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非法运出租车最高罚5万元 上海市城市交通行政执法总队总队长张立伟认为,<规定>在取证、执法、处罚方面有了明显突破,为正在开展的查处非法营运行动提供了强有力的法规支撑,为取证难、执法难、处罚难提供了法律援助.  相似文献   

像租一辆公共自行车一样,租辆电动汽车代步,已然在中国的很多城市落地开花。这种城市公共系统从"两个"车轮迅速升级到"四个"的过程。据中国道路运输协会和有关咨询机构的统计,2011年全国租赁车辆约25万辆,营业额150亿元。目前,我国多数城镇都已开展汽车租赁业务,其中,北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市的汽车租赁发展水平已接近欧美发达国家。然而,在多起租赁车辆承租人发生交通违章时,公安交通管理部门在执法中"罚车不罚人"由汽车租赁企  相似文献   

每天睡多少觉合适要因人而异,大多数人需要保证7到10个小时的睡眠.美国斯坦福大学人类睡眠研究中心推荐了两种方法,可以帮你计算自己到底需要睡多长时间.第一种方法,是建议人们在度假时记录自己每天大概睡了几个小时.度假期间身体会自行调整,假期结束时(一般需要5天以上),你的身体一般会调整到自然的睡眠模式,这个时候晚上睡几个小时,应该就是符合你身体需要的理想睡眠时间.  相似文献   

1.多吃些粗粮. 2.给别人比他们自己期许的更多,并且用心去做. 3.熟记你喜欢的诗歌. 4.不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久.  相似文献   

2008年的金融危机之殇,让道路客运企业家家自危、倍感寒意.为了适应经济阶段调整后的市场需求,道路客运企业意图转"危"为"机",加快实现自身服务角色的转换.  相似文献   

长期以来,由于存在重打击轻管理现象,特别是受高额利润驱使,海口际长途客运"黑票点"屡禁不止."黑票点"及"拉客仔"、蒙、拐、骗违法行为,欺诈过海旅客. 从8月1日至年底,海口将用5个月时间清理和取缔市区内所有省际客运非法售票点.  相似文献   

"现在改罚1000元了啊?这帽子一下这么‘贵’了!""是呀,原来也就罚100,看来这安全帽现在也成‘世界名牌’了。"三航局宁波分公司预制厂公示栏前,员工看着公示纷纷议论。原来,前几天,预制厂安全部老吴和小徐一早就去现场进行例行检查。厂里出台了《关于加强正确佩戴安全帽的暂行规定》,新规定对不戴安全帽的处罚,从个人扩大到了相关负责人,处罚额度也从100元增长到1000元。在钢筋堆放区,老吴发现一名作  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情全国肆意蔓延,这个时候,共产党员,医护工作者,警察,政府工作人员,村干部等纷纷响应号召,扛起了守护人民健康安全的重任.这些"逆行者"是抗击疫情的英雄,更是"父母",是"子女",是"伴侣",是一个个生活在我们身边的平凡人.但就是这些平凡人,他们或离开双亲,或别妻离子,或饱尝思念和牵挂之味,坚守岗位,携"爱"战疫,用"心"坚守,筑起疫情防控的长城.今天,我们走进的就是新疆民航通信网络有限责任公司运行部(下称"运行部"),看看他们如何铸就这不平凡.  相似文献   

进入新千年以来,北京统一石化提出"跨入品牌营销新时代"的战略口号,经过公司全体人员的努力,特别是销售部门在市场上的辛勤耕耘,"统一"润滑油高端产品快速"膨胀"市场,取得了喜人的业绩.  相似文献   

打开宇通的网站和商用汽车的媒体,搜集到有关宇通最多的就是有关"双剑"的报道和气势磅礴"双剑"图片.由此可以看出宇通公司针对旅游、客运两大主流市场的高度重视并为此做了充足的前期准备.  相似文献   

