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2009年,我国道路运输市场发生了巨大变化,道路客运市场尤为突出,燃油税制度改革、二级以下公路收费站撤销,行业内各种成本结构发生巨变,车辆从此进入了多跑多交费、少跑少交费、不跑不交费的时代,行管部门监管力度减弱,非法运输的违法成本降低,市场进入退出成本降低,对合法运输企业形成冲击,市场竞争变得更加激烈,道路运输企业面临新的危机。  相似文献   

道路客运线路经营权招投标问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在国家运输开放政策指导下,各级交通部门积极培育和发展道路运输市场,极大地促进了道路运输生产力的发展。由于受管理体制和市场机制不完善等多种因素的影响,客运市场中的一些深层次的矛盾逐渐显露,如运输市场主体过多,无序竞争与规模化、集约化经营的矛盾;现行管理机制与市场所需要的公平竞争、优胜劣汰机制不相适应的矛盾等。为此,以道路运输资源优化配置为切入点,对道路客运线路经营权进行招投标管理已成为改革的焦点。一、 道路客运线路经营权招投标的问题我国自广东省首先实施道路客运线路经营权招投标以来,已有浙江…  相似文献   

找到和发挥道路客运的“长处”才是发展之计,道路客运与铁路、航空等交通方式相比,中短途运输优势明显,与其在未来被市场逼迫退出,不如趁早转型。  相似文献   

<正>"现行的道路运输价格形成机制,已不能适应新形势下行业高质量发展要求,《关于深化道路运输价格改革的意见》适时而来——"2020年1月1日起,国家发展改革委和交通运输部联合印发的《关于深化道路运输价格改革的意见》(以下简称《意见》)将正式实施,明确健全主要由市场决定的道路运输价格形成机制,建立完善科学、规范、透明的道路运输价格监管制度。政府向市场放权,为企业松绑,这给当前在爬坡过坎中的道路运输行业和市场带来一线曙光,前行之路  相似文献   

正部分农村客运班线停开,出现"通返不通"现象,长途客运班线运力多数已退出市场,部分中、短途客运班线也申请退出运力,道路客运行业的地位和作用受到强烈的冲击,竞争加剧,生存发展正面临着前所未有的挑战。改革开放之初,我国道路运输基础薄弱、总量不足,制约着国民经济的发展。改革开放以来,我国道路运输事业取得巨大进步,道路  相似文献   

郭洁  祝昭 《综合运输》2005,(5):70-72
改革开放以来,我国道路运输市场的发育、形成及其发展的历史轨迹,基本上与国家经济体制改革的步伐同步,也就是说我国道路运输市场化的进程与我国经济体制改革过程的关系密不可分。而国有经济作为我国经济改革的一个重要主体,其变革的过程深刻地影响着道路运输市场的进化与发展,是道路运输市场化进程中的一支决定性力量。国有经济是否阻碍了道路运输市场化的进程,国有经济是否应该退出道路运输市场等等,这些问题有些已经解决,有的至今仍困扰着大多数人。正因如此,在国有经济改革过程中出现的种种困惑和问题,也就成为道路运输市场化过程中需要…  相似文献   

今后,油耗不达标的营业性商用车辆将退出道路运输市场。7月,记者从交通部了解到,一场"资源节约型、环境友好型交通发展模式——营业性车辆燃油消耗准入与退出专项行动计划"(简称"专项行动")已经开启。计划目标就是分析研究不同质量商用车燃料消耗量现状,制定营业性车辆燃料消耗量评价方法,确立道路运输行业客、货营业性车辆燃料消耗量评价  相似文献   

科学管理道路运输市场,确保道路运输保障有力,是道路运输行业管理的重要议题,科学管理才能切实有效地解决热点问题、难点问题、焦点问题,尤其是体制和机制问题,才能进一步促进道路运输管理走向规范化、法治化、人性化和科学化。  相似文献   

党的十六大报告提出:“在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置上的基础性作用,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系”。这一论断为健全现代道路运输市场体系,改善道路运输行业管理指明了方向。目前,道路客运市场体系还不健全,市场分割、市场垄断现象仍比较严重,以市场为基础的价格形成机制尚未完全建立。因此,为全面掌握当前道路客运成本的真实水平,给道路运价政策的制定提供科学依据,湖北省道路运输管理局组织调查组于2002年月至11月,对湖北省道路客运成本与运价进行了调研。调研期间,共走访了9家客运企业,收集了70余份“道路…  相似文献   

道路运输领域推行负面清单管理是交通运输行业管理深化改革的重要举措,有利于激发企业创新创业,释放市场活力。本文从简政放权和有效监管的视角出发,阐述了道路运输行政管理领域推行负面清单管理模式的总体原则、基本思路;提出了道路运输领域实施负面清单管理的实施路径。  相似文献   

Round-off error analyses of two versions of the Kruithof method are given. It is shown than an alternative implementation is numerically superior to the usual implementation. Since it also has the advantage of requiring less writing in secondary memory, and requires the same number of arithmetic operations, the case for always using the alternative implementation seems indisputable.  相似文献   

