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国际海上货物运输合同是指承运人或船舶所有人负责将货物从一国的港口经由海路运至另一国的港口交给收货人,而由托运人或承租人支付约定运费的合同。提单是海上货物运输中由承运人签发给托运人的单据,用以证明海上运输合同的订立和货物已由承运人接管或装船,它在远洋运输和国际贸易中都发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

某轮根据承运人与托运人签订的支线运输协议,从中国天津新港装载载货集装箱运往香港卸载。在香港卸载后,由他轮运往欧洲港口。托运人作为全程运输的承运人向欧洲收货人签发了新港至欧洲港口的全程运输提单。该轮于1994年10月31日到达香港,托运人委托香港H公司所属  相似文献   

本文首先提出了可以主张提单项下的权利的权利人是托运人、银行、提单持有人,而被告常多为承运人、承运人的代理人、装卸公司、港口仓库和收货人等。其次,介绍了托运人凭正本提单主张权利的情况。再次,介绍了承运人的代理人的责任及无单放货行为是否构成越权代理,是否应单独承担责任。最后,介绍了无单放货纠纷中,托运人向收货人提出索赔的情况。并总结全文通过合法途径取得正本提单的托运人或提单的受让人凭提单以其违反运输合同可以向承运人提出索赔,也可以以收货人侵犯其提单项下的货物所有权为由诉其侵权责任。  相似文献   

提单仲裁条款效力的复杂性源于提单和海上货物运输合同的特殊性。提单只是托运人与承运人之间海上货物运输合同的证明,而不是海上货物运输合同本身。在班轮运输情况下,托运人通常根据船公司事先公布的船期、费率及运输条件向有关船公司或其港口代理机构洽订舱位,一经承诺双方的海上货物运输合同即告成立。签发提单只是承运人履行合同的一个环节,因而提单上往往只有承运人的签字,而没有托运人的签字。船公司的提单一般事先印就并公开,托运人在与承运人达成海上货物运输合同时,通常知道或应当知道提单上条款的内容。因此,  相似文献   

提单仲裁条款效力的复杂性源于提单和海上货物运输合同的特殊性.提单只是托运人与承运人之间海上货物运输合同的证明,而不是海上货物运输合同本身.在班轮运输情况下,托运人通常根据船公司事先公布的船期、费率及运输条件向有关船公司或其港口代理机构洽订舱位,一经承诺双方的海上货物运输合同即告成立.签发提单只是承运人履行合同的一个环节,因而提单上往往只有承运人的签字,而没有托运人的签字.船公司的提单一般事先印就并公开,托运人在与承运人达成海上货物运输合同时,通常知道或应当知道提单上条款的内容.  相似文献   

在《海商法》下,托运人违反通知义务需要承担较为严格的责任,包括侵权责任与违约责任。与国际海上货物运输公约相比较,托运人在《海商法》下的责任不考虑因果关系以及托运人是否知道货物的危险特性,且没有明确规定承运人、实际承运人知道货物的危险特性是否会影响到托运人的通知义务。托运人违反《海商法》下的通知义务基本上没有救济权。赋予危险货物托运人过重的责任并不合理,《海商法》应当规定违反通知义务与损害的因果关系、承运人或实际承运人知道或应当知道货物危险特性的后果。  相似文献   

李琳 《世界海运》2018,(1):45-48
正[提要]多式联运合同中,当货物运至交货地后发现泄漏,在承运人应当承担责任的情况下,收货人有权依据提单要求承运人赔偿。收货人将其货物所有权和对承运人的权利转让给托运人并通知了承运人后,收货人将提单项下损失货物的相关权利转让给托运人的行为对承运人有效。托运人收到收货人给付的发生损失的货物价款后,托运人与收货人如何  相似文献   

时下,各大港口、航运公司和铁路部门对市场份额的争夺相当激烈.但对大多数托运人而言,影响流通网络建设和货运方式的因素往往只有一个:那就是运货需要多少成本.  相似文献   

