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Destination choice for the urban grocery shopping trip is hypothesized to be determined by three factors: the individual's perception of the destination, the individual's accessibility to the destination and the relative number of opportunities to exercise any particular choice. Results of a multinomial logit model estimation support this hypothesis and provide useful information concerning the role of urban form in this destination choice situation. It is determined that accessibility is the primary aspect influencing destination choice and that its effect is nonlinear.On leave 1977-78 from State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214.  相似文献   

This research concerns the relationships between the patterns of activities pursued in home-based trip chains and the characteristics of the persons making the chains. The data source is a one-week travel diary reported by persons over 11 years of age in the Netherlands in 1984. All home-based trip chains, including both simple two-link chains and more complex ones, were classified on the basis of the sequence of away-from-home activities. Twenty types were distinguished. The presence or absence of these trip-chain types were then explained in terms of the personal and household characteristics of the travellers using nonlinear canonical correlation analysis. This analysis technique can accomodate multiple dependent variables and nominally-scaled (categorical) variables in both the independent and dependent variables sets. Determined are the category scores for each independent variable that are optimal in explaining patterns in the dependent chain-type variables. Also determined are the optimal combinations of the two variable sets. These results capture the relationships between the sequences of activities in trip chains and the variables age, sex, working status, household income, stage in the family life cycle, household car ownership, and residential location. The most effective variable was found to be life cycle, followed by age and income.  相似文献   

Defining and understanding trip chaining behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trip chaining is a phenomenon that we know exists but rarely investigate. This could be attributed to either the difficulty in defining trip chains, extracting such information from travel diary surveys, the difficulty in analysing all the possible trip chain types, or all of the above. Household travel diary surveys provide a wealth of information on the travel patterns of individuals and households. Since such surveys collect all information related to travel undertaken, in theory it should be possible to extract trip-chaining characteristics of travel from them. Due to the difficulty in establishing and analysing all of the possible trip chain types, the majority of research on trip chaining has appeared to focus on work travel only. However, work related travel in many cities does not represent the majority of activities undertaken and, for some age groups, does not represent any travel at all. This paper begins by reviewing existing research in the field of trip chaining. In particular, investigations into the definitions of trip chaining, the defined typologies of trip chains and the research questions that have been addressed are explored. This review of previous research into trip chaining facilitates the following tasks: the identification of the most useful questions to be addressed by this research; defining trip chaining and associated typologies and defining data structures to extract trip chaining information from the household travel surveys conducted in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. The definition and typology developed in our research was then used to extract trip-chaining information from the household travel diary survey (MAHTS99) conducted in Adelaide in 1999. The extracted trip chaining information was then used to investigate trip-chaining behaviour by households. The paper reports the results of this analysis and concludes with a summary of the findings and recommendations for further investigations.  相似文献   


