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曾凡 《汽车生活》2009,(2):60-69
早上5点钟的幕尼黑机场。摄氏12度的气温。BURGER KING的ANGRY WHOPPER。EARL GREY的茶叶香。太阳蛋的橙黄色蛋黄香味。早上6时等待日出阳光。10欧罗的纸币触感。单行道上的大货车。山边色彩丰富的树叶枝干。市中心的火车总站的繁忙。站旁的花店的向日葵。喷水池边的虹彩。百货公司里的85%可可豆黑色巧克力。建筑物窗旁的鲜花。耳机传来DIRE STRAITS的《LOVE TUNNEL》。脚底下的麻石道路。修建中的圣弥格大教堂。德国卢云堡生啤酒。蜜糖焦香的咸猪手。单  相似文献   

为了进一步提高土地的综合利用率。高层建筑日益成为城市建设的主体。在建筑工程管理中。对于质量的关系到整个工程的实施。因此。对建筑工程管理中的质量控制上绝对不可掉以轻心。本文分析了高层建筑中存在的问题。从而提出在高层建筑工程中,做好施工质量管理措施工作上的个人体会。  相似文献   

经过一段时间的心理建设和行装准备,我跟师姐坐上昆明→云龙的夜班汽车,开始了我们艰苦并快乐的摩托旅行。其实这次我的摩旅只能算。半次"。先坐汽车到第一站,再骑车走下面的路。而摩托车大队伍是全程骑车的。我们此次的目的地是滇西老君山。我和师姐已经有好几次坐摩托车旅行的经历。这次虽然换成自己骑。但应该不会有太大问题。下面,就是我这个摩旅。菜鸟"的首次摩旅骑行日记,希望能给同样想。骑出去"的摩友一点启发和帮助。  相似文献   

行人保护法规及有利于行人保护的车身结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行人保护是目前迅速发展的研究领域。特别对我国这样一个交通密集。行人众多的国家。行人保护的研究具有特殊的重要意义。文中描述了行人保护的研究历史。将欧洲行人保护法规和Euro NCAP对行人保护的要求进行了对照。并从假人和车身结构两个方面介绍了行人保护的研究成果。并对车身设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

幸福250的诞生 “除了别的特点外,中国六亿人口的显著特点是一穷二白。这虚张声势看起来是坏事,其实是好事。穷则思变,要干,要革命。一张白纸.没有负担。好写最新最美的文字,好画最新最美的图画。”这是1958年毛泽东的一段话。那年春天,以大跃进为口号的政策在伟大领袖的号召下。开始有了明确的形式。  相似文献   

纵断面设计线对驾驶员感受平曲线的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴峰 《中外公路》2004,24(5):1-6
驾驶员对前方道路特征的感受是一个重要的人性因素。它对交通安全和设计连贯性具有很大的影响。在道路设计中应予以足够重视。驾驶员对道路的错觉可能引起危及交通安全的行为。早先的研究表明。纵断面设计线和平面线形的组合可能会导致对平面曲率的错觉。驾驶员对平面曲率的感受受到所重叠的纵断面设计线的影响。该文对此作了解析的假设检验。统计分析的结果表明。当重叠有凸形竖曲线时。平面曲率总是显得急剧;而重叠有凹形竖曲线时。平面曲率总是显得平缓。  相似文献   

280匹马力的三菱EVO对于车迷来讲。可谓是梦寐以求的烈火战车。过高的价格仍是EVO能见度很低的主要原因。用LANCER来改装。便是一条捷径。而且能从改车中感受到购买EVO无法体会到的乐趣。  相似文献   

田永梁 《汽车杂志》2012,(1):205-213
纷纷扰扰,又是一年。杂志的轮回是一个月,赛车的轮回是一年。轮回套轮回,周而复始。让人在找寻新鲜看点的同时。拥有了一颗沧桑的心。想知道今年我都看到了什么吗?翻开下一页。你会知道。  相似文献   

柯怡达 《轿车情报》2011,(12):266-269
生活中。汽车赋予了我们便捷的外出需求。工作中。汽车成为了我们致富的必要助手。可见。汽车对于我们来说已经拥有了无可替代的重要位置。不过你有没有了解过汽车的制造过程?或许这个耐人寻味的话题会让你琢磨半宿。这次我们来到长安福特嘉年华的工厂。为你揭秘这款轿车精湛的生产工艺。  相似文献   

