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在全球化纵深推进的大背景下,互联网与综合交通网络融合正在重塑国家物流中心体系。首先对各经济时代城镇体系、物流信息交换、交通网络的互动关系进行研究,识别物流中心体系空间、信息、交通核心三要素的主导地位演变过程,提出互联网经济时代背景下,交通因素成为构建物流中心体系的主导因素。然后以此为基础提出构建国家物流中心体系所需考虑的关键因素,按照分级分区相结合的原则提出构建国际、国家、区域、地区四级物流中心体系。  相似文献   

<正>媒介融合环境下的对外传播媒介融合时代正在营造一个全新的传播图景,将对外传播带入一个全新的历史阶段。人们的媒介使用方式和媒体消费习惯正在发生历史性的变革,传播移动化、互动化、社交化特点正在打破媒介使用的时间和空间限制,让人们随时随地可以获取信息、享受娱乐、相互交流。在新的网络环境和全媒体的传播语境下,媒介融合不再仅仅是媒体的转型需要,它打破的是既有信息传播模式下的社会关系架构,将在人际沟通、政策传播、政府形象塑造、社会管理、公共外交等多领域带来全新挑战。为此,对外传播要充分考虑融合媒体时代的传播特征,面对旧问题,迎接新  相似文献   

交通公示语是在交通公共服务中所使用一种公共话语,有服务社会、公示信息、引起注意、促进理解、激发行动、加深印象等功能。本文从语言学视角探析交通公示语的语用策略,提出了公示语要重视与交通参与者合作和对交通参与者尊重,重视语言运用效率和意图表达清晰,重视明确公示的目的与意图等思路。  相似文献   

改革开放之后,随着时代的进步,我国经济的飞速发展给社会带来了重大的变化,其中,交通建设的变化最为明显。随着交通通达性越来越强,使得人民的生活更加的便利,与此同时也给国家带来了福利。国民经济与交通通达度息息相关,相互促进。但是,由于各种原因,在道路与桥梁的建设中会出现一些意外情况,如常常被媒体提及的"豆腐渣工程"。这种有重大质量问题的道路以及桥梁会给国家带来许多不必要的经济损失,同时也给社会埋下重大隐患,带来很多不安全因素。基于此研究方向,本论文旨在探讨有关道路与桥梁的施工时的注意事项,并提出一些可以方便实施的措施提供给读者参考。  相似文献   

正"作为一种新兴的绿色交通出行方式,共享单车以"野蛮生长"之势迅速席卷全国,但随之而来的诸多问题也与日俱增,如何才能让其走上可持续的规范化发展道路呢?"我国曾经是世界公认的"自行车王国"。但近20年来,随着机动化的快速发展,自行车出行受到机动化干扰的现象愈发严重,自行车出行分担率急剧下降。然而,自行车出行迎来了一个重大转折点。近几年,伴随着"互联网+"、"共享经济"时代的到来,以ofo、摩拜为代表的共享单车应运而生,带来一场席卷中国公共自行车发展的历史性变革!显然,与传统公共自行车相比,共享单车具有五个优点:一是不用办卡,用手机即可完成借车、还车、缴费等全  相似文献   

正作为"互联网+"时代的新兴业态,共享单车以便捷的服务、低廉的价格,在解决民众"最后一公里"出行问题的同时,也给公共管理带来了诸多新情况和新课题,亟待公安、城管、交通等部门共同探索解决。共享单车最早可追溯到1965年在荷兰阿姆斯特丹实验的"Witte Fietsen"(白自行车)公共自行车项目,大量自行车被收集起来,喷涂成白色摆放街面供民众使用,由于大量自行车被损毁和偷盗,该项目后来被迫  相似文献   

正随着移动互联网、大数据、车联网等技术越来越多地渗透到交通领域,百姓的出行将越来越高效便捷,同时也有利于管理部门为社会提供更好的公共交通服务。其中,大数据的运用在公交都市建设过程中,大数据可谓是"大有可为"。9月5日,国务院印发《促进大数据发展行动纲要》(简称((纲要》),系统部署大数据发展工作,并提出:率先在交通等领域,实现公共  相似文献   

白晓娜 《人民交通》2021,(11):32-37
在移动互联网时代,伴随着互联网技术、大数据技术和物联网技术的发展融合,一种全新的经济模式——共享经济模式应运而生.它依托互联网技术,共享相关的物品和服务.得益于大数据技术的发展,设施的不断完善,作为一个全新的经济模式,共享经济已经拓展到商业、金融、交通、旅游等各个领域.它对传统的经济模式进行创新,为新时期的经济发展注入新的生机和活力.共享单车,共享充电宝等等,身边随处可见的事物都是共享经济的产物.作为"最后一公里"是城市居民出行采用公共交通出行的主要障碍的公共交通工具,出现在校园、地铁站点、公交站点、居民区、商业区、公共服务区的共享单车格外耀眼.  相似文献   