最近一次见到杨和平,是在2005年11月6日召开的"全国出租汽车行业管理经营研讨会"上.他作为中国道路运输协会副会长、中国道路运输协会出租汽车与汽车租赁分会理事长,受到记者和业内人士的关注.  相似文献   

浙江省台州汽运董事长郑志坚在最近的一次谈话中,探讨了汽运企业如何缩短从"经营品牌"到"品牌经营"的过程.在指出必须把握三个环节的同时,阐释了企业完全可以通过品牌建设收获"品牌经营"的硕果.  相似文献   

Matyas  Melinda  Kamargianni  Maria 《Transportation》2019,46(5):1951-1968
Transportation - The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept has recently taken the transport industry by storm. However, as applications and research on it are limited, there is still little evidence...  相似文献   

Western literature abounds with powerful imagery of mobility and travel, extolling the richness of experience and learning that can only happen along the way. The more common policy and research contexts consider travel and mobility as an important means to an end, valued relative to the destination activity. This review builds on the research that considers on-the-way benefits in order to expand this perspective as a part of transport studies. The question posed is if there is a place to evaluate mobility as a life-enhancing activity in its own right, directly contributing to the capacity for autonomy and freedom of choice that are central elements of personal well-being. Motility or mobility capital, defined as the capacity for mobility, offers a theoretical context for this purpose. The literature has adopted motility for its ability to broaden the understanding of mobility choices, by structuring a role for material, human, social and cultural capital as contributing to an individual’s capacity for mobility. The context of individual capital implies that motility holds value not only as an input to mobility choices, but also through its exchange value with other forms of capital, thereby promoting broader contexts for human flourishing. Therefore, motility has value as a policy objective for its contribution to individual well-being and this article further argues that it is through mobility experiences that this type of capital can be advanced.  相似文献   

Legal requirements for public participation in transportation planning increase the opportunity for transportation consumers to influence the design of systems they will use. However, the implementation of these requirements may also increase the possibility that system design will be dominated by the opinions of outspoken groups. This study postulates that public participation is biased, and seeks to test this proposition using data from an Oregon survey consisting of approximately 2,400 respondents. Using Automatic Interaction Detector and cross tabulation analyses, different participation rates were uncovered for groups identified by demographic, attitudinal and behavioral variables.The authors thank the Oregon Department of Transportation for making the original data for the study available.  相似文献   

随着广州地铁5号线客运量的不断增长,早高峰期间5号线下行列车满载率极高,出现小故障时,容易造成大晚点。本文对目前早高峰期间5号线的客流及故障晚点情况进行分析,并提出相关应对措施,将早高峰期间5号线小故障的影响降到最低。  相似文献   

作为城市形象的重要表现部分,交通公示语在居民生活中占据着极其重要的地位,对于居民生活有着广泛的影响。而伴随着国家改革进程逐步深化,前往中国的外国朋友数量不断增加,在学习、旅游、工作方面外国人数量都呈现出一个快速的增长趋势,这一情况不断地在推进中国国际化进程。为了给更多的外国朋友带去便利,很多城市在制定交通公示语时都开始使用中英双语。本文分析了我国城市交通公示语误译的原因,提出了交通公示语误译的解决对策。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into ATC complexity as a contributory factor in changes of controllers’ workload. ATC complexity, together with equipment interface and procedural demands comprise the task demands on the controller; subsequent controller activities are mediated by performance shaping factors to create workload. In order to establish a link between ATC complexity and a controller’s subjective workload, complexity factors are identified and subsequently related to workload indicators. The studied data comes from a real-time simulation using Controller-Pilot Data-Link Communication (CPDLC) technology, recently completed at EUROCONTROL CRDS in Budapest.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of model and field research into narrow inductive loop used as vehicle wheels detector in normal traffic conditions. The efficiency of the solution was compared with that of strip, polymeric piezoelectric detectors. The findings confirmed that narrow inductive loops can be successfully applied as wheel detectors.  相似文献   

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