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This paper sets out the developments in world shipbuilding policy that have occurred in the past decade. It reviews and outlines the situation that existed in the late 1990s, when an Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) agreement on the elimination of shipyard operating subsidies was tantalisingly close. After the Introduction, the second section provides a brief review of the development of the industry over the past three decades, setting the context for developments since 1997. The third section discusses the complaint of the European Union (EU) to the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning the Republic of Korea's support for its shipbuilding sector, and its counterclaim over the EU's temporary defence mechanism (TDM). It is argued that the core of the EU's case at the WTO was flawed, and that the reintroduction of an operating subsidy via the TDM was a mistake. The only prospect for regularizing competition in this area lies in the negotiation of the OECD agreement that was completed, but not ratified, in 1994. Given the souring of relations between two of the main players in this area, the prospects for such a settlement seem remote. The fourth section uses Olson's theory of groups to argue that the European Commission's actions were driven primarily by industry pressure groups, and failed to consider the potential views of other European stakeholders, in particular the taxpayers. Given the failure of the EU's action at the WTO, the future direction of European shipbuilding policy will have to focus on strategies for internal development and improved industrial competitiveness.  相似文献   

杨培举 《中国船检》2011,(2):29-31,98,99
2010年12月17日,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)造船工作组宣布,新一轮的国际造船协定谈判,因各方始终缺乏统一立场,难以达成共识而再次终结。回首这起历经20余年的"跨世纪谈判",一幅各方利益博弈图跃然纸上。而这张博弈图,清晰地勾勒出了世界造船版图由西向东的变迁。  相似文献   

入世后中国船舶工业发展环境分析与发展思路建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从国际竞争态势、主要外国竞争对手、世界造船需求、国内竞争状况、国内政策环境、国内市场趋势等六方面入世后中国船舶工业发展的国际环境和国内环境进行了分析。阐述了中国船舶工业作更大发展所具备的有利条件,并预测了中国船舶工业长远发展目标。提出了实现中国船舶工业快速稳定发展应采取的六项措施。  相似文献   

李升江 《中国船检》2008,(12):16-19
最近,世贸组织预测,今年全球贸易量增速可能下滑4.5%,未来还将有进一步下滑的趋势。这必将对航运市场及其下游的船舶制造业带来巨大风险。  相似文献   

吴志亚  张宏伟 《船海工程》2014,(1):36-38,61
分析江苏省船舶行业中各类人才的组成比例及船舶行业发展对人才的需求情况,认为经济的发展离不开人才,离不开教育的支撑。教育程度直接关系到劳动者素质的高低,决定着企业的竞争实力。  相似文献   

The Finnish maritime cluster is an important sector of Finland's economy. However, literature on innovative activities within the cluster is limited. This article focuses on Finnish shipbuilding and marine industry firms. Several innovation types are identified. These are analyzed according to general characteristics of firms. The data is from a survey of 148 shipbuilding and marine industry companies; most of the variables are ordinal scale and are analyzed with standard statistical survey methods. Considering the significance and past technological achievements of the sector the results indicate surprisingly low radical innovation related-activity and attitudes towards it. As well, the results provide no evidence to support previous research, suggesting that the shipbuilding and marine industry produces more organizational than technological innovations. The innovativeness of the firms varies according to distinct characteristics such as size, intensity of in-house and collaborative R&D activities, and level of internationalization. The empirical results provide a platform for policy implications and directions for future research; innovations concerning environmental efficiency are raised as an important future area of development.  相似文献   

林晓东 《船海工程》2006,35(4):114-116
分析台州民营造船发展状况,针对制约造船发展的人才奇缺、资金投入不足、安全生产意识淡漠和质量意识差等问题,指出解决方法和改进措施,以期引起各有关方面的重视,形成共识和合力,打造台州民营造船基地。  相似文献   

张京驰  江巍 《船舶工程》2015,37(2):97-99
从财务角度构建地区船舶工业竞争力评价指标体系,运用熵权法评价模型对江苏、辽宁、上海和浙江四个省市的船舶工业财务数据进行计算分析,得出江苏、辽宁、上海和浙江四个地区船舶工业竞争力的综合排名。排名结果基本符合上述地区竞争力的实际状况。运用财务数据来评价与反映地区船舶工业竞争力是一种新的探索,文章的研究视角与评价方法适用于地区船舶工业竞争力的综合性、整体性研判,也可作为常用评价视角与方法的补充。  相似文献   

马强  任威  林建国  宋新刚  李巍 《船舶工程》2014,36(1):118-122
针对目前造船行业清洁生产标准缺失的问题,依据中国《清洁生产标准制订技术导则》(HJ/T 425-2008),参考机械行业、汽车行业清洁生产标准,结合造船行业的自身特点和清洁生产要求,确定了造船行业清洁生产标准研究的技术路线。通过广泛调研并经咨询行业专家,首次提出并构架了造船行业清洁生产标准指标体系,并以此为标准采用功效系数法对某船舶企业进行了清洁生产绩效水平评估。结果表明:提出的造船行业清洁生产标准具有较强的科学性和针对性,可以作为船舶企业清洁生产的依据,可以为造船行业清洁生产工作的推进和绩效评估提供参考。  相似文献   