在现代科技快速发展的今天,互联网已进入社会的方方面面,联网售票就是现代信息在交通领域的具体应用,它的出现改变了传统的客运服务方式。  相似文献   

<正>"2014年以来,许多基于移动互联网的货运网络平台相继出现,互联网成为行业转型升级的重要推手。在传统货运模式下,客户、物流公司双方必须见面;在"互联网+"时代,货运业正拥抱互联网,构建全新的价值链。"12月1日,2015年中国"互联网+"运输服务创客大赛深圳分赛区决赛在深圳市南山文体中心聚橙剧院成功举办。该决赛围绕"互联网+"运货领域展开,吸引了600多位分别来自交通领域的学者、智能交通方面从业人员、  相似文献   

Bassem Younes 《运输评论》2013,33(4):333-356
As part of a research project completed some four years ago at Imperial College, London, a number of case studies were undertaken to examine the impacts that major improvements to the public transport system have on parallel road traffic. The three studies of major improvements to the public transport systems in three U.K. and German cities were: the Victoria Line in London; the extension of the U‐Bahn system in West Berlin (at the time of the study); and the S‐Bahn extension in Stuttgart. Each scheme is reviewed, with particular reference to the degree in which they have relieved congestion on the roads in the same corridor. This was examined simply to see whether or not public transport improvements are the only answer to traffic congestion, as is sometimes suggested. In the event, every scheme was a unique example in itself. The different conditions in each situation are presented and the actual impacts of the schemes assessed, based on the available information. The findings were rather different from the expectations. Only marginal relief from road traffic was recorded, with a substantial shift from buses to the improved rapid rail system. In the case of Stuttgart, for example, traffic growth on parallel roads was actually higher than the average growth on all city roads, though for other reasons.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of traffic control as applied to congested or over‐saturated conditions. The paper begins with an introduction to traffic control in general, it then goes on to describe types of congestion, objectives for congestion control and some approaches to congestion control. Although the paper is mainly concerned with traffic signal control, other measures such as road pricing are described briefly.

More and more, traffic engineers have realized that existing traffic signals fail to perform satisfactorily under prolonged congestion or over‐saturated conditions. The paper identifies a number of theoretical studies which attempt to deal with such problems. It then describes the following traffic control systems, OPAC, PRODYN, SAGA, SCATS, SCOOT, STAUKO and UTOPIA, some more developed than others, and discusses their ability to deal with congestion. The paper presents the author's conclusions and recommendations for future research in the development of over‐saturation strategies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feasibility of a self-organizing, completely distributed traffic information system based upon vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Unlike centralized traffic information systems, the proposed system does not need public infrastructure investment as a prerequisite for implementation. Due to the complexity of the proposed system, simulation is selected as the primary approach in the feasibility studies. A simulation framework is built based on an existing microscopic traffic simulation model for the simulation studies. The critical questions for building the proposed market-driven system are examined both from communication requirements and traffic engineering points of view. Traffic information propagation both in freeway and arterial networks via information exchange among IVC-equipped vehicles is tested within the simulation framework. Results on the probability of successful IVC and traffic information propagation distance obtained from the simulation studies are generated and analyzed under incident-free and incident conditions for various roadway formats and parameter combinations. Comparisons between the speed of the incident information wave and the speed of the corresponding traffic shock wave due to the incident are analyzed for different scenarios as the most crucial aspect of the information propagation as a potential foundation for application in such a decentralized traffic information system.  相似文献   

This paper models strategic interactions between a road supplier, a provider of traffic information, and road users, with stochastic travel times. Using a game-theoretical analysis of suppliers’ pricing strategies, we assess the social welfare effects of traffic information under various ownership regimes. The results show that the distortive welfare effect of monopolistic information pricing appears relatively small. Collusion of the road operator and information provider yields higher social welfare than independent pricing by two firms. The intuition behind this result resembles that behind the welfare effects of double marginalization, but is not exactly the same, as traffic information is not strictly complementary to road use.  相似文献   

