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文章借鉴国内外隧道无砟轨道施工经验和相关技术资料,以贵广铁路隧道群双块式无砟轨道项目的工程实践为背景,对山岭地区隧道群无砟轨道施工工装配置和物流组织进行了研究,提出了长大隧道无砟轨道施工采用双线交错和双线分开的作业程序。工程实践表明,采用组合式轨排框架进行现场轨排组装,可以适应曲线半径作业时轨道的调整性能,保证无砟轨道技术指标,具有良好的通用性和快速的施工转换能力;组合式轨道排架精度高、刚度大,可循环使用,从而提高施工工期和节约施工成本。  相似文献   

在介绍铁路隧道双块式无砟轨道整体道床施工技术以及工艺原理的基础上,对其在实际施工中常见的一些施工控制要点进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨了施工中常见的一些问题以及相应的解决措施,最终通过对施工效益的对比分析说明双块式无砟轨道整体道床施工技术的显著经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

依托西宝客专CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道试验段,对CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工测设技术和自密实混凝土施工技术进行了研究,并形成一套成熟的CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工工艺。研究成果将为CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道在高速铁路及客运专线工程中扩大应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

文章针对向莆铁路雪峰山等4座隧道底部出现的道床积水、轨道隆起等病害情况,分析了病害产生的原因,通过对病害的探查,提出了"泄水降压、底部加固、水流归槽"为原则的整治技术方案。工程实施效果表明,整治后的无砟轨道道床隆起段轨道标高恢复正常,重新精调后的无砟道床结构稳定,道床内基本无积水或归槽后仅有少量水。最后针对铁路隧道底部渗水、承压水导致的无砟轨道道床开裂、隆起病害,提出了加强隧道防排水设计以及加强施工工艺和质量控制的建议。  相似文献   

为保证CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道施工质量,结合商合杭高速铁路站前九标CRTSⅢ型无砟轨道项目实例,列举底座板施工中5种常见的病害,分析病害产生的原因,阐述具体处理措施,并给出预防措施,以期为相关工程提供参考。  相似文献   

随着施工技术水平不断提升,现阶段无砟轨道施工基本实现流水化作业。通过采用精良工装设备保证施工工艺,以先进工艺保证工程质量和精度,从而达到提高施工质量的目的。以青岛地铁8号线高架桥无砟道床为工程实例,对高架桥无砟道床施工技术展开分析,以期为类似工程施工提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

系统介绍《高速铁路CRTSII型板式无砟轨道施工质量验收暂行标准》编制概况、编制原则、编制内容及其重要问题的处理,陈述高速铁路CRTSII型板式无砟轨道施工过程中的质量控制关键和使用过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

中国首条严寒地区板式无砟轨道试验段竣工2008年10月29日,中国首条严寒地区板式无砟轨道试验段充填式垫板灌注施工完成,交工验收后在2008年11月进行了运行试验。严寒地区板式无砟轨道试验段位于黑龙江省滨绥铁路线上的成高子站,试验段全长563.2米。是中国首次,也是世界首次在位  相似文献   

针对城市轨道交通特大跨钢桥轨道结构选型问题,结合国内外特大跨钢桥轨道应用情况,分析了特大跨钢桥对轨道结构的特殊要求,并对有砟轨道和无砟轨道应用于特大跨钢桥上的适用性进行比较。以重庆环线鹅公岩大桥轨道专用桥为例,分析了有砟轨道和减振垫浮置板无砟轨道在钢桥上应用的影响因素。通过比较得出特大跨钢桥适宜采用无砟轨道型式的结论。  相似文献   

高铁的正常运营对下方无砟轨道的沉降要求极为苛刻,这也间接增加了浅埋隧道穿越既有高铁路基的难度.文章以广州某地铁9号线下穿武广高铁为依托,结合国内新兴的MJS工法,对施工过程进行了全程三维数值模拟分析,结果表明MJS预加固可有效控制盾构施工引起的地层沉降;并据此提出了相应的列车限速、加强盾构掘进参数控制、加强信息化施工水平等确保高铁运营安全的应对措施.  相似文献   

本文对深圳地铁2号线轨道减振降噪技术的应用情况进行了详细的介绍。其中,对国内地铁无碴轨道上首次试铺应用的隔离式减振垫轨道技术的减振原理、设计方案、施工方法及减振效果实测等进行了分析和探讨。通过实测,隔离式减振垫轨道结构的减振效果满足设计理论分析的要求。  相似文献   

Railway transportation is becoming increasingly important in many parts of the world for mass transport of passengers and freight. This study was prompted by the industry’s need to systemically estimate greenhouse gas emissions from railway construction and maintenance activities. In this paper, the emphasis is placed on plain-line railway maintenance and renewal projects. The objective of this study was to reduce the uncertainties and assumptions of previous studies based on ballasted track maintenance and renewal projects. A field-based data collection was carried out on plain-line ballasted track renewals. The results reveal that the emissions from the materials contribute more than nine times the CO2-e emissions than the machines used in the renewal projects. The results show that extending the lifespan of rail infrastructure assets through maintenance is beneficial in terms of reducing CO2-e emissions. Analysis was then carried out using the field data. Then the results were compared to two ballastless track alternatives. The results show that CO2-e emissions per metre from ballasted track were the least overall, however, the maintenance CO2-e emissions are greater than those of ballastless tracks over the infrastructure lifespan, with ballasted track maintenance emitting more CO2-e emissions at the 30 and 60 year intervals and the end of life when compared to the ballastless track types. The outcome of the study can provide decision makers, construction schedulers, environmental planners and project planners with reasonably accurate GHG emission estimates that can be used to plan, forecast and reduce emissions for plain-line renewal projects.  相似文献   