造船业直接间接拉动国民经济几乎所有行业,丹东发展大型造船业对丹东港、丹东地区乃至辽宁经济意义深远。分析了国内外造船市场态势,指出船舶业是发展中国家经济强国的支柱产业,阐述了丹东地区发展船舶工业的可行性和优越性,并对其作了定位。  相似文献   

我国造船工业发展战略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统地分析了我国造船工业的地位和作用;研究了发达国家造船业的发展历程,指出我国造船业的发展需要政府的支持;针对我国当前造船业发展存在的主要不利因素,认为我国造船工业需要加快金融创新,转变企业机制和优化造船业的制度环境,并从九个方面提出了加快我国造船工业发展战略的政策建议。  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms in the late 1970s, the shipbuilding industry in China has enjoyed rapid growth. Over the past two decades, many new building contracts have been won and successfully completed. However, some shipyards have also suffered great losses. Basing on their experience in Southern China, the authors examine some of the major challenges that Chinese shipbuilders faced during this transitional period, when the industry ventured into the international market. These challenges are broadly categorized into two areas: (i) external factors, such as inflation and infrastructural support that the shipbuilder had no control over, and (ii) shipbuilding management, which the shipbuilder had to master in order to gain competitive advantage. Suggestions on how these problems could be tackled are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the economic reforms in the late 1970s, the shipbuilding industry in China has enjoyed rapid growth. Over the past two decades, many new building contracts have been won and successfully completed. However, some shipyards have also suffered great losses. Basing on their experience in Southern China, the authors examine some of the major challenges that Chinese shipbuilders faced during this transitional period, when the industry ventured into the international market. These challenges are broadly categorized into two areas: (i) external factors, such as inflation and infrastructural support that the shipbuilder had no control over, and (ii) shipbuilding management, which the shipbuilder had to master in order to gain competitive advantage. Suggestions on how these problems could be tackled are discussed.  相似文献   

马强  任威  林建国 《船舶工程》2013,35(2):104-107
为提高原料和能源的利用效率,实现造船行业的绿色环保发展,更好的保护人和环境。尝试将清洁生产的理论与方法导入造船业,提出造船行业清洁生产的概念,分析船舶工业清洁生产的意义、内涵、模式与途径。认为在船舶工业推广清洁生产,创建绿色造船企业,开展节能、降耗和再生利用,引进环境管理体系,加强清洁生产管理,能够增强船舶工业核心竞争力,促进船舶工业可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业之形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈汝军 《中国水运》2006,6(11):13-14
通过对世界造船业的形势及我国造船业发展状况进行分析,得出船舶配套设备落后是我国目前造船工业发展瓶颈的结论:分析了中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业的形势;确认中国企业应该进入船舶电子及导航设备产业,为中国造船业及中国经济的发展作出贡献;并给出中国企业进入船舶电子及导航设备产业之基本设想。  相似文献   

基于仿真的船舶建造业务流程再造研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于仿真的业务流程再造(BPR)是降低船舶企业流程再造风险的有效手段,是建立现代造船模式的重要途径.文章首先阐述了利用仿真手段进行BPR的必要性,在此基础上,提出了船舶建造BPR仿真系统的体系结构和具体实现方式,并给出了基于该系统平台的BPR应用实践.研究表明,流程仿真有助于提高船舶建造BPR的成功率.  相似文献   

加快船舶工业发展有利于浙江工业结构调整升级,培育新的经济增长点,更好地发挥浙江的区域优势.文章在分析当前浙江省船舶工业现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了发展船舶工业的统筹协调,优化利用内外资源,加快发展船舶配套业,解决船舶担保及融资,强化对船舶工业土地资源需求支撑力度等“十一五”浙江省船舶发展的策略和措施.  相似文献   

We developed an empirical model to explain the changing global competition among major countries involved in the shipbuilding industry over the last three decades. In order to develop future strategies for not only shipbuilding companies but shipping companies and governments, it is necessary to understand the past logic of their competitive strategies. Using the real strategic behaviours and decision rules of shipbuilding companies derived through a literature survey and interviews, we developed a model using the Cournot oligopoly with Choquet Expected Utility (CEU) theory. Three national players, Japan, Korea and China, are supposed to be either optimistic or pessimistic, which allows us to incorporate the different attitude of the players into the demand uncertainty for our model. Competitive reaction functions are derived and compared with the estimation results via multiple regression with annual shipbuilding tonnage data. Our results provide strong evidence that the major players are bound to use simple rules for competitive quantity decisions, but change the rules completely when they become ineffective. In addition, the competitive behaviour of the players depends on both the degree of demand uncertainty and the different attitudes of the players towards uncertainty.  相似文献   

中国船舶产业集群化发展的要素条件及思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大力促进船舶工业集群化发展是新时期中国船舶工业发展的重要途径。在分析船舶产业集群的作用和效果的基础上,论述了加速船舶集群发展的要素。围绕造船核心层、产业耦合层和社会网络层三个层面给出了船舶产业集群发展的思路和对策。  相似文献   

根据现代造船企业场地资源配置的特点,结合船舶建造的实际加工情况,对船厂的场地资源进行合理的调度和控制,以确保在任何时间都能够保持船厂生产效率的最佳状态。采用遗传算法进行数学建模,针对性地研究场地利用率不高、资源使用不合理等问题。  相似文献   

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