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文章从广西城市客运行业发展的现状出发,提出优先发展公共交通示范城市试点工程的工作思路,并在深入分析广西城市客运行业存在问题的基础上,提出了行业发展的初步设想.  相似文献   

针对武汉市中心城区当前停车难和交通拥堵形势严峻的实际,本文比较国际国内城市的汽车共享行业,借鉴武汉市发展公共自行车项目的经验,认真研究分析在武汉市推行汽车共享的可行性,为下一步发展武汉汽车共享工作提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

城市公共交通是对国民经济发展具有全局性、先导性的基础性产业,是为市民提供公共客运服务,与市民生活、生产紧密联系的特殊行业,对经济社会发展具有极为重要的保障、促进作用。当前,重庆市城市公共交通结构性矛盾较为突出,不仅制约了城市公共交通行业的健康发展,也影响了重庆市经济社会发展,成为社会关注的热点行业。为此,必须对城市公共交通结构进行优化调整。一、现状及存在的主要问题重庆市城市公共交通以道路公共交通,即以道路为依托,以公共汽电车(含大型公共汽车、电车、中巴、面的)、出租汽车为载体的公共交通客运方式为…  相似文献   

公共客运一体化发展将有效支撑环珠江口湾区融合互动发展。在环珠江口湾区城际间交流日趋密切的背景下,分析了环珠江口湾区公共客运发展现状及存在的问题,研判了未来城市发展、出行特征、资源环境等对公共客运发展的要求,进而从公共客运服务网络构建、区域共享枢纽体系打造、公共客运一体化建设保障等方面提出了推进环珠江口湾区公共客运一体化发展的对策。  相似文献   

<正>现代城市客运发展不仅在技术上日新月异,而且在系统模式上也各有特色,尤其是近年来城市轨道交通、BRT等快速建设和使用,汽车租赁、公共自行车等受到越来越多的重视,使得我国城市客运已逐步形成多元化、多层次的发展格局。俗话说,无规矩不成方圆。科学化、实用化的标准体系建设将有力地推动未来城市客运的长远发展。一总体情况城市客运标准体系分类汇总了城市客运领域现行的国家标准、  相似文献   

首部《中国城市客运发展年度报告》发布2011年12月,首部全面反映我国城市客运发展水平的官方权威报告——《中国城市客运发展年度报告2010》正式出版发行。该报告由交通运输部主编,交通运输部道路运输司和交通运输部科学研究院共同组织编写完成。《年报》分为综述篇、行业篇和专题篇,内容涵盖了城市公共汽电车、轨道交通、出租汽车、轮渡等城市客运  相似文献   

一个是服务于城市人群出行的公共客运,一个是服务于郊区居民出行的公共客运,两者怎么看都是福利性行业。随着城区的扩展,城郊短途客运的作用必然等同于城市公交。  相似文献   

当前,我国城市公共交通发展正处于关键历史时期,优先发展城市公共交通已成为中央和地方的共识。5月20至24日,交通运输部科学研究院科技交流中心在北京开展了西部干部培训项目—《城市公共交通管理》培训班。220名来自西部地区城市公共客运交通管理机构的领导和城市公共客运公司相关管理人员参加了本次培训班。  相似文献   

公交分担率应该怎么计算?轨道交通试运行要有哪些条件?公共交通服务质量如何评价?汽车租赁服务有哪些规范?……尽管这些都是城市客运的基础问题,但要明确起来却非常困难,其根本原因在于我国城市客运标准体系还远不够完善。日前,国家标准委正式批复成立城市客运标准化技术委员会(以下简称“城市客运标委会”),予以开展我国城市客运及其附属服务设施领域的国家标准制修订工作,标志着我国城市客运标准化进入一个加速发展的时代。  相似文献   

<正>当前,我国城市客运行业正处于城镇化进程发展最快的历史机遇期。作为城市功能正常运转的基础支撑和提升城市综合竞争力的基本要素,城市客运标准化是城市客运管理的重点领域之一,其工作成效直接关系着城市客运的服务质量、运输效率,安全生产、节能减排,关系着人民群众的切身利益。可以说,标准化是城市客运科学发展的助推剂、风向标,更是衡量城市客运发展的重要标尺。根据城市客运的发展形势,如何紧贴行业发展需求科学系统地推进城市  相似文献   

