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朱琴 《西部交通科技》2010,(11):91-93,102
文章基于桂林市道路货运市场现状,分析了当前桂林市道路货运行业发展中存在的问题,提出了加强道路货运行业管理、推进现代物流产业发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

我国的物流企业,大多由传统货运企业转型而来,而且99%的物流企业为中小物流企业。无锡物流企业依然存在规模小、设备差、服务水平不高的现象,截至2013年底,无锡道路货运经营业户18326家,其中户均车辆数100辆以上的道路货运企业139家,仅占0.76%,道路运输货运车辆73975辆,户均车辆约4辆,货运市场竞争激励,大多数货运企业还着眼于运输价格的竞争,货运行业利润微薄。  相似文献   

道路货运企业向现代物流企业的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴斌 《综合运输》2006,(8):89-91
物流服务需求社会化、专业化的产生和现代物流管理思想的形成,带来了物资流通组织方式、经营模式的巨大变革。按时、按质、按量并以合适的价格把所需要的物资运往生产和流通领域中任何一个所需的地方,是现代物流管理的基本要求,对道路货运企业传统的货运组织方式产生重大的影响,有着极其重要的现实和深远的意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的持续快速发展和物流市场对外开放的不断深化.我国现代物流的发展势头正劲。面对这股浪潮,处于发展十字路口的道路货运业表现较为抢眼。城乡道路上标有“××物流”字样的大小货车随处可见——道路货运企业正纷纷易帜为物流企业,自称为“第三方物流企业”。  相似文献   

从经济学角度看,现代物流可分为宏观物流、中观物流与微观物流.微观物流是指消费者、生产企业所从事的实际的、具体的物流活动.根据发达国家许多现代物流企业是在仓储运输企业的基础上经过功能扩张而成长的经验,我国传统的储运企业,尤其是货运企业,可经过现代物流再造后,嬗变为现代物流企业.  相似文献   

基于我国道路货运物流创新发展的驱动机理,分析近年来我国道路货运物流发展过程中出现的物流创新形态,聚焦当前我国道路货运物流新业态,分析其发展现状以及存在的政策标准瓶颈,为我国道路货运政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

大连交运集团是东北地区按照现代企业制度建立起来的大型国有独资道路客、货运输专业企业之一,全国交通系统100强企业。具有国家道路客运一级企业和国家道路货运二级企业经营资质;主营业务涵盖城市公交、城郊客运、长途公路旅游客运和货运物流等。其中800公里以上长途线路逾200条,最长线路里程达3600多公里,共配备大型公路旅游车辆600余台,卧铺客车90余台。  相似文献   

<正>尽管物流的理念和实践在我国的推广已近20年,但道路货运行业中的部分人仍不能真正理解物流的内涵,对物流的相关理论的认识也存在一些误区。这些片面或者错误的观点阻碍了道路货运业利用物流提升竞争力的进程。因此,希望通过对这些误区加以列举和分析,使道路货运企业真正地理解物流,吸收先进的物流理念,并立足现有资源提升竞争力以实现企业发展,而不是盲目地向第三方物流企业转型。  相似文献   

<正>现代物流给铁路货运带来了难得的发展机遇,也使其面临严峻挑战。在物流已成为国民经济重要组成和新的经济增长点时,如何寻找铁路传统货运融入现代物流,加速货运发展的突破口,是一个值得思索也必须思索的问题。物流园区在我国发展不足十年,国内一些城市将其与铁路货运相结合,依托铁路货运站开始规划专业性较强的铁路物流园区便是利用现代物流理念发展铁路货运  相似文献   

早年,专业企业一度从事货运经营,而当市场放开后,这些企业与个体运输相比,实则打了败仗,淡出了阵地。而个体运输也的确解决了走得了的难题,但侥幸的成功者坐享其成,创新发展的动力不够,对如何发展现代物流的认识不足。今天,在集约化、品牌化、并购、上市等多种形式支撑下,企业在传统货运向现代物流转型发展的空间巨大。  相似文献   

Freight transport demand is a demand derived from all the activities needed to move goods between locations of production to locations of consumption, including trade, logistics and transportation. A good representation of logistics in freight transport demand models allows us to predict the effects of changes in logistics systems on future transport flows. As such it provides better estimations of the costs of interaction and allows to predict changes in spatial patterns of freight transport flows more accurately. In recent years, the attention for freight modelling has been growing and new research work has appeared aimed at incorporating logistics in freight models. In this paper we review the state of the art in the representation of logistics considerations in freight transport demand models. Our focus is on the service and cost drivers of changes in logistics networks and how these affect freight transport. Our review proceeds along a conceptual framework for modelling that goes beyond the conventional 4-step modelling approach. We identify promising areas for freight modelling that have an integrative function within this framework, such as spatial computable general equilibrium models, supply chain choice models and hypernetwork models.  相似文献   


