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An Adaptive Scheme for Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neighbor knowledge in mobile ad hoc networks is important information. However, the accuracy of neighbor knowledge is paid in terms of energy consumption. In traditional schemes for neighbor discovery, a mobile node uses fixed period to send HELLO messages to notify its existence. An adaptive scheme was proposed. The objective is that when mobile nodes are distributed sparsely or move slowly, fewer HELLO messages are needed to achieve reasonable accuracy, while in a mutable network where nodes are dense or move quickly, they can adaptively send more HELLO messages to ensure the accuracy. Simulation results show that the adaptive scheme achieves the objective and performs effectively.  相似文献   

针对节点能量和可用带宽2个约束条件的问题,提出了一种基于移动Agent的QoS路由算法.该算法利用移动Agent采集网络中各节点的详细信息,以最大链路的生存时间作为选择路由的基础,增强了路径的稳定性;采用多路径策略,以缩短路由重构的时间;优先选择剩余能量多的节点,延长了网络的生存时间.利用网络仿真工具NS2进行的仿真实验结果证明,与AODV协议相比,该算法具有较高的包传输率和较低的端到端平均延时.  相似文献   

Introduction Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are newinfrastructureless networks without the usual rout-ing infrastructure like fixed routers and routingbackbones. A mobile ad hoc network is a multi-hop temporary self-organizing system compromisedof a group of mobile nodes with radios. MANETshave some special characteristics: self organizing,dynamic topology, limited bandwidth, resourceconstraint nodes, multi-hop routing, vulnerable tosecurity attacks etc. Recently, MANET has beenone of t…  相似文献   

Key Management Using Certificate-Based Cryptosystem in Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction Anadhocnetworkisacollectionofau-tonomousnodesthatcommunicatewitheachother byformingamulti-hopwirelessnetwork.The propertyofnotrelyingonthesupportfromany fixedinfrastructuremakesitusefulforawide rangeofapplications,suchasinstantconsultation betweenmobileusersinthebattlefields,emergen-cy,anddisastersituations,wheregeographicalor terrestrialconstraintsdemandtotallydistributed networks.Whileadhocnetworkprovidesagreat flexibilityforestablishingcommunications,italso bringsalotofresearch…  相似文献   

基于对多媒体业务的支持,研究了发送速率为144kb/s的条件下移动自组网中路由协议AODV和DSR的性能.通过对它们的性能进行比较和分析,结果表明,AODV能获得较高的报文投递率,且随移动性的变化较小;同时,在高移动性时AODV平均的端到端时延也较小,但在低移动性时DSR能获得比AODV更小的平均端到端时延。  相似文献   

随着移动Ad Hoc网络的应用日趋广泛,如何有效节省移动节点的能量,提高网络生存时间成为了难题.针对现有的节能协议和机制很少考虑链路误码率的问题,分析了在端到端重传机制和逐跳重传机制下的理想能耗,定义了新的链路代价函数.仿真结果表明使用该机制的路由协议具有较好性能,在数据传输可靠性和能耗之间达到有效的平衡.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks are often deployed in environments where the nodes of the networks are unattended and have little or no physical protection against tampering. The nodes of mobile ad hoc networks are thus susceptible to compromise. The networks are particularly vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks launched through compromised nodes or intruders. In this paper, we investigated the effects of flooding attacks in network simulation 2 (NS-2) and measured the packet delivery ratio and packet delay under different flooding frequencies and different numbers of attack nodes. Simulation results show that with the increase the flooding frequencies and the numbers of attack nodes, network performance drops. But when the frequency of flooding attacks is greater than a value, the performance decrease gets smooth. Meanwhile the packet delay firstly increases and then declines to a value of stability at the end.  相似文献   

作为移动Ad Hoc网络具体应用之一的车载Ad Hoc网络具有许多自身特征,如车辆节点处于十字路口时存在许多等待绿灯的静止节点以及通行速度相对缓慢的通行节点。在考虑了上述特征之后,提出了一种适用于车载Ad Hoc网络的新的位置服务设计方案,该设计方案将位置服务与基于位置的路由协议如无状态路由协议GPSR进行融合。在城市场景下的仿真结果表明:通过与GLS和HLS相比,ILSV获得相当高的查询成功率并具有较优的可缩放性。  相似文献   

下一代网络(NGN)是目前网络发展的趋势,是今后通信业务和互联网业务的核心,其核心承载将使用IPv6技术。作为IPv6内在组成部分的移动IPv6技术,对于下一代网络,尤其是对于下一代移动通信网络,有着极其重要的影响。通过移动IPv6技术,可以各种接入方式,将宽带、移动互联网和现有的无线系统等都无缝地集成到IP层,通过一种网络基础设施提供所有通信和信息服务,即是下一代网络发展的方向,也是移动IPv6的核心优势。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络(WSN)中的“路由热点”问题,提出了在簇头移动的前提下基于事件驱动的基站簇头混合移动策略BS-CH HMS(base station-cluster head hybrid mobile strategy).该策略根据CH(cluster head)移动时的能量损耗确定CH的移动轨迹,制定基站的协作...  相似文献   

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