德国机械制造业在全球范围内有着举足轻重的地位,以可靠的品质、精密的构造闻名于世。德国KAUP公司是世界知名的叉车属具制造商,KUAP公司正是以高质量的产品、多品种的属具、良好的服务和及时提供配件而闻名。该公司旗下的叉车属具广泛运用于各个领域。产品遍布全球。德国KAUP公司早在1962年就开始致力于叉车属具的生产。有着数十载的叉车属具生产经验。凭借着优良的质量,可靠的信誉和完善的销售渠道,给世界各地的工厂、企业带来了许多方便。帮助企业更好的运输、存放货物。近些年。随着市场对集装箱吊具和固定式搬运装置的需求。德国KAUP公司提高生产质量。完善流水线上的产品检测设备。使得这些产品取得了相应的发展。更加一步提升了该公司的品牌价值。  相似文献   

Optimal control is generally not possible without information about the future coming up, and it is not easy to obtain an optimal solution even though the information is given a priori. In this paper, a control concept based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle (PMP) is introduced as an efficient solution to generate an optimal control trajectory for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HVEs) when the performance of the vehicles is evaluated on scheduled driving cycles at a simulation level. The main idea of the control concept is to minimize Hamiltonian, which is interpreted as equivalent fuel consumption, and the Hamiltonian is characterized by a co-state, which is interpreted as a weighting factor for the electrical usage. A key aspect of the control problem is that an appropriate initial condition of the co-state is required to satisfy the boundary condition of the problem. In this study, techniques to calculate the Hamiltonian in different hybrid configurations are introduced, and a methodology to look for the initial condition of the co-state is studied, so that the controller is able to realize a desired State Of Charge (SOC) trajectory. To address the issue, we utilize a shooting method with multiple initial conditions based on the concept of the Newton-Raphson method, and all these techniques are realized in a backward looking simulator. The simulation results show that the PMP-based control is a very efficient approach to produce the optimal control trajectory, and the performance is compared to the optimal solution solved by Dynamic Programming (DP).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of an essentially nonlinear vibration absorber to mitigate the large accelerations transmitted to a passenger compartment of a vehicle which is subjected to shock-type transient loading at the chassis. For such problems, the induced vibration typically attains its maximum value shortly after the application of the loading; thus, it may be impossible to dissipate a major portion of the input energy prior to the occurrence of the peak response. Here, a class of absorbers possessing a form of discontinuous essential stiffness nonlinearity is employed to achieve the desired mitigation. In this paper, we apply a single vibro-impact (VI) absorber to the chassis and examine whether the resulting energy transfer mechanism is an effective way to reduce the peak value of the inertial force measured at the passenger compartment. The influence of the absorber parameters is first studied based on a practical impulsive force, and the optimal design of the absorber is then obtained. Next, an asymmetric clearance arrangement of the absorber is suggested to facilitate the mitigation. Finally, an impulsive acceleration excitation is applied to the system to examine the robustness and efficacy of the optimised absorber. Results of numerical simulations demonstrate that a properly designed VI absorber can significantly decrease the maximum inertial force at the passenger compartment, generated by external impulsive excitations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mechanical solution to save fuel by shutting down an internal combustion engine whenever it is unnecessary for propulsion, e.g., when a vehicle is waiting for traffic lights. The engine and vehicle are restarted using the energy that is stored in a flywheel. Two additional clutches are needed to enable appropriate power flow from the flywheel to the engine and vehicle. This complicates the powertrain dynamics in that the number of degrees of freedom changes due to clutch operations. Therefore, a hybrid control strategy, which is treated as a top-level controller, is introduced to deal with this finite-state mechanical system. At the lower level, the engine and clutches are controlled in a coordinated manner such that the vehicle is launched according to the driver's demands. Using a comprehensive powertrain simulation package, the proposed controller is evaluated numerically.  相似文献   

In this paper, analytical characterization of the magneto-rheological (MR) damper is done using a new modified algebraic model. Algebraic model is also more preferable because of its low computational expenses compared to differential Bouc-Wen’s model which is highly computationally demanding. This model along with the obtained model parameters is used as a semi-active suspension device in a quarter car model and the stationary response of the vehicle traversing on a rough road is obtained. The control part consists of two nested controllers. One of them is the system controller which generates the desired damping force and the other is the damper controller which adjusts the voltage level to MR damper so as to track the desired damping force. For the system controller a model reference skyhook Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) is used and for the damper controller a continuous state algorithm is built to determine the input voltage so as to gain the desired damping force. The analytical model is subsequently used in the quarter car vehicle model and the vehicular responses are studied. A simulation study is performed to prove the effectiveness and robustness of the semi-active control approach. Results show that the semi-active controller can achieve compatible performance as that of active suspension controller except for a little deterioration.  相似文献   