A smart design of transport systems involves efficient use and allocation of the limited urban road capacity in the multimodal environment. This paper intends to understand the system-wide effect of dividing the road space to the private and public transport modes and how the public transport service provider responds to the space changes. To this end, the bimodal dynamic user equilibrium is formulated for separated road space. The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) model is employed to depict the dynamics of the automobile traffic for its state-dependent feature, its inclusion of hypercongestion, and its advantage of capturing network topology. The delay of a bus trip depends on the running speed which is in turn affected by bus lane capacity and ridership. Within the proposed bimodal framework, the steady-state equilibrium traffic characteristics and the optimal bus fare and service frequency are analytically derived. The counter-intuitive properties of traffic condition, modal split, and behavior of bus operator in the hypercongestion are identified. To understand the interaction between the transport authority (for system benefit maximization) and the bus operator (for its own benefit maximization), we examine how the bus operator responds to space changes and how the system benefit is influenced with the road space allocation. With responsive bus service, the condition, under which expanding bus lane capacity is beneficial to the system as a whole, has been analytically established. Then the model is applied to the dynamic framework where the space allocation changes with varying demand and demand-responsive bus service. We compare the optimal bus services under different economic objectives, evaluate the system performance of the bimodal network, and explore the dynamic space allocation strategy for the sake of social welfare maximization.  相似文献   


The number of bus‐based Park and Ride (P&R) schemes in the UK has grown substantially over the past 40 years as a result of its encouragement by the Government as a tool to deal with increasing traffic congestion and traffic‐related pollution. The aim of this article is to analyse the degree to which P&R is effective in the contemporary policy context. The authors identify phases of development of P&R since its emergence as a local solution to transport capacity constraints in historic towns. Policy goals are identified against which a review of literature is used to highlight its effectiveness. It is concluded that P&R may increase the distance travelled by its users due to low load factors on dedicated buses, public transport abstraction and trip generation, although it is highlighted that there are areas in which further research is required to clarify its impacts.  相似文献   

Advances in information technology and telecommunications are opening up the possibility of transforming the capture, application and dissemination of information on transport operations and road traffic, at the same time as growing congestion makes accurate and timely information more valuable than ever to users and managers. Because of open access to road networks, public authorities are bound to intervene in the field of travel information: in the provision of infrastructure, the handling of the information, the licensing of services, and the regulation of users affecting safety or social well-being. The paper discusses these rôles and the levels at which they may be exercised, with particular reference to standardisation issues in Europe and internationally.  相似文献   

Highway traffic flow phenomena involve several complex and stochastic variables with high interdependencies. The variations in roadway, traffic and environmental factors influence the traffic flow quality significantly. Capacity analysis of road sections under different traffic and geometric conditions need to quantify the vehicles of widely varying characteristics to a common and universally acceptable unit. Passenger car unit (PCU) is the universally adopted unit of traffic volume, keeping the passenger car as the ‘standard vehicle’ with reference to its static and dynamic characteristics; other vehicles are expressed to its equivalent number in terms of PCUs. The studies carried out in this aspect represent the dynamic nature of impedance caused by a vehicle while moving through a traffic stream. The PCU values recommended by the Highway Capacity Manual are widely applied in many countries; however, their applicability is highly under debate because of the variations in prevailing local traffic conditions. There are several factors that influence the PCU values such as traffic, roadway, vehicle, environmental and control conditions, etc. Apart from vehicular characteristics, the other two major factors that influence the PCU of vehicles are the following: (i) road width and (ii) traffic volume. In this study, estimation of PCU values for the different types of vehicles of a highly heterogeneous traffic on 7.5‐ and 11.0‐m‐wide roads, using micro‐simulation technique, has been dealt with. It has been found that the PCU value of a vehicle type varies significantly with variation in road width and traffic volume. The results of the study indicate that the PCU values are significantly influenced by the said two factors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite widespread growth in on-road public transport priority schemes, road management authorities have few tools to evaluate the impacts of these schemes on all road users. This paper describes a methodology developed in Melbourne, Australia to assist the road management authority, VicRoads, evaluate trade-offs in the use of its limited road-space for new bus and tram priority projects. The approach employs traffic micro-simulation modelling to assess road-space re-allocation impacts, travel behaviour modelling to assess changes in travel patterns and a social cost benefit framework to evaluate impacts. The evaluation considers a comprehensive range of impacts including the environmental benefits of improved public transport services. Impacts on public transport reliability improvements are also considered. Although improved bus and tram reliability is a major rationale for traffic priority its use in previous evaluations is rare. The paper critiques previous approaches, describes the proposed method and explores some of the results found in its application. A major finding is that despite a more comprehensive approach to measuring the benefits of bus and tram priority, road-space reallocation is difficult to economically justify in road networks where public transport usage is low and car usage high. Strategies involving the balanced deployment of bus and tram priority measures where the allocation of time and space to PT minimises negative traffic impacts is shown to improve the overall management of road-space. A discussion of the approach is also provided including suggestions for further methodology development.
Bill YoungEmail:

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