Trip chaining (or tours) and mode choice are two critical factors influencing a variety of patterns of urban travel demand. This paper investigates the hierarchical relationship between these two sets of decisions including the influences of socio-demographic characteristics on them. It uses a 6-week travel diary collected in Thurgau, Switzerland, in 2003. The structural equation modeling technique is applied to identify the hierarchical relationship. Hierarchy and temporal consistency of the relationship is investigated separately for work versus non-work tours. It becomes clear that for work tours in weekdays, trip-chaining and mode choice decisions are simultaneous and remain consistent across the weeks. For non-work tours in weekdays, mode choice decisions precede trip-chaining decisions. However, for non-work tours in weekends, trip-chaining decisions precede mode choice decisions. A number of socioeconomic characteristics also play major roles in influencing the relationships. Results of the investigation challenge the traditional approach of modeling mode choice separately from activity-scheduling decisions.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the theoretical and empirical issues involved in modeling complex travel patterns. Existing models have the shortcoming of not representing the interdependencies among trip links in trip chains with multiple non-home stops. A theoretical model based on utility theory and explicitly accounting for the trade-offs involved in the choice of multiple-stop chains is developed. Using this theoretical model, utility maximizing conditions for a household's choice of a daily travel pattern are derived. The optimum travel pattern is described in terms of the number of chairs (tours) traveled on a given day and in terms of the number of stops (sojourns) made on each of those chains. For a given household, the form of the optimum pattern is a function of the transportation expenditures (time, cost) required to reach potential destinations. Constraints on the conditions of optimality due to the limited and discrete nature of travel pattern alternatives are also considered. Parameters of the general utility function were estimated empirically using actual travel data derived from a home interview survey taken in Washington, D.C. The multinomial logit model is used to relate utility scores for the alternative travel patterns to choice probabilities. The resulting parameter estimates agree with theoretical expectations and with empirical results obtained in other studies. In order to demonstrate the empirical and theoretical implications of the model, forecasts for various transportation policies (e.g., gasoline price increases, transit fare reductions), as made by this model and by other less complex models, are compared. The results of these comparisons indicate the need for expanding the scope of existing travel forecasting models to explicit considerations of trip chaining behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a methodological framework for the incorporation of social interaction effects into choice models. The developed method provides insights for modeling the effect of social interaction on the formation of psychological factors (latent variables) and on the decision-making process. The assumption is based on the fact that the way the decision maker anticipates and processes the information regarding the behavior and the choices exhibited in her/his social environment, affects her/his attitudes and perceptions, which in turn affect her/his choices. The proposed method integrates choice models with decision makers’ psychological factors and latent social interaction. The model structure is simultaneously estimated providing an improvement over sequential methods as it provides consistent and efficient estimates of the parameters. The methodology is tested within the context of a household aiming to identify the social interaction effects between teenagers and their parents regarding walking-loving behavior and then the effect of this on mode to school choice behavior. The sample consists of 9,714 participants aged from 12 to 18 years old, representing 21 % of the adolescent population of Cyprus. The findings from the case study indicate that if the teenagers anticipate that their parents are walking lovers, then this increases the probability of teenagers to be walking-lovers too and in turn to choose walking to school. Generally, the findings from the application result in: (a) improvements in the explanatory power of choice models, (b) latent variables that are statistically significant, and (c) a real-world behavioral representation that includes the social interaction effect.  相似文献   

Gao  Ge  Sun  Huijun  Wu  Jianjun 《Transportation》2019,46(3):647-669
Transportation - In this paper, we incorporate activity-based trip chaining behavior into the network equilibrium analysis. An integrated model which combines Beckman-type congestion link terms and...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes trip chaining, focusing on how households organize non-work travel. A trip chaining typology is developed using household survey data from Portland, Oregon. Households are organized according to demographic structure, allowing analysis of trip chaining differences among household types. A logit model of the propensity to link non-work trips to the work commute is estimated. A more general model of household allocation of non-work travel among three alternative chain types — work commutes, multi-stop non-work journeys, and unlinked trips — is also developed and estimated. Empirical results indicate that the likelihood of linking work and non-work travel, and the more general organization of non-work travel, varies with respect to household structure and other factors which previous studies have found to be important. The effects of two congestion indicators on trip chaining were mixed: workers who commuted in peak periods were found to have lower propensity to form work/non-work chains, while a more general congestion indicator had no effect on the allocation of non-work trips among alternative chains.  相似文献   

Investigation of the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining has been an interest of transportation researchers over the past decade because of its relevance to the effectiveness of congestion management and intelligent transportation systems. To empirically examine the processes, a computerized survey instrument is developed to collect household activity scheduling data. The instrument is unique in that it records the evolution of activity schedules from intentions to final outcomes for a weekly period. This paper summarizes the investigation on the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining based on data collected from a pilot study of the instrument. With the data, ordered logit models are applied to identify factors that are pertinent to the scheduling horizon of activities. Results of the empirical analysis show that a daily schedule often starts with certain activities occupying a portion of the schedule and other activities are then arranged around these pre-occupants. Activities of shorter duration are more likely to be opportunistically inserted in a schedule already anchored by their longer duration counterparts. Persons with children often expect more constraining activities than those with no children. The analysis also shows that female respondents tend to be more structured in terms of how the week is planned. Additionally, analysis of travel patterns reveals that many trip-chains are formed opportunistically. Travel time required to reach an activity is positively related to the scheduling horizon for the activity, with more distant stops being planned earlier than closer locations.  相似文献   