李慧 《世界海运》2023,(11):37-42
干货集装箱的液袋运输,即在干货集装箱内采用覆膜方式包装,并将液体货物导入集装箱,属托运人突破集装箱固有用途的使用行为,较之以往的运输方式存在更高的泄漏风险。当集装箱内固有铁钉造成液体泄漏时,应考虑以下因素:托运人对液袋包装方式未尽告知义务,不应对承运人课以高于普通集装箱承运人的责任;托运人未行使更换集装箱的选择权,应视为其接受承运人交付集装箱的行为;托运人的委托人自行铅封装运货物,承运人不需对集装箱的内部问题负责;若托运人本身为货运公司,明知案涉运输包装而未告知,应承担相应的法律责任。  相似文献   

徐剑华  岳炫 《中国港口》2007,(8):46-47,52
<正>美国墨西哥湾港口历来在散货运输方面具有领先地位,但是就集装箱码头方面它们还远落后于美国的东海岸和西海岸。然而,随着托运人和承运人在美国寻求更多的门户港口、企盼这个地区港口增加新的能力,墨西哥湾港口在集装箱货  相似文献   

In the competitive container cargo transportation market, shipping companies are drastically changing their strategy vis-a-vis routing and port choice by the formation of global alliances. In such a situation, the effectiveness of port management policy in persuading container liners to use the port is most important. The paper discusses port management policy in an equilibrium shipping market. A model is proposed to simulate the flow of foreign trade container cargo using game theory. It is used to explain the interaction of port management policy, shipping companies and shippers.  相似文献   

This research examines the potential for short sea shipping services on the east coast of North America, and focuses on the factors that freight shippers use to choose a transport mode. While there is significant literature available on modal choice and carrier selection, very little examines the effect of splitting the business on the choice that shippers specifically make between short sea and trucking options. Contrary to existing literature, we find that shippers' perceptions of short sea are favourable in this market. We also identify a new method of collecting data on how companies split business in these decisions.  相似文献   

This paper is an initial exploration of inter-industry relationships and linkages in the context of automobile imports to the United States. It is our contention that the nature and structure of the engagement between automobile importers and shipping lines is central to understanding the evolution of the car carrier trade. Building on the literature on transactions costs, and supply and value chains, we show that the regimes currently governing car carriage services range from markets to vertical integration via network forms of engagement. We illustrate this through a detailed discussion of Japanese inter-firm networks and an examination of automobile import data to the US from 1980 to 2000. The findings raise important questions for future research on the impact of inter-industry relationships in various strategic decisions of steamship lines, shippers and port authorities including port entry, port choice and routeing, technological and investment choices, and trajectories of supply chain development.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is investigate the extent to which the new (revised) pricing policy has improved the level of efficiency at the Port of Melbourne and to assess the contributions of the underlying factors of port efficiency. Further, it attempts to examine the distribution implications of the pricing policy between the major port users (i.e. shipowners and shippers) and its revenue implication for the Port of Melbourne. Using a conceptual framework derived from economic theories, in-house data and responses from the port users, the study reveals that the efficiency impact has been considerable and varied between berths; land transport links and crane productivity improvements were the major factors of the port's overall efficiency; the initial losers have been the shipowners and initial gainers the shippers; however, the gains have been limited and in some cases have been offset by the introduction of higher port service charges; in the long run it is likely that the shipowners and shippers' situations will be unchanged while the Port of Melbourne will lose revenue due to improvements in berth productivity uncompensated by greater traffic volume.  相似文献   