文章介绍了国内外单向交通的发展概况及实施条件,阐述了城市区域性单向交通设置的优势与劣势,并结合具体案例,分析了单向交通系统设置中的问题与对策,提出了实行单向交通的相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper covers a unique Swedish transportation-planning tool called the Environmental Zone. The objective of the Environmental Zone is to curb and ameliorate air pollution from heavy traffic in sensitive urban environments. The aim has been to analyze the benefit of the Environmental through modeling the pollution emission in Stockholm Municipality. A review of the history of the Environmental Zone implementation processes, and the methodology used for evaluating their impacts was conducted through interviews with municipal authorities. Finally the paper is critical of the process leading to the implementation and evaluation done on the Environmental Zone, and provides recommendations for improvements.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown integrated planning to be important for achieving aims concerning more environmentally friendly transport operations, but less good at explaining prerequisites of implementation. This paper analyses how management and working practises in local authorities, here understood as steering cultures, affect implementation of integrated land-use and public transport planning approaches. The analysis builds on case studies of planning in two Swedish municipalities. These have developed two antithetical steering cultures, namely one that can be described as deliberative and one that can be described as sectorised. The paper describes the advantages and disadvantages of these steering cultures. The findings show the deliberative model to facilitate integration through advanced mechanisms of consensus and co-ordination between policy-makers and officials. The sectorised model has no such mechanisms, but this need not result in poor prospects of integrated planning. It is important for integrated planning approaches, whatever the steering culture, to be in line with the institutionalised norms and objectives by which planning practices are governed. Integration therefore needs a normative component, so as to ensure implementation. The important normative component in this context can be construed as discourses and rationales concerning transport and the urban development of which public transport forms part.  相似文献   

In transport literature there is an ongoing discussion on the potential of light rail in mitigating congestion and supporting mobility around urban centres. Throughout Europe and the United States, many policy makers see light rail as an interesting option to improve the accessibility of urban centres. The Dutch national government wanted to support swift light rail realization in a number of promising situations.Several projects gained support from the national government for implementation. However, the decision-making on a local level was not nearly as swift as expected and not in line with the promise. This paper presents an analysis of that perceived slowdown and shows that the approach of the national government with a strict focus on light rail and a detachment from the local processes has played an important role in the slowdown. It shows that light rail can very well be a solid option. However, its successful implementation is not solely dependent on light rail suitability for the mobility patterns in the region, but very much on the approach of the implementation of those supporting the option.  相似文献   

Driver advisory systems, instructing the driver how to control the train in an energy efficient manner, is one the main tools for minimizing energy consumption in the railway sector. There are many driver advisory systems already available in the market, together with significant literature on the mathematical formulation of the problem. However, much less is published on the development of such mathematical formulations, their implementation in real systems, and on the empirical data from their deployment. Moreover, nearly all the designed driver advisory systems are designed as an additional hardware to be added in drivers’ cabin. This paper discusses the design of a mathematical formulation and optimization approach for such a system, together with its implementation into an Android-based prototype, the results from on-board practical experiments, and experiences from the implementation. The system is based on a more realistic train model where energy calculations take into account dynamic losses in different components of the propulsion system, contrary to previous approaches. The experimental evaluation shows a significant increase in accuracy, as compared to a previous approach. Tests on a double-track section of the Mälaren line in Sweden demonstrates a significant potential for energy saving.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a nine‐component analytical framework for developing, comparing, and evaluating road safety strategies. The nine components are: (1) vision; (2) objectives; (3) targets; (4) action plan; (5) evaluation and monitoring; (6) research and development; (7) quantitative modelling; (8) institutional framework; and (9) funding. While the first four components are essential for the formulation of a road safety strategy, the remaining components are key to its successful implementation. To demonstrate the usefulness of this comparative framework, we examine the road safety strategies of six selected administrations: Australia, California, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, and Sweden. In these case studies, we extract and highlight good practices in the formulation and implementation of their road safety strategies. The proposed framework also provides a systematic approach for assessing road safety strategies in other administrations. The evaluation of the six case studies forms a benchmarking platform for the planning, formulation, and implementation of good practices for road safety strategies.  相似文献   

作者在德国参加了交通方法成本效益分析与实施效果后评估项目培训,了解了德国立法成本效益分析与实施效果的现状与运作机制。文章结合广西交通立法评估机制情况,就如何吸取和借鉴德国立法的成功经验和做法,提出了建立广西交通立法评估机制的相关问题。  相似文献   

文章总结了“十五”期间我国交通科技取得的成绩,提出了做好“十一五”科技规划的实施工作意见。  相似文献   

造价工程师对工程造价的控制和管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程造价的有效控制和管理是工程建设管理的重要组成部分。对造价工程师在投资决策阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段公路建设项目的造价控制进行了论述。  相似文献   

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