为分析和解决城市交通拥挤问题并提高城市道路利用率提供可行的途径,提出了一种面向交通枢纽的车辆运行仿真方法,通过场景、道路与车辆的三维动态建模,实现交通枢纽交通状况的实时真实感仿真.首先,提出了基于道路关键点连接网络模型表示交通枢纽的通行道路.其次,基于粒子系统实现车辆的动态运行实时仿真,并采用基于空间剖分的车辆碰撞检测方法对车辆运动控制算法进行了优化.最终,通过对路段的动态观测和反馈机制实现车辆行驶路线的规划和调度.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法可以生动直观地呈现实际路面的交通状况,并且能以较为流畅的帧速率实现交通场景的动态仿真.  相似文献   

在车辆性能开发过程中,各个学科的交叉耦合问题越来越突出,采用多学科分析技术是提高车辆综合性能的必要手段。传统的多学科分析是一种弱耦合技术,不同学科之间只是简单的信息交互,没有求解器层面的耦合,因而难以完全表达不同学科之间的相互影响关系。此外,在车辆性能集成过程中,供应商为保护自身的核心技术,不会把子模型以“白箱”(所有结构特征均开放)的方式完全提供给主机厂,给整车性能集成带来困难。因此,需要探索一种强耦合算法,使不同学科在求解器层面进行耦合,同时每个子模型仅需提供界面上的力与运动信息,实现“分而治之”的多学科强耦合分析。  相似文献   

Terrain physical characteristics can have a significant impact on passenger vehicle handling, ride quality, and stability. Here, an algorithm is presented to classify terrain using a single suspension-mounted accelerometer. The algorithm passes a measured acceleration signal through a dynamic vehicle model to estimate the terrain profile, and then extracts spatial frequency components of this estimated profile. A method is introduced to identify and remove terrain impulses from the profile that are caused by ruts and potholes. Finally, a supervised support vector machine is employed to classify profile segments as members of pre-defined classes (such as asphalt, brick, gravel, etc.). The classification algorithm is validated with experimental data collected with a passenger vehicle driving in real-world conditions. The algorithm is shown to classify multiple terrain types with reasonable accuracy at a range of typical automotive speeds. It is also shown that the removal of terrain impulses prior to classification improves classifier performance.  相似文献   

为了提高内河航运中船闸整体通过能力,基于单航向且每个站点仅考虑一个船闸的情况,对同一条河流上的多个站点,建立了多站点航运协调调度模型,并在目标函数中引入船闸服务水平等级因子,提出了相邻船闸间的耦合约束。依据苏北运河上船舶的概率统计信息,设计了仿真优化算法对模型进行求解。仿真结果显示,闸室平均面积利用率均高于80%,船舶平均等待时间均在3h以内,对应船闸服务水平达到二级。仿真结果表明了模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Traction control is a very important aspect in railway vehicle dynamics. Its optimisation allows improvement of the performance of a locomotive by working close to the limit of adhesion. On the other hand, in case the adhesion limit is surpassed, the wheels are subjected to heavy wear and there is also a big risk that vibrations in the traction occur. Similar considerations can be made in the case of braking. The development and optimisation of a traction/braking control algorithm is a complex activity, because it is usually performed on a real vehicle on the track, where many uncertainties are present due to environmental conditions and vehicle characteristics. This work shows the use of a scaled roller rig to develop and optimise a traction control algorithm on a single wheelset. Measurements performed on the wheelset are used to estimate the optimal adhesion forces by means of a wheel/rail contact algorithm executed in real time. This allows application of the optimal adhesion force.  相似文献   

Multibody train analysis is used increasingly by railway operators whenever a reliable and time-efficient method to evaluate the contact between wheel and rail is needed; particularly, the wheel–rail contact is one of the most important aspects that affects a reliable and time-efficient vehicle dynamics computation. The focus of the approach proposed here is to carry out such tasks by means of online wheel–rail elastic contact detection. In order to improve efficiency and save time, a main analytical approach is used for the definition of wheel and rail surfaces as well as for contact detection, then a final numerical evaluation is used to locate contact. The final numerical procedure consists in finding the zeros of a nonlinear function in a single variable. The overall method is based on the approximation of the wheel surface, which does not influence the contact location significantly, as shown in the paper.  相似文献   

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