The number of bus passenger has been decreasing in Japan since 1969. The increase in car ownership and development in urban rapid rail network has deprived bus service of passengers. The bus industry has suffered from depression for the last twenty years. However, many bus routes are still operated commercially. The amount of external subsidies is not large. The industry is under strict regulation. The common way for bus operators has been to increase fares rapidly in order to keep their break even condition. The first half of the paper describes present circumstances of the bus industry in more details. Then the second half of the paper treats the estimation of the effect of each factor on bus demand by using pooled data in Japanese medium sized cities. The results suggest that the increase in car ownership has had a crucial effect on local public transport demand and is likely to continue to do so.  相似文献   

当前,广西交通部门为贯彻落实中央"三农精神",把农民出行问题落到实处,正掀起一股发展农村客运的热潮,其中便民候车亭就是一个新亮点,截至2010年底,全区共建成农村便民候车亭1 119个。文章对现有农村便民候车亭在建设和使用过程中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了解决问题的对策和建议,对于促进广西农村经济建设,推动道路运输发展...  相似文献   

谭鸿 《西部交通科技》2010,(12):139-141
文章针对广西城乡客运的实际状况,分析了城乡客运存在的安全隐患,提出了保障城乡客运运输安全的对策,为促进广西城乡客运的健康、稳定发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

小件快运经过多年的发展,已经成为公路客运一个新的经济增长点,越来越多的公路客运企业和汽车客运站加入到经营小件快运的行列,小件快运也逐渐由单个企业的独立运营发展到多个企业联合的网络化运营。对中转运输中多条运输线路进行分析,得到最短运输时间线路,从而提高运输效率。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the effect of linking innovative bus-control systems with real-time passenger information, with the overall aim of improving conditions for bus operation and passengers in central urban corridors. The first section presents a concise review of bus passenger information systems (particularly their application at bus stops). Then the concept of real-time passenger information is explored. The case for and against real-time information is argued and two British case-studies follow. In the second section it is argued that the provision of real-time information, as part of an integrated bus-control/information system, offers new possibilities for meeting the identified needs of public transport users. Finally, in the third section, some comments are made on the evaluation of different combinations of bus-control and passenger information tested using a simulation method and a series of subjective response surveys. General relationships governing the degree of bus-control required and the extent of information needed are of special interest.  相似文献   

文章针对广西农村客运现状,阐述了农村客运发展存在的问题,分析了农村客运公交化的必要性,并提出了实行农村客运公交化运营的思路与对策。  相似文献   

文章针对荔浦县农村客运发展现状,分析了当前农村客运市场发展存在的安全问题,提出了加强荔浦县农村客运市场安全管理的措施,为该县构建安全、和谐的农村客运市场提供思路。  相似文献   

Control strategies have been widely used in the literature to counteract the effects of bus bunching in passenger‘s waiting times and its variability. These strategies have only been studied for the case of a single bus line in a corridor. However, in many real cases this assumption does not hold. Indeed, there are many transit corridors with multiple bus lines interacting, and this interaction affects the efficiency of the implemented control mechanism.This work develops an optimization model capable of executing a control scheme based on holding strategy for a corridor with multiple bus lines.We analyzed the benefits in the level of service of the public transport system when considering a central operator who wants to maximize the level of service for users of all the bus lines, versus scenarios where each bus line operates independently. A simulation was carried out considering two medium frequency bus lines that serve a set of stops and where these two bus lines coexist in a given subset of stops. In the simulation we compared the existence of a central operator, using the optimization model we developed, against the independent operation of each line.In the simulations the central operator showed a greater reduction in the overall waiting time of the passengers of 55% compared to a no control scenario. It also provided a balanced load of the buses along the corridor, and a lower variability of the bus headways in the subset of stops where the lines coexist, thus obtaining better reliability for all types of passengers present in the public transport system.  相似文献   

This paper models part of a public transport network (PTN), specifically, a bus route, as a small-size multi-agent system (MAS). The proposed approach is applied to a case study considering a ‘real world’ bus line within the PTN in Auckland, New Zealand. The MAS-based analysis uses modeling and simulation to examine the characteristics of the observed system – autonomous agents interacting with one another – under different scenarios, considering bus capacity and frequency of service for existing and projected public transport (PT) demand. A simulation model of a bus route is developed, calibrated and validated. Several results are attained, such as when the PT passenger load is not close to bus capacity, this load has no effect on average passenger waiting time at bus stops. The model proposed can be useful to practitioners as a tool to model the interaction between buses and other agents.  相似文献   

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