常行为。与刚性管道相比,HDPE压力试验的测试方法会有不同。以中国规范GB 50268—2008、欧洲规范BS EN 805:2000和美国规范ASTM F2164-18为基础,对比分析HDPE管道的消防压力试验,为后续相关项目提供经验参考。  相似文献   

准确预测风机基础所受到的抨击载荷对风机的设计至关重要。在上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室,通过模型实验研究了在聚焦波浪作用下风机基础所受到的抨击载荷,同时研究了聚焦波浪的不同参数对抨击载荷的影响。此外运用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,通过有限体积法求解不可压缩Navier-Stocks方程和体积分数法捕捉自由液面,在数值波浪水池中模拟了聚焦波浪拍击风机立柱的过程。数值模拟与模型试验的结果吻合得较好。最后将模型实验的结果与各种设计准则中采用的预测抨击力的经验公式进行对比,验证了不同准则预测波浪抨击载荷的有效性。  相似文献   

加肋锥-环-柱结合壳试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
加肋锥一环一柱结合壳是柱壳与锥壳连接的一种新型的、优越的结构形式,它能大幅降低锥、柱壳结合部的应力峰值,提高承压能力,结合部结构重量较现在采用的加强结构重量小,最大应力不出现在结合部焊缝上.文中展示系列模型试验结果,通过比较分析,验证加肋锥一环一柱结合壳的优越性,验证课题组提出的计算加肋轴对称结合壳应力和稳定性的"分区样条等参元方法"和"ARSASS"程序的正确性.  相似文献   

A series of finite element analyses are conducted to investigate the influence of boundary conditions and geometry of the model on the predicted collapse behaviour of stiffened panels. Periodic and symmetric boundary conditions in the longitudinal direction are used to calculate the ultimate strength of stiffened panels under combined biaxial thrust and lateral pressure. The calculated ultimate strength of stiffened panels are compared with those by different FEM (finite element method) code and are assessed. The periodic boundary condition in the longitudinal direction for two spans or bays model provides an appropriate modelling to a continuous stiffened panel and can consider both odd and even number of half waves and thus, is considered to introduce the smaller model uncertainty for the analysis of a continuous stiffened panel.  相似文献   

为了解挠性接管安装工艺状态对机械隔振系统振动传递特性的影响,选取某型船舶上典型的管路系统及挠性接管为研究对象,采用二分法进行了挠性接管不同安装工艺偏差对系统振动传递特性影响的试验研究。结果表明,在一定安装工艺偏差范围内,船体结构振级、马脚下部振级、挠性接管远设备端振级变化不大,在安装过程中应控制挠性接管工艺参数在规定偏差范围内。  相似文献   

为分析桃源枢纽坝下汇流区推移质运动特性,采用整体定床物理模型开展了定床水流和定床输沙试验,观测各级流量下水流要素和输沙带分布。对比分析发现,随来流汇流比的不同,汇流区水动力条件复杂多变,但汇流区泥沙淤积体范围总是与主流带分布密切相关。推移质泥沙沿主流带输移,泥沙淤积体多见于输沙带边线处、流线转折较大处以及河床局部背水面下凹处。中枯水期因下泄水流流速较大,且沿程流速迅速降低,坝下推移质泥沙为短距离泥沙输移;洪水期因河段流速整体较大,为长距离泥沙输移。  相似文献   

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