轨顶风道是地铁车站通风系统中重要的内部结构构件,文章针对现浇钢筋混凝土轨道风道后浇法施工存在的问题,提出现浇轨道风道先浇法的施工工序,并结合长沙市轨道交通2号线一期工程光达站应用实例,介绍了现浇轨道风道先浇法的施工要点,评述了其施工应用效果。  相似文献   

We analyze the train types handled at a section station and the factors affecting the scheduling of the arrival–departure track operation, using the following conditions as our optimization goals: operating the arrival–departure tracks in accordance with a fixed operation scheme, and reducing the influence which the departing–receiving operations impose on shunting operations. We establish a 0–1 integer programming model for formulating a track operation plan. By applying modern sequencing theory, this is transformed into a fixed sequencing model of special parallel machines. We then design a heuristic algorithm to solve the model. Finally, the example of Yiyang railway station is used to verify the advantages of the model and the algorithm. A better operation plan is obtained using MATLAB 7.0 by applying the model and the algorithm provided in the paper, indicating the superiority of our study’s approach.  相似文献   

文章针对广西南宁至友谊关高速公路半刚性基层沥青路面结构的车辙问题,介绍了嵌挤密实型沥青混合料的原材料选择及配合比设计,阐述了混合料的铣刨重铺施工工艺、技术要点及施工过程控制措施,并对铣刨重铺路面的各项技术性能进行了检验。结果表明,铣刨重铺技术能有效处治沥青路面结构车辙病害,改善道路使用性能,延长道路使用寿命,是一种值得推广应用的道路养护技术。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for designing rail transit systems to meet operating requirements when track maintenance or failure cause sections of tracks to be unavailable for service. The methodology can be also used to establish the requirements for the continuity of operations during construction. The main objective of the paper is to develop a tool which performs trade-offs between system costs and level of services during emergencies/construction. Several alternatives, including various signal and control systems, number and types of crossovers and corresponding operating strategies, are developed and evaluated against capital investments. Operating measures and strategies for the selected alternative can be recommended before the design phase is completed, because the designer, by using this methodology, is aware of the capacities attained during emergencies and construction.  相似文献   

Transport infrastructures, mainly roads and railways, influence many aspects of bird life. The use of trams in urban areas for mass transit has been suggested as having a lower impact on the environment. However, to date, the impact of tram tracks and the surrounding infrastructure on birds has not been directly tested. Therefore, we posed two questions during a study of tramways in Poznań (western Poland): (1) which bird species use tram tracks and their infrastructure; and (2) how does their behaviour respond to moving trams. Tram tracks were recorded as used by 11 species, with four corvids (jackdaw Corvus monedula, rook Corvus frugilegus, magpie Pica pica and hooded crow Corvus cornix) totalling 66% of records and feral pigeon Columba livia contributing a further 24%. Species showed different usage patterns of the tram infrastructure. In the case of rook during winter, significantly more birds were observed further from a tram stop. In summer, a higher density of jackdaws occurred where track surroundings were vegetated, and both hooded crows in winter and magpies in winter were more abundant where track geometry was more complex. During our field work only two dead birds on tram tracks were observed. The results of this study, and a literature survey of other transport options, suggest that tram tracks are not very dangerous for birds, and at least from this point of view, can be recommended as an environmentally friendly transport system in urban areas.  相似文献   

Flying ballast is a significant safety concern for high-speed train operations on ballasted tracks. It is the phenomenon of a ballast particle displaced from the track, due to the aerodynamic force induced by a passing train traveling above a certain speed. Flying ballast can potentially damage tracks and rolling stock, thereby posing a risk to high-speed rail operations. This paper develops a Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) model based on the information available from the field and the literature. The model enables a quantitative assessment of the probability of ballast particle displacement at a particular position on the track, as well as the probabilistic distribution of the total number of ballast particles that are expected to move. The model accounts for various risk factors, such as train speed, ballast gradation, and track position. The model application is illustrated using a ballasted track on the Yellow River Bridge on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line in China. The analysis finds that flying ballast probability increases when train speed increases, in particular, the problem of flying ballast becomes more pronounced when train speed exceeds 350 km per hour (217 miles per hour). Flying ballast probability might be reduced when the ballast profile is lower, given all else being equal. In addition, flying ballast probability is expected to be higher at the center of the track than in other positions. The proposed risk model can be further developed and ultimately be used to evaluate route-specific flying ballast risk, enabling the identification, assessment, and comparison of risk mitigation strategies in order to support emerging high-speed rail operations.  相似文献   

Railway big data technologies are transforming the existing track inspection and maintenance policy deployed for railroads in North America. This paper develops a data-driven condition-based policy for the inspection and maintenance of track geometry. Both preventive maintenance and spot corrective maintenance are taken into account in the investigation of a 33-month inspection dataset that contains a variety of geometry measurements for every foot of track. First, this study separates the data based on the time interval of the inspection run, calculates the aggregate track quality index (TQI) for each track section, and predicts the track spot geo-defect occurrence probability using random forests. Then, a Markov chain is built to model aggregated track deterioration, and the spot geo-defects are modeled by a Bernoulli process. Finally, a Markov decision process (MDP) is developed for track maintenance decision making, and it is optimized by using a value iteration algorithm. Compared with the existing maintenance policy using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation, the maintenance policy developed in this paper results in an approximately 10% savings in the total maintenance costs for every 1 mile of track.  相似文献   

南友高速公路是广西首条使用沥青混凝土路面的高速公路,文章通过分析南友高速公路运营期间出现的裂缝、坑槽、车辙及路面沉陷等病害现象及成因,介绍了沥青混凝土路面病害养护对策及采用的修补材料、施工工艺和施工设备,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

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