Under the ongoing influence of globalisation, supply chains have changed significantly. New logistics and manufacturing systems have emerged, causing longer transport distances and increasing transport emissions. The existing research into the sustainability impacts of freight transport has largely viewed it as being a macro-level economic and political phenomenon and has ignored the interdependencies amongst micro-level economic actors, including firms and businesses in the private sector. In this paper, we presume that the lack of conceptualisation of freight transport in relation to wider institutional contexts and firm behaviour results in the lack of a holistic approach to understanding freight governance in the face of globalisation. We argue for the use of institutional economic geography lenses to elucidate the distribution networks of emerging logistics and manufacturing practices and its implications for freight transport. We illustrate our argument through a broad look at the European logistics and manufacturing practices and global production.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to evaluate the logistics performance of intermodal freight transportation. Fuzzy set techniques are applied to assess the logistics performance within the decision process of freight operators. Using a fuzzy‐based approach, fuzzy‐AHP is applied to assess the criteria by different judgment procedures. Consequently, fuzzy‐MCDM is used to assess operators' perception of the logistics performance via proper assignment of numerical scores. The subjective judgments for hierarchical criteria are transformed into fuzzy degrees of score. The methodology provides an alternative approach to facilitate the importance of a set of performance criteria. It can also entail use of improved corresponding parameters to develop a better freight transport system.  相似文献   

步晓庆 《综合运输》2021,(1):104-109
在"一带一路"战略背景下,铁路物流中心的公铁联运业务至关重要。公铁联运业务各主体的协同存在易变性,资源双方是否信任会影响各自的策略选择。本文以铁路运输企业为主导,铁路运输企业接到客户公铁联运订单时会借助平台发布公路运输需求信息,公路运输企业根据自身情况向铁路运输企业表达意愿,最后铁路运输企业根据其采取的策略找到自身是否接受合作的均衡条件。本文通过对公、铁运输企业的短期博弈分析,找到双方合作的均衡条件,为双方利益分配奠定基础。  相似文献   


This paper analyses the effectiveness of policy measures aimed at triggering a modal shift in the freight transport market. The analysis is based on the inventory‐theoretic framework that studies modal choice from a business logistics viewpoint. The crux of the inventory‐theoretic approach lies in the fact that explicit attention is paid to all costs in the supply chain that are affected by the choice of transport mode. After a brief literature review on the inventory‐theoretic framework, the framework is used to calculate the market shares of different freight transport modes for a hypothetical transport market. In a second step, the impact of some policy measures on the market shares of the transport modes is calculated. By way of illustration, the analysis is applied to the market for container transport from a seaport to its hinterland. It is shown that a combination of certain policy measures can lead to significant modal shifts from road transport to intermodal transport.  相似文献   


It has been acknowledged that logistics is a driving force that shapes the integration of the transport chain. This paper argues that while the liner shipping industry exhibits increased horizontal integration, its vertical integration remains limited. A clear distinction is drawn between freight logistics, container logistics and vessel logistics. Freight logistics is defined as part of the supply chain process, the focus of which is the goods being transported. The purpose of container logistics is to optimize the movements of the containers themselves, an operation that is directly related to vessel logistics which is concerned with maximizing vessel utilization. The paper demonstrates that shipping lines have to find the correct balance between these three types of logistics. Their interest in vertical integration is primarily because the management of container logistics provides direct support to vessel logistics. Their involvement in freight logistics remains unclear and uncertain.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the concept of logistics networks in the context of behavioral freight transport modeling. Starting from the basic definition of networks, the different perceptions of networks in transportation science and logistics are worked out. The micro?Cmacro gap, as a main challenge in freight transport modeling, is explained by the existence of logistics networks on a meso level. A taxonomy of modeling methods dealing with logistics networks is defined, based on two characteristics: the changeability of networks within models (fixed, partially variable and variable networks) and the form of cost functions mapped (economies of scale, constant average cost, and diseconomies of scale). For each category, different possible modeling methods and their application in existing freight transport models are discussed. A special focus is placed on methodologies and models that map variable networks.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen many new freight transport models for use in transport planning by public authorities. Some of these models have developed new concepts, such as logistics modules, inclusion of transshipments, storage and sourcing and the determination of shipment size. This paper provides a review of the European literature on freight transport models that operate at the national or international level and have been developed since 2004. The introduction of elements of logistics thinking is identified as a common theme in recently developed models, and further worked out. Furthermore, ideas on what might be the next key developments in freight transport modelling are presented.  相似文献   

The study investigates a practical freight carrier collaboration problem in a carbon-constrained business context. It examines to see if collaboration between carriers can reduce the environmental issues of freight movement. The introduction of carbon credit systems will stimulate freight carriers to decide whether it should trade carbon credits with its collaborators. This issue is examined by formulating the problem as a two-stage stochastic program to minimize the joint emission of the carriers while meeting their service commitments. The collaborative model developed can reduce emissions across a freight network by 3–20%.  相似文献   

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