In a destination choice model, it is important to introduce alternatives that have been adequately aggregated into traffic analysis zone levels based on spatial similarities and feasibility of analysis, because considering every spatial location possible for the traveler as an elemental alternative is intractable in terms of data management and analysis. In this study, we derive strata for alternative sets through simple random sampling and stratified importance sampling based on the concept of Moran’s I. As a result of comparative analysis, we are able to reduce errors by drawing an adequate number of samples for the destination choice model’s choice alternative sets based on measures of spatial similarity.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that the constraints on an individual's freedom to move through space and time, have an important influence on his likelihood to participate in various activities, and on the amount of time he budgets to them. To date, commonly used transportation planning processes have failed to incorporate the time budget concept into the various planning and policy evaluation stages. It seems as well, that one of the drawbacks of the disaggregate modelling process is its neglect of the effect of temporal constraints on an individual's choice process. The temporal constraints affect the size of choice sets of individuals and thus influence the probabilities of selection of the available alternatives. The core of this paper is to demonstrate how individual specific constraint choice sets can be defined in a destination choice model, and how they can be applied for improving accuracy in prediction. Emphasis is placed on the additional capabilities provided by the incorporation of the choice set definitions, both in terms of improved prediction accuracy, and in terms of evaluating policies, which affect the constraints on activity scheduling. A model is developed which uses knowledge concerning the constraints on shopping travel to generate choice sets of retail locations for consumers. This is done by calculating the maximum amounts of time which these constraints allow an individual to be at various retail outlets. Locations which cannot be reached while open are removed from the choice set. This model was applied to data from the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area. The results show that applying choice set restrictions yields a modest improvement in the accuracy of prediction of shopping destination choice. Exploratory analyses indicate that by further restricting choice sets in an appropriate amnner, it may be possible to achieve substantial improvement in prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

Most research on walking behavior has focused on mode choice or walk trip frequency. In contrast, this study is one of the first to analyze and model the destination choice behaviors of pedestrians within an entire region. Using about 4500 walk trips from a 2011 household travel survey in the Portland, Oregon, region, we estimated multinomial logit pedestrian destination choice models for six trip purposes. Independent variables included terms for impedance (walk trip distance), size (employment by type, households), supportive pedestrian environments (parks, a pedestrian index of the environment variable called PIE), barriers to walking (terrain, industrial-type employment), and traveler characteristics. Unique to this study was the use of small-scale destination zone alternatives. Distance was a significant deterrent to pedestrian destination choice, and people in carless or childless households were less sensitive to distance for some purposes. Employment (especially retail) was a strong attractor: doubling the number of jobs nearly doubled the odds of choosing a destination for home-based shopping walk trips. More attractive pedestrian environments were also positively associated with pedestrian destination choice after controlling for other factors. These results shed light on determinants of pedestrian destination choice behaviors, and sensitivities in the models highlight potential policy-levers to increase walking activity. In addition, the destination choice models can be applied in practice within existing regional travel demand models or as pedestrian planning tools to evaluate land use and transportation policy and investment scenarios.  相似文献   

We investigate how customers respond to an opaque airline product offered by a European carrier. In this opaque product design, customers are randomly assigned to travel to one of approximately ten destinations; however, for a fee they may exclude one or more destinations from the choice set (or a particular package design) prior to learning which destination they will travel to. We use a multidimensional binary logit model to predict the probability that one or more alternatives will be chosen by a customer. Results show that customers are more likely to pay to exclude destinations located close to the origin airport and destinations that speak the same language as the origin airport. Length of stay, cost of living at the destination, and measures of destination attractiveness are also found to be significant predictors for some package designs. Based on these findings, we offer general recommendations for how to design opaque packages for airline customers.  相似文献   

This study aims at analyzing drivers' behavior in acquiring and using traffic information in an environment with multiple information sources. Accordingly, information acquisition and reference models are developed in an effort to show the empirical relationship between drivers' reaction to multiple information sources, causal factors latent psychological ones, traffic conditions at the time of traveling and the accuracy of traffic information available. A route choice model is proposed that takes into account the information acquisition and reference process. Model validity is investigated using data collected on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, which has four different types of information sources.  相似文献   