This paper is an initial exploration of inter-industry relationships and linkages in the context of automobile imports to the United States. It is our contention that the nature and structure of the engagement between automobile importers and shipping lines is central to understanding the evolution of the car carrier trade. Building on the literature on transactions costs, and supply and value chains, we show that the regimes currently governing car carriage services range from markets to vertical integration via network forms of engagement. We illustrate this through a detailed discussion of Japanese inter-firm networks and an examination of automobile import data to the US from 1980 to 2000. The findings raise important questions for future research on the impact of inter-industry relationships in various strategic decisions of steamship lines, shippers and port authorities including port entry, port choice and routeing, technological and investment choices, and trajectories of supply chain development.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the relative importance of factors that determine container port competitiveness from the users' perspective. Three groups of port users – shipping liners, forwarders and shippers – are considered in this paper. The importance of the various factors is determined on the basis of survey results from the industry experts and then obtained via the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Furthermore, we use the results to evaluate ports in Mainland China, Hong Kong and other Asian cities. Given our results, operators of our sample ports could benchmark their performance with their competitors and identify the areas that they need to improve.  相似文献   

The foreign trade transport accessibility (FTTA) of Mainland China to overseas regions is studied in terms of the shipping connectivity and achievable market scales. First, the concept of FTTA is defined. Second, the path choice behavior of shippers is analyzed, and a method to measure FTTA is proposed. Last, with 357 cities in Mainland China as the origins and eight overseas regions as the destinations, the FTTAs from origins to destinations are evaluated. The study is helpful to acquaint decision-makers with the FTTA’s spatial distribution and to offer information by which China can expand its export-oriented industry and optimize its port and shipping industries.  相似文献   

Complex decisions, such as those facing port managers when targeting market opportunities for growth, are multifaceted and follow complex patterns of sequential and iterative decision subsets that are not well captured nor represented by current parametric modelling approaches. Nonetheless, understanding how such decisions are made and the patterns they follow have important implications for policy formulation and execution. This paper uses a classification and regression trees (CART) framework—a non-parametric decision trees modelling approach-and develops a decision support system to assist port managers in making effective decisions about market opportunities they should pursue for growth. The CART-based decision support system reveals the predictive structure and complex patterns that the market opportunity selection process follows. It also advances our knowledge and understanding of the interaction and behaviour of the key decision variables and the decision makers in a port context.  相似文献   

Port choice is an important issue to be investigated to ensure the effective integration of container supply chains and the sustainable development of regional economy. The selection of appropriate ports to facilitate shipping activities and international trade is crucial for many stakeholders, including shipping lines, port administrators, cargo shippers and national governments. The task is essentially a process of multiple criterion decision-making (MCDM) under uncertainty, requiring analysts to derive rational decisions from uncertain and incomplete data related to different quantitative and qualitative determinants. This paper aims at proposing a new conceptual port choice method by explaining the role fuzzy logic in evidential reasoning in a complementary way, in which various forms of raw data (either objective or subjective) collected to evaluate port performance can first be converted into and presented as fuzzy grades defined using linguistics terms with degrees of belief (DoBs) and second be combined using evidential reasoning to produce a port choice preference score. The method is applied to analyse the selection of major Northeast Asian (NEA) container ports from a shipping line’s perspective. The outcome, a port choice preference score, is calculated using evidential reasoning to directly synthesize the true estimation of the port with respect to each criterion and therefore, unlike a relative ranking index, keeps the ‘goodness’ of port evaluation, capable of benchmarking a specific port’s performance and monitoring the increase of its competitiveness in a longitude study with respect to an individual criterion or all the criteria as a whole.  相似文献   


The logistics environment between China and Korea has been changing rapidly in line with the ‘Go West’ policy of international trade and logistics area. The policy includes the BRI, Western Development Strategy, and Korea–China FTA. Against this background, the Korea–China train ferry (KCTF) is being newly illuminated as an alternative mode to cope with the logistics environment between Korea and China. One of the key success factors of the KCTF depends on, among others, shippers’ perception, which will affect the choice and the successful operation of the KCTF. From this perspective, this paper develops seven hypotheses based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We test these hypotheses using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the structural relationship between shippers’ behavioral beliefs influencing the perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and intention to choose the KCTF. The test results confirm that among the behavioral beliefs, transport accessibility in association with an efficient network of inland roads and railway networks is an important prerequisite. In addition, we verified a high statistical significance in the structural relationships among perceived usefulness, the attitude toward and the intention to choose the KCTF.  相似文献   

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