Using the 2011 Swedish national travel survey data, this paper explores the influence of weather characteristics on individuals’ home-based trip chaining complexity. A series of panel mixed ordered Probit models are estimated to examine the influence of individual/household social demographics, land use characteristics, and weather characteristics on individuals’ home-based trip chaining complexity. A thermal index, the universal thermal climate index (UTCI), is used in this study instead of using directly measured weather variables in order to better approximate the effects of the thermal environment. The effects of UTCI are segmented into different seasons to account for the seasonal difference of UTCI effects. Moreover, a spatial expansion method is applied to allow the impacts of UTCI to vary across geographical locations, as individuals in different regions have different weather/climate adaptions. The effects of weather are examined in subsistence, routine, and discretionary trip chains. The results reveal that the ‘ground covered with snow’ condition is the most influential factor on the number of trips chained per trip chain among all other weather factors. The variation of UTCI significantly influences trip chaining complexity in autumn but not in spring and winter. The routine trip chains are found to be most elastic towards the variation of UTCI. The marginal effects of UTCI on the expected number of trips per routine trip chain have considerable spatial variations, while these spatial trends of UTCI effects are found to be not consistent over seasons.  相似文献   

Kim  Yeonbae  Kim  Tai-Yoo  Heo  Eunnyeong 《Transportation》2003,30(3):351-365
In this paper, we estimate a multinomial probit model of work trip mode choice in Seoul, Korea, using the Bayesian approach with Gibbs sampling. This method constructs a Markov chain Gibbs sampler that can be used to draw directly from the exact posterior distribution and perform finite sample likelihood inference. We estimate direct and cross-elasticities with respect to travel cost and the value of time. Our results show that travel demands are more sensitive to travel time than travel cost. The cross-elasticity results show that the bus has a greater substitute relation to the subway than the auto (and vice versa) and that an increase in the cost of an auto will increase the demand for bus transport more so than that of the subway.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the performances of updating techniques in transferability of mode choice models in developing countries. A model specification, estimated in Ho Chi Minh City, was transferred to Phnom Penh. Naïve transfer and four updating methods associated with small sized samples were used in the transfer process and were evaluated based on statistical perspective and predictive ability. The study also illustrates the problems faced in model transferability development, due to the lack of available and suitable data in Phnom Penh. This lack is strongly related to different methods and structures applied in collecting the data. Simplified approaches to the difficulties are proposed in the study. The results show that updating ASCs, updating both ASCs and scale parameter, and use of combined transfer estimators all produce significant improvement, both statistically and in predictability, in updating the model. The last two methods have proven to be superior to the first method, owing to the inclusion of transfer bias considerations in the estimations. However, small data samples should not have large transfer bias when using combined transfer estimators. It is also concluded that naïvely transferring a model is not recommended, and Bayesian updating should be avoided when transfer bias exists. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multinomial logit models of travel mode and destination choice are calibrated using a disaggregate data base. Previous practice is extended to investigate the effects on model parameter values of socio-economic standardization of tripmaking households for the journeys to work, shop and recreation. These models are calibrated at the regional scale. Values of travel time and travel demand elasticities are presented, and compared with the findings of previous studies in this field.  相似文献   


This paper formulates a spatial autoregressive zero-inflated negative binomial model for freight trip productions and attractions. The model captures the following freight trip characteristics: count data type, positive trip rates, overdispersion, zero-inflation, and spatial autocorrelation. The spatial autoregressive structure is applied in the negative binomial part of the models to obtain unbiased estimates of the effects of different regressors. Further, we estimate parameters using the full information maximum likelihood estimator. We perform empirical analysis with an establishment based freight survey conducted in Chennai. Separate models are estimated for trips generated by motorised two-wheelers and three-wheelers, and pickups besides an aggregate model. Spatial variables such as road density and indicator of geolocation are insignificant in all the models. In contrast, the spatial autocorrelation is significant in all of the models except for the freight trips attracted and produced by pickups. From a policy standpoint, the elasticity results show the importance of considering spatial autocorrelation. We also highlight the bias due to aggregation of vehicle classes, based on